

单词 一年



one year period (in a contract or budget)


all year round


more than a year

External sources (not reviewed)

一年相比 ,保安部队对于声称由其队伍内成员所 犯的案例而作出的反应更加适当,而且还在普通的司法系统内进行了调查。
In comparison with
[...] the previous year, the reaction [...]
of the security forces to cases attributed to their members was more
appropriate and investigations were initiated under the ordinary justice system.
將 於下年度確認之遞延收入被列為流動負債,而將 一年 後 確認之金額則被列為非流動項目。
Deferred revenue which will be recognised in the following year is
classified under current liabilities and amounts which will be
[...] recognised after one year are classified [...]
as non-current.
在 2006 至 2007 双年期的一年,教 科文组织继续致力于实现 [...]
2002 至 2007 年中期战略(31 C/4)制订的计划战略目标 4、5 和 6,即,“促进指导科学和技术发展及社会变革的原则和伦理规 范”、“加强环境和社会变革管理,改善人类安全”以及“增强参与新兴知识社会的科学技术能力 和人的能力”。
During the first year of the 2006-2007 [...]
biennium, UNESCO continued to work towards attaining strategic objectives 4, 5 and
6 assigned to the programme in the Medium-Term Strategy for 2002-2007 (31 C/4), namely “promoting principles and ethical norms to guide scientific and technological development and social transformation”, “improving human security by better management of the environment and social change” and “enhancing scientific, technical and human capacities to participate in the emerging knowledge society”.
大会还决定,人权理事会应:(a) 应负责 促进普遍尊重对人人没有任何形式的区分,公正、平等地享有所有人权和基本自
由的保护;(b) 充当关于所有人权问题的专题对话的论坛;(c) 承担、审查并在 必要时改进及合理调整人权委员会的所有任务、机制、职能和职责,以便保持一
[...] 个包含特别程序、专家咨询和申诉程序的制度;(d) 在举行理事会首届会议一 年内完成此项审查。
It decided also that the Council should: (a) be responsible for promoting universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind and in a fair and equal manner; (b) serve as a forum for dialogue on thematic issues on all human rights; (c) assume, review and, where necessary, improve and rationalize all mandates, mechanisms, functions and responsibilities of the Commission on Human Rights in order to maintain a system of special procedures, expert advice
and a complaint procedure; and (d)
[...] complete the review within one year after the holding [...]
of the Council’s first session.
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价 目前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程,年由一个会 员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 的讲习班。
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission
leaders’ programme, a
[...] two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance [...]
learning and three
week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates.
該電廠也將須要在一年額外 減少相等於相關空氣污染物超額排放量的排放。
The concerned power plant will also be required to reduce in the following year an extra quantity of emission which is equal to the exceeded quantity of concerned air pollutant.
教科文组织高等教育、研究与学术论坛,是 2002-2003 年期间创立的,它为学者、决策
者和专家提供一个平台,使其可以就高等教育和研究问题进行交流并提出批评意见,在地区 范围内是通过五个地区性科学委员会,在全球范围内则是通过全球科学委员会(研究高等教
[...] 育战略和学术问题及政策的全球性智囊团) 一年一 度 的全球性会议,与会的专家和决策者 [...]
The UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, launched during 2002-2003, provides a platform for scholars, policy-makers and experts to interact and engage critically with higher education and research issues, regionally through five Regional Scientific Committees and globally through the Global Scientific Committee, a global think-tank concerned with strategic higher
education and knowledge concerns and
[...] policies, and through a major annual global event, [...]
gathering experts and policy-makers
to share and debate specific themes.
同时,让安全理事会第一项关于保护平民的决议 十周年的今年成为以全面和一致的方式处理这一问 题的持续努力开始产生结果一年。
first Security Council resolution on the protection of civilians, be the year in which a sustained effort to approach the issues in a comprehensive and consistent manner begins to produce results.
除上文所披露者外,於二一一年三 月 三十一日,本公司董事或主要行政人員或彼等各自的聯繫人概無於本 公司或其任何相聯法團(定義見證券及期貨條例第XV部)之股份、股本衍生工具的相關股份及債權證中擁有任 何須根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第7及8分部通知本公司及聯交所的權益或淡倉(包括根據證券及期貨條例有 關條文彼等被當作或視作擁有的權益或淡倉);或根據證券及期貨條例第352條須存置的登記冊中的權益或淡 倉;或根據創業板上市規則第5.46條有關上市發行人董事進行交易的最低標準規定而須通知本公司及聯交所 的權益或淡倉。
Save as disclosed above, as at 31st March 2011, none of the Directors or chief executive of the Company or their respective associates had any interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares of equity derivatives and debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required to be kept under section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the minimum standards of dealing by the Directors of listed issuers as referred to in Rule 5.46 of the GEM Listing Rules.
工作组满意地回顾到,在小组委员会 2009
年第四十六届会议上,由小组委 员会 2007 年第四十四届会议设立的科学和技术小组委员会与国际原子能机构
[...] (原子能机构)的联合专家组提 一年 完 成了其多年期工作计划所载《外层空 [...]
间核动力源应用问题安全框架》的拟订工作,该《安全框架》于 2009 年获得小 组委员会第四十六届会议通过,并由和平利用外层空间委员会第五十二届会议 加以核可。
The Working Group recalled with satisfaction that at the forty-sixth session of the Subcommittee, in 2009, the Joint Expert Group of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), established by the
Subcommittee at its forty-fourth session, in 2007,
[...] had completed, one year ahead of the [...]
schedule contained in its multi-year workplan,
preparation of the Safety Framework for Nuclear Power Source Applications in Outer Space and that in 2009 the Safety Framework had been adopted by the Subcommittee at its forty sixth session and endorsed by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space at its fifty-second session.
这是因为,如果以色列接受阿拉伯和平倡议,就 会确保以色列结束其对自 1967 年以来所占领的所有 叙利亚领土以及在一年所占 领的其余黎巴嫩领土 的占领,确保建立一个以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立的 巴勒斯坦国;此外也因为这将保证达成协议,根据大 会第 194(III)号决议解决巴勒斯坦难民问题;并且将 确保以色列同所有阿拉伯国家缔结和平协议,同其他 35 个伊斯兰国家建立正常关系。
That is because Israel’s acceptance of the Arab Peace Initiative would guarantee the end of its occupation of all Syrian territories occupied since 1967 and the remaining Lebanese territories occupied in the same year and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital, and because it would guarantee an agreed resolution of the issue of Palestine refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) and would secure for Israel peace agreements with all Arab States and normal relations with 35 other Islamic States.
有關諮詢 會將於二一一年七月二十八日、八月二十日及三十日分別在荔枝角政府合署、香港中 央圖書館及香港科學館舉行。
She also invited traders to enrol to the forthcoming three public consultation forums to be held on 28 July 2011, 20 August 2011 and 30 August 2011 at Lai Chi Kok Government Offices, Hong Kong Central Library and Hong Kong Science Museum respectively.
调查发现,一年可卡因的使用率在 0.3%到 4.7%之间,甲基苯丙胺的使用在 0.3%到 3.4%之间。
The surveys found past-year cocaine use ranging between 0.3 and 4.7 per cent, and amphetamines use between 0.3 and 3.4 per cent.
為邀請社區人士參與普查工作,康文署和華南研究中 心 代 表,就 B 區及 A 區分別於二一零年三月至四月和二一零年十一月至二零一一年一月間 ,出席多個地區組織的會 議,包 括 18 區區議會和鄉議局會議,詳細介紹普查的情況, 並邀請議員協助申報區內有價值的非物質文化遺產項目,以 便普查隊伍跟進。
In order to involve the community in the survey, the representatives of the LCSD and the SCRC attended a number of meetings held by the district organisations including the meetings of the 18 District Councils and Heung Yee Kuk from March to April 2010 and from November 2010 to January 2011 (for Area B and Area A respectively) to explain the details of the survey and invite the councillors to assist in suggesting local ICH items which are of significant value for the survey team to follow up.
月期间,身为父母或监护人,至少有 180 天抚养 18 岁以下中度、重度和极重度 残疾的孩子,8
[...] 岁以下的孩子或 8 岁至在学校读一年级的 孩子的失业人员;在 登记失业之前的十二个月期间至少 [...]
180 天接受住院治疗的人,护理病人的人;长 期无法工作的人,老年人,或接受《残疾人社会福利法》或《社会福利法》规定
的照顾者津贴的人,因为宣布长期无法工作而失业的人,在监押的人,在狱中或 拘留所服刑的人。
Previous employment or engagement in an activity equal to work is not required of an unemployed person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed raised, as a parent or a guardian, a child of up to 18 years of age with a moderate, severe or profound disability, a child under 8 years of age
or a child of 8 years of age until the
[...] child completed year one at school; or [...]
of a person who, for at least 180 days during
the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed was under in-patient treatment, cared for a sick person, a person who is permanently incapacitated for work or an elderly person, or received a caregiver’s allowance under the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act or under the Social Welfare Act, was unemployed due to declaration as permanently incapacitated for work, or held in custody or served a sentence in a prison or house of detention.
第 34 条进一步规定法院可以发出命令“(a) [禁止]该人一年之内从事本 法规定的任何活动;(b) [...]
[责令]该人提供金钱或其他形式的补偿,以便采取任何补 救行动或补偿因其犯罪行为而受损失的人;(c) [责令]该人竭力协助修复因其犯罪 行为而对环境造成的任何损害;或(d)
[责令 ]该人开展技术研究和调查方案,以发 展和完善安全标识、安全要求及安全标准,或支付开展此类研究所需费用”。
Section 34 further outlines court orders which may
“(a) [prohibit] the person for a period
[...] of not more than one year from engaging [...]
in any activity regulated under this Act;
(b) [require] the person to provide compensation, whether monetary or otherwise, for any remedial action taken or damage suffered by another person arising out of the commission of the offence; (c) [require] the person to do anything that will assist in repairing any damage to the environment arising out of the commission of the offence; or (d) [require] the person to conduct programs of technical research and investigation into the development and improvement of safety marks, safety requirements and safety standards, or to pay an amount in the manner prescribed to be used to conduct the research”.
违犯禁止令或其他保护 人格权利的其他措施,不包括违犯临时禁止令,如果对他人的生命、健康或财
[...] 产构成威胁,或者一再违犯禁止令或其他保护人格权利的其他措施,可以处以经 济惩罚或顶一年的监禁。
Violation of a restraining order or other measure of protection of personality right, except violation of a temporary restraining order, if this poses a danger to the life, health or property of persons, or repeated violation of a restraining order or
other measure of protection of personality right is punishable by a pecuniary
[...] punishment or up to one year of imprisonment.
本通函旨在向股東提供(i)股份拆細及更改每手買賣單位以及重選本公司董事的進一步 資料;(ii)香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則(「上市規則」)規定的說明函件;及(iii)有關 本公司將予宣派的末期股息的進一步資料,以及所有其他合理所需的資料,以便彼等就投票 贊成或反對本通函所述的決議案作出知情決定,而(其中包括)有關決議案將提呈於二一 一年五月 二十三日(星期一)下午二時正假座香港金鐘道萬豪酒店三樓Queensway及Victoria 宴會廳舉行的本公司股東週年大會(「股東週年大會」)處理。
This circular is to provide the shareholders with (i) further information on the Share Subdivision and the Board Lot Change and the re-election of directors of the Company; (ii) the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’); and (iii) further information of the final dividend to be declared by the Company and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and which, inter alia, will be dealt with at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held at Queensway and Victoria Room, Level 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Queensway, Hong Kong on Monday, 23 May 2011 at 2 : 00 p.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’).
孟加拉国常驻亚太经社会代表以常驻代表咨委会报 告员的身份列述了常驻代表咨委会在 一年 内 开展的活动要点。
In his capacity as Rapporteur of the Advisory Committee, the Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to ESCAP presented the highlights of the activities of the Committee during the preceding year.
理事会在决议草案 A/HRC/12/L.18第9 段中,决定将柬埔寨人权情况特别 程序的任务期限延一年,请 特别报告员向理事会第十五届会议报告其履行任务 的情况,并以建设性方式与柬埔寨政府一道进一步改善该国的人权情况。
In paragraph 9 of draft resolution A/HRC/12/L.18, the Council decided to extend by one year the mandate of the special procedure of human rights in Cambodia, and requested the Special Rapporteur to report on the implementation of his mandate to the Council at its fifteenth session and to engage in a constructive manner with the Government of Cambodia for the further improvement of the situation of human rights in the country.
擬在股東週年大會上重選連任之董事並無與本公司或其任何附屬公司訂立本集團不可以 一年 內終止而不作出賠償之服務合約,法定之賠償除外。
None of the Directors being proposed for re-election at the forthcoming annual general meeting has a service contract with the Company or any of its
subsidiaries which is not determinable by
[...] the Group within one year without payment [...]
of compensation, other than statutory compensation.
附註: a) 已發佈的每個已發行基金單位資產淨值乃根據基金的註釋備忘錄計算,而財務狀況表所呈報的每基金 單位資產淨值,已計及於二一一年 及 二 零 一 二 年 就 確 認全面收益表內所產生的全數開辦費而作出的 審核調整。
a) The published net asset value per unit issued is calculated in accordance with the Explanatory Memorandum while the net asset value per unit as reported in the statement of financial position included an audit adjustment for recognition of all preliminary expenses incurred in the statement of comprehensive income in 2011 and 2012.
(B) 如本公司發行任何股份的目的在於籌集資金以支付任何工程或 建築物的建築費用,或為提供一年 期 間內無法盈利的任何工業 裝置,則本公司可按當時已繳足的股本就有關期間支付利息,並 [...]
在公司法所述的任何條件及限制規限下,以資本利息的形式將因 此支付的款項入賬列作該等工程或建築物或提供工業裝置的部 分建築成本。
(B) If any shares of the Company are issued for the purpose of raising money to defray the expenses of the construction of any works or buildings or the provision of
any plant which cannot be made profitable
[...] within a period of one year, the Company [...]
may pay interest on so much of that share
capital as is for the time being paid up for the period and, subject to any conditions and restrictions mentioned in the Companies Law, may charge the sum so paid by way of interest to capital as part of the cost of construction of the works or buildings, or the provision of the plant.
在 幼 稚 園一 年 級 時 , 您 的 子 女 在 第 一 次 應 考 加 州 英 語 發 展 測 驗 (CELDT)中未能取得4或5級的分數;或總體分數達4或5級,但在聽、 說兩分項分數中取得3分以下成績(任何一項)。
At kindergarten or first grade, your child did not receive an overall score of 4 or 5 on the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) the first time he/she took the test or received an overall score of 4 or 5 but had a sub-score that was below 3 in either the listening or speaking section.
2009 年 7 月 27 日经济及社会理事会第 37
[...] 次全体会议决定,将阿拉伯人权 委员会的咨商地位中一年,并 要求该非政府组织在审议是否恢复其地位前提 [...]
交一份其成员和分支机构的清单,时间不迟于 2010 年 4 月 1 日。
At its 37th plenary meeting, on 27 July 2009, the Economic and Social Council decided to suspend the
consultative status of the Arab Commission for
[...] Human Rights for one year, and requested [...]
the non-governmental organization to submit
a list of its members and associates by 1 April 2010, prior to consideration of the reinstatement of its status.
微 觀 層 面 , 隨 著 競 爭 對 手 港 口 漢 陽 港 計 劃 於 二一一年年中 關閉並 搬 遷 至 陽 邏( 即 武 漢 陽 邏 港 所 在地), 董 事 認 為 此 乃 極 佳 機 遇 , 可 令 武 漢 陽 邏 港 首 次 與 漢 陽 港 於 陸 路 運 輸 成 本 方 面 處 於 同 等 競 爭 地 位 , 及 於 二一一年 吸 引 更 多 費 率 較 高 的 武 漢 本 地 集 裝 箱 業 務 , 從 而 增 加 本 集 團 武 漢 本 地 貨 運 業 務 的 收 入 及 市 場 份 額 。
On the micro front, with the closure and relocation of the competitor port, Hangyang Port to the Yanglou area, where the WIT Port is located, planned to take place in mid 2011, the Directors welcome the opportunity for the WIT Port to compete on an equal footing with the Hangyang Port in terms of the land side transportation costs for the first time and to attract more Wuhan sourced containers with higher tariff rates to the port thereby increasing the Group’s Wuhan sourced cargo revenue and market share in 2011.
他着重介绍了监委会过一年的任务和成就以及 面临的挑战,包括联合执行机制和监委会的财务状况,还说监委会不得不在缺少 联合执行管理计划所要求的全额资金的情况下运作。
He highlighted the tasks and achievements of the JISC during the past year and the challenges ahead, including the financial situation for the joint implementation mechanism and the JISC, and the need to operate without the full funding requested in the joint implementation management plan.
除 上 文 披 露 者 外 , 於 二一一年 九 月 三 十 日 , 董 事 概 無 於 本 公 司及╱ 或 其 任 何 相 聯 法 團 ( 定 義 見 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 第 XV 部 )之 股 份 、 相 關 股 份 及 債 券 中 , 擁 有 根 據 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 第 XV 部 第 7 及 8 分 部 須 知 會本公 司及聯 交 所( 包 括 根 據 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 相 關 條 文 彼 等 被 當 作 或 視 為 擁 有 之 權 益 及 淡 倉 ), 或 根 據 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 第 352 條 須 列 入 該 條 所 指 本 公 司 之 登 記 冊 或 根 據 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 第 XV 部 須 知 會本公 司及聯 交 所 之任何 權 益 或 淡 倉 。
Save as disclosed above, as at 30 September 2011, none of the Directors had any interest or short position in the Shares, underlying shares and debentures of the Company and/or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which were required to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests and short positions which they were taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO) or were required, pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, to be entered in the register of the Company referred to therein or were required, pursuant to Part XV of the SFO, to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange.
一成员就与年度进度报告的联系问题要求作出澄清,秘书处代表随后确认,秘书处 的意图是继续现有的做法,即一年 的 第二次会议上提交年度进度报告内的计划完成日期, 并在年最后一次会 议上视必要修订完成日期。
Following a request for clarification from one Member with respect to the link to annual progress reports, the representative of the Secretariat confirmed that the intent was to continue the existing practice of providing planned completion dates within
annual progress reports at the second
[...] Meeting of the year and to revise the completion dates in those progress reports, as necessary, at the last Meeting of each year.




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