

单词 一年到头

See also:

一年 n

first year n


whole year
start of the year
a year's harvest
a particular year


the first

External sources (not reviewed)

安装电动围屏前后的照片显示出截然不同的效果,安装之后用餐者几 一年 到头都可以在户外享用美食。
Before and after photos from a recent
[...] installation show the dramatic difference that [...]
allows diners to enjoy outdoor spaces virtually year-round.
越来越多的孩一年到头参加 运动而不进行季节性休整,因而得不到必要的休息,肌体也无法获得修复。
More and more children are participating in year-round sports without seasonal breaks, which allow for the necessary rest and repair of the body.
FIA国际汽联主席Jean Todt是一位事务繁多的人物一年到头 奔 走 于世界各地,参加各式官方活动或会 议。
Jean Todt, President of the FIA, is a man in great demand, traveling thousands of kilometers around the globe every year for official events and conferences.
对于住在赤道附近的人们来说 一年到头 在 傍晚 7 点左右天就黑了,这妨碍了很多重要活动甚至导致其完全无法进行。
For people living near the equator, darkness falls around 7 pm all year round, slowing down or completely stopping many vital activities.
Whether you are producing the same component year in and year out, or continuously updating designs and expanding the model catalogue, product quality and maximized outputs must be maintained.
这些儿童中有很多 人来自从事农业活动的家庭,因 一年到头 , 他们被家人带着在不同的联邦实体 之间迁移。
Many of them belong to families that work in agricultural activities that cause them to migrate between different federal entities throughout the year.
军事监狱和民事监一年 到头发生 大量越狱事件,其中许多的前因后果十分蹊跷,这仍然是反对有罪不罚 现象的斗争所面临的一大挑战。
The high numbers of escapes from military and civilian prisons that have occurred throughout the year – many of them under suspicious circumstances – continue to be a major challenge in the fight against impunity.
在原系统下,行政法庭非全时运作,每年有两个开庭期,而在新系统下, 争议法一年到头全时 运作,上诉法庭则每年有三个开庭期。
Under the previous system, the Administrative Tribunal operated on a part-time basis and met in two sessions per year, while under the new system, the Dispute Tribunal operates on a full-time, year-round basis and the Appeals Tribunal meets in three sessions per year.
将供料管路连到一 个流体入口接头 (15),将回料管路连到另 一个接头。
Connect the fluid supply line to one fluid inlet fitting (15) and the fluid return line to the other.
联东综合团 警察的一人数将维到 2012 年年中, 直至选举结束之后,预计随后将迅速缩编, 但同时应考虑到当地情况和对国家警察的独立评估结果以及计划随后进行的由联合 国头的警 务专家评估的结果(见 S/2010/522,第 60 段),警务专家评估是为了审查 联东综合团警察的重新配置问题,以履行特派团的剩余任务。
That number of UNMIT police will be maintained through mid-2012, until after the elections, when a rapid drawdown is envisaged, taking into account the situation on the ground and the outcome of an independent assessment of the national police (see S/2010/522, para. 60) as well as that of a United Nations-led police expert assessment, to be conducted subsequently, to consider the UNMIT police reconfiguration for the remainder of the Mission’s mandate.
我建议以一份临时报告作为综合性两年期方案执行情况报告的补充,说明秘书处 于每个两年头一年结束时在到预 期 成果方面取得的进展。
I propose to supplement the comprehensive biennial programme performance report with an interim report on the progress made by the Secretariat towards achievement of expected results at the end of the first year of each biennium.
正值叙利亚危机进入第三年头之际,联合国儿童基金会通讯员普里扬卡.普鲁第报道愈演愈烈的悲剧致使叙利亚濒临即将因战争失 一 代 人 的边缘。
As crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic enters its third year, UNICEF correspodent Priyanka Pruthi reports on the growing tragedy that has put a country at the brink of losing a generation to war.
到婆罗 门教的启动仪式上被授予唯一的男性儿童,当他们开始在婆罗门老师,这起发生在第八 年头 的 婆 罗门的地方 一 般 的 研究,并在为刹帝利和Vaisya分别为第十一届和第十二届年。
The rite of initiation into Brahminism was conferred on male children only, when they began their studies under a Brahmin teacher, which took place generally in the eighth year [...]
of the Brahmin,
and in the eleventh and twelfth years for the Kshatriya and the Vaisya respectively.
[...] 次会议上,理事会主席就巴西和阿根廷代表团提出 的程序问题作出回应,表示他头一 天 下午 收 到 了 2 0 0 9 年 8 月 20日的来信,信 中指出洪都拉斯常驻日内瓦代表不是塞拉亚总统的政府认可的代表。
At the 3rd meeting, on 15 September 2009, the President, responding to points of order raised by the
delegations of Brazil and
[...] Argentina, indicated that he had received a letter in the afternoon [...]
of the previous day, dated 20
August 2009, indicating that the Permanent Representative of Honduras in Geneva was not the accredited representative of the Government of President Zelaya.
有与会者提议在第 124B 段“考到”一语前添加“适当”的词句,并删除从“特别当它涉 到” 开始的该头一句的 其余内容,该提议获得支持。
A proposal to add the word “due” to
paragraph 124B before the word “regard” and
[...] to delete the remainder of the first sentence of that paragraph starting from the words “particularly as it relates” received support.
这两个特派团就是我们已连续参 加 12 年的联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团— —直到不久前,其名称一直是 联合国组织刚果民主 共和国特派团——和联合国海地稳定特派团——我 们参加该特派团已进入第七年头, 尽 管联合国在海 地的军事存在可追到 1994 年。
These are the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo — which until recently was the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo
[...] — in which we have participated for 12 consecutive years, and the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, in which we are entering our seventh year, although the United Nations military presence in Haiti dates back to 1994.
刚果出口统计数据和卢旺达海关文件显示,在 2011 年降至暂停采矿前的五分一后,29 南北基伍和马涅马的矿物出口在 2012 年头三个月达到了暂停采矿前的三分 一。
Congolese export statistics and Rwandan customs documents show that after dropping to about a fifth of pre-suspension levels in 2011,29 mineral exports from the Kivus and Maniema in the first trimester of 2012 reached a third of pre-suspension levels.
我们遵循《哈萨克斯坦 2010 年发展战略》的文字和精神,完成了为二一 世纪头 10 年确定的所有目标。
Following the letter and spirit of the Development
Strategy of Kazakhstan to 2010, we have fulfilled all the goals outlined
[...] for the first decade of the twenty-first century.
如报告(同上,第 7 段)所述,虽然在与验证概念图书馆有关 的工作中发生一些技 术性的延误,主要因为决定将数字码媒体资产管 理系统与永久广播设施的采购分开,但是新闻部预计,分配给 2008-2009 两年期的经到 2009 年年底或者 2010 年年初就会全部承付(见下文第 51 段)。
As indicated in the report (ibid., para. 7), although there have been some technical delays in the work related to the proof-of-concept library, owing mainly to the decision to separate procurement of the digital media asset management system from that of the permanent broadcast facility, the Department expects that the funds allocated for 2008–2009 will be fully committed by the end of 2009, or in the early part of 2010 (see para. 51 below).
到早孕 和早育的负面健康影响,承认年轻女孩上学的直接健康效益,这 是有鉴于上年头多少 与推迟生育之间的联系,其中包括有证据表明,每多一 年学, 女孩生第一个孩子的年龄会大约晚 6 至 10 个月,每上一年学会将女孩 18 岁以前生孩子的可能性减少 14%至 23
the negative health effects of early pregnancy and early childbearing, acknowledging the direct health benefit of school attendance for young girls, in the light of the link between years of school attendance and delay in childbirth, including evidence that each additional year of schooling delays the age at which a girl has her first child by approximately six to ten months and that each year of schooling reduces by 14 per cent the likelihood of a girl under 18 having a child, to 23 per cent
在这方面,咨询委员会到一张表 (见表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租 到 期 日 、 年 租 金 估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 之间进行了区分。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
贫困从人的年起就 损害他们的健康,危及他们学习和到一份适当工作的机会。
From childhood on, poverty damages the health of human beings and jeopardizes their chances to learn and to obtain decent work.
工作组满意地回到,在 小组委员会 2009 年第四十六届会议上,由小组委 员会 2007 年第四十四届会议设立的科学和技术小组委员会与国际原子能机构 (原子能机构)的联合专家组提 一年 完 成了其多年期工作计划所载《外层空 间核动力源应用问题安全框架》的拟订工作,该《安全框架》于 2009 年获得小 组委员会第四十六届会议通过,并由和平利用外层空间委员会第五十二届会议 加以核可。
The Working Group recalled with satisfaction that at the forty-sixth
session of the
[...] Subcommittee, in 2009, the Joint Expert Group of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), established by the Subcommittee at its forty-fourth session, in 2007, had completed, one year ahead of the schedule [...]
contained in its
multi-year workplan, preparation of the Safety Framework for Nuclear Power Source Applications in Outer Space and that in 2009 the Safety Framework had been adopted by the Subcommittee at its forty sixth session and endorsed by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space at its fifty-second session.
1961 年《对外 援助法》620q 部分到一个国家的对美债务如果逾期六 个月未还,就失去了再获得美国经济和军事援助的资 格。
Section 620q of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 provides that a country falling six months behind on debt repayments becomes ineligible for further U.S. economic and military assistance.
秘书处一直在努力加强其在工作人员一级和组织一级的执 行成果问责,例如公布高级主管契约以及就他们兑现契约内所订各项目标的实际 业绩而作的年度考评,在秘书处内联网上发表和公布 2008-2009 两年期头一年的 临时方案执行情况报告。
The Secretariat has also been working constantly to increase its accountability for delivering results, at both the staff and organizational levels, for example by publishing the compacts of senior managers and the annual assessments of their performance towards achieving the objectives contained therein, as well as issuing and publishing on the Secretariat Intranet an interim programme performance report covering the first year of the biennium 2008-2009.
容提出相应的意见;如果会员国不能对这一关键项目的全面讨论提出意见,执行 局则很难履行《组织法》第 V.B 条赋予其的职责; d. 问题的根源在于实际上无法在现行双年度周期确定的最后期限内,对教科文组织 计划和预算的执行情况进行监督,按双年度周期的安排无法在制定下一个 C/5 文 件中充分吸取过去的经验教训,为解决这个问题,我们不妨探讨是否可以采用三 年制的计划周期,这样,年内可以举行两次大会 头一 次 会 议专门审批计划和 预算,第二次会议举办部长级会议和其他圆桌会议,形成新的思路和举措,从而 使大会发挥思考本组织未来发展之作用。
(d) the root of the problem lay in the practical impossibility to carry out the monitoring of the implementation of the programme and budget of UNESCO within the deadlines flowing from the present biennial cycle which does not allow for sufficient feedback from lessons learned for the elaboration of a subsequent C/5 document; to remedy this problem, one could study the viability of a triennial programming cycle which would provide for the holding of two sessions of the General Conference during a three-year period, with the first being devoted to the approval of the programme and budget and the other to the holding of ministerial and other round table meetings resulting in new visions and initiatives, thereby allowing the General Conference to perform its role as an organ of reflection about the future of the Organization.
大会第三十二届会议审议了关于三大机关之关系的文件 32C/20 之后,在其决议 32C/81 中,请其主席与总干事和执行局主席协商建 一 个 特 设工作组,其职责是审查教科文组织三 大机关之间的关系,并就强化大会和执行局各自的作用提出最为有效的办法,同时考到 1995--1997 年间克 罗先生领导的特设工作组的报告和文件 32 C/20 的内容。
At its 32nd session, after examining document 32 C/20 on relations between the three organs, the General Conference, by 32 C/Resolution 81,
requested that its
[...] President, in consultation with the Director-General and with the Chairperson of the Executive Board, establish an ad hoc working group whose mandate would be to examine the relations between the three organs of UNESCO and recommend [...]
the most effective
means to strengthen the respective roles of the General Conference and the Executive Board, while reflecting on the report of the ad hoc working group (1995-1997) chaired by Mr Krogh and the contents of document 32 C/20.
发展账户运行第 十年头评价 审查突出强调了发展账户在建立 一 纽 带 方面的重要性(见秘书长 关于发展账户的报告(A/62/466))。
The importance of the Account in creating this link was underscored in an evaluative review of the Account during its tenth year of operation (see report of the Secretary-General on the Development Account (A/62/466)).
认识到许多国家政到 2014 年可能 无法实现《行动纲领》的所有目标和宗 旨,我们坚决支持呼吁各国政府在最高级别再次做出承诺,以实现这些目标和宗 旨,并重申《行动纲领》,坚持其原则,以及在 2014 年以后一步执 行这些原则 的重大行动,以确保充分实现这些原则,关于国际人口与发展会议 2014 年以后 后续行动的 A/RES/65/234 号决议阐述了这一点。
Recognizing that many Governments may not have met all the goals and objectives of the Programme of Action by 2014, we strongly support the call for Governments to recommit themselves at the highest level to achieving these goals and objectives and to reaffirm the Programme of Action, upholding its principles, and its key actions for their further implementation [...]
beyond 2014,
to ensure their full achievement, as set out in Resolution A/RES/65/234 on Follow-up to the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014.
(b) 注到 2009 年 12 月 13 日阿拉伯国家联盟总秘书处与世界卫生组织(中 东区域办事处)签署一份谅解备忘录,其中包括提供必要的技术援助,以便提 高保健水平,制订方案和安排联合活动,使人们有可能受益于这一领域的国际专 业知识。
(b) To take note of the signature on 13 December 2009 by the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States of a memorandum of understanding [...]
with the World Health
Organization (Middle East Regional Office) that includes the provision of the technical assistance necessary in order to improve levels of health care, the preparation of programmes and the organization of joint activities, making it possible to benefit from international expertise in that field.




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