单词 | 一成不变 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一成不变 —stuck in a rutless common: nothing much changes (idiom); always the same 一成不变 noun—routine nSee also:不变—unvarying • (math.) invariant 不变 adj—intact adj 变成 v—become v • turned into v 变成—change into
掌握控制权的雇用当局有责任采用良好做法而不是利 用 一成不 变的规则进行控制,这是完成这项目标的最佳办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Holding hiring authorities accountable for the application of good practice rather than control through inflexible rules can best accomplish this goal. daccess-ods.un.org |
您节约劳动成本,避免一成不变的工作时间,如果任何动物偏离其预期的饲喂式,您立即得到提醒。 delaval.cn | You save on labour costs, avoid inflexible working hours, and are instantly alerted if any animal deviates from her expected feeding pattern. delaval.com |
但我们认为,时机已到,应 当用旨在使环境更有利于和平解决的建设性步骤取 代一成不变的空洞指控。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe, however, that the time has come to replace the unchanged [...] rhetoric of hollow allegations with constructive steps aimed at making the [...] environment more conducive to peaceful settlement. daccess-ods.un.org |
而现在绪森的 ACP 增效系统(ACP 增效组件)就是要对这一种一成不变 的模式进行改动,改进前牵伸区的牵 伸工艺,同时提高最重要的纱线指 标。 suessen.com | With the ACP Quality Package by SUESSEN it is now possible, however, to improve the drafting process in the main zone and consequently the values of the most important yarn parameters. suessen.com |
这些示例并非一成不变的, 我们鼓励用户通过不同的显示方向进行实验。 datapath.co.uk | The list of examples is not definitive and users are encouraged to experiment with different display configurations datapath.co.uk |
仇 恨言论的扩散也仍然是世界许多地区 的一项挑战,而且由于滥用新技术大规模传播负面 和/或一成不变的信息,情况更加糟糕。 daccess-ods.un.org | The proliferation of hate speech also remains a challenge in many parts of the world, exacerbated by the misuse of new technologies for mass dissemination of negative and/or stereotypical information. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,一些与会者认为教科文组织的职能不 是 一成不变 的 而 是不断变化的,象宣传和 提高认识或知识中介表面看是新的职责,实际上早已包括在五项主要职能之内,因此显然无 须增加。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Acknowledging that UNESCO’s functions were not static but evolving, some participants nevertheless felt that seemingly new functions, like that of advocacy and awareness-raising or knowledge broker, were already embedded in the five principal functions and thus should not be explicitly added. unesdoc.unesco.org |
联合专家组强调,指标不应是 一成不变 的 , 而应是可做调整的,既应有数量 指标,也应包括质量指标,而且应能获得分类数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Joint Expert Group underlined that indicators should not be static but adaptable, should include both quantitative and qualitative ones and should enable the production of disaggregated data. daccess-ods.un.org |
谈到审查,我们在 2006 年藉由第 60/288 号决议 通过该战略时,就没有想让它 一成不变 , 所 以才在决 议中增加了一项条款,旨在确保会员国每两年开展工 作,审查取得的进展情况,并考虑加以修订,以便应 对所出现的变化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Speaking of reviews, when we adopted the Strategy in 2006 through resolution 60/288, it was never meant to be cast in stone, which is why a clause was added in the resolution to ensure that every two years Member States would embark on a process of examining the progress made and consider updating it to respond to changes. daccess-ods.un.org |
第 一个挑战涉及变革议程强调的问题:各国的需要不同,不能采用一刀切的办法,不 能以提供服务为重点,派驻形式不能 一成不变。 daccess-ods.un.org | The first challenge relates to issues highlighted in the change agenda with respect to [...] different country requirements [...] which preclude one-size-fits-all approaches, service-driven menus and formula-based presence. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,坚持合作努力必 须包括不断作出调整,以确保这些努力不会成 为 一成 不变的、为自身服务的架构,或其目标也不会是解决 临时问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, the preservation of cooperation efforts must include their continuous adjustment to ensure that they do not to become permanent, self-serving structures, or whose purpose becomes solving temporary problems. daccess-ods.un.org |
这就需要微妙了解在不同情况下的噪声级别,如夜晚或不同天气条件下,而不 是 一成不变 适 用 通用的绝对分贝限制。 bksv.cn | These require a somewhat nuanced understanding of the noise levels under different circumstances, such as at night or in different weather conditions, rather than the one-size-fits-all approach of slapping on an absolute and universal decibel limit. bksv.com |
健康的土著人民的语言和文化虽然根植于历史,但不应被理解 为 一成不变 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Healthy indigenous peoples’ languages and cultures, while rooted in [...] history, must not be understood [...]as static. daccess-ods.un.org |
拟议方案预算的编制 工作开始较早,但由于初始条件从来不 是 一成不变 的,调整总是必要的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The work leading to the establishment of the proposed [...] programme budget began early, but because initial [...] conditions never remained unchanged, adjustments were [...]always necessary. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是一个非常重要的证人对一成不变 的 传统,其中天主教教会一直声称,并以原始信仰认为圣经的解释必须由教会和私人行业没有原则。 mb-soft.com | It is a witness of extraordinary importance to the principles of unvarying tradition which the Catholic Church has always professed, and to the primitive belief that Holy Scripture must be interpreted by the Church and not by private industry. mb-soft.com |
旧的方式是阅读并遵守一成不变的书 本, 新的方式则是通过 Green Zone™ 观察吊具 操作的所有特性,并相应调整服务计划。 bromma.com | The old way was to read and follow a static book. The new way is to observe, through Green Zone™, the operation all charateristics of the spreader, and to adjust your service plans accordingly. bromma.com |
天哪,看来是时候抛弃我那一成不变 的 IKEA厨房钟,搞个像这样的钟了。 iontime.ch | Gee, it’s time to get rid of my boring IKEA [...] kitchen clock and buy one of these instead. iontime.ch |
你是否已经厌倦了整天对着枯燥无味 一成不变 的 电 脑背景呢? bing-dynamic.cn.uptodown.com | Are you tired of having the same background everyday? bing-dynamic.en.uptodown.com |
这就是,《公约》是否为缔约国规定了一 项 一成不变 的 义 务,必须准 许公民的任何被确认的配偶定居和入籍,如果看来他们没有其他地方可以居住在 一起的话。 daccess-ods.un.org | But in this case the Committee has not had occasion to address the broader substantive question whether the Covenant creates an unvarying obligation, as such, for a State party to allow residence and naturalization to any recognized spouse of a citizen, when there is no other apparent place where they may reside together. daccess-ods.un.org |
Humberto Leon和Carol Lim以创新理念引进大胆设计和独立品牌,成功地融合新锐品牌和著名品牌,挑战当 时 一成不变 的 传 统品味。 lvmh.cn | At Opening Ceremony, they successfully combine up-and-coming brands as well as established labels, while defying the standard expectations of the moment. lvmh.com |
旨在通过可创意组合的博世厨电产品,突破中国传统厨房千篇一律 , 一成不变 的 现状,为消费者提供自由组合的个性化厨房,体验由博世嵌入式厨电制作出的与众不同的美食,亦体验充满无限可能的厨房新生活。 bosch.com.cn | At the China International Kitchen & Bath Exhibition, we will explain the concept of 'Infinite Kitchen' to the media, consumers and industry partners from the aspects of materials, colors, functions and sizes of Bosch built-in home appliances through various means. bosch.com.cn |
相反,如果这些环境很不同,那么鸟类对剧烈应激的反应可进行调整以适应当地的不同环境,而不 应 一成不变。 actazool.org | Conversely, if these habitats are sufficiently different, then responses to acute stress should be attuned to the local environment and not be the same. actazool.org |
同样,这位专家还坚持认为,历史记 录 一成不变 的 表 明,经历过持续不 断向前追赶的比较少数的几个国家就是这样,它们推动结构变革,激励向实体经 济部门进行生产性投资。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the same vein, the expert argued, the historical record invariably showed that the relatively few countries experiencing sustainable catching-up did so by fostering structural change and spurring productive investment in the real sector. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国指出,这种作法并不是一成不变 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party notes that [...] this practice is not invariable. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然秘书长对 不同问题的参与程度各不相同,而且他与安理会分工也 非 一成不变 , 但 安全理事 会最终必须掌控自己的决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the level of visibility of the Secretary-General varies from issue to issue and the division of labour with the Council was never static, the Security Council ultimately must own its decisions. daccess-ods.un.org |
理事会做出轻率决议, 在没有获得充足授权的情况下组建实况调查团,负 责调查 2010 年 5 月驶往加沙的船只在行驶途中发生 的惨剧,以及根据调查团报告出台的后续决议,进 一步反映出人权理事会抱有一成不变 的 偏 见。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its continuing bias was further evident in its hasty resolution establishing a fact-finding mission with a flawed mandate to investigate the tragic incident aboard Gazabound ships in May 2010 and its resolution following up on the mission’s report. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您张贴建议或递交材料或翻译,并且,除非我们否则表明,您授予DiagnosisPro非排除性,无皇族,永久 , 一成不变 和 充 分地次级可获许可的权利使用,再生产,修改,适应,出版,翻译,创造衍生物工作从,分布,并且在世界各地显示这样内容在所有媒介。 cn.diagnosispro.com | If you do post suggestions or submit material or translations, and [...] unless we indicate [...] otherwise, you grant DiagnosisPro a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sub licensable right to use, reproduce, [...]modify, adapt, [...]publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such content throughout the world in any media. en.diagnosispro.com |
这些设想和表 述的多样性不是一成不变的,而是不断发展的,它体现在组成人类的群体和社会, 包括土著人民的“独特性和多元性”之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | The diversity of these visions and expressions, which are not static but rather constantly evolving, is embodied in the “uniqueness and plurality of the identities” of the groups and societies making up humankind, including indigenous peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |