单词 | 一夜露水 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一夜露水—ephemeralone-night standSee also:一夜adv—overnightadv 露水n—dewn 露水—ephemeral fig. short-lasting 露露n—Lulun 一水n—monohydraten
大清早,由于纽西兰日夜温差很大,只要没有太阳,就会冷到爆,加上冰冷 露水。 4tern.com | There is a huge temperature differs [...] between the dayand night. If there is no sun, it would be very cold, and icywater drops too. 4tern.com |
水一般清新、乳液一般柔和,这一富含维他命的美黑露很便易地为脸部和颈肩着色,效果自然,同时令肌肤保持柔软和健康光泽。 clarinsusa.com | As refreshingaswater andasgentle as a milk, this vitamin-packed tanner delivers color [...] effortlessly to face and decollete [...]with natural-looking results, while keeping your skin soft and healthy-looking. clarinsusa.com |
没想到,是有的,但是要付费!我只好把电脑塞好,然后找个风水极佳的长凳睡 一夜。 4tern.com | I put my laptop away, and scouted for the best bench to be my bed tonight. 4tern.com |
为实 践可靠程度达 99% 的供水承诺,水务署估计,在 2009 年至 2011 年期 [...] 间,每年东江水供水量须约为 8 亿 2 000 万立方米,以保证新协议期内 香港有足够及稳定的东江水供应,即使在重现期为百年一遇的 极旱情 况下,仍能维持日夜不停供水。legco.gov.hk | This is to ensure that Hong Kong will have adequate and reliable DJ water supply during the new agreement [...] period to maintain round-the-clock supply even [...] under extreme drought conditions with a return period of onein100 years. legco.gov.hk |
清晨的露水悬挂于这棵小植物的叶子上,令它在晨光初现时闪闪发光...”Lionel de Benetti把它带回实验室鉴定,反复检查,最后发现了一个至今依然成谜的秘密,就是它具减少多余黑色素传递至角质细胞的能力。 clarinsusa.com | It was brought back to the laboratory, identified, then screened over and over again before finally revealing its until now unknown secret: its capacity to reduce the excessive transfer of melanosomes towards keratinocytes. clarinsusa.com |
本研究衡量公司披露水平的标准包括企业向中国政府及东道国政府支付资金的 信息、矿产权的转让情况、海外经营范围及收益以及每股社会贡献值。 eisourcebook.org | The benchmark standard [...] assesses thelevel of disclosure ofeach company, [...]including payments made to the Chinese government [...]and host governments, transfer of mining rights, the scale of overseas operations and revenue and social contribution value per share (SCVPS) (see page xx). eisourcebook.org |
若仔细想想,人类其实非常仰赖每日地球面向太阳的时间,每天日落西山之後,众人纷纷窜逃至安全处,日间街道车水马 龙,至夜间景象却可能完全不同,民众返回郊区後,商家关闭,灯光熄灭,街道开始令人恐惧,在我的故乡南非开普敦里,不少地区开始努力,确保街上入夜不会杳无人迹,隆街即为一例,不过多数街道仍晚上仍一片死寂。 thisbigcity.net | In my home city of Cape Town, there are a number of streets that do facilitate the presence of humans atnight,mostobviously Long Street, but most streets ‘shut down’, leaving no reasons for anyone to use them. thisbigcity.net |
加州环保局内的一个部门,负责评估对健康造成不良影响的化学品并确立安全暴 露水平。 socalgas.com | A department within the California Environmental [...] Protection Agency [...] that is responsible for evaluating chemicals for adverse health impacts and establishing safe exposurelevels. socalgas.com |
我们不 时可以看见报章大字 标题地 报道一些风化案, 它 们 的 用 字 , 往 往只侧 重 於 描 述 案 情 , 有些更 直指事主“夜归”、“衣暴露”,才 招 致 不 幸 , 暗 示 事主自 招 其 辱 。 legco.gov.hk | From time to time we could see newspapers using prominent headlines to highlight reports on offences against decency. But then more often than not those reports tended to concentrate on the details [...] of the offences, [...] some even directly pointed out that the victims were attacked simply because they "came home very late at night" or "were thinly clad", hinting that the victims had invited [...]trouble themselves. legco.gov.hk |
同时,妇女每天夜晚要走过一长段黑暗的公共场所返回家中,公共领域没有防范犯罪活动的保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also, women walk through dark public spaces as they return home late inthe day, with no protection [...] against criminal activities in the public sphere. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们演示了夜晚如何在牢房地板上躺 下;他们像罐头沙丁鱼一样挤在一起。 daccess-ods.un.org | They demonstrated how they lay downon the cell floor at night; they were packed together like sardines in a tin. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国纽约水牛城举办「夜之城」活动时,正是秉持这种信念,主办单位邀请民众走进谷仓,享受一整晚 的艺术、音乐、美食与派对,水牛城过去为谷业重镇,设有多座谷仓,但多数今已废弃,很容易让人想起水牛城而今没落,这座城市位於「铁锈带」内,经济与人口双双衰退,许多人亦提议拆除谷仓。 thisbigcity.net | There are numerous grain elevators in Buffalo (an area that was once the hub of the grain industry), but most are abandoned, acting as reminders of how far Buffalo is perceived to have fallen. thisbigcity.net |
2008 年下半年举行了两次 小组讨论;一次重点讨论联合国创建原则与联合国在勿忘大屠杀、防止种族灭绝 方面已获授权活动之间的关联,另一次 是纪念水晶之夜大屠杀七十周年。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two panel discussions were held in the second half of 2008; one highlighted the link between the founding principles of the United Nations and its mandated activities in the areas of [...] Holocaust remembrance and genocide [...] prevention andthe other marked the seventieth anniversary ofthe Kristallnacht pogrom. daccess-ods.un.org |
他由于拒绝 接受指令而被捕,当时他拒绝证实自己的身份,随后在警察派出所内被拘禁一 夜,第二天获释。 daccess-ods.un.org | When he refused to comply with the order, he [...] was arrested, refused to prove his identity, then [...] was detained overnightin a police station and released the next day. daccess-ods.un.org |
第一则视频幽默地回顾了花露水的历史,显示了在过去的一个世纪里,花 露水如何 成为中国人日常生活中不可或缺的产品。 labbrand.com | The first video humorously goes through [...] the history ofHua Lu Shui, showing how the product has been an essential part of Chinese daily [...]life throughout the [...]century and how it is still relevant today as China steps into modernity. labbrand.com |
自 2001年 5 月起,负责推展工 作计划的 3 间非政 府机构每星 期均有 3 至 4 晚 派出外展队, 在晚上 10 时 至 凌晨 2 时 主 动接触露宿者, 特别是夜归的露宿者。 legco.gov.hk | Since May 2001, the three NGOs commissioned to operate the action plan have conducted outreach visits three to four nights per week between 10 pm to 2 am in order to contact street sleepers, especially those whoreturn late to the places where they sleep. legco.gov.hk |
Rysigo Rysk Management软件可以为各级组织提供合作风险意识和责任,优化企业资源利用,最终减少一家企业的整体财务风险暴 露水平。 tipschina.gov.cn | Rysigo Rysk Management software was created to provide collaborative risk awareness and responsibility throughout all levels of an organization, optimize the use of enterprise resources, and ultimately reduce the overall financial risk [...] exposure levels of a corporationThe [...] first product, RyskManagement for Oracle Projects, will be available [...]in August 2009 tipschina.gov.cn |
最后一则于严冬腊月发布的视频,通过展示花 露水在严冬对于人们夏天记忆的唤醒,来提高这一高季节性产品在冬天的销量。 labbrand.com | The last video released during [...] the months of winter aims at boosting winter sales for this highly seasonal product by showing howHua Lu Shuican be used to bring back summer [...]memories even in the coldest winter. labbrand.com |
指一种空气污染物,针对该污染物可确定可接受的暴 露水平,并且已对其制订了环境空气品质标准。 socalgas.com | An air pollutant for which acceptable levelsof exposure can be determined and for which [...] an ambient air quality standard has been set. socalgas.com |
不仅地理位置优越,房间内也为背包客准备了齐全的生活用品,精心铺置的双层床、热水瓶 、冬季夜晚需要搭盖的毯子、电暖气、插座、沙发、镜子、行李储藏间等,一应俱全。 cn.yha.co.nz | With fully made up bunkswith hot waterbottlesand spare blankets for the coolerwinter nights, heaters,power outlets, sofas, mirrors, [...] and storage what [...]more can a backpacker ask for in this superb location. yha.co.nz |
发展中国 家农民可以从中受益的储水实例包括:将夜间河水储存起来供白天使用以及储存 地下水。 daccess-ods.un.org | Examples of water storage that can benefit farmers in developing countries include storing water from evening river flows for [...] daytime use and groundwater storage. daccess-ods.un.org |
水幕电影是大型水功能项目的重要组成部分,特别是结合静态和动态的速度和彩色激光的表达形式,淹没的声音明亮的插图,新的,独特的,奇异的影响,当观众看一部电影,扇形水幕 和自然夜间天空混合字符和图片,仿佛腾起飞后从天上降下来,造成一个模糊的和梦幻般的感觉天空或人物,对观众造成强烈的共鸣 onsmu.com | Water curtain film is an important part of the large water feature project, in particular, is a form of expression of the combination of static and dynamic speed and color laser, submerged sound bright illustrations, new, unique, exotic influence, when [...] viewers see a movies, [...] fan-shapedcurtainofwater andnatural nightsky mixed character and [...]picture,as iffrom the sky after take-off [...]of the Proton down, resulting in a vague and dreamy feeling of the sky or characters to the audience, resulting in a strong resonance. onsmu.com |
柏林1933-1938:多样性的毁灭”是希特勒执政80周年暨水晶之夜75周年系列纪念展的统一主题。 project-syndicate.org | Diversity destroyed: Berlin 1933-1938” is the unifying theme of a series of exhibits marking the 80th anniversary of Hitler’s coming to power and the 75th of the Pogromnacht. project-syndicate.org |
一个国 家不能在一夜之间改变,任何人都不能坚持要求另 一国家做出改变。 daccess-ods.un.org | A country [...] could not change overnight, and noone could [...]insist on change in another country. daccess-ods.un.org |
转导这一步所需的培养基体积是可以刚好覆盖细胞的量,这能增加病毒对细胞的暴 露水平,使病毒-细胞之间的相互作用最大化。 labome.cn | The transduction step can be carried out in a volume of media that just covers the cells; this increases theexposure ofthe cells to the virus, and maximizes the likelihood of virus-cell interactions. labome.com |
保安局局长:主席,我们的 全港性 策 略 , 首 要是加强 宣 传 ,例如派发一些宣传 单张,提醒郊游人士须 提 高 警 觉 , 在 郊游时 须 注 意甚麽事 项 , 如不应 单 独 郊游、不要黑夜在郊 外露宿,因为这样做 是有危险性 的 ;最理 想是联 结 队 前往郊游、 告 诉 家人前往的 路 , 并 带 备 手 提 电 话 , 如 果 遇 上 劫匪, 要 尽量 [...] 把 电 话收藏 起 来。 legco.gov.hk | For example, we will caution them not to walk alone or spend the night sleeping out in rural areas since it is dangerous to do so. legco.gov.hk |
何俊仁议员: 主席,个人资料私隐专员(“专员”)於本年 3 月 14 日 就一个本地的电邮服务供应商被指向内地执法机构披 露一名电邮用户的个 人资料一事发表调查报告。 legco.gov.hk | MR ALBERT HO (in Chinese): President, on 14 March this year, the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (the Privacy Commissioner) published an [...] investigation report [...] on the alleged disclosure, by alocal e-mail service provider, of the personal dataof one of its account [...]subscribers to mainland law-enforcement agencies. legco.gov.hk |
以珍贵玫瑰花露水为主成分,结合芦荟及天然保湿因子,温和的保湿、舒缓功效,可作化妆水达到调理保湿的功效,亦可用於妆前喷雾帮助定妆,同时带来玫瑰清新气息。 aster.com.hk | The easy-to-use pump spray releases the soothingactive ingredients to reduce irritation and leave skin feeling soft, supple, and comfortable again. aster.com.hk |
Scene (场景)---- 提供各种预设增益和程度调节(夜间运行、白天运行、人员落水或者夜间停靠) ,从而使操作人员可以在各种环境下尽可能获得最佳的画面质量。 flir.com | Scene – Provides a variety of [...] pre-set gain and level [...] adjustments (Night Running, Day Running,Man Overboard, orNight Docking) [...]so that operators can get [...]the best image quality possible throughout a wide range of conditions. flir.com |