单词 | 一年之计在於春 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一年之计在于春—early planning is the key successthe whole year must be planned for in the spring [idiom.]
在某一年度内在收益表内扣除 或 进账,乃反映累计开支於年初与年 终确认时之变动。 htisec.com | The charge or credit tothe income statement for a year represents the movement in the cumulative expense recognised as at the beginningand end ofthat year. htisec.com |
基於上述基 准 , 董 事 告 知 吾 等,在 计算抚顺 上 马 收 购 事 项 代 价 时 , 彼 等 已 考 虑 及参考 : (i) 董 事 会 函 件「 订 立 股 权 转 让 协 议 的 理 由」一节讨论之中国铁 矿 石 行 业 的 前 景 、 市 场 发 展 及 政 府 政 策 以 及去年贵集团 铁 精 矿 售 价 的 趋 势 ; (ii) 在 评 估 抚 顺 上 马 资 产 的 规 模 及 质 素 时 , 已 参 考 上 海 证 券 交 易 所 经 挑 选 的 上 市 公 司 交 易 , 以 评 估 抚 顺 上 马 开 采 权 的 公允价值以 及 抚 顺 上 马 其 他 资 产 及 负 债 的 账 面 值 。 cre8ir.com | Basedon the abovementioned basis, the Directors advise us that, in calculation ofthe consideration of the Fushun Shangma Acquisition, they have considered and made reference to (i) the prospect of the iron ore industry in the PRC, market development and government policies as discussedinthesectionheaded‘‘Reasons forentering into the Equity Transfer[...] Agreement’’ in the Letter from the [...]Board as well as the trend of iron ore concentrate selling price of the Group in the past year; (ii) in assessing the size and quality of Fushun Shangma’s assets, reference was made to transactions of selected companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in order to assess the fair value of the mining rights of Fushun Shangma, as well as the book value of the other assets and liabilities of Fushun Shangma. cre8ir.com |
2011 年世界儿童状况报告 –青春期:一个充满机遇的年龄’,这是联合国儿童基金会新发布的一篇代表性报告,其核心内容是关于全世界年龄在10至19 岁之间的十几亿青少年的成长与权力问题。 unicef.org | The State of the World’s Children 2011 –Adolescence: An Ageof Opportunity,’ UNICEF’s flagship report, focuses on the development and rights of more than a billion children aged 10 to 19 worldwide. unicef.org |
3.4 根据所签订的 35 年年期的扩大用途租约,API 会为退伍军 人事务部设计、兴建及维修保养其地区办事处大楼和 500 个停车位, 而该部会在大楼建成後一年之内,以节省多於国会拨款 30%的价钱来 租赁及购买大楼,API 并且会以较低的价钱为该部提供营运及维修服 务。 legco.gov.hk | 3.4 Under the 35-year [...] EUL, API woulddesign,build, and maintain the regional office building and the 500 parking spaces, and VA would lease-purchase the building withina one-yearperiod [...]after its construction [...]at savings of more than 30% of the amount appropriated by Congress. legco.gov.hk |
IAS 39 所订明及财务报表附注 2.4 所披露的投资持仓估值,与按日期为二零一一年八月六日的子 基金信托契约所示方法计算所得金额之间的差额,导致在计算每基金单位资产净值以处理子基金认购及赎 回时计算子基金於二零一二年十二月三十一日的资产净值中产生差额人民币 7,337,726 元(二零一一年: 人民币 10,842,390 元)。 htisec.com | The difference between the valuation of investment position as prescribed by IAS 39 and as disclosed in Note 2.4 to the financial statements, and the methodology indicated in the Sub-Fund's Trust Deed dated 6 August 2011 results in a difference in the calculation of the Sub-Fund's net asset value of RMB7,337,726 (2011: RMB10,842,390) as of 31 December 2012 for the purpose of calculatingthe net asset value per unit for processing subscription and redemptions in the Sub-Fund. htisec.com |
在 “香港现时”之前加上“自七十年代起,香港已开始讨论全民退 休保障制度,香港工会联合会(‘工联会’)早於1986年倡议设立中 央公积金,至1992年工联会再提出退休保障综合方案;然而, 至今香港仍未有全民性的综合退休保障计划,因而”;在“现时长 者贫穷问题”之後加上“依然”;在 “被证明为有效”之後加上“及可 持续”;在“尽快成立全民”之後加上“性的综合”;在“以及订立”之後删除“推行”,并以“於今届政府内落实推行的”代替;在“落 实全民”之後加上“性的综合”;在“退休保障制度前,”之後删除 “不应”;及 在 “‘长者生活津贴计划’”之後删除“引入”,并 以 “免去 70岁或以上长者的”代替。 legco.gov.hk | "To add "since the 1970s, Hong Kong has started to discuss theuniversal retirement protection system; the Hong [...] Kong Federation of Trade Unions ('FTU') advocated the establishment of a central provident fundas early as1986, andin 1992 FTU further put forward an integrated retirement protection plan; however, to date, Hong Kong has yetto put in place a universal integrated retirement protection scheme, so" after "That"; to add "still" after "elderly poverty in Hong Kong is"; to add "and sustainable" after "to be effective"; to add "integrated" after "establish a universal"; to delete "an implementation timetable" after "public consultation, and setting" and substitute with "a timetable for implementation within the term of the current Government"; to add "integrated" after "implementation of a universal"; and to delete "refrain from introducing" before"anyasset and income test" [...]and substitute with [...]"exempt elderly persons aged 70 or above from". legco.gov.hk |
正在进行的磋商的结果将被收入总干事将提交给 2005年春季执行局会议 的 33 C/5 建议中,这样一来自下而上的方法便充实了自上而下的方法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The results of the ongoing consultations would be included in the proposed 33 C/5 [...] document that the Director-General would submit to the ExecutiveBoard in spring2005, thus ensuring that the bottom-up approach complemented the top-down [...]approach. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为此,执行局第一一四届会议(1982 年 5 月)批准了总干事关于“今后最好是在国际公务员制度委员会年度报告所涉年份之随后一年的春季会议上向执行局提交该报告”的建议 (第 114 EX/8.5 号决定)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In this context, the Executive Board approved a proposal by the Director-General at its 114th session (May 1982) “to submit future [...] annual reports of the [...] ICSC to the Executive Board at its spring session in the year immediately following the year to which the report [...]relates” (114 EX/Decision 8.5). unesdoc.unesco.org |
条例草案在该等规则下各加入 新订第14(2A)及 (2B)条,以述明就於拟议规则第14(2A)条实施当 日或之後判定的破产而言,在计算《补助学校公积金规则》 第 14(2)条及《津贴学校公积金规则》第14(2)条所指的3年期间时,凡供款人在某时间是未获解除破产的破产人,该时间不得 计算在内。 legco.gov.hk | The Bill adds new rule 14(2A) and (2B) to each of those Rules so that in relation to a bankruptcy adjudicated on or after the date when the proposed rule 14(2A) comes into operation, inworking out the period of 3 years for the respective rules 14(2) of the GSPF Rules and the SSPF Rules, any time when the contributor is an undischarged bankrupt must be disregarded. legco.gov.hk |
购 股 权 可 以 由 董 事 会 厘 定 之 行 使 价 予以行 使 , 并 知 会 合 资 格 人 士( 可 按 新 购 股权计划之规 则 及 上 市 规 则 之任何修 改 作 出 调 整 ), 行 使 价 於 任 何 时 间 不 得低於 一股股份之面值, 并 应 至 少 为 下 列 中之较 高 者 : (i) 股 份 於 授 出 日期在联交所 每 日 报 价 表 所 列 之 官 方收市 价 ; 及 (ii) 於 紧 接授出 日 期 前 五 个 交 易 日 在 联 交 所 每 日 报 价 表 所 列 [...] 股 份之官 方收市 价 之 平 均 值 。 hmdatalink.com | Options may be granted at an initial payment of HK$1.00 for each acceptance of grant of Option(s) and can be [...] exercised at an exercise [...] price determined by the Board and notified to an Eligible Person (subject to adjustments as provided in the rules of the NewOption Scheme and any amendments to the Listing Rules and shall at all times not be lower thanthe nominal value of a Share) and shall be at least [...]the higher of (i) the [...]official closing price of the Shares as stated in the Stock Exchange’s daily quotations sheet on the Offer Date; and (ii) the average of the official closing prices of the Shares as stated in the Stock Exchange’s daily quotations sheets for 5 Business Days immediately preceding the Offer Date. hmdatalink.com |
虽然外国直接投资水平 的上升是由于加强了南南贸易以及巴西、中国和印度等新兴经济体一路领先的南 方新兴经济体国家之间的投资流动,但分析家们注意到“非洲雄狮”的崛起,即 博茨瓦纳、埃及、利比亚、毛里求斯、摩洛哥、南非和突尼斯(阿拉伯之春前)等高增长非洲经济体,这些国家以人均国内生产总值水平来衡量,2008年以来都超 过了巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国(金砖四国)。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the rise in FDI levels is attributable to the intensification of South-South trade and investment flows among southern countries with emerging [...] economies such as Brazil, China and India [...] leading the way, analysts have noted the rise of “African lions”, highperforming African economies such as Botswana, Egypt, Libya, Mauritius, Morocco, South Africa and Tunisia (beforethe Arab Spring) that have outperformed Brazil, the Russian Federation, India and China (the BRIC countries) since 2008 as measured in terms of per capita GDP levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
它让您感受到花儿在一年之中,从春天至初夏时最迷人的的气味。 aster.com.hk | From topto last, the scent of flowers leads you from springto theearly summer when the flowers are the most beautiful of the year. aster.com.hk |
关於这㆒点,让我多谢㆞球之友、长春社,以及清静计划、净化空气保健康行动 组所提出的意见,它们特别指出,有需要认识道路建设对环境的影响和在策划时考虑 环境因素。 legco.gov.hk | On this point, may I acknowledge [...] the inputfromthe Friendsof the Earth,the Conservancy Association and the Community Action on Air Quality and Health Group for pinpointing, particularly, the need to recognize the impact on the environment and take this into account. legco.gov.hk |
12.4 一位观察员赞成秘书处代表提出建议,即可能需要审议 EX/4-C/3 的报告制度,以便在不影响报告质量的前提下减轻报告的负担,也许可以每年一次向执行局春季会议提交一份 详细的报告。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 12.4 One Observer agreed with a suggestion made by the representative of the Secretariat that it may be desirable to review EX/4-C/3 [...] reporting to lighten the reporting burden [...] without compromising its quality, possibly by issuing annually a detailed report at the springsessions ofthe Executive Board. unesdoc.unesco.org |
联合国系统行政首长协调理事会在2009年春季会议上核可了指导委员会 提议的变动,并请安全和安保部领导一个项目小组,为提议的安保等级 制度制订结构化的威胁评估方法,并确定叙词和定义。 daccess-ods.un.org | At itsspring 2009 session,the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination had endorsed the changes proposed by [...] the Steering Committee and requested the [...]Department of Safety and Security to lead a project group to develop a structured threat assessment methodology, as well as descriptors and definitions for the proposed security level system. daccess-ods.un.org |
本 集 团 於 截 至 二 零 一零年及二零零九 年 六 月 三 十 日 止 三 个 月 及 六 个 月 产生亏 损 , 而由於 在 计算每股 盈 利 时 倘 计 入 根 据 购 股 权 计 划 授 出 之 购 股 权( 即 已 发行之唯一潜在摊 薄 股 份 )会 导 致 本 公 司 每 股 亏 损 减 少 , 故 未 呈 列 每 股 摊 薄 盈 利 。 cigyangtzeports.com | With the Group generated losses for the three months and six months ended 30 June 2010 and 30 June 2009, no diluted earnings per share has been presented astaking into account of the share options granted under the Share Option Scheme (being the only potential dilutive shares in issue) in the earnings per share calculation would result in decreasing the loss per share of the Company. cigyangtzeports.com |
根据一家美 国研究公司SBI Energy於二零一二年四月发表的报告显示,亚洲国家在全球胶黏剂市 场的胶黏剂合并市值於二零一六年预计将达约124亿美元,於总需求中所占全球市场份 额由二零一一年之逾三分之一增至二零一六年之约42.8%。 cre8ir.com | According to SBI Energy released in April 2012, a research company based in the [...] United States, Asian countries areexpected to have a combined market value for adhesives in the global [...] adhesive market amountedto approximately US$12.4 billion by 2016, representing anincrease in global market share from more than a third of total demand in 2011 to approximately42.8% in 2016. cre8ir.com |
2009年春,本校因长期致力追求卓越学业成就,荣获加州杰出学校奖;另於2010年春及接着於2011年获颁第一条(Title 1)学业成绩奖。 sfusd.edu | Roosevelt Middle School was proud to be recognized with the California Distinguished School Award for its continued [...] commitment to academic [...] excellence in the spring of 2009, and to receive the Title 1 Academic Achievement Award inthe springof 2010 and [...]again in 2011. sfusd.edu |
(b) 转授权力予公务员事务局局长,使局长得以由 2004 年起,可根据上一历年计至12 月为止的 综合消费物价指数有关开支项目,与之前一年同期比较的价格变动幅度,批准在每年4 月 1 日 调整外勤行车津贴额。 legco.gov.hk | (b) to delegate to the Secretary for the Civil Service the authority to approve future adjustments to the Duty Mileage Allowance rates on 1 April annually, starting from 2004, in accordance with the year-on-year change in the relevant components of the Composite Consumer Price Index for the 12-month period ending December of the preceding year. legco.gov.hk |
在 “鉴於”之後加上“近年”;在“运送;”之後加上“(五) 加快 完成环保园的招标审批工作,以助再造工业的发展,并从速开展环保 园第二期发展计划;(六) 成立高层次的跨部门产业促进局,制订更 有效支援环保回收工业的策略;”;在“环保采购政策”之前删除 “(五) 制订政府的”,并以“(七) 落实”代替;删除原有的 “(六)”,并以“(八)”代替;删除原有的“(七)”,并以“(九)” 代替;在“协助”之後删除“社会”,并以“中小”代替;及在“具前 景的环保工业”之後加上“,并在不与民争利的前提下,让社会企业 共同参与”。 legco.gov.hk | To add "in recent years" after "Hong Kong"; to add "(e) expediting the vetting and approval work of the tendering of the EcoPark to facilitate the developmentof recycling industries and expeditiously taking forward Phase II of the EcoPark development plan; (f) establishing [...] a high-level [...]inter-departmental industries facilitation council to formulate more effective strategies to support environmental recovery industries;" after "transportation of waste;"; to delete "(e) formulating the Government's" before "green procurement policy" and substitute with "(g) implementing a"; to delete the original "(f)" and substitute with "(h)"; to delete the original "(g)" and substitute with "(i)"; to delete "social" after "assisting" and substitute with "small and medium"; and to add ", and allowing social enterprises to join in, on the premise that they do not compete with the private sector for profits" after "those environmental industries with prospects". legco.gov.hk |
二零零二年计划於二零零二年八月二十八日起计十年期间维持有效,而在该期间後不可再授出购股权,惟於二零零二年计划有效期内授出之购股权可根据其发行条款继续行使,而在所有其他方面,二零零二年计划之条文应维持十足效力及作用。 equitynet.com.hk | The 2002 Scheme will remain in force for a period of 10 years commencing on 28 August 2002, after which no further options shall be granted but the options which are granted during thelife of 2002 Schememay continue to be exercisable in accordance with their terms of issue and, in all other respects, the provisions of the 2002 Scheme shallremain in full [...] force and effect. equitynet.com.hk |
深圳是一座平均年龄不到 30 岁的这座青春之城,刚刚闭幕的世界大学生夏季运动会,是近 年来继北京奥运会、广州亚运会之后又一个在中国举办的大型国际运动会。 szdesigncenter.org | Shenzhen is a young city with an average age of less than 30 years, where the Summer Universiade was just concluded as another major international game held in China following the Beijing Olympics and the Guangzhou Asian Games in recent years. szdesigncenter.org |
该项目由一小批来自在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿的全球法律事务所的资深律师 成立于 2000年春天,并由在华盛顿和其他国家及城市(包括纽约、波士顿、奥地 利、匈牙利、波兰、南非和西班牙)的同行组成了一个工作组,之后,他们得到 了可行性研究的经费。 daccess-ods.un.org | ISLP was founded in the [...] spring of2000 by a small group of senior lawyers from global law firms based in Washington, D.C. After establishing a working group consisting of colleagues in Washington and other cities and countries, including New York, Boston, Austria, Hungary, Poland, South Africa and Spain, they secured funding for [...]a feasibility study. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011年 4月19日– 国际知名液晶显示器品牌 AOC今日於中国厦门举办 「Go 2011」代理商大会,现场不仅公布了AOC2011年的年度组织计画,AOC全球总裁段振华,以及 AOC亚太中东亚洲区总经理禚春磊更与来自於亚洲、中东和非洲等全球各个地区的代理商齐聚一堂,就 AOC 2011的目标规划和销售策略进行了深入的讨论。 aocmonitorap.com | AOC announced the new 2011 re-organizing plan, while AOC worldwide President C.H. Tuan, and the Asia Pacific Middle East, General Manager Ray Zhuo discussed AOC 2011 goal and marketing strategies with distributors from Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa and CIS Central Asia. aocmonitorap.com |
考虑到 不可能在春季晚些时候举行工作组会议,原因是工作组的建议(即其审议结果)必 须提交同届大会第五委员会(一般为5 月/6 月),以便新的补偿标准能在新的财政年度(7月 1 日开始)生效,因此 2011 年工作组主席团提议,2014 年工作组会议 于 2013 年秋季晚些时候举行,可能在 2013年10月底至 12 月中旬期间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Taking into account that holding the Working Group later in thespring wouldnot bepossible because the recommendations of the Working Group (i.e., the results of its deliberations) have to be before the Fifth Committee within the same session of theGeneral Assembly (normally May/June), so that the new reimbursement rates could come into effect by the new fiscal year (starting 1 July), [...] the 2011 Working Group Bureau proposed that the 2014 Working Group session should be held in the late autumn of 2013, perhaps between the end ofOctober and mid-December 2013. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,正在对多国办事处(教科文组 织计划的主要完成者)、国别办事处和地区办事处的现行机构进行内部审查,以期形成一份报告由总干事于 2005年春提交执行局。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, the present structureof cluster offices – as principal delivery [...] platform for UNESCO’s programmes –, national offices and regional offices was in the process of being reviewed internally with a view to submitting a report by the Director-General to the Executive Boardinspring 2005. unesdoc.unesco.org |
建议费用上限之计算已参考(i)亚洲卫星於截至二零零九年、二零一零年及二零一一年十二月三十一日止过往三个财政年度於中国向中信卫星提供转发器容量而产生 之年度收益,分别约为 54,200,000 港元、128,500,000 港元及 189,100,000 [...] 港元;及 (ii)中国市场因对更优质电讯传输讯号需求快速上升带来之增长潜力。 asiasat.com | The determination of [...] the Proposed Fee Caps hastaken into consideration (i) the annual revenue generated from AsiaSat’s provision of Transponder [...]Capacity [...]to CITICSat in the PRC in the previous three financial years ending 31 December, in the amount of approximately HK$54.2 million in 2009, approximately HK$128.5 million in 2010 and approximately HK$189.1 million in 2011; and (ii) the potential growth of the PRC market due to the rapid expansion of demand for higher quality transmission signals in telecommunications. asiasat.com |
根 据 章程细 则 第 112 条,於每届股 东周年大会上 , 当 时 三分之一的董事( 即 自 上 次 获 委 任起计任期最长 者 )将 轮 值 退 任 , 从 而 使 每 名 董 事 均 须 最 少 每三年 於股东周 年 大 会 上 轮 值 退 任一次 。 towngaschina.com | Pursuant to Article 112 of the Articles, at each annual general meeting, one-third of the Directors, who have been longest in office since their last election, for the time being shall retire from office by rotationsuch that each Director will be subject [...] to retirement by rotation at least [...]once every three years at the annual general meeting. towngaschina.com |
e. 承授人可按照计划之条款於董事所决定并已知会各承授人之期间内随时行使购股权,该期间可始於 批授购股权要约当日,惟在任何情况下不得迟於购股权授出当日起计10年(惟可根据该计划条款而提 早终止购股权)。 golikmetal.com | e. An option may [...] be exercised in accordance with the terms of the Scheme atany time during a period to be determined and notified by the directors to each grantee, which period may commence on the date on which the offer for the grant of options is made butshall end inanyevent not [...]later than 10 years [...]from the date of grant of the option subject to the provisions for early termination thereof. golikmetal.com |
实际利率为於初次确认时将财务 资产预计年期或(如适用)更短期间内之估计未来现金收入(包括所有已付或已收并构成实际利率一部分之 费用、交易成本及其它溢价或折让)准确贴现至账面净值的利率。 southgobi.com | The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts (including all fees paid or received that form an integral part of the effective interest [...] rate, transaction costs [...]and other premiums or discounts) through the expected life of the financial asset, or, where appropriate, a shorter period. southgobi.com |