

单词 一扫而光

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第 1325(2000)号决议使全世界的妇女有希望看到其权利受到保护,阻碍 其平等和充分参与维持和促进持久和平的障碍 一扫而光。
Resolution 1325 (2000) holds out a promise to women across the globe that their rights will be protected and that barriers
to their equal participation and full involvement in the maintenance and promotion of
[...] sustainable peace will be removed.
使用 CAB 2000 型 X 光 扫描仪查看集装箱内容或同位素辐射测定装置检测集装箱内货物发出 的辐射量,而进行非侵入性检查。
Non-intrusive inspection is carried out using CAB 2000 X-ray scanners to see the contents of a container or a radiation isotope identification device [...]
(RIID) to measure
the amount of radiation emitted by goods inside containers.
培养和安装在样品的光扫描共聚焦显微镜红外,水或PFD显示,PFD的给出 一 个 对水和空气的优势可能在成像深度( 图3)。
LSCM of samples incubated and
[...] mounted in air, water or PFD shows that PFD gives an advantage over water and air in the depth of imaging [...]
possible (Figure 3).
一块绿色玻璃(或绿色滤片)就吸收了光谱两端的大部分红光和 光 , 而 使 绿 光透了过 来。
For example, a piece of green glass
[...] (or a green filter) absorbs most light from the blue and red ends of the spectrum while transmitting green wavelengths.
然而,目前美国的每百万人平均 MRI 扫描仪数量为 25,而在中国和印度,一数字小于每百万人一台。
At the moment however, the average number of MRI scanners per million people in the US is 25, while in China and India it is less than one scanner per million people.
(c) 其他用品、服务和设备项下探雷扫 雷 事 务所需资源增加,主要是由于 与边界核查和监测活动有关的所需资源增加(9 636 400 美元),其一部分 被因 计划进行的货物清仓和内部运输数量减 而 降 低 的运费和相关费用抵销。
(c) Increased requirements under other supplies, services and equipment for mine detection and mine-clearance services, mainly as a result of the additional requirements related to border verification and monitoring activities ($9,636,400), offset in part by lower requirements for freight and related costs as a result of a lower planned volume of cargo clearance and internal transportation.
清新,清晰的图像质量呈现在技术文档,草图,地图上,SD大幅 扫 描 仪 给了企 一 个 简 单 而 经 济 实惠的方式完成企业 扫 描 任 务 而 节 约 时间。
Clean, sharp image quality on technical
documents, sketches, and
[...] maps, SD large format scanners give companies an easy and affordable way to save time on in-house scanning activities.
我们注意到,许多会员国的政府 都鼓励管理人员不要在年底时将其现有预算的资金 光 , 而 应 在 监督 机构批准的情况下,一小部分未动用拨款予以结转。
We noted that many governments of Member States encourage managers not to spend
their budgets at
[...] year-end to use up available funds but rather carry forward a small percentage of unspent [...]
appropriations, with
the approval of oversight bodies.
因为用最少的设置时间来定 位光, 而且用最小的运动光束就可以快扫 描 大 区域, 周期时间大大缩短.
Since minimal setup time is required
[...] to position the laser, and the beam may be quickly scanned over a large area with [...]
minimal motion, cycle
time is significantly reduced.
鉴于重建实施委员会目前所有资 金已经光,而一些场所的重建工作有待完成,因此我呼吁国际社会提供必要的 资金,以确保委员会的工作能够继续进行。
As the Commission has exhausted all of its current funds and there remains reconstruction work requiring completion at some sites, I call on international donors to provide the necessary financial support to ensure the continuation of its work.
例如:两人面 对面在户外对话时,其中一位是 光而 另 一 位 必 然是背光。
For example, when two people are photographed
facing each other in an
[...] exterior daylight scene, and one person is backlit, the other person should be in full sunlight.
正由于一点, 恢 复时间目标往往定得太短;例如,有若干组织规定因公旅行(不是医务、应急或 疏散旅行)管理的恢复或者监督活动的执行是关键活动,要在事件发生后 0 至 4 小时内恢复,而很显然的是,如果这些活动不在最初 4 小时内重启,任何联合国 组织也不会因而声誉扫地。
Criticality is often taken out
of context and
[...] misinterpreted: i.e. if one is deemed not to be critical, this might result in budgetary cuts. Because of this, recovery time objectives are frequently too short; for example, in several organizations, recovery of the management of duty travel (not medical, emergency or evacuation travel, but regular duty travel) or performance of oversight activities are stated as critical, to be achieved in 0-4 hours after an incident, whereas, clearly, the reputation of any of the United Nations organizations would not be at risk if these activities were not resumed in the first four hours.
Philips 提供各種不同的咖啡機,一款均 為豐富您與您的好友享用重要的咖啡 光而 設 計
Philips offers a range of different coffee makers, each designed to enrich those all-important coffee moments for you and your friends.
预期即将召开的《禁雷公约》缔约国第 一次 会 议将促进该公约的实施,并加速采取具体措施,而使扫雷协 助在当地的影响更为明确。
The forthcoming eleventh Meeting of States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention could be expected to further its implementation and accelerate the adoption of concrete measures that would make the impact of mine assistance more tangible on the ground.
如果一个图片不经任何缩放,其分辨率(resolution)为72,如果该图片缩放比例为50%,则分辨率为144,如果有更低的缩放比,则分辨率将更大,因为象素相同但尺寸变得更小了。使用72/300=24%的比例放置一个300dpi的图片,例:你用3 00 d p i 扫 描 了 一 个 5× 5英寸的图片,图片结果为1500×1500象素(5×300),当你用24%(72/300=0.24)的比例将该图片放置到PDF文件中时,PDF中的图片将为5×5英寸1500X1500象素300dpi,该图片将始终为1500X1500象 而 不 管 尺寸如何。
If a picture without any zoom, the resolution (resolution) is 72, if the picture zoom ratio of 50 percent, then a resolution of 144, if there are less than the zoom, the resolution will be even greater, However, because the same pixel size becomes even smaller. 72/300 = 24% using the ratio of put a
300dpi image, for example:you use a 300dpi scan 5 ¡Á 5-inch picture, pictures, results for the 1500 ¡Á 1500 pixels (5 ¡Á 300), when you use 24% ( 72/300 = 0.24), the ratio of the picture placed in the middle of PDF documents, PDF images for 5 ¡Á 5 inch 1500X1500 pixels 300dpi, the picture will always be 1500X1500 pixel size regardless of how.
培训的重点是文化遗产数据收集和整理、影像获取 和处理、3D 激光扫描、GPS 和 GIS 的文献技术。
The training focused on documentation techniques
in cultural heritage data collection and organization, image acquisition and
[...] treatment, 3D laser scanning, GPS and GIS.
的肘部支撐臂的位置是不過多更好,作為運營商那裡幾乎可以看到從任何角度“的集成持有人可以使用的默認安裝 一 個 瞬 間的信 光 , 而 無 需 額外的步驟,例如鑽孔或切割將是必要的。
s Position at the elbow of the supporting arm is however much better, as the operator it there practically be seen from any angle" to the integrated holders can
be the default used signal
[...] lights installed in a jiffy, without additional steps such as [...]
drilling or cutting would be necessary.
此外,领土政府称, 2011/12
[...] 年度,将投资约 300 万美元,在汉密尔顿集装箱港口全面安装 X 光扫描 仪
In addition, according to the territorial Government, during 2011/12,
approximately $3 million will be invested in completing the
[...] installation of the X-ray scanner at the container [...]
port in Hamilton.
宪法》规定,教育权为优先事项,还制定一 项扫盲计 划,小学教育,特别女童的小学教育,得到了大力发展。
The Constitution set forth the right to education as a priority, a plan to combat illiteracy had been established and primary education, in particular of girls, was promoted.
晶电董事长李秉杰表示,LED照明到2015年,将成为跟 光一 样 大 的LED应用领域;现在的观察指标是,如果取代60瓦传统白炽灯泡的LED灯泡,整体终端零售价可以降到10美元(约296元台币)以下,需求就会起来 而 台 湾 厂商成本降价能力快,欧美厂商势必会转单给台厂。
Crystal electric, said chairman Li Bingjie LED
lighting by 2015, will become as big as backlight LED application field; Observation index is now, if replace 60 tile traditional incandescent bulb LED light bulb, the whole terminal retail prices can fall below $10 (approximately nt $296), the demand will rise, and Taiwan manufacturers cost reduction ability quickly, the European and American manufacturers are bound to turn order to factory.
据指 出,第 A1 条草案第 2 款在一点上是不够的,因光是承认驱逐国有权 一定 的 程序保证扩大适用于在其境内非法居留的某些外国人,只是论及表面现象。
It was pointed out that draft article A1, paragraph 2, was inadequate on that point, since by simply acknowledging that the expelling State had the right to extend certain procedural guarantees to certain aliens who were in its territory illegally, it was merely stating the obvious.
8 个恐怖嫌疑犯在那里被关一年多 ,直到2005 年末因为该 方案的光而被转移。
This inquiring committee has been established by Resolution 29 of the Senate of Romania of 21 December 2005.
在审议期间,主要活动包括促进提高认识的政策和标准,以及监测在实现普遍获取信息方面的 进展,特别是通过重点落实信息社会世界首脑会议( 一 阶 段 ,日内瓦,以及第二阶段,突尼斯) 的成果以及在全民信息计划及其三个战略重点——信 扫 盲 、 信息伦理和信息保护——的框架内, 通过实施具体活动巩固行动职能。
During the period under consideration, main activities included the promotion of policies and standards to raise awareness and monitoring progress towards universal access particularly by focusing on the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS, Phases I, Geneva, and II, Tunis) and within the
framework of the
[...] Information for All Programme (IFAP) and its three strategic priorities – information literacy, information ethics and information preservation – by consolidating its operational [...]
functions through
the implementation of concrete activities.
我们在这里描述的应用程序的全氟化碳,全氟萘烷(PFD),浸润成像介质光学提高 光扫 描 共 聚焦显微镜(LSCM)样品成像深度 而 不 采取激光功率的损害增加,和最小的生理影响2。
We describe here the application of the perfluorocarbon, perfluorodecalin (PFD), as an
infiltrative imaging
[...] medium which optically improves laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) sample imaging at depth, without resorting [...]
to damaging increases
in laser power and has minimal physiological impact2.
正是由于Creaform的专家们以及他们创新的手握式自定位三维 光扫 描 仪 Handyscan 3D,才能成功地在如此短的时间内为肿瘤病人制造出假体 而 不 耽误任何治疗时间,病人有了最佳机会完全恢复。
Thanks to the precision and speed offered by the Handyscan
3D handheld and self-positioning 3D laser scanner and to the expertise of the Creaform people, it was possible to create a prosthesis for a cancer surviver in a very short timeline, without causing any delay in the procedure schedule and thus giving the patient the best chances for a quick and complete recovery.
产品系列中有为光一闪而准备 的轻便通用的记录仪、录制录音棚品质的声音所需的线性 PCM 型号,也有用于商业应用的专业口述记录系统。
The product portfolio ranges from lightweight and versatile notetakers for the thoughts on the go, through Linear PCM models for studio-quality sound recordings to the Professional Dictation Systems for business applications.
神谷茂先生很早即提出,21世纪,环境保护应该 一 项 最被优先考虑和付诸行动的课题 而光 源 和 照明工业也应当积极地投入这项工作,在光源和照明领域里改善环境污染,实现绿色照明。
Back in the day, Mr. Shen suggested that in the 21st century,
[...] protection should be an issue that to be considered and put into action as a priority; illuminant and the lighting [...]
industry shall also
be actively put into action in this project so as to gradually improve the environment and fulfill pollution-free lighting.
[...] 了本组织正在进行的各项改革,尤其是计划编制方法方面的改革,并强调最近对计划管理周 期所进行的修订,是为了更具有战略 光 和 更 有助于决策 而 且 有 助于在总部和总部外之 间,以及各地区和多国办事处之间更合理地分配计划资源。
He put the Consultation also in the context of the ongoing reform process of the Organization, in particular with regard to programming, and highlighted the recent revisions of the programme
management cycle designed to ensure a
[...] more strategic and policy-focused approach and to facilitate [...]
a more rational allocation of
programme resources between Headquarters and the field as well as between the various regions and clusters.




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