

单词 一干二净

一干二净 ()

very clean
one and all
thoroughly [idiom.]

See also:



干净 adj

stash adj

干净 adv

cleanly adv

干净 n

porridge n

External sources (not reviewed)

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Otherwise, if the format is not any kind of understanding, it is recommended to look at HTML, or XML, you can obtain from the two languages, many inspired by the composition of PDF of the study have been of great benefit; If you are not sure you want to Learning is
for what, then I think you are not the purpose of learning and motivation,
[...] maybe after you learn today [...]
forgotten tomorrow.
报告的二部分是总干事从评估中总结出来 一 般 性 的经验教训。
In the second part of the report the Director-General draws out the generic lessons [...]
from the evaluations.
Clean inside of siphon cup with a clean rag.
防止酷刑小组委员会建议巴西当局增加食品质检次数,确 一 日 三 餐在烹 调过程干净卫生 、分量充足,营养质量和种类都足以保障囚犯的健康。
The SPT recommends that Brazilian authorities
[...] increase the number of foodquality checks to ensure that all meals [...]
are prepared in a hygienic
manner, in sufficient quantity, and with the nutrition quality and variety for the maintenance of inmates’ health.
虫害控制是食品生产企业需要认真对待的问题之一,在HACCP、AIB、BRC和ISO22000相关食品安全标准中对虫害控制也有严格的要求,因为保 一 个 整洁 、 干净 、 卫生的生产加工环境是生产出安全食品的前提条件;但是目前食品行业在虫害控制不仅观念落后,而且技术水平差。
Pest Control is one of important problems in food [...]
production enterprises, which is strictly restricted in some related food
safety standards, like HACCP、AIB、BRC and ISO 22000.
(c) 授权秘书长将伊科观察团账户中的贷记账款调 净 额 的 三分 二即 70 600 美元退还科威特政府。
Authorize the Secretary-General to return to the
Government of Kuwait the amount of $70,600,
[...] reflecting two thirds of the adjusted net credits available [...]
in the account of UNIKOM.
鉴于联合国改革,尤其是在国一级 实行 “ 一 个 联合国”的举措所提出的新问题, 干 事 将第 二次非 集中化战略检查总结工作提前进行,并责成非集中化研究特设工作组(DRTF)找出须在短期 内对已实行非集中化的体系作必要调整的地方以及需立即采取的措施,并在总部外机构启动参与 [...]
In view of the new challenge
[...] posed by the United Nations Reform and its “Delivering as One”, in particular at the country level, the Director-General [...]
advanced the review
of the Decentralization Strategy and reactivated the Decentralization Review Task Force (DRTF) to identify necessary short-term adjustments to the decentralized system and immediate measures to be taken and to start engaging in One United Nations activities in the field, to achieve in-country impact and visibility.
二季度每股净收益为 0.73 美元,与一财年同期的 0.53 美元相比增长了 38%。
Net earnings for the second quarter were $0.73 per share, increasing [...]
38 percent compared with $0.53 last year.
上述减少的员额总数中包括净减 4
[...] 个高级别国际专业人员员额 (D-1),净增 14 个其他国际专业人员员额和 3 个本干事员额,以净减 51一般事务员额。
This total decrease comprises a net decrease of 4 senior international Professional (D1) posts, net increases of
14 other international Professional posts and 3
[...] National Officer posts, and a net decrease of 51 General Service posts.
相 对于在不进行能源回收的情况下,在焚烧炉中焚烧废物的设想而言,在废物管 理总体战略框架内实现水泥窑共处理 一 体 化可能会为减少全 二 氧 化 碳 净排 放 量带来潜力(英格兰和威尔士环境署,1999 年 b;欧洲水泥联盟,2009 年)。
Integrating cement kiln co-processing within an overall waste management strategy may offer a potential to reduce net global CO2 emissions relative to a scenario where waste is combusted in an incinerator without energy recovery (EA, 1999b; CEMBUREAU, 2009).
(a) 所有被剥夺自由者都应一张床和床垫,应有足够的床上用品,并且 得到适当维护和定期更换,以确干净
(a) All persons deprived of their liberty should have a bed
and a mattress on
[...] which to sleep, with sufficient bedding that is properly maintained and regularly changed so as to ensure that it is kept clean
4月26日,在塞尔维亚的 Karadordevo 举行了土耳其、 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那和塞尔维亚三国参加的二 次巴尔干三边首脑会议,该次会议为三国领导人提供一个机会,讨论共同感兴趣的各种问题,并寻找联 合解决方案。
The second Trilateral Balkan Summit among
Turkey, Bosnia and
[...] Herzegovina and Serbia was held in Karadordevo, Serbia, on 26 April and provided the leaders of the three countries [...]
with the opportunity
to discuss all issues of common interest and look for joint solutions.
您大可放心,澳大利亚的医生拥有高超的技术与优良的素质,您将 一 个 干净 卫 生 的环境中得到良好的照顾。
You can be confident that Australian doctors are highly skilled and well educated, and you'll receive
[...] excellent care in a clean and sanitary environment.
关于导致出净增的若 干因素,详见预算文件第 29F.7 段。
The net increase is attributable to a number [...]
of factors explained in detail in paragraph 29F.7 of the budget document.
新车型保留了 Miura 原车独一格的 线条特征:设计师主要对原车的轮廓进行了精简,并消除了多余的细节,目的是使新车型的线条更加简洁 干净 , 并 且忠实地保留了无数跑车爱好者推崇备至的完美的平衡比例。
The new car retains the extraordinary purity of line characteristic of the original Miura: the
designer's intervention has been
[...] defined by refining the contours and eliminating any superfluous detail in order to enhance the clean, simple lines and perfectly-balanced proportions of the original that so impassioned enthusiasts.
此项战略的基础,一是将患者的健康放在 一 位 , 确保接受适当治疗不受干 扰,二是制 定和执行教育方案,使主要利益攸关方参与。
The strategy is based on patients’ health as the first priority, ensuring that access to appropriate treatment is not interrupted, and on the development and implementation of an education programme with participation from major stakeholders.
我們的高功率衛星 加上廣泛的服務範圍,讓我們得以為客戶提供由 一 衛 星連接至全球三分 二 人 口 的高質素和可靠服務。
The high power of our satellites and our range of services allow us to
provide our customers with high quality and
[...] reliable access to two-thirds of the world’s population from a single satellite.
於日本及泰國的供應鏈受干擾後 ,我們 二 零 一一年 第四季度亦發現來自美國的強勁需求,當中最明顯的是美國汽車行業的產量有所提升。
We also saw the first signs of demand strength in the US during Q4 2011, most evident in the automobile sector where production was ramped up, following the supply chain disruptions in Japan and Thailand.
一级和二级净化阶 段间的无泵式运行和单独的废渣捕集器能大大降低维护成本。
The pumpless operation
[...] between the first and second stage and a single [...]
reject trap reduce the maintenance outlay.
一款能提供强有力的立体声音效的纤巧设备 Jabra Clipper 是一款 B luetooth® 立体声耳机,让您不仅能享受具有完美音质的无线音乐,还能享受如水晶 干净 清 晰 的通话音质。
A little device that packs a powerful, stereo punch Jabra Clipper is a Bluetooth® stereo headset that enables you to enjoy wireless music with great sound and crystal clear calls.
[...] 尔·班尼);发布命令允许瓦塔拉先生成为总统选举的候选人;让反对党在独立 选举委员会占有大多数席位,并接受反对派人士担任该委员会主席;接受 萨基 姆公司为技术经管部门,并且,由于他希望举 干净 的 选 举,接受了联合国对选 举进程进行核证的作用;以及任一 名 曾 企图将他赶下台的叛乱运动领导人担任 总理。
Those concessions included accepting two Prime Ministers imposed by the international community (Seydou Diarra and Charles Konan Banny); issuing a decree that allowed Mr. Ouattara to become a candidate for the presidential election; giving the opposition parties majority representation in the Independent Electoral Commission and accepting a President of the Commission from the opposition; accepting Sagem as a technical operator and
a United Nations
[...] role in certifying the electoral process because he wanted clean elections; and giving the post of Prime Minister to the [...]
head of a rebel movement
that had attempted to remove him from office.
它位于旁边一个最干净的河 流(这实际上可以喝)的世界,索卡河,这是朱利安阿尔卑斯山所包围,超过2000米以上的海平面上升。
It lies beside one of the cleanest rivers (which [...]
you can actually drink from) in the World, the Soca River and it is surrounded
by Julian Alps, rising over 2000 m above the sea level.
就此,永聯基地產與本公司干附屬公司於二零 零七年十二月二十八日訂立租賃附函,以記錄永聯基租賃協議項下應付款項總額將不超過截 二 零 一 零年 十二月三十一日止 三個財政年度之年度上限。
In this connection, tenancy side letters were entered
into between Unimix Properties and certain subsidiaries of the Company on 28 December 2007 to record the aggregate amounts payable under the Unimix Tenancy Agreements will not exceed the annual caps for the three financial years ending 31 December 2010.
更多的人能够获干净饮用 水,在防治 疟疾、肺结核及艾滋病方面取得了显著成功。
More people
[...] have access to clean water, and remarkable [...]
success has been achieved in fighting malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS.
雖然這份施政報告沒有為大家帶來驚喜,但卻提出了兩個很重要的 信息:一,政府一直奉行的“積極 干 預 ”政策已被“適當 干 預 ” 所取 代;二,“親疏有別”已被“第三條道路”所推翻。
Although this policy address has not brought any pleasant surprises, it
has conveyed two
[...] important messages: one being that the "active non-intervention" policy which has long been upheld by the Government has been replaced by "suitable intervention"; and the [...]
other is that "affinity
difference" has been overridden by the "Third Way".
於二零一零年五月三十一日(即本文件付印前為編製債務聲明的最後可行日期) 營業時間結束時,本集團有未償還債務約68,000,000港元,包括應付票據約7,800,000 港元、銀行貸款約42,800,000港元及銀行透支約17,400,000港元,並由本集團的 干資 產(包括二零一零年 五月三十一日分別約為28,700,000港元及17,100,000港元的物業 及銀行存款)作抵押。
At the close of business on 31 May 2010, being the latest practicable date forthe indebtedness statement prior to the printing of this document, the Group had outstanding indebtedness of approximately HK$68.0 million, comprising bills payables of approximately HK$7.8 million, bank loans of approximately HK$42.8 million and bank overdrafts of approximately HK$17.4 million and were secured by certain of the Group’s assets, including properties and bank deposits of approximately HK$28.7 million and HK$17.1 million respectively as at 31 May 2010.
如果在一轮投票中所得票数居二 的 若 干 名 候 选人票数相等,则应就这些 候选人举行一次特别投票,以便使他们的人数减到两人;同样,得票最多的三名 或三名以上候选人的票数相等时,也应举行一次特别投票;如果在特别投票中票 [...]
In the case of a tie in the first ballot among the candidates obtaining the second largest number [...]
of votes, a special ballot
shall be held among such candidates for the purpose of reducing their number to two; similarly, in the case of a tie among three or more candidates obtaining the largest number of votes, a special ballot shall be held, if a tie again results in the special ballot, the President shall eliminate one candidate by drawing lots and thereafter another ballot shall be held in accordance with paragraph 1.
然而,其一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该 股的目的是在全联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第 A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起迁移的情 况下建立 1 个新二级数据中心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。
However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present supplement), as well as the requirement for a new secondary data centre in the context of the relocations due to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1).
在塔吉克斯坦,有四个特征构成了联合国发展援助框架的基础,即许多基础服务 的质量的下降和获得基础服务机会的减少(比如教育和保健)和严酷的山区地形(自 然资源的可持续管理、备灾)、临时出现民主价值观(决策的问责制、法制与人权以
[...] 及区域稳定)和重建家园中更大的家庭和社区举措(经济机会、获 干净 的 饮用 水)。
In Tajikistan four features form accordingly the basis of the UNDAF, namely decline in the quality of and access to many basic services (e.g. education and health) and the demanding mountainous terrain (sustainable management of natural resources, disaster preparedness), a tentative appearance of democratic values (accountability of decision-making, rule of law and human rights and regional stability), and greater
household and community initiative in rebuilding their livelihoods (economic
[...] opportunities, access to clean drinking water).
在他们的社区,他们是现实生活中的英雄,正在争取基本权利 干净 的 水、脊髓灰质炎免疫接种以及其他权利……他们的决心甚至把他们带到了印度议会。
They are the real-life heroes in their communities who are fighting for
[...] basic rights, clean water, polio vaccines [...]
and other access to their fundamental
rights...[T]heir determination even took them to the Indian parliament.




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