

单词 一手遮天

See also:


one dayadv

External sources (not reviewed)

何俊仁议员: 代 理主席,编写 历史不 是 政 府 的 特 权和专利, 对 历史的 记 载, 政 府 绝 不 可一 手 遮 天不 可 能 一 搥 定 音 。
MR ALBERT HO (in Cantonese): Mr Deputy, the writing of history is not the prerogative and privilege of a government, the record of events in history cannot be done with the government doing whatever it likes and making itself the only voice that can ever be heard.
我 很 同 意 他所说 的 话 ─ 不 是 同 意,是有 深 刻印象 ─ 他 说 曾荫权 司长在 西 九 计一手 遮 天只 手 遮 天 ─ 我现在 告 诉他,如果我们 今 天 不支持议 案获得通 过 ,田北俊先生,包括自由党, 以 及 民 建联的 同 事 便 是 以 很 多 只遮 天令我们无 法 看 到 天 日 , 也 无 法 看 到 事 实 的 真相。
Let me tell him now that if we do not
[...] support the passage of this motiontoday,then Mr James TIEN, as well as colleagues of the Liberal Party and the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB) would be covering up thesky with their many hands andeventually, we cannot seethe sky anymore.
[...] 该有其他的政府高层参与,而且必须经过严格的审核,层层监管,而 不是可以由梁先手遮天
The relevant decisions should have been made with the involvement of other senior
government officials through a stringent
[...] vetting and approval procedure with control and [...]
monitoring at different levels.
但是,政府亦有需要顾及社会和经济的其他需 要,既不能手遮天不能停止或禁宇及私人发展项目。
Nonetheless, the Government also needs to cater for other social and economic needs. It can neither be all-powerful nor stop or prohibitall building and private development projects.
历 史 也 不 可能被政府埋 没 及 篡 改 , 因为人 民绝对 不 是 愚 不 可 及的,政府 更 不 可能手 遮 天
It is not possible for the government to cover up or distort history, for the people are absolutely not foolish.
行政长官:但是,我要重申,我看不到会有任何冲突,特别是在讨论政 制改革的议程中,是一定要完全具高透明度的,每一个市民都会参与, 没有任首能够手遮天
CHIEF EXECUTIVE (in Cantonese): However, I must reiterate that I do not see any conflict of interest here. In particular, in the course of discussing political reform, high transparency is absolutely required.
大 家 现在要讨 论 的,既 不 是杨光先生是否 值得获授 勳 , 也 不 是 如 何 将 授 勳 机 制 修改得更完善 , 而 只 是 将 讨 论 焦 点 集 中制 上 容许的细 节 上 , 不 免 使 人 想 到如果我们这 样做, 目 的 只 是 在 鸡 蛋 里 挑 骨 头 , 只 是 为了“ 上 纲 上 线 ” 地 推 断行政长官 是 否手 遮 天断 独 行。
For what we are supposed to discuss is not whether Mr YEUNG Kwong should be awarded the honour, nor is it about how to improve on the honours system. The focus of the discussions is merely on some details permitted in the mechanism, and that cannot help but make people think that we are only hairsplitting to arrive at the conclusion that the Chief Executive is autocratic and arbitrary in action.
部分议员认为,应在条例 草案中加入约束性条文,防止发生无论是廉政专员或是律政司司长作出所谓 “手遮天事情,以保证他们所掌握的资送达立法会议员参 考,作为启动弹劾的程序。
Some Members consider that a binding provision should be added in the Bill to prevent the exploitation of the so-called dictatorial power, be it by the Commissioner of ICAC or the Secretary for Justice, to ensure that the information available to them will be served to Legislative Council Members for reference as aprocedure to activate the impeachment process.
不过,与过境发展中国家相比,他们完成 出口手续的时间为2327改善贸易便利化和节省时间,还 需要作力。
However, when compared to transit developing countries, where
[...] average number of completion days is 23 days forexport formalitiesand27 days forimport formalities, further efforts are required [...]
improve trade facilitation and save time.
你们放心吧,他们内 部是可以处理得到,他们是不会手遮天因为这里也有人是与他们的意 见不同的,好像昨天张宇人问马局长有甚麽看法,马局长微笑、开 心的态度回答说,他是对事不对人的。
Because some people here also hold opinions which are
different from
[...] theirs. For instance, when Tommy CHEUNG asked Secretary Frederick MA of his opinion yesterday, asusual, Secretary Frederick MA answered smilingly in a jolly tone that he [...]
targeted the issues but not individuals.
便是如果要聘请某人,是不可 以手遮天为已有客观的准则,所以便要客观地衡量他究竟是否适合, 而不荫权般,关上门来只有数人讨论。
It means that if someone is to be appointed, let it be dictated by nobody. As there are already objective criteria, it is, therefore, necessary to assess his suitability objectively.
This is in my view a major asset at a time when interdisciplinarity is universally acknowledged as an essential tool for effectively addressing the complexity of the modern world.
一天合 国安全和安保部(安保部)在瓦利卡莱的安全官员通 过短信息服务,向刚果民主共和国境内的人道协调 厅、世界粮食计划署的安全官员和联合国难民事务高 级专员办事处(难民署)的办公室、联合国开发计划署 协调中心以及联合国项目事务厅以及联刚特派团在 戈马的安全官员提出咨询意见,指出在 Mpofi 地区, 马西西-瓦利卡莱轴心已经落入卢民主力安 保部建议中止在该地区的通行。
The same day, the security officer of theUnited Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) in Walikale sent an advisory by SMS to OCHA in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, security officers of the World Food Programme and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), focal points of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Office for Project Services and MONUSCO security officers in Goma, stating that the area of Mpofi, on the Masisi-Walikale [...]
had passed under the control of FDLR and that UNDSS recommended the suspension of movements in that zone.
他们声称,仔细研究了Abdias(15-21)世界末日的功能(参一天吁所有国家,恢复了所有以色列领土和地位的精彩程度,等候在神的国度犹太人的命令),连接一定要与其他犹太文学作品的预言Abdias [...]
They claim that a close study of Abdias (15-21), with
its apocalyptic features
[...] (reference to the day oftheLordas being at handupon all nations, [...]
to a restoration of all Israel,
to the wonderful extent of territory and position in command which await the Jews in God's kingdom), connects necessarily the prophecy of Abdias with other works in Jewish literature [Joel, Daniel, Zechariah 9-14] which, as they think, belong to a date long after the return from Babylon.
第4(1)条说明可藉命令规管或禁止,这是一 种命令,而这个命令若是行政当局订定的话,因为只要......等同警务 处说那些市民在示威,而当局已划出了示威区,接着在示威区里不断 喷射胡椒喷雾 
[...] 主席,他是这样说,任由他怎样说行政演绎、行 政决定及行政行为  人们站着动也不动,已经手遮部,但 他们仍拿巨型的胡椒喷雾,朝着人羣不断喷射,仍然说没有 事。
Section 4(1) states that regulation or prohibition can be imposed by order. This is a kind of order and if such orders are prescribed by the executive authorities, since it is only necessary to …… this is just like the police saying that members of the public were staging a demonstration and that the Administration had already designated a protest zone, then, they kept spraying pepper spray inside the protest zone ― those people were just
[...] still and were alreadyusingtheirhands tocover their heads, but police [...]
officers still held cans of large-sized pepper spray in theirhands, spraying towards the crowd
continually and saying that there was nothing wrong.
正常而言,的狀况下,GPS的准确度大约是每秒3~10公尺,就算 是3D定位的狀况下也是如此;因此GPS的數据有时候会因为讯号不稳而变的不可 靠,现今GPS产品已内建校正演算法及辅助方式去加强GPS的接收效能, 以达到最佳的狀态。
Nowadays, the GPS consumer product has built in adjust algorithm and assisted method to extend capability of GPS.
主席,谈到副局长和政治助理的薪酬问题,我们已有多位同事说过,但 政府要了解到,这是涉及公帑的,它为何可以手遮天这是不能透露的 资料呢?
President, I now turn to the remuneration of Under Secretaries and Political Assistants, on which a number of colleagues have already expressed their views.
If thewatch givesthe right day, it indicates the numberof days sincethe first day [...]
of the year, not very practical when
we just want to know the date.
即使今次成立这个调查委员会,而民主党也遵 守了最初表示不参与的承诺 ⎯⎯ 但我其实希望他们能参与 ⎯⎯
[...] 即 使没有了民主党的参与,难道我们便可以手遮天事情弄得乱七八 糟吗?
Even if this investigation committee is formed this time, and the Democratic Party also honours its commitment made on the outset that it will not participate in it ― in fact, I do want them to
participate ― even without the participation of the Democratic
[...] Party, can we actin such ahegemonist manner [...]
and make it a mess?
现在必须与最继续用诸如全理事会会议这样的团结的 行动和承诺,来恢复和加强被灾希望,理会不可回避地提醒各国认识到那里所发生的 情况和今后仍然存在的挑战。
The hope eclipsed by disaster must be addressed and strengthened now, as it was at first, by continuous acts of solidarity and commitment, suchas today’s Security Council meeting, which serves as an ineluctable reminder of what happened there and of the challenges that still lie ahead.
这款特别的产品由在巴黎生活的俄罗斯艺术家、珍珠母镶嵌工艺大师Wladimir Makowsky设计制造,展现了令人回想起日本印花布的景色:海边有座寺庙有大飘着朵朵白云,所有这些都用带蓝颜色的优质珍珠母镶嵌物来表现。
This particular piece, made by Wladimir Makowsky, a Russian artist living in Paris and a master of mother of pearl inlay work, presents a scene reminiscent of Japanese prints: a temple at the edge of the sea, shaded by a tree under a cloudysky infine blue-tinted mother-of-pearl inlay.
这都显示了特区小圈子选举在15年间培养出来的管治阶层,由於权力 长期缺乏普选制衡,也由於小圈子彼此相衞的贪腐文化,而助长了管 治高层手遮天无法纪,道德沦丧。
This all shows that the ruling class nurtured by the small-circle elections in the past 15 years in the SAR has encouraged the senior level of the governing team to manipulate the situation single-handedly, giving no regard to law and order, thus becoming degenerated in morals due to the lack of checks and balances on power for extended periods of time and also because of the mutual protection given to the culture of corruption and decadence in thesmall circle.
而且,很多被质疑的违规个案,至 今已经过相当长的岁月,当中会令人质疑香港是否法治之区,亚视的 王征是否拥有法外特权,可以指点江山,亦可以手遮天
That is in fact an overt act of contempt for the Government. Moreover, as many irregularities now being queried had happened a long time ago, people would doubt whether the rule of law in Hong Kong has been undermined.
在 Séhoué 宪兵队,代表团与一名少年被拘留者渐进行了交谈,他是前被带到警察局的;他报告说自他被关进牢房后没有得到任何水或食物,并 且在整个晚上,直到早些时候他手一铐在背后。
At the Gendarmeriein Séhoué, the delegation spoke to an adolescent detainee who had been brought to the police station the previous evening; he reported not having received any water or food since he had been placed in the cell, and havingbeenhandcuffed behind hisback the whole night until earlier that morning.
在这方面,之前的未来ISO 22810的实施将要求制造商,以确保在保修期内出售密完整性,我们鼓励球迷急于测试他们使用真实情况作检查经常被许可人法。
In this regard, before the implementation of the future ISO 22810 which will require the manufacturer to ensure the watertight integrity of the piece
sold during the
[...] warranty period, we encourage fans eager to test them in real conditions of use to have it checked routinely by a watchlicensee, at the approach of summer.
但是,如果所有人都像陈伟业议员刚才所说般,认为只有自己那套 才是对的,不接受其他人的说法,那麽,即使我们说到天昏地暗,也永 远不能达致......我们的小宪法最终也说,要有三分之二立法会议员通 过,如果要通过这个针孔,只能发奋图强,争取到三分之二的选票,由 你们手遮天
If you are to go through this tiny eye of the needle, you can only work hard and strive to get the votes of two thirds of the Members.
Then when we arrived at midnight all of a sudden out of the dark a man dressed in green leavesand a painted face holding a machete jumps up in the front of the car, scaring us like crazy.
此 项活动鼓励人们从始,水资源危机;在他们所在的城市举跑/竞走活 动,或通过 Live Earth 好友会自行组织本地的赛跑/竞走活动;在家庭或社区范围内实施保护举 措,拯救水资源;通过资助的方式进行奉献,支援发展中国家的洁净、安全水资源专案;畅所 [...]
Live Earth 请愿书上签字,将水资源作为一项基本的人权,添加至《联合国人权宣 言》。
People are
[...] encouraged to START solving the problem today, RUNin a run/walk in their city or organize their own run/walk [...]
through the Friends
of Live Earth program, SAVE water in their home and local community through conservation efforts, GIVE money to support clean, safe water projects in developing nations, and SPEAK UP and sign the Live Earth petition to add water as a basic human right to the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights.
关於委员提出规定乘客佩戴座椅装有的安全带的建议,政 府当局一直表示持开放态度,当大部分专营巴士上层没有座椅已装设安全带,当局就愿意考虑引入此方面的立法规 定。
As to members' proposal of requiring passengers to wear seat belts where provided, the Administration has always advised that it had an open mind and was prepared to consider introducing this legislative requirementas and when the majority of franchised buses were fitted with seat belts for the exposed seats on the first row on the upper deck.
[...] 地区办事处开展,如教科文组织伊斯兰堡办事处和福利新使用拉 合尔老城的历史建筑以及曼谷办事处在老挝、泰国、菲律宾和缅甸的农村小镇中对 [...]
This activity has been mainly implemented by regional offices: Islamabad UNESCO Office for the re-use of historic
houses in the Old Walled City of Lahore
[...] with the Ministry of Welfare of Punjab and Bangkok’s [...]
UNESCO Office, with the support
to women empowerment in small rural cities of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand, Philippines and Myanmar.




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