

单词 一折两段

See also:

一段 n

flight n
length n

External sources (not reviewed)

年假可以一次性休完,或经雇员书面请求,也可分 两段 , 其 中 一段 的长 度至少达 14 天。
The annual leave may be offered integrally or, based on a
written request from the employee,
[...] may be divided into two parts, one of which will have [...]
a duration of at least 14 calendar days.
工作组回顾它就第 122B 段所作的修订,商定应当使两段协 调 一 致。
The Working Group recalled the revisions it had made with respect to paragraph 122B and
[...] agreed that the two paragraphs should be aligned.
数据段两端必须使 用相同字符,但该字符不会随数一 起 打 印。
The same character must be used at both ends of the data field but will not be printed with [...]
the data.
由于无法达成共识,工作组决定,第十章结尾处所有三项备选案文—其中第 二项备选案文改为上文提及的案文(见第 43 段),还有上述折衷”提案两 个版本, 都应保留以供委员会一步审议。
While support was expressed for both versions of the above-mentioned “compromise” proposal, preference was express for version A. However, as the Working Group was not able to reach consensus, it decided that the three options presented at the end of chapter X, with the substitution of the second
option by the text
[...] mentioned above (see para. 43), and the two versions of the compromise proposal mentioned above should be retained for further consideration [...]
by the Commission.
於 早 稻 田 日 本 語 研 修 中 心 報 讀 日 本 語 初 級 上 學 期 (一 階 段 ) , 可 獲 HKD200 現折 扣 優 惠(3) 。
HKD200 cash discount upon enrolment in Japanese Language Course (Grade One) at Waseda Japanese [...]
Language Centre(3).
在审计委员会上次报告(A/63/5/Add.9)第 85 和 88 段,禁毒办同意审计委 员会的建议,即(a) 管理司应准备升级非消耗性财产监控软件,使之包 一个 折旧估 值模块;(b) 制定和实施正式、可追踪的内部控制程序,以保证准确可靠 地提供关于所涉期间终了时在用财产总价值的信息。
In paragraphs 85 and 88 of the Board’s previous report (A/63/5/Add.9), UNODC agreed with the Board’s recommendations (a) that the Division for Management upgrade the non-expendable property monitoring software to include a module to depreciate value; and (b) that it draw up and implement [...]
formalized and
traceable internal control procedures to guarantee the reliability of information given on the total value of property in service at the end of the period.
2013被认为是中国奢侈品市场进阶段 的 一 个 转 折 点。
2013 promises to be a turning point in the evolution of China’s luxury market.
每天工作时间也可分两段:一个固 定时段,其间雇员在工作地点;以及 一个灵活(移动)时段,其间雇员选择其到达和离开时间,然而必须遵守每天工作 [...]
The duration of the working day may
[...] also be split intro two segments: a fixed [...]
period, in which the employee is at his working
station and a variable (mobile) period, where the employee selects its arrival and departure time, following however the daily working time.
朝鲜正在落实《残疾人权利公约》和《消 一 切 形 式种族歧视国际公约》 的核心内容,尽管朝鲜还不是这些公约的缔约国,也 折两 项 公约纳入了有关部 门的法律。
The State was implementing core elements of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, of which the State was not a party, by incorporating them into sector laws.
代表们就有争议的段采用了折中用 语,理事会和核准了载于 TD/B/EX(48)/L.1 号文件的“拟议的贸发会议 2012-2013 两年期方案规划”。
[...] reached compromise language on the disputed subparagraph, and the Board approved the draft proposed UNCTAD Biennial Programme Plan for the period 2012-2013, [...]
as contained in document TD/B/EX(48)/L.1.
20 国集团于 2009 年春决定将国际货币基金组织 的资源两番,这是危机演变一个 关键 转 折 点 , 并帮助该区域在一个特别关键 的时刻稳定下来。
The decision by the G20 to quadruple the resources of IMF in the spring of 2009 was a critical turning point in the evolution of this crisis and helped to stabilize the region at an especially critical moment.
工作组将收到秘书处关于以两方面 的说明并可考虑将其用作审议的基 础:(a)《贸易法委员会跨国界破产示范法》有关主要利益中心的某些概念的解 释和适用(A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.103 及增编);及(b)濒临破产一段时间 中董事的 义务(A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.104 及增编)。
The Working Group will have before it, and may wish to use as a basis for its consideration, notes by the Secretariat concerning (a) Interpretation and application of selected concepts of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency relating to centre of main interests (A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.103 and addenda); and (b) Directors’ obligations in the period approaching insolvency (A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.104 and addenda).
对于我两个人来说,这一段非常 奇妙、 折 、 快乐、疲累、激励和感恩的时间。
This has been a wonderfully
[...] amazing, frustrating, happy, tiring, inspiring, thankful time for both of us.
两段一样,这部分涉 及《公约》第 19 条第二段,并试图界定寻求和获 得信息和思想的权利范围。
It related, like the two previous sections, to the second paragraph of article [...]
19 of the Covenant and sought to define the
scope of the right to seek and receive information and ideas.
生物选择器进段含有一个折流板 用以混合反应器中的物质并促进消化。
The bio-selector at the influent section contains baffles to mix the reactor content and enhances digestion.
请附属科学技术咨询机构作为建议提出关于以上第 24 段所指折扣系 数的模 式和程序,以期就此事项向作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会 议转一项决 定草案,供其在第七届会议上通过; 26.
Requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice to
recommend modalities and procedures for the discount factors referred to in paragraph 24 above, with a view to forwarding a draft decision on this matter to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol for adoption at its seventh session
第一,乌萨马·本·拉丹的死亡显然 一 个 重要 的段性事件和折点。
First, the death of Osama Bin Laden constitutes clearly an important landmark and a turning point.
一宣布 是在巴勒斯坦权力机构接受将暂停建造令延 两个 月的折衷方案时作出的,因而将对得到美国支持的与 巴勒斯坦权力机构的谈判产生深刻影响。
Coming at a time when the Palestinian Authority has accepted the compromise of a two-month extension on [...]
the moratorium, the
announcement would have profound impact on the United States-backed negotiations with the Palestinian Authority.
标配的包一片顶部翻旗板两片折 叠 侧 翻旗板,翻旗板采用特别哑光光泽处理,能有效消除反光。
Including one top French flag and two foldable side flags all [...]
matt processed to eliminate reflection.
拟订名 单的依据如下:所表达的优先选 择、惯例以及内部标准,例如, 会员国的书面要求、代表级别、一位发言者的段、两性均 衡、地域多样性等等。
The preparation of the list is based on the expressions of preference, traditions and internal criteria, e.g. written request by a Member State, level of the representation, previous speaker slot, gender balance, geographical diversity, etc.
该管头架设两段伸縮式支腿一个 手 轮驱动的可变高度调节装置,还有一个齿轮箱,能对管头倾斜度和水平旋转提供可锁定的手轮控制。
The stand incorporates two segment telescoping legs, a [...]
hand wheel-driven variable height adjustment and a gear head which
provides lockable hand wheel control of tube head tilt and horizontal rotation.
尽管西非在巩固民主治理方面取得了显著进展, 但过去六个月来,一进程在毛里塔尼亚和几内亚遇 到重大折,因为在两个国家都发生了军事政变。
While West Africa has
[...] made considerable progress in consolidating democratic governance, the process suffered major setbacks over the past [...]
six months in Mauritania
and Guinea, both of which experienced military coups.
在 MOST 计划的倡议下,对“城市发展:小型沿海历史城市”项目进行了评估,以进
[...] 一步调整其第 II 阶段(2004—2009)的发展方向。评估活动是 两段 时 间进行的:首先一 位顾 问根据对项目卷宗进行的研究以及与教科文组织和评估者访问过的城市(索维拉、马贾 [...]
The evaluation of the project Urban development: Small Historic Coastal Cities, launched by the MOST Programme to strengthen its reorientation
for its second phase
[...] (2004-2009) was carried out in two stages: firstly, a consultant produced [...]
a provisional evaluation report
based on the study of the project’s records and interviews with all the partners, both at UNESCO and in the cities visited by the evaluator (Essaouira, Mahdia and Omisalj).
这对比利时设计组合设计了礼品包装,其中还有一本20页的故事书 两 个 互 动弹 折 纸 和 一 系 列 图画的,这些都作为给广告代理的全套设计包,并运用在不同媒体平台的BTL和ATL广告活动资料中。
The Belgium duo
[...] designed gift pack containing two 20 page storybooks, 2 interactive [...]
pop up pages and a series of graphics
that served as a design toolkit for the agency to use and apply to BTL and ATL campaign materials across different media platforms.
(B) 在公司法與公司細則與新股有關的條文的規限下,本公司所有未發行股 份(包括因增加股本而設立的任何新股份)須由董事控制。董事可按彼 等一及全權酌情認為屬適當的條款及條件以及時間向其認為屬適當 的人士發售、配發、授予購股權或以其他方式處置該等股份,惟該等股 份不得折讓方式發行。
(B) Subject to the provisions of the Act and of the Bye-Laws relating to new shares, all unissued shares in the Company
including any new shares
[...] created upon an increase of capital shall be under the control of the Directors who may offer, allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of them to such persons, on such terms and conditions and at such times as the Directors shall in their sole and absolute discretion think fit, but so that no shares shall be issued at a discount.
审计委员会表示担忧的是,由于合同中 折 扣 条 款模 两 可 , 这将 对合同的执行产生不利影响并有可能给联合国造成财政损失,因此建议联合国行 [...]
政部门:(a) 在采购合同中清楚明了地订立附加费/折扣条款;(b) 根据所支助 的部队总人数索求折扣。
The Board expressed concern that the vague
[...] contractual provisions on discounts would adversely affect [...]
contract execution and may cause
financial loss to the Organization and recommended that the Administration: (a) set up clear and unambiguous discount/surcharge terms in procurement contracts; and (b) claim the global discount based on the total number of troops supported.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期 拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
201 段规定,委员会的职责是一两个选 定的问题开展政策对话;审 议专家会议的报告;管理并提请核准其所负责的专家会议的工作方案;促进和加 强三大支柱之间的协同作用。
The role of the Commission, as
[...] defined in Accra Accord paragraph 201, is to conduct policy dialogue on one or two selected issues, [...]
consider reports of expert
meetings, manage and recommend for approval the work programme of expert meetings within its purview, and promote and strengthen synergies among the three pillars.
由于采取了这些 措施,发票在 30 天期限之前就得到及时处理,并 空燃料支付了 230 万美元,以及未能得到估计为 300 万美元折扣(第 74 段) 且在上一财政 年度中混合行动得以获得共计 680 万美元的折扣。
These measures have resulted in the timely processing of invoices before the 30-day period, and the Operation was able to gain a total discount of $6.8 million during the previous financial year.




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