单词 | 一意 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一意—focusless common: stubbornly with complete devotion Examples:一心一意—single-minded concentrating one's thoughts and efforts intently bent on 一心一意的adj—dedicatedadj 专心一意—concentrate on
这显然表明,国内外的某 些分子一意孤行地在利用人民真正的要求挑起内乱,破坏国家的政治和经济安全 及稳定,并危及国家主权。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is clear that certain elements in the country and abroad were bent on exploiting [...] the genuine demands of the people to [...]stir up internal strife and undermine the nation’s political and economic security and stability as well as national sovereignty. daccess-ods.un.org |
於投票 表决时,有权投多於一票的股东毋须用尽其 所有票數投於同一意向。 towngaschina.com | On a poll a member [...] entitled to more than one voteis under no [...]obligation to cast all his votes in the same way. towngaschina.com |
就国内法院的调查结果,特别是新西兰最后上诉法院的调查结果,由于有关 武断或不正义的申诉不可置信,委员会没有理由考虑这 一意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a finding of a domestic court and, particularly, the final appellate [...] court for New Zealand, and absent any [...] plausible claim ofarbitrariness or injustice, [...]that view does not warrant reconsideration by the Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这一意义上,条约缔结不成并不排除规范的制定,制定规 [...] 范可能是一种更加实际又有成功希望的途径。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that sense, the absence [...] of a treaty does not preclude normbuilding and norm-building might be a more practical and successful way forward. daccess-ods.un.org |
对保留提出反对的国家或国际组织意欲阻止条约在自己与提出保留的国家或 国际组织之间生效,应在该条约本该对双方生效之前明确表示这 一意向。 daccess-ods.un.org | When a State or international organization formulating an objection to a reservation intends to preclude the entry into force of the treaty as between itself and the reserving State or international [...] organization, it shall [...] definitely express itsintention before the treaty [...]would otherwise enter into force between them. daccess-ods.un.org |
参与武装冲突的国家如拟终止或退出其为缔约国的条约,或中止该条约的施行,应将此一 意图通知条约另一缔约国或条约其他各缔约国,或条约保存人。 daccess-ods.un.org | A State engaged in armed conflict intending to terminate or withdraw from a treaty to which it is a party, or to suspend the operation of that treaty, shall notify the other State party or States parties to the treaty, or its depositary, of that intention. daccess-ods.un.org |
部分委员持另一意见, 认为当局应成立一家公营机构, 提供医保计划下的医疗保险计划,从而确保医保计划的规定获 [...] 得遵行,并为医保计划下的医疗保险计划设定基准,以及避免 寡头垄断和促进竞争。 legco.gov.hk | Some members held another view thata public [...] entity should be set up to offer health insurance plans under HPS to ensure [...]compliance with the HPS requirements, set the benchmarks for heath insurance plans under HPS as well as avoid oligopoly and promote competition. legco.gov.hk |
就这一意义而 言,其目前关于国家空间立法的多年期工作的调研结果将与这些 [...] 议程项目下得出的调研结果和提出的建议相一致。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that sense, the findings [...] of its current multi-year work on national space legislation would be consistent with the findings [...]and recommendations made under those agenda items. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,表达这一意见的代表团还认为,空间资产议定书草案应当平衡 未来为商业利益服务的登记制度和现行的登记射入外层空间物体的制度,空间 资产议定书草案还应按照关于空间物体所造成的损害的现行赔偿责任制度,对 私营运营商及其所属国家的赔偿责任和责任做出规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that connection, the delegation expressing that view wasalso ofthe view that the draft space assets protocol should balance the future registration system for commercial interests with the existing system of registering objects launched into outer space and that the draft space assets protocol should contain provisions on the liability and responsibility of private operators and their States of nationality, in compliance with the existing regime of liability for damage caused by space objects. daccess-ods.un.org |
从这一意义来说,我们希望双方将加强努力,找到影 响生活在科索沃的人民的日常生活的未决问题的切 实解决办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this sense, we hope that both sides will intensify their efforts to find pragmatic solutions to unresolved issues affecting the lives of the people living in Kosovo on a daily basis. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这一意义上,妇女平等会自 2003 年以来即实施有利于土着妇女的行动, 保护她们的基本权利;举行土着妇女会议,由哥伦比亚土着民族组织、哥伦比亚 土着权力运动、安蒂奥基亚土着组织和哥伦比亚亚马逊土着人民组织参加,并进 行研究,编写关于国内各种种族群体情况的报告,例如“关于各种族类别的性别 分析”和“承认哥伦比亚土着妇女权利情况的最新发展”等等。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, while developing those areas, CPEM has been working to protect the fundamental rights of indigenous women since 2003; it has met with indigenous women with the participation of ONIC, AICO, the Indigenous Organization of Antioquia (OIA) and OPIAC, and has carried out studies to document the situation of the country’s ethnic groups, such as the “Gender analysis of ethnic categories” and the “Update on the situation of the recognition of indigenous women’s rights in Colombia”, among others. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国认为大赦国际和难民署提供的文件不能证明 [...] 在阿塞拜疆有国家容忍的对亚美尼亚后裔的迫害,关于这 一意见, 他们坚持认 为,两个组织都指出了,亚美尼亚族裔或混合族裔的寻求庇护者回到阿塞拜疆后 [...]都可能有很大危险,特别是受到安全部队的压力。 daccess-ods.un.org | As to the opinion of the State party that the documents submitted by Amnesty International and UNHCR did not prove that State-sanctioned persecution of persons of Armenian descent [...] occur in Azerbaijan, they maintain that both [...] organizations notedthatasylum-seekers [...]of Armenian origin or mixed ethnicity [...]may be at high risk upon arrival in Azerbaijan, inter alia, of being pressurized by the security forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些成就以及本集团全体持续专心一意追求进步的决心,使Glencore具备良好条件於来年继续为其客户、夥伴、雇 员 和 股 东 带 来 价 值。 glencore.com | These achievements and ongoing focuson improvement across the Group leave Glencore well positioned to continue to deliver value to its customers, partners, employees and shareholders in the years to come. glencore.com |
这一意见表明,把重心放在统一新生力量和该国政府的财政机构的努力忽略 [...] 了以下事实:新生力量财政中心可能仅仅负责新生力量所控制的该国北部一小部 分创收和支出活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thisobservation suggests that [...] a focus onreuniting the Forces nouvelles and Government treasuries overlooks the fact that [...]La Centrale may only be responsible for a small proportion of the revenues generated and expended in the Forces nouvelles-controlled north of the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员同意一会员 国的意见,即不明确为何在一些争端 解决方式可用的情况下,通知国和反对国之间的争议仍需被留至武装冲突结束以 [...] 后再处理。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special [...] Rapporteur agreed withthe view of [...]a member State that it was not clear why the controversy between the notifying [...]State and the objecting State should, where some means of dispute settlement was available, remain suspended to the end of the armed conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会同意一个儿童发表的意见,认为一个好的学 校是儿童受到尊重,非常活跃,得到配合,而且与同学、教师和家长积极联系的 [...] 地方。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee associates [...] itself with the opinion expressed by [...]a child that a good school is a school where children get [...]respect, activity, cooperation, and relations with peers, teachers and parents. daccess-ods.un.org |
代表团提请会议注意一项由 社会事务及增进妇女权利部最近起草和提交的制止性别方面暴力的法案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation drewattention toa bill against gender violence recently drafted and presented by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Promotion of Women. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会同意一般地 提及因气候变化而引起海平面上升,但不强调具体的地理位置。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Commission, however,agreed on adding a general [...] reference to sea-level rise as a consequence of climate change, without [...]specifying any geographical emphasis. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本委员会的任何成员均可提请本委员会注 意一项标准草案对其经济利益可能产 生影响的任何事项,包括该成员认为在食典标准制定程序中的前一步骤没有得到令人 满意解决的任何此类事项。 codexalimentarius.org | Itwill beopen to any Member of the Commission to draw to the attention of the Commission [...] any matter concerning the possible [...]implications of a draft standard for its economic interests, including any such matter which has not, in that Member’s opinion, been satisfactorily resolved at an earlier step in the Procedure for the Elaboration of Codex Standards. codexalimentarius.org |
阿卜耶伊地区行政当局已同意,一俟联合整编警 察部队被全部部署到其在阿卜耶伊地区的指定位置, 它就将引起争议的阿卜耶伊警察部队从外地撤回到 阿卜耶伊镇,从而使米塞里亚人的季节性迁徙能够开 始,而米塞里亚人已经同意清除目前阻碍从北方进入 阿卜耶伊南部的路障。 daccess-ods.un.org | As soon as the joint integrated units are fully deployed to their designated posts in the Area, the Abyei Administration has agreed to withdraw the controversial Abyei police units from the field into Abyei town, thus allowing the seasonal Misseriya migration to commence, and the Misseriya have agreed to remove roadblocks currently preventing traffic from entering southern Abyei from the North. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 修订就条例草案第547条提出的拟议 委员会审议阶段修正案,订明就公司 股份由联名持有人持有的情况而言, 若当中任何持有人表示同意一项拟议 书面决议,并且在可对该决议表示同 意的期限内没有其他排名较高的持有 人对该决议提出反对的话,则所有联 名持有人须被视为已表示同意。 legco.gov.hk | (b) to revise the proposed Committee Stage amendments to clause 547, to provide that in the case of joint holders of shares, the agreement to a proposed written resolution signified by any holder would be regarded as the agreement from all joint holders if no other more senior holders raised objection to the proposed resolution within the period for signifying agreement to the resolution. legco.gov.hk |
委员会不同意一项“攻击”一般罪行足以满足第 4 条的要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee does not accept that a general offence of “assault” is sufficient to meet the requirements of Article 4. daccess-ods.un.org |
在提请注意一些建议之后,他说,特别委员会期 望能够本着编制报告时的精神考虑其报告,这种精 [...] 神就是不带任何敌意地查明事实,并采取行动,减 轻人民的苦难,推动确保相关领土安全和实现持久 和平的整个进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | After drawing attention to anumber [...] of recommendations, he said that the Special Committee expected its report to be taken [...]into account in the spirit in which it had been prepared — which was to ascertain the facts without rancour and take action to ease the suffering of the people, and facilitate the overall process of ensuring security and bringing about sustainable peace in the territories concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,他提请注意一些结论和建议,以供大会 审议,报告第一章末尾处对这些结论和建议进行了 [...] 叙述。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, he drew attention to some conclusions [...] and recommendations, for consideration by the General Assembly, which were [...]to be found at the end of chapter I of the report. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用Word公式编辑器创建公式后,你如果感到其中的公式不整齐(特别是矩阵形式的公式),那么你可以通过下列方式进行微调:单击该公式,右键进入“设置对象格式”,选择“版式”中任 意一种形式,单击“确定”,再选中需要调整的项;按下Ctrl键后,利用光标上下左右移动对该项进行微调;重复上下左右移动对该项进行微调;重复上述步骤,直到将公式位置调整到满意为止。 oapdf.com | use the Word equation editor to create the formula, the formula if you are one of the irregular (especially the matrix form of the formula), then you can fine-tune the following ways: Click the formula, right into the "Set Object Format" , select "Layout" in any form, click "OK" and then select the items need to be adjusted; pressing Ctrl key, use the cursor up and down and move around on the fine-tuning; repeated up and down to move around on the fine-tuning; Repeat these steps until the position adjustment formula to the satisfaction. oapdf.com |
许多会员国对沿海地区和小岛屿计划平台感到满意,一些会 员国建议, 鉴于小岛屿发展中国家越来越脆弱,应在联合国教育促进可持续发展十年框架内,特别重视 [...] 这些国家。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Many Member States [...] expressed their satisfaction with the CSI [...]platform and several suggested that special emphasis be placed [...]on SIDS in the framework of the United Nations Decade for Education for Sustainable Development, given the growing vulnerability of the countries concerned. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此 外,他提请委员会注意一些旨在动员当地的非政府 组织和民间社会投身于塞拉利昂建设和平的外联努 [...] 力,他还强调建设和平委员会在促进国际外联努力 方面的重要作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, drawing attentionto a number [...] of outreach efforts initiated to engage local non-governmental organizations [...]and civil society in peacebuilding in Sierra Leone, he stressed the importance of the Peacebuilding Commission’s role in fostering international outreach efforts. daccess-ods.un.org |
在使用实例的情况下,这个模式提请注意一系列工作人员可能面临的实际存在、明显存在和潜在的利益冲突形势,这可 [...] 能是因为他们自身的行动(或不作为)或其他人的行动;与这些情形有关的组织风 险;以及披露和解决这类利益冲突的重要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Using examples, the [...] module draws attention toarange of [...]actual, apparent and potential conflict of interest situations [...]that staff members could be faced with either as a result of their own actions (or inaction) or the actions of others; the organizational risks associated with these situations; and the importance of disclosing and resolving such conflicts of interest. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家承认,执行委员会可以针对任意一年中 未实现的 消费削减量中的每一 ODP 吨减少附录 7-A(“因不履约而减少供资”)中所述金额的资 金。 multilateralfund.org | The Country acknowledges that the Executive Committee may reduce the amount of the Funding by the amounts set out in Appendix 7-A (the “Reductions in Funding for Failure to Comply”) in respect of each ODP tonne of reductions in consumption not achieved in any one year. multilateralfund.org |
根据安全理事会第 1739(2007)号决议第 2(f)段中规 [...] 定的任务,联科行动将在其部署区范围内尽其所能加强对那些面临紧迫人身危险 的平民的保护,特别注意一些具体地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | In keeping with its mandate as set out in paragraph 2 (f) of Security Council resolution 1739 (2007), UNOCI will continue to strengthen its efforts to protect civilians under imminent threat of [...] physical violence, within its capabilities and its areas of deployment, with [...] particular attentionto those specific [...]locations. daccess-ods.un.org |