

单词 一批


一批违禁品 n

haul n

一批赃物 n

haul n

See also:

act on
tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)

External sources (not reviewed)

一批官员 和专家就收到的建议举行了一系列协商。
A group of officials and experts had held a series of consultations on the recommendations [...]
重新扫描的影像将显示在屏幕 上的一批次所在的位置。
The rescanned images will be displayed on the
[...] screen in place of the previous batch.
(b) 在近日發生因進食含雪卡毒素的魚類而中毒的事故 中,雖然我們已立即根據進口商提供的資料追查問題
[...] 魚貨的來源,但無法即時強制回收和禁售有問題的魚 貨,也無法檢取和處置一批次或來自同一供應商的 魚貨。
(b) In the recent cases of ciguatera fish poisoning, while we have taken immediate actions to trace the source of the problematic fish identified by the responsible importer, we do not have any immediate and mandatory
means to recall the problematic fish from sale or to seize the
[...] fish from the same batch or the same supplier [...]
for disposal.
本公司可以普通決議案在發行任何新股份之前釐定於 一批 中 須提呈 發售該等股份或任何該等股份(無論按面值或溢價)予任何類別股份的所有現有持股 人,發售比例按接近該等持股人分別持有有關類別股份的數目,或作出任何撥備以發 行及配發有關股份,惟在違反任何有關決定或有關決定不得延續的情況下,有關股份 可予處理,猶如有關股份於發行有關股份之前構成本公司現有股本的部份。
The Company may by ordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, determine that the same, or any of them, shall be offered in the first instance, and either at par or at a premium, to all the existing holders of any class of shares in proportion as nearly as may be to the number of shares of such class held by them respectively, or make any provisions as to the issue and allotment of such shares, but in default of any such determination or so far as the same shall not extend, such shares may be dealt with as if they formed part of the capital of the Company existing prior to the issue of the same.
科学教育项目通过互动的教学办法培养 一批 科学导师和辅导人员,但是该项目需要一个后续项目,以保持青年教师对科学的热情。
The science education project delivered a core of science mentors and peer tutors trained in interactive teaching approaches, but it needs a follow-up programme so that the enthusiasm for science among the young teachers could be maintained.
来自邻国阿富汗、伊拉克和巴基斯坦和来自苏丹共和国、塔 吉克斯坦和毛里塔尼亚的国家元首和政府首脑、古巴副总统和来自 60 个国家的 部长和其他高级代表、联合国代表(反恐执行工作队代理主管)、伊斯兰会议组织 和其他区域组织的代表以及来自世界各地 一批 杰 出 学者、研究人员及和平活动 家出席了这次会议。
Heads of State and Government from the neighbouring countries Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, as well as from the Republic of the Sudan, Tajikistan and Mauritania, the Vice-President of Cuba and Ministers and other high-level delegates from 60 States, representatives of the United Nations (Officer in Charge of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other regional organizations as well as distinguished scholars and researchers and peace activists from all around the world participated in the Conference.
在专家组 2012 年 4 月 19 日再次走访同一基地时,最一批货 物 ,即 18 箱AK-47 弹药和 3 箱 60 毫米迫 击炮弹,在等待送往刚果(金)武装部队第 803 团在马西西和瓦利卡莱的作战部队 (见附件 40)。
During the Group’s follow-up visit to the same base on 19 April 2012, the last lot of 18 boxes of AK-47 ammunition and three cases of 60 mm mortar bombs were waiting to be dispatched to operational units of the 803rd FARDC regiment in Masisi and Walikale (see annex 40).26 135.
其空间科学 任务是用一种 IR 传感器(1-2
[...] 微米)测量星系,以衡量星系中弥漫的热电离介 质的发射物以及来自宇宙中一批星 星 的宇宙红外线背景光。
Its space science mission is to survey the galaxy with an infrared sensor (1-2 micron) for measuring emissions from diffuse
warm ionized medium in the galaxy and the cosmic infrared
[...] background light from first-generation stars in the [...]
然而, 为了应对现在和未来的挑战,需要拟定和执 一批 新 的 公共政策,查明和保护城市环境中文化和 自然价值在历史上的层层积淀以及平衡。
However, present and future challenges require the definition and implementation of a new generation of public policies identifying and protecting the historic layering and balance of cultural and natural values in urban environments.
根據上市規則第14A.43條,倘若(i)並無獨立股東須於本公司召開之股東大會就批准該 等收購事項放棄投票;及(ii)取得一名 一批 有 密 切聯繫的股東(持有或合共持有本公司已發 行股本面值超過50%且有權出席股東大會並於會上投票)之書面批准,則該等收購事項所需 之獨立股東批准可透過獲得獨立股東發出書面批准之方式取得,而毋須召開股東大會。
Under Rule 14A.43 of the Listing Rules, independent Shareholders’ approval for the Acquisitions may be obtained by written independent Shareholders’ approval in lieu of convening a general meeting if (i) no independent Shareholder is required to abstain from voting if the Company were to convene a general meeting for the approval of the Acquisitions; and (ii) written approval has been obtained from one or a closely allied group of Shareholders who together hold more than 50% in nominal value of the issued share capital of the Company having the right to attend and vote at general meetings.
Dkaika 的孩子们不是一批接受 帮助的儿童,联合国儿童基金会自2003年以来就与 [...]
ECHO 合作,帮助巴勒斯坦儿童和他们的家人应付冲突和暴力对他们的日常生活造成的影响。
Dkaika children are
[...] not the first ones to receive help [...]
however, as UNICEF has worked with ECHO since 2003 to help Palestinian
children and their families cope with the conflict and violence that affects their daily lives.
木珀尔.贝发是一批被关 闭的孤儿院之一,直到最近里面还住着50名儿童。
Mpore Pefa – which until recently was home to 50 children – was among the first orphanages to close.
一批一体化 计划有一些共同的特点:协定 有更广泛的产品覆盖面和“深度”,外国直 接投资自由化;私营部门参与程度提高;并 且,更重要的是,努力在合理保护一体化市 场和切实有效打入国际市场之间实现两头 兼顾。
This collection of integration schemes shared some common characteristics including: wider product coverage and “depth” of the agreements, liberalization of foreign direct investment (FDI); enhanced participation of the private sector and; above all, striving to achieve compatibility between a reasonable protection of the integrated market and the efficient insertion in the international markets.
我們同意證監會在調查人員及決策人員 中間建立一道防火牆的建議,會有助確保決策委員會獨立於 調查人員,也可減輕市場人士對 一批 證 監會行政人員同時 把調查員和法官的角色集於一身的疑慮。
This will also alleviate the concern expressed that the same group of SFC executives would play the dual roles of an investigator and the judge at the same time.
除了南非,加入该联盟的一批发展中国家还有乌拉 圭和阿根廷,它们是 1994 年加入的,当时该联盟总共有 26 个成员国。
Apart from South Africa, the first developing countries to join UPOV were Uruguay and Argentina in 1994, when there were 26 members in total.
他表示,针对这些缔约方的一批控 制 措施很快就要生效,这些缔约方必须在 2013 年将生产量和消费量冻结在基准水平上,至 2015 年在基准水平基础上削 减 10%;他还表示,由于未充分实施第 XIX/6 号决定,尤其是关于供资的规 定,因此拥有生产设施的缔约方面临不遵约的风险。
There was very little time left, he said, before the first control measures on HCFCs for those parties came into force, with a freeze at the baseline level to be implemented in 2013 and a 10 per cent reduction from the baseline in 2015, and the inadequate implementation of decision XIX/6, particularly with regard to funding, placed parties with production facilities at risk of non-compliance.
克罗地亚是一批培 训警察处理仇恨犯罪的国家之一。
Croatia is among the first
[...] states to have conducted training for [...]
police officers dealing with hate crime.
较小组织的立法机构应指示各自组织的行政首长提出建议,通过以下两种办 法之一实施道德操守职能:一批组 织在费用分摊的基础上设立一个联合道德操 守办公室,或在费用分摊/收回费用的基础上内包给另一个组织的道德操守办公 室。
The legislative bodies of the smaller organizations should direct their respective executive heads to put forward proposals for providing the ethics function through either a joint ethics office established by a group of organizations on a cost-sharing basis or in-sourcing to the ethics office of another organization on a cost-sharing/costrecovery basis.
国际金融机构和私营部门的积极合作伙伴包括海外私人投资公司、国际金融 公司、中东投资倡议、世界银行、巴勒斯坦投资基金、国际合作建房基金会、汇 丰银行、坦桑尼亚联合共和国的阿扎尼亚银行、乌干达集团发展筹资公司、老挝 开发银行、巴勒斯坦资本市场管理局、巴勒斯坦银行、开罗安曼银行和加纳、印 度尼西亚和斯里兰卡向通过地方融资机制开发的项目提供贷款 一批 国 内 银行。
Active partners among international finance institutions and from the private sector include the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the International Finance Corporation, the Middle East Investment Initiative, the World Bank, the Palestine Investment Fund, CHF International, HSBC, Azania Bank in the United Republic of Tanzania, DFCU in Uganda, Lao Development Bank, the Palestine Capital Markets Authority, Bank of Palestine, Cairo Amman Bank and a range of domestic banks in Ghana, Indonesia and Sri Lanka that are providing loans to projects being developed through local finance facilities.
1.今日團購:索尼攝像機 肩托架¥638.88¥660.009.68¥21.12團購倒計時:已參團人數:今日團購:黑騎士5d2套件攝像套件¥2842.00¥2900.009.80¥58.00團購倒計時:已參團人數:今日團購:美國卡米 拉5D2單反攝像套件攝像穩定器送7寸高清監視器配重塊¥5096.00¥5200.009.80¥104.00團購倒計時:已參團人數:今日團購:12.1鐵殼導演監視器HDMI攝影監視器輔助對焦¥ 2450.00¥2500.009.80¥50.00團購倒計時:已參團人數:各位親:塔谷攝影為了能讓大家用上最優惠的產品,店主親自挑選 一批 外 貿 優質手柄,價格直接是批發價,歡迎批發 ,大量現貨。
Today's Deal: Sony camcorder The shoulder bracket $ 638.88 $ 660.009.68 ¥ 21.12 buy Countdown: Number of People: Today's Deal: the Black Knight 5d2 kit camera kit ¥ 2842.00 ¥ 2900.009.80 ¥ 58.00 buy Countdown: Number of People: Today's Deal: American Kami pull 5D2 SLR camera kit camera stabilizer send 7-inch high-definition monitor with weights buy ¥ 5096.00 ¥ 5200.009.80 ¥ 104.00 Countdown: Number of People: Today's Deal: 12.1 Hulled the Director Monitor HDMI photography monitor auxiliary focus ¥ 2450.00 ¥ 2500.009.80 ¥ 50.00 buy Countdown: Number of People: you pro: Tapgol photography in order to allow everyone to spend most favorable product owner personally selected quality handle a number of foreign trade, prices directly wholesale price, welcome to wholesale , a lot of cash.
一批从 P C 机迁移到瘦客户机的用户成为了产品的有力宣传员,而我 们对这项决策从未有过怀疑”。
The first users became evangelists for the transition from PCs to IGEL thin clients and we have never looked back.
1 月 18 日,民主同盟军袭击了驻 Mukoko 的刚果(金)武装部队,在 赶走部署在那里的部队后掠夺一批 制 服 和武器。
On 18 January, ADF attacked FARDC at Mukoko and pillaged uniforms and weapons after driving out the army unit deployed there.
例如,您可能建立了稱為 「發票」的預設,其中包含所有影 像處理選項
[...] (解析度:200;色彩模式:黑白;雙面等),當您要掃一 批發票時,只需選擇 「發票」預設即可。
For example, you could create a preset called "Invoices" that contains all of the image processing selections (Resolution: 200; Color
Mode: Black and White; Duplex, etc.) and whenever
[...] you want to scan a batch of invoices, just [...]
select the "Invoices" preset.
随 着全球化的发展,新加坡涌一批新 移 民,他们带 来了专业知识和新的价值观念,新加坡将帮助他们 融入新加坡的社会。
With the advent of globalization, Singapore had seen a significant number of new arrivals from the world over who had brought with them professional skills and new values, and to whom it had offered a place in its society.
17 时 54 分,纽约警察到达现场,并于 18 时 10 分,即 17 分钟后离开,尽管 当时仍一批挑衅 人员呆在代表团周围,直到 18 时 26 分才离开。
At 17:54, the New York police arrived and left the site at 18:10, 17 minutes later, despite the fact that at that time there was still some members of the provocative group in the surroundings of the Mission, who left only at 18:26.
纳斯达克上市代码:PLCM)宣布,该公司正与美国消费者产品安全委员会及世界各地同类机构合作,就该公 一批 作 So undStation2W无线会议电话之用,由位于中国的金山工业有限公司供应的有问题锂电池盒,进行全球回收。
(NASDAQ: PLCM), the market leader in unified collaborative communications solutions, today announced it is working in cooperation with The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and similar agencies worldwide regarding a voluntary recall of the battery packs for SoundStation2W wireless conference phones due to faulty Lithium Ion battery packs supplied by Gold Peak Industries Ltd.
2006 年 6 月至 2007 年 9 月,AWEYSs 任伊斯兰法院联盟中央委员会主 席;2008 年 7 月,他宣布自己为索马里再次解放联盟-阿斯马拉派的主席;2009 年
[...] 5 月,他被任命为伊斯兰党主席,这 一批 反 对 过渡联邦政府的团体组成的联 盟。
Between June 2006 and September 2007, AWEYSs served as chairman of the central committee of the Islamic Courts Union; in July 2008 he declared himself chairman of the Alliance for the Re-Liberation
of Somalia-Asmara wing; and in May 2009 he was named chairman of
[...] Hisbul Islam, an alliance of groups opposed [...]
to the TFG.
正如联合国开 发计划署署长关于审议各项报告的报告(SSC/17/2)指出的那样,在本报告所述期 间,联合国系统各成员已将南南合作纳入了它们政策和方案的主流,把知识管理和
[...] 南南发展交流列为优先事项,采取了创新办法调动资源,并建立和加强了各种网络一批南方的英才中心。
As noted in the report on the consideration of reports by the Administration of the United Nations Development Programme (SSC/17/2), United Nations system members have during this review period mainstreamed South-South cooperation in their policies and programmes, prioritized knowledge management and exchanges for South-South development, adapted
innovative approaches to resource mobilization and established and
[...] strengthened networks and southern centres [...]
of excellence.
该方案的目的是通过培一批关键 的、有经验的助产顾问,让其在国家一级开展工作并与所有国家利益攸 关方合作以加强助产服务,从而实现方案目标。
The programme seeks to achieve its goals by building a critical mass of experienced midwifery advisers who work at the national level and collaborate with all national stakeholders in strengthening midwifery.
他们都是在欧洲一批生产 TPE复合材 料的公司并且一直持续地在人员,生产和技术方面进行投入,来扩展产能来服务于他们的在全球各地壮大的客户群 体。
We were among the first companies to start producing TPE compounds in Europe and have continually invested in people, production and technology; to expand capacity and support our growing global customer base.




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