单词 | 一巡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:(为在场同伴买的)一巡(饮料) n—round n See also:巡 n—patrol n 巡—make one's rounds
2011 年 6 月 18 [...] 日 23 时 10 分 以色列敌方一巡逻队朝 Dahirah 的黎巴嫩陆军阵地的 [...]哨兵照射探照灯 5 秒。 daccess-ods.un.org | 18 June 2011 2310 An [...] Israeli enemy patrol directed a searchlight [...]towards a sentry at the Lebanese Army position at Dahirah for five seconds. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年 6 月 6 日 14 时 50 分 以色列敌方一巡逻队在原 Shahal 前哨和雷达前哨之 间企图盗走牧羊人 [...] Khudr Zahra 所有的一只山羊,但 没有越过撤离线。 daccess-ods.un.org | 6 June 2011 1450 An Israeli enemy patrol between the former [...] Shahal outpost and the Radar outpost attempted to purloin a [...]goat belonging to the shepherd Khudr Zahra without crossing the withdrawal line. daccess-ods.un.org |
交由第一 巡回法 院审理的上诉案都来自美国波多黎各地区法院,后者属一审法院。 daccess-ods.un.org | Appeals to the First Circuit are taken from the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico, which is a first instance court. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,在与最高法院的代表会晤时,代表团听到 它已对贝宁的所有监狱进行了一次巡 视 , 并向政府提交了查访报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, in meetings with representatives of the [...] Supreme Court, the delegation heard that [...] it has conducted an inspection of all [...]prisons in Benin, and submitted visit reports to the government. daccess-ods.un.org |
2004 年,在世界各地 区,尤其是在下列城市举办了这一巡 回 展 览:圣多明各(多米尼加共和国),4 月;拿骚 (巴哈马)、马普托(莫桑比克),5 月;巴西利亚(巴西),7 月;达喀尔(塞内加 尔),8 月;日内瓦(瑞士)、圣卢西亚、斯德哥尔摩(瑞典),10 月;巴黎(法国)、赫 尔辛基(芬兰)、纽约(美国),12 月。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This travelling exhibition could be visited in 2004 in various parts of the world, particularly in the following cities: Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) in April; Nassau (Bahamas) and Maputo (Mozambique) in May; Brasilia (Brazil) in July; Dakar (Senegal) in August; Geneva (Switzerland), Saint Lucia and Stockholm (Sweden) in October; Paris (France), Helsinki (Finland) and New York (United States of America) in December. unesdoc.unesco.org |
食環署署長答覆主席的詢問時解 釋,由於內地及海外農場將由同一巡 查 隊 伍(成員包括獸醫、農 業和專業人員)進行巡查,當局難以按相關地區的農場提供撥款 的分項數字。 legco.gov.hk | In reply to the Chairman's enquiry, DFEH explained that as the same inspection team, comprising veterinary officers, agricultural and professional officers, would conduct inspections to the farms in the Mainland and overseas, it was difficult to provide a breakdown in the provision for farms in respective areas. legco.gov.hk |
我们有四个消防巡逻队,他们专业负责制定船上的防火预警计划 , 一 个 巡 逻 队 专门负责机房火灾,两个巡逻队负责冷却。 msccruises.com.cn | The emergency plan for controlling fire on board MSC vessels is executed by our four Fire Patrols, one of which is dedicated to engine room fires, and two cooling teams. msccruises.com.eg |
调查内容如下: 调查一为巡演公司: a. 一般信息; b. 2010年的巡演项目; c. 对环境保护的想法; d. 案例研究信息及其反馈。 on-the-move.org | A survey of touring companies that asked for: a. General information b. Touring activity in 2010 c. Environmental considerations d. Case-study information and feedback on-the-move.org |
另一个严重事件 是,同一天,达尔富尔混合行动一巡 逻 队 在西达尔富尔州朱奈纳附近的 Manzula [...] 村遭到乍得武装反对组织成员的阻拦,并被告知必须征得苏丹政府的许可才能过 境。 daccess-ods.un.org | In another serious development, on the [...] same day a UNAMID patrol was stopped by [...]members of a Chadian armed opposition group [...]in Manzula village, near El Geneina, Western Darfur, and was told that UNAMID must seek permission from the Government of the Sudan to move through the territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008 年 12 月 10 日,达尔富尔混合行动一巡逻队在 Kile Kile 附近(南达尔富尔州穆 [...] 哈吉里耶南部 30 公里处)遭到阿拉伯民兵的阻拦,他们要求事先通报在这一地区 进行的任何巡逻。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 10 December 2008, a UNAMID patrol was blocked by [...] Arab militia near Kile Kile (30 kilometres south of Muhajeria, Southern [...]Darfur), who asked to be informed in advance of any patrols in the area. daccess-ods.un.org |
在“Leocal 诉阿什克罗夫特”案中,美国最高法院裁定,违反各州 [...] 关于酒后驾车的法律,例如佛罗里达州的类似法律,可能含有也可能不含犯罪意图,也有可能 只是驾车疏忽,不能被定性为驱逐法中的“暴力犯罪”(“Leocal [...] 诉司法部长阿什克罗弗特等 人”案,美国上诉法院第十一巡回法 庭,2004 年 11 月 9 日,第 03-5830 号)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, a glance at decisions taken against individuals charged with violating the regulations applicable to them suffices to indicate that such aliens were almost always expelled following their conviction”.244 Furthermore, an alien who was convicted even for a misdemeanour was liable to expulsion; the alien could thus be expelled following the very first conviction, even if it was a suspended sentence,245 [...] unless the conviction was minor [...] or was for an insignificant offence, or for an offence that [...]did not constitute a danger to public order.246 135. daccess-ods.un.org |
這 封 信 件 是 當 時 的 首 席 受 勳 法 官 ( Lord Chief Justice) 阿 爾 弗 [...] 斯 通 勳 爵 ( Lord Alverstone)寫 給 伯 明 罕 市 的 警 察 廳 [...] 長 , 回 應 對 方 尌 同 一 巡 迴 審 判 區 中 既 有 法 [...]官 譴 責 警 員 警 誡 犯 人 亦 有 法 官 譴 責 警 員 不 警 誡 [...]犯 人 一 事 而 提 出 的 給 予 意 見 請 求 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The origin of the Judges' Rules is probably to be found in a letter dated October 26, 1906, which the then Lord Chief Justice, Lord Alverstone, wrote to the Chief Constable of Birmingham in answer to a request for [...] advice in consequence of the fact that on [...] the same Circuit one Judge had censured [...]a member of his force for having cautioned [...]a prisoner, whilst another Judge had censured a constable for having omitted to do so. hkreform.gov.hk |
Kibua 连队行动基地有一名口译员和一个移动卫 星电话,因而就行动而言,鉴于要走的公路的路程与 路况,在某一特定时间,它只能进行 一 处 巡 逻。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Kibua company operating base has one interpreter and one mobile satellite phone, thus operationally restricting it to one patrol at any given time, given the distances and conditions of the roads to be traversed. daccess-ods.un.org |
巡航活动领导人:1989 年 10 月 10 日至 25 日尼日利亚海洋学和海洋研究所 SARKIM BAKA 号考察船在几内亚海湾进行的教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会(海委会 )第 一次巡航活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cruise Leader: First Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO cruise in the Gulf of Guinea, on board NIOMR R/V SARKIM BAKA 10-25 Oct. 1989. daccess-ods.un.org |
本书备有英语、法语、西语、德语、意语、俄语以及简体中文等多语译本,可在皇家橡树系列问世40周年全球巡回展览现场或纽约、米兰、巴黎、北京、新加坡及迪拜等任 何 一 家 巡 回 城 市中的著名书局购得。 audemarspiguet.com | The book is translated in seven languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian and simplified Chinese) and available to purchase at the Royal Oak 40th anniversary exhibitions around the world as well as a well-known bookstore in each of the touring cities: New York, Milan, Paris, Beijing, Singapore & Dubai. audemarspiguet.com |
燈紅酒綠的蘭桂坊每夜都會上映一幕幕各式各樣的激情故事,這一晚亦不例外:任職影樓助手的攝影師在一個派對中結識了剛與富二代分手的富家女;廣告仔拿錯了美女人妻的手機;股票行業務助跟班認識到私鐘妹,逐漸由憐生愛;負責在這 裡 一 帶 巡 邏 的 差佬碰上任職夜店的女DJ,成為了一對熟識的陌生人. dddhouse.com | A photographer hits it off with a girl that just broke up with her rich ex-boyfriend; an office boy in advertising mistakes his cell phone for a pretty married woman’s; a broker [...] gets to know a prostitute a lot more than [...] he should; and a patrol officer comes across [...]a female DJ working at a night club. dddhouse.com |
救生員會在這一地段巡視, 因此這裏對於游泳者而言,是最安全的地方,在這裏能避免如激流、暗流、岩石、珊瑚礁、水母及其他危險。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Lifeguards patrol this area, making it the [...] safest area for swimmers, where you will avoid dangers like rips, undercurrents, [...]rocks, reefs, jellyfish and other hazards studyinaustralia.gov.au |
五艘船中一艘为渔业局巡逻船,一艘 为 国家海洋局行 政巡逻船,一艘为人民解放军海军海洋监测船,另外两 艘为挂中国旗的海军拖网渔船。 crisisgroup.org | The five vessels included a Bureau of Fisheries Administration patrol vessel, a State Oceanic Administration patrol vessel, a PLAN ocean surveillance ship, and two Chinese-flagged naval trawlers. crisisgroup.org |
被 疑为毛派同情者,或者仅仅与毛派有联系的人, 被 一 大 群外 出 巡 逻 的 众人熟知的 军事人员捕获。 daccess-ods.un.org | A person suspected of Maoist sympathies, or simply of having contact with the Maoists, was seized by a large [...] group of known military personnel out on patrol. daccess-ods.un.org |
该法还规定,制定一项《外部巡视计划》,有权检查警察局内的拘留条 件。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also provided for the creation of a Lay Visitors Scheme, mandated to inspect conditions of detention at police stations. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 据称在教育机构,包括普通学校和职业培训学校内,由警报员组成的 一些民间巡防小 队来回巡逻的目的与活动;和 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) At the purpose and activities of [...] informants organized into civilian [...] squads, which allegedly patrol educational establishments, [...]including general education [...]schools and vocational training schools; and daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,为提高各国在生物伦理学方面的能力以及推动有关生物伦理 问题的讨论,一项题为《伦理问题在世界》的新项目刚刚启动,其目的是与各国全国委员会 合作举办一系列巡回讲 座,宣传教科文组织的科技伦理学计划,并以此形成一个与各会员国 的专家及任何其他有关人士建立接触和联系的平台。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, with a view to building national capacities in the field of bioethics and the promotion of the debate on bioethics, a new project, entitled “Ethics around the world”, was launched, aimed at organizing travelling conferences, in cooperation with National Commissions, in order to publicize UNESCO’s ethics of science and technology programme and provide a platform for contacts with experts and others in Member States. unesdoc.unesco.org |
现在已经确认参加的球员中有一届英国公开赛冠军约翰•达利,两届美国公开赛冠军雷铁夫•古森,四次欧巡赛冠军、两次亚巡赛冠军伊恩•保尔特,五次 欧 巡 赛 冠军 、 一 次 亚 巡 赛 冠军保罗•卡西、八次PGA美巡赛冠军吉姆•福瑞克,09年PGA锦标赛的冠军梁容银以及2010年亚巡赛奖金王卢乘烈等。 lakemalaren.com | The golfers who have confirmed their participation in the Lake Malaren Shanghai Mastersare Former British Open champion John Daly, twice US Open champion Retief Goosen,Revered English golfers Ian Poulter and Paul Casey, Holder of 8 PGA tour titles Jim Furyk, 2009 PGA tour champion Ye Yang and the 2010 Asian Tour Order of Merit Winner Noh Seung-yul from South Korea. lakemalaren.com |
美国赞扬包括安理会许多成员在内的 20 个国家 作出努力,建立了一支多国海军巡逻 队 ,以开展打击 海盗行动并保障船只安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States commends the efforts of the twenty countries, including many [...] members of this Council, that have built [...] a multinational naval patrol to conduct counter-piracy [...]operations and safeguard vessels. daccess-ods.un.org |
平治AMG回歸賽車跑道,和平治汽車一 同 在德 國 巡 迴 汽 車錦標賽的賽道上馳騁。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Mercedes-AMG begins its racing comeback, teaming up with Mercedes-Benz in the German Touring Car Championship. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
与他Scotism开始,或者是什么学校后来被称为济,因此,只有继续或年龄较大的学校进一步发展的,具有更为广泛的,虽然不是 唯 一 接 受 巡 回 想法,或明确和严格的挑战相同的(例如,认为此事是原理individuationis)。 mb-soft.com | The Scotism beginning with him, or what is known as the Later Franciscan School, is thus only a continuation or further development of the older [...] school, with a much wider, [...] although not exclusive acceptance of Peripatetic ideas, or with [...]the express and strict challenge [...]of the same (eg the view that matter is the principium individuationis). mb-soft.com |
她再次强调,Sonko 先生及其 同伴被带上一艘西班牙巡逻艇 ,因此处于西班牙管辖范围之内。 daccess-ods.un.org | She reiterates that Mr. Sonko and his companions were taken [...] on board a Spanish patrol boat and were therefore [...]under Spain’s jurisdiction. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席表示,中心沒有直接參與規管認可服務的工作,但他知道食環署環境衞生部有 一套經修訂的巡查制 度用來監察獲ISO 22000認證並實施食物安全重點控制系統的食物 業處所的服務表現。 cfs.gov.hk | The Chairman advised that CFS did not participate directly in regulating the accreditation service but he understood that Environmental Hygiene Branch of FEHD did monitor the performance of FP accredited with ISO 22000 and HACCP in place under their inspection programme with a revised inspection regime. cfs.gov.hk |
now TV透過逾180條頻道,為香港客戶提供各類本地、亞洲及國際節目,包括西班牙甲組足球聯賽、英格蘭足總盃、美國職業籃球、法國網球公開賽、美國網球公開賽、ATP世界網球巡迴賽、國際羽毛球超級系列賽、世界桌 球 巡 迴 賽 、 一 級 方 程式賽車及PGA巡迴賽。 ipress.com.hk | now TV serves Hong Kong with more than 180 channels of local, Asian and international programming, including premium content such as Spanish La Liga , English FA Cup, NBA, French Open, US Open, ATP World Tour, BWF Super Series, World Snooker Tour, F1 and PGA Tour. ipress.com.hk |