

单词 一应



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one-to-many correspondence

External sources (not reviewed)

但它们并不是发 展中国家一应该考虑的例外。
Such exceptions are however
[...] not the only ones that developing countries should consider.
2006年美国卫生署署长报告报告指出,烟草烟雾是婴儿猝死综合症可以避免的主要风险因素 一 , 应 尽 可 能的采取措施,使婴儿远离二手烟。
The 2006 U.S. Surgeon General's report
states that tobacco smoke
[...] exposure is one of the major preventable risk factors for SIDS and that all measures should be taken to protect [...]
infants from SHS exposure.
2005 年建立了一个家庭暴力中 心的全国网络,以一应对家 庭暴力的案件,并对现有的庇护所网络提供补充。
A national network of domestic
violence centres was set up in 2005
[...] to provide an integrated response to cases of [...]
domestic violence, complementing the existing shelters network.
一应用成 本分析模型包括采购价格、供应商发票以及与贵机构设备、装置或系统的使用和维护相关的直接和 间接成本。
This applied costing model includes the purchase price, supplier invoices, as well as direct and indirect costs related to the use and maintenance of your equipment, device or system.
当您创建的对象数据要与其他应用程 序共享时,这些信息会很有用,可帮助您了解如何在 一应 用 程序中处理对象。
This information is helpful when creating object data
that you plan to share
[...] with other applications, because it will help you understand how an object will be handled in another application.
在双年度到期部门间平台结束后,开启关于可持续发展教育部门间合 作前景的磋商,探讨如何继续实施教科文组织 一应 对 可 持续发展教育十年的工作。
Consultation on the future of ESD intersectoral cooperation, after the end of the Intersectoral Platform at the close
of the biennium, has been initiated to explore the ways to continue
[...] operationalizing a one-UNESCO response to the DESD.
他进一步强调,重要的是教 科文组织要明确认定其在联合国系统改革中的作用,包括在联合国对提高效率和援助效益采取一 应对措施的背景下,在国一级应做 出 的贡献。
He further stressed the importance for UNESCO to clearly identify its role in a reforming United Nations system, including the
contributions to be
[...] made at the country level in the context of a unified United Nations response aimed at increasing [...]
efficiency and aid effectiveness.
由该数据表格不能够衍生出一应用 过 程中特定性能及适用性的相关法律保证。
A legally binding guarantee of particular properties or suitability of a product for a particular application cannot be inferred from our information.
其中包括:对难民 和国内流离失所者的保护与“保护责任”概念之间的关系的分析;对难民署的任 务与“保护平民”倡议之间关系的考察;对“预防”强迫迁移概念的批评;对难
[...] 民署在大规模难民流入情况下关闭国家边境 一应 对 措 施的审查;以及计划举行 的关于巫术指控、难民保护和庇护问题的研讨会。
They include an analysis of the relationship between the protection of refugees and internally displaced people and the “Responsibility to Protect” concept; an examination of the relationship between UNHCR’s mandate and the “Protection of Civilians” initiative; a critique of the notion of
“preventing” forced displacement, a
[...] review of UNHCR’s response to state border [...]
closures in situations of mass refugee influx;
and a planned workshop on the issue of witchcraft accusations, refugee protection and asylum.
通过测试一应用, 来评估和认证内容识别设备,如HTTP,似乎只适合其他测试提供商,但对于当今的网络设备不适合,因为现在的设备是针对日益增长的商业、娱乐和恶意流量而设计的。
Evaluating and certifying content-aware equipment by testing
[...] with a single application, like HTTP, [...]
may seem suitable for other testing providers,
but it is irresponsible when today's network devices are hammered by an increasing volume of business, recreational and malicious traffic.
(b) 在国家领土、法律和经济的完整性(外德涅斯特地区)得不到保障的情况 下,很难“在摩尔多瓦共和国事实上无法管辖的德涅斯特河左岸冲突地区”实现自
[...] 然资源的有效管理和保护、环境的保护以及自然环境管理工具的 一应 用。
(b) As a result of the impossibility to ensure the territorial, legal and economic integrity of the country (the Transnistrian region), the efficient management as well as conservation of natural resources, protection of the environment, coherent application of management instruments of natural environments is very difficult “in the conflict
region on the left side of the Nistru river, where de facto the jurisdiction of the Republic
[...] of Moldova is not applicable”.
在该中心,ATMOS 和传统的卫生纸生产机器以及用于卫生纸开发和生产的所有必要设 一应 俱 全:浆料制备、纤维设计系统、干湿实验室、水处理、蒸汽生成和纤维存储仓库。
ATMOS and conventional tissue machines and all facilities necessary for tissue development and production are available at the center: stock preparation, fiber design system, wet and dry laboratory, water treatment, steam generation and storage depots for fibers.
一,应当在 敌对行动停止后并在本国有关方面 充分参与的情况下,尽早构想和制定出旨在指导联合 国参与刚刚摆脱冲突的国家安全与发展工作的行动 和措施。
First, the actions and measures designed to guide the United Nations security and development engagement with countries emerging from conflict should be conceived and put in place early enough following the cessation of hostilities, with the full participation of national stakeholders.
由于未提及“火器和其他武器”,因此加拿大认为,为在项目 8 内实现一,应删除 汇总表中“任意和禁止行为(财产)”等字以及汇总表中余下 [...]
Inasmuch as there is no reference to “Firearms and Other Weapons”, Canada is of the view
that the words “Wilful and forbidden
[...] Acts (Property)” should be deleted from [...]
the matrix for the sake of consistency within
item 8 as well as the remainder of the matrix where other Code references are not accompanied by a reference to the relevant part title.
将大学研究所的专业研究知识与Fraunhofer IIS这一应用程 序的经验相结合,旨在令两者相辅相成以全面满足未来嵌入式系统发展的需求。
The combination of research expertise from the university coupled with the experience in application from the Fraunhofer IIS aim to create synergies that can meet the needs of the future development of embedded systems comprehensively.
又确认包括核武器在内的大规模毁灭性武器的扩散和研制是对国际和平与 安全最直接的威胁一,应作为 最高优先事项处理
Recognizing also that the proliferation and development of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, are among the most immediate threats to international peace and security which need to be dealt with, with the highest priority
第二项重大改革是推出虚拟信息集成系统,由两个系统组成:一个是为本 组织服务的一应用系 统;另一个是绩效管理信息系统,大致显示所有办事处的 绩效状况。
The second key change is the roll-out of VISION, made up of a single application system to serve the organization and a performance management information system that will profile the performance status of all offices.
选择“我要为每一个选择的字段都 应一 个 文 本对象”,然后单击“完 成”按钮。
Select I want a text object for each selected field and click on the Finish button.
除大会或执行委员会另有规定外,联合国难民事务高级专员除其经 常预算的管理之外的一切财务工 应一 律 适 用本细则。
Except as may otherwise be provided by the General Assembly or the Executive Committee, these rules shall govern all financial activities of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees other than the administration of his/her regular budget.
(d) 非随身行李通应一次托 运,应根据本条细则所定限额,报销工作人员 及其家庭成员公务旅行的启程地点和目的地点之间,以秘书长认为最廉价的运输 [...]
(d) Unaccompanied shipments shall
[...] normally be made in one consignment, and [...]
related expenses shall be reimbursed on the basis of
the maximum entitlement provided under the present rule for transportation by the most economical means, as determined by the Secretary-General, between the places of departure and destination of the staff member on official travel or his or her family members.
当它很晚才采取行动时,它通过的决议——第 1860(2009)号决议——并没有满足国际社会的期望, 特别是关于迫使以色列当局停止其对巴勒斯坦人的 暴行并从加沙撤军的期望,甚至关于强烈谴责以色列 当局危害人类罪的罪行,以及设计一套机制使以色列
官员为自己已经犯下并继续对所有巴勒斯坦人民— —特别是加沙地带人民——犯下的战争罪和种族灭 绝行为负责的期望,即使这样一份不完美并姗姗来迟
[...] 的决议,也被以色列当局完全无视,就象先前其他许 多联合国决议一样,以色列对它们的 应一 直 是 蔑视 和不遵守。
The Security Council was first prevented by some permanent members from taking any action, and when it took action belatedly, the resolution it adopted, resolution 1860 (2009), did not address the expectations of the international community in, inter alia, forcing the Israeli regime to stop its atrocities against the Palestinians and withdraw from Gaza, or even in strongly condemning the Israeli regime’s crimes against humanity and devising a mechanism for holding Israeli officials accountable for the war crimes and genocide that they
have committed and continue to perpetrate against the Palestinian people in general
[...] and in the Gaza Strip in particular.
18A.6 为促进各专题问题和部门重点的进一步统一,以支持实现国际商定发展目标,包括千年发展目 标和新伙伴关系的目标,非洲经委会(根据迄今汲取的经验教训)的重新定位已有适当微调,将 相关工作领域合并在一起,以实现各单位之间更好的协同 应 、 一 致 性 和互补性。
18A.6 In order to facilitate further convergence of thematic issues and sectoral priorities in support of attainment of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals and the NEPAD objectives, the ECA repositioning (in line with lessons learned thus far) has been appropriately fine-tuned through clustering of the related areas of work and developing enhanced synergies, coherence and complementarities between the respective units.
加拿大建议摒弃这一做 法,在第十三届大会上采取一种新的做法,也就是将侧重于有待确定的外向性专
[...] 题,进一步审视犯罪、预防犯罪和刑事司法如何与范围更广的全球性议程相适应, 而不是审视成员国如何界定和应一 些 具体形式的犯罪。
Canada proposed departing from that practice and adopting a new approach for the Thirteenth Congress, which would focus on an outward-looking theme — to be determined — and which would further look at how crime, crime prevention and criminal justice
fitted within the broader global agenda, rather than at how Member
[...] States defined and responded to specific forms [...]
of crime.
59. 依照 1994 年《协定》附件第 1 节第 15 段,与《公约》第一百五十三条和第 一百六十二条第 2
款(o)项第 2 目一并解读,理事会在以下情况下可随时制定这 些规则、规章和程序,以便核准海底矿物勘探或开采工作计划:它认为必须用这
[...] 些规则管理“区域”内开展的各种活动;它判定商业性开发即将开始 应一 个其国民打算申请核准开发工作计划的缔约国的请求。
Pursuant to section 1, paragraph 15, of the annex to the 1994 Agreement, as read with articles 153 and 162(2) (o) (ii) of the Convention, the Council may undertake the elaboration of such rules, regulations and procedures as may be necessary to facilitate the approval of plans of work for exploration or exploitation for seabed minerals any time it deems that such rules are required for the conduct of activities in the Area, or whenever it determines that commercial
exploitation is imminent, or at the request of a State whose
[...] national intends to apply for approval of [...]
a plan of work for exploitation.
虽有第 1 款规定,一方当事人提出指定独任仲裁员的提议而其他各方
当事人未在第 1 款规定的时限内对此作出答复,并且有关的一方或多方当 事人未能根据第 9 条或第 10
[...] 条指定第二名仲裁员的,指定机构可根据第 8 条第 2 款规定的程序应一方当 事人的请求指定独任仲裁员,但指定机构 [...]
Notwithstanding paragraph 1, if no other parties have responded to a party’s proposal to appoint a sole arbitrator within the time limit provided for in paragraph 1 and the party or parties concerned have failed to appoint a second arbitrator in accordance with articles 9 or 10, the appointing authority may, at the request of a
party, appoint a sole arbitrator pursuant to
[...] the procedure provided for in article [...]
8, paragraph 2 if it determines that, in
view of the circumstances of the case, this is more appropriate.
12 小时时,应给予他们每天一小时的室外活动时间,监 狱中的医护人员应每天对他们在纪律处罚室的健康状况进行检查,不言而喻,医应一如既 往地为囚犯健康的最佳利益采取行动。
The SPT also recommends, in the specific context of the prisons visited, that, when detainees are placed in a disciplinary cell for more than 12 hours, they should be given access to the outdoors for one hour each day,
and the healthcare
[...] staff of the prison should perform daily checks on their health in the disciplinary cell, it being understood that the doctor should act, as always, [...]
in the best interests
of the health of the prisoner.
由于天主教学院现在获得经常性的政府资金资助,《教育法》第 35 条还规定这些学院应向任何宗教信仰的学生开放:虽然这些学院一直录取 非罗马天主教的学生,但本条须规定它 应一 视 同 仁地对任何宗教信仰的 学生开放,《1957 年条例》第 52 条第(1)款(a)项对此作出了明确规定,禁 止以宗教为由拒不录取任何学生。
Since the Catholic colleges now receive a regular grant in aid from public funds, section 35 of the Education Act also requires that they be open to pupils of any religion: while they have always admitted non-Roman Catholic pupils, the section must require that they be equally open to pupils of any religion as was made clear by regulation 52 (1) (a) of the 1957 Regulations, which forbade refusal of admission to any pupil on the grounds of religion.
经以其名义登记国际注册的人士申请或有关局自行 应一 当 事人的请求提出的申 请,国际局应就在其领土内有效的全部或部分缔约方,并就该项注册中所列的全部或 部分商品和服务,在国际注册簿登记该注册注册人的任何变更,条件是按照第二条(1) [...]
At the request of the person in whose name the
international registration
[...] stands, or at the request of an interested Office made ex officio or at the request of an interested [...]
person, the International
Bureau shall record in the International Register any change in the ownership of that registration, in respect of all or some of the Contracting Parties in whose territories the said registration has effect and in respect of all or some of the goods and services listed in the registration, provided that the new holder is a person who, under Article 2(1), is entitled to file international applications.
如果有关缔约国同意访问,委员会与该缔约 应一 道 确 定访问的方式,而且 缔约国应向委员会提供成功进行访问所需要的一切便利,包括获得有关资料及会 [...]
If the State party concerned agrees to the visit, the Committee and
[...] the State party shall work together to [...]
define the modalities of the visit and the
State party shall provide the Committee with all the facilities needed for the successful completion of the visit, including the access to information and persons concerned.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告 应 对 病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备 应 对 工 作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national
ability to monitor,
[...] diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; [...]
and the organization
of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.




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