单词 | 一年四季 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一年四季—all year roundSee also:一年n—first yearn 一季n—quartern 四季n—fourth quartern 四季pl—four seasonspl
Aparthotel Pohorje有阳光的露台,这是一年四季都开 放的一年,我们特别高兴,我们的游客投降,和平的周边,未受破坏的自然和快乐从我们的厨房。 instantworldbooking.com | Aparthotel Pohorje has a sun terrace, [...] whichis open all seasonsofthe year and we [...]are especially happy when our visitors [...]surrender to the peace of the surrounding, unspoilt nature and to the delights served from our kitchen. instantworldbooking.com |
新的欧洲标准EN 13779:2007将重点放在一年四季均实现舒适的、健康的室内环境,同时保证安装和运行成本可接受。 camfil.cn | The new European standard EN 13779:2007 focuses [...] on achieving a comfortable and healthy indoor [...] environment in allseasons with acceptable [...]installation and running costs. camfil.no |
一年四季宜人的气候、轻松惬意的生活方式以及多元的文化体验,令新加坡成为备受青睐的家庭旅游目的地。 innercircle.shangri-la.com | With its balmy year-round weather, laidback lifestyle and multicultural offerings, Singapore is the ultimate family destination. innercircle.shangri-la.com |
一年四季里,SSE雇主都需要员工们来耕种、维持、收割和包装农作物。 4tern.com | The workers are needed for plant, maintain, harvest and pack the crops. 4tern.com |
拉努阿野生动物园提供一年四季观看 北极动物的机会;园地的环境和野生动物的生活情况十分类似。 visitfinland.com | Ranua Wildlife Park offers [...] tourists and nearby inhabitants the opportunity to observe arctic animals throughout the year, in an asauthentic [...]environment for the animals as possible. visitfinland.com |
一般来说,轻便休闲的服饰在仰光一年四季都很 适合。 shangri-la.com | Generally, light casual clothing is appropriate year-round in Yangon. shangri-la.com |
您可以更改产品的对您的Pockos站 一年四季,促进保持新鲜,并保持你的产品提供符合什么样的园丁正在寻找在一年的时间。 pockos.com | You can change the product on your Pockos stand throughout the year to keep the promotion fresh and keep the products you are offering in line with what gardeners are looking for at that time of year. pockos.com |
另一个令人印象深刻的建筑是博物馆的马与一年四季的表演和盛装舞步赛的示威。 leapfrog-properties.com | Another impressive building is the Museum of the Horse, with shows and dressage demonstrations throughout the year. leapfrog-properties.com |
目前没有对周围的地中海岛国进行的水上运动领域的活动结束了温暖的海水几乎不知道有可能在这里一年四季。 cyprwakacje.com | No wonder at the end of the warm waters surrounding [...] the island of the Mediterranean make the activity in the field of water sports are [...] possible here almost all year round. cyprwakacje.com |
日期是正确的,但,可以一年四季修改,所以请注意。 altracasakft.com | All the dates are correct but could be modified throughout the year, so please pay attention. altracasakft.com |
值得庆幸的是北京四季分明,如果换做是热带气候,一年四季都可能被过敏症状骚扰。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Just be glad you don’t live in a tropical climate where allergies can be exacerbated year-round. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
它坐落在优美的Lake Tekapo和雪白的山前,一年四季的风景都会带给大家惊喜。 4tern.com | Church of The Good Shepherd is situated in front of the Lake Tekapo and the snow cap mountains. 4tern.com |
其中甚至有世界着名的雕刻家---Isamu Noguchi所设计的MOERE沼泽公园;一年四季绽放 各类花朵、景色优美的百合之原公园;设施齐全,无论冬夏都适合畅游的泷野铃兰丘陵公园,三个引人注目的新式公园。 conventionsapporo.jp | Among such parks, Moerenuma Park designed by world famous sculptor Isamu Noguchi, Yurigahara Park where various types of flowers bloom throughout the year and Takino Suzuran Hillside Park with excellent facilities that can be enjoyed in summer or winter have received much attention as new forms of public parks. conventionsapporo.jp |
为了保持您的池塘一年四季处于 最佳状态,我们建议按需真空处理地板淤泥。 oase-livingwater.com | To keep your pond in top condition throughout the year we recommend vacuuming out the floor silt as needed. oase-livingwater.com |
但可惜的是内地没有指定店铺,大部分潮友只能用代购方式或者其它通道购买,而这种感觉就好像我们在逛UNIQ LO,一年四季都会进去看看,因为其中总有一些特别item会引起我们的购买欲。 pmaozi.com | But unfortunately the mainland is not specified stores, most of the tide friend can only use act as purchasing agency way or other channel purchase, and this kind of feeling as if we are around UNIQLO, throughout the year will go in, because of there is always some special item will cause our the desire to buy. pmaozi.com |
由 OASE Ring 和 Comet 喷头营造的水穹顶,恢宏壮观,与蔚蓝海岸 (Cote d'Azur) 得天独厚的地理位置相得益彰-一年四季吸引着无数的本地客和游客。 oase-livingwater.com | The imposing water domes produced by OASE fountain rings and Comet nozzles have found their perfect site on the Cote d'Azur - hroughout the year theyattract locals and tourists alike. oase-livingwater.com |
1 14. 首协会每年召开两次正式会议,分别在春季(在欧洲)和秋季(在纽约),并通 过电子邮件一年四季开展工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | CEB meets formally twice a year, in spring (in Europe) and in autumn(in New York); and conducts business through e-mail throughout the year. daccess-ods.un.org |
地铁车站的上方设计了巨型顶棚,包围起从地下二层直到50米高度的宽阔空间,利用自然通风和自然采光,保持地下空间一年四季环境 宜人。 nikken.jp | A Grand Roof is designed above the LRT station, realizing the extensive atrium space from the 2nd basement floor up to the [...] 50m height, while creating a comfortable [...] underground space all year around by employing [...]natural ventilation and lighting. nikken.jp |
全新“Gucci Viaggio”旅行系列的产品可满足一年四季的需求,不仅体现了当今旅行者们智能动感的生活方式,还彰显了古驰善于融合传统与创新的品牌精髓。 gucci.com | Designed as a year-round capsule collection, the new “Gucci Viaggio” line not only embodies the lifestyle of today’s smart and active travelers but also symbolizes Gucci’s duality of tradition and innovation. gucci.com |
振太德克斯(Shintatex)成立于1992年,是印尼最现代化的纺织厂之一,专门生产高品质编织涤纶面料,能够满足时装业一年四季的各种潮流和趋势。 gbgindonesia.com | Shintatex, set up in 1992, is one of the most modern textile mills in Indonesia, [...] producing high quality woven polyester fabrics, [...] cateringto all seasons, trendsand applications [...]of the fashion business. gbgindonesia.com |
赫尔辛基一年四季都能 给您不一样的 体验—在这个邻近波罗的海的城市每年有着大大小小三千多 个活动,这里有芬兰设计的展示、欣欣发展的饮食文化、多 彩的城市建筑、博物馆和文化,还有世界一流的购物环境和 丰富热闹的夜生活。 visithelsinki.fi | Helsinki offers a wide range of experiences throughout the year in the form of over 3000 events, a majestic maritime setting, classic and contemporary Finnish design, a vibrant food culture, fascinating neighbourhoods, legendary architecture, a full palette of museums and culture, great shopping opportunities and a lively nightlife. visithelsinki.fi |
一年四季这里都会庆祝很多传统节日,如 冬天的阿雷曼狂欢节、七月份的户主节以 及水上游行庆祝活动、秋天的红洋葱节等 等。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | A very special experience is brought by the multitude of traditional festivals around the year. From the Alemannischer Carnival in winter, the Hausherren Festival with its Mooser Water Procession in July to the Bülle Festival in Autumn. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
让您的双足一年四季保持光滑秀丽! 这款清新的足部磨砂膏内含可研磨和刺激足部肌肤的浮石,薄荷精油带来了沁人心脾的清凉感受。 cn.lubrizol.com | This refreshing foot scrub includes pumice to polish and invigorate feet, and peppermint oil to provide a refreshing, cooling sensation. lubrizol.com |
地下轻轨列车站台的上方设有巨大的屋顶,形成宽敞的中庭空间,人行通道纵横交错,四通八达,公共空间采用自然通风和采光,一年四季保持舒适环境。 nikken.jp | A grand roof above the underground LRT station creates expansive atrium space with convenient networked walkways, creating year around comfortable public space employing natural ventilation and lighting. nikken.jp |
这个赛车场的位置,加上平常整个巴伦西亚自治区及欧亚•德•布妞 (Hoya de Buñol)城镇本身 (即赛车场所在地方) 宜人的气候,促使巴伦西亚自治区理查德•斗摩赛车场 (Circuit de la Comunitat Valenciana Ricardo Tormo) 为竞赛者务必参访的地点,一年四季持续 提供一等的设施。 turisvalencia.es | The location and layout of the Circuit, together with the favourable weather conditions enjoyed in the Valencian Community (including of course the Hoya de Buñol area where the track can be found) have lead the "Circuit de la Comunitat Valenciana Ricardo Tormo" to becomean obligatory reference point formany race teams attracted by the possibility of making use of its excellent facilities all year round. turisvalencia.es |
项目主要集中于通过发展和扩 [...] 大保护区系统包括采用更有益于社区的方法保护自然环境,生物多样性和生态服 务。哈萨克牧民一年四季经常在阿尔泰山高山草场和湿地放牧,他们是这里的主要 [...]利益相关者,也如同青海西北的藏游牧民将会因这一区域收到决策者的直接影响。 plateauperspectives.org | Kazakh herders regularly graze their livestock in the [...] alpine grasslands and wetlands of the [...] Altai Mountains each summer, and thus are central [...]stakeholders in the region – as they [...]will be impacted directly by policy decisions for the area, much like Tibetan pastoralists in southwest Qinghai province. plateauperspectives.org |
慕尼黑是通向巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山的门 户。这片欧洲独一无二的山中天地一年四 季都能提供丰富多彩的运动机会,比如徒 [...] 步旅行、攀岩、滑翔伞、滑雪以及单板滑 雪。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Munich is the gateway to the Bavarian Alps for hiking, rock [...] climbing, paragliding, skiing or [...] snowboarding: duringevery season you can enjoy a whole [...]variety of experiences and sports [...]in Europe’s unique mountainous terrain. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |