单词 | 一夜之间 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一夜之间 adverb—overnight advSee also:一夜 adv—overnight adv 之间 prep—between prep 之间 adv—among prep 之间—inter-
一个国 家不能在一夜之间改变 ,任何人都不能坚持要求另 一国家做出改变。 daccess-ods.un.org | A country [...] could not change overnight, and no one could [...]insist on change in another country. daccess-ods.un.org |
他还表示,教育是基于本土文化的进程, 不可能一夜之间就改变。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was additionally expressed that education is a process that is based on local [...] culture that cannot be changed overnight. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些目标都不是一夜 之间能够实现的。 crisisgroup.org | These are [...] goals that cannot be achieved overnight. crisisgroup.org |
虽然提高监管机构的技能可能需要 数年时间,但新的金融产品可在 一夜之间 投 放 金融市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | While it could take years to improve the regulators’ skills, new financial products [...] could be on the financial markets overnight. daccess-ods.un.org |
在基里巴斯,许多青年每天 晚上入睡时都担心一夜之间他们的家会发生什么,特 别是在涨潮的时候。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Kiribati, [...] many young people go to sleep each night fearing what may happen to their homes overnight, especially [...]during very high tides. daccess-ods.un.org |
三天后,我们将纪念屠杀霍贾里镇阿塞拜疆平民 [...] 残暴罪行发生二十周年,当时该镇数百名平 民 一夜之 间惨遭 杀害,原因仅仅是他们是阿塞拜疆族人。 daccess-ods.un.org | In three days, we will commemorate the twentieth anniversary of atrocious crimes committed against the [...] Azerbaijani civilians of the town of Khojaly, [...] where during one night hundreds of civilians [...]were killed only because they were Azerbaijanis. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们今天知道,世界一个地区的极端气候事件, 可能在一夜之间改变全球商品市场,并且实实在在地 把千百万人排除在粮食市场之外。 daccess-ods.un.org | We know today that an extreme [...] weather event in one part of the world can change the global commodity markets overnight and literally [...]price tens of millions [...]of people out of the market for food. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 照顾到问题的所有方面的可信的和深思熟虑的协议不可能也不应该在 一夜之间讨论 完并决定下来;这样的协议可能需要不同的时间框架,也许几天, 也许几个月。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Credible and thoughtful agreements that take [...] into account all possible aspects of an issue cannot and should not be deliberated and determined overnight; they may require [...]different time frames, from days to months. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些部队接受 的训练是进行常规战争、静态防御或沿停火线进行巡 [...] 逻,而且军事结构也是照此建立的,他们无 法 一夜之 间就转 变为高度机动和灵活的行动并拥有良好的地 [...] 方情报、接触和技能,若能如此,当然最好。 daccess-ods.un.org | Units which have been trained for conventional warfare, static defence or patrolling of ceasefire lines, and military [...] structures designed accordingly, cannot [...] convert themselves overnight into the kind of [...]highly mobile and flexible operations, [...]with good local intelligence, contacts and skills, that would be ideal. daccess-ods.un.org |
成功的出口事业并不会在一夜之间或 突 然发生 – 它需要你悉心准备、规划与承诺。 smeinfo.com.my | Success in exporting [...] doesn't happen over night or by accident – [...]it needs careful preparation, planning and commitment. smeinfo.com.my |
此外,检查干事还承认一个组织的风气 不可能在一夜之间改变。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Inspector also recognizes that the culture of an [...] organization cannot be changed overnight. daccess-ods.un.org |
几十年来形 成的认知当然不可能在一夜之间转变。 crisisgroup.org | It was inevitable that perceptions that had built up over [...] decades could not be altered overnight. crisisgroup.org |
从苏联解体后数年间出现的低迷——波兰航空企业几乎 是在一夜之间失去 了当时他们的主要市场,再到全国最大的飞 机及直升机制造商的私有化,这样的转变几乎是脱胎换骨。 paiz.gov.pl | From the doldrums of the years [...] following the end of the Soviet Union, when Polish aviation companies lost, almost overnight, what was by far [...]and away their main market, [...]to the privatization of the country’s largest aircraft and helicopter producers, the transformation is almost total. paiz.gov.pl |
有成员表示,这种特殊情况不可能 一夜之间 得 到 纠正,需要逐 渐统一思想。 daccess-ods.un.org | Views were expressed to the effect that this particular [...] situation was one that could not be rectified overnight but that would [...]require a gradual approach to a point of confluence. daccess-ods.un.org |
在发生如此严重的 灾难后,象海地这样的国家显然无法 一夜之间 就 恢复 过来。 daccess-ods.un.org | After a catastrophe of such magnitude, a country like [...] Haiti obviously cannot recover overnight. daccess-ods.un.org |
全球白米价格飙升30%的新闻 一夜之间 冲 击 全国,牵动万千百姓的心。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The threat of inflation, very much on the [...] radar in the run-up to the National [...] Budget, suddenly hit home overnight with the alarming [...]news that global rice prices had surged by 30 per cent. english.sccci.org.sg |
鉴于最不发达国家的公共管理不可能 一夜之 间完成 现代化,因而有人建议可以先从一个属于关键节点的经济管理机构、例如 [...] 财政部或贸易部、计划委员会国中央银行等,适度而又具体着手改进。 daccess-ods.un.org | As complete overnight modernization of the [...] public administration was not possible in LDCs, it was suggested that a modest [...]but concrete beginning could be made at a key nodal institution of economic management, e.g. finance or trade ministry, planning commission or central bank. daccess-ods.un.org |
冷热水管道系统通常不会在一夜之间 发 生 故障。 cn.lubrizol.com | Plumbing [...] systems don’t typically fail overnight. lubrizol.com |
他国代表团 对美利坚合众国和俄罗斯联邦于 2010 年签署的《进 一步削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》中的结论表示 欢迎,认为这标志着两个最大的核武器国家承担其各 [...] 自的道德义务,领导复杂的裁军进程,尽管不应有任 何幻想:这一目标不会在一夜之间成 为 现实。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation welcomed the conclusion of the 2010 Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms as a sign that the two largest nuclear-weapon States were assuming their moral responsibility to [...] lead the complex disarmament process, although there should be no illusions: [...] that goal could not be achieved overnight. daccess-ods.un.org |
一起自然灾害可能在一夜之间毁掉 经几十年努 力才取得的社会经济发展成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | One natural [...] disaster may, in one night, reverse decades’ [...]worth of socio-economic development efforts. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议可 能无法达成具体共识,促成一夜之间 就 建 成无核武器 区,但却会成为一项进程的开端,而该进程最终将实 现我们大家都希望世界该地区实现的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is possible that the conference may not result in tangible agreements that would create the zone outright, but it could serve as the beginning of a process that would eventually lead to what we all want to see in that part of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
传说中,皇家橡树系列是在一夜之间 设 计 完成的。 audemarspiguet.com | Legend has it that it was designed overnight. audemarspiguet.com |
一夜之间,我 们在敌对的地缘政治环境中开始掌 管一个脆弱的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | From one day to the next, [...] we were in charge of a fragile country in a hostile geopolitical environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,可以说是在一 夜之间,整 个地区不得不应对利比亚正在发生的危机 造成的后果,伴随危机而来的的是大批无业移徙者返 [...] 乡和大量武器弹药的涌入。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, literally overnight, the entire region [...] was forced to deal with the consequences of the unfolding crisis in Libya, [...]which brought with it an inflow of large numbers of returning jobless migrants and large quantities of weapons and ammunition. daccess-ods.un.org |
在经历多年冲突之后,索马里局势不 会 一夜之间 改变。 daccess-ods.un.org | After years of conflict, the situation [...] in Somalia will not change overnight. daccess-ods.un.org |
不可否认 会有一些牧民在晚上放牧 羊群 不过 [...] 这种行为是被严厉禁止的 这些牧民将面临被处罚的风险 不过 他 们应该怎么做呢 你不可能在一夜之间改 变已经延续数百年的传统 得慢慢来 不 过 割草喂养牲畜 我们还是允许的 这 种行为不会破坏自然 [...]因为草的根部没受 [...]到破坏 当然 我们的工作还需要付出更 多努力 netzhammerbreiholz.de | We can’t avoid saying that there are farmers who let their sheep graze at night. But it is strictly [...] forbidden, and they [...]are at risk of being punished. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
400 GT 2+2 轿车与深受 Miura [...] 感染的专家的黄金组合,将所有观众的目光吸引到这家年轻的博洛尼亚公司的展位, 它 一夜之间 就 成 为了所有汽车杂志的宠儿。 lamborghini.com | The golden duo of the 400 GT 2+2 coupe and the Miura galvanised experts, [...] attracting them to the stand of the young [...] Bologna company that, overnight, had become the [...]darling of all car magazines. lamborghini.com |
很快的,以酒店式服务与照相馆相结合的形式“婚纱影楼”迅速崛起,令人眼花缭乱的服装、种类繁多的各类相册油画框,让人们越来越喜欢享受影楼的服务、接纳多种类风格的服饰和产品,几乎就 在 一夜之间 , 台式的影楼替代了所有传统的照相馆!非凡丽致就是一家台湾的大型的国际连锁专业摄影机构,于1986年在台北成立,荣获ISO90O2国际精品权威品质认证及通过台湾地区 GSP优良婚纱名店认证。 epphoto.cn | Soon, the hotel type service and photo gallery in the form of a [...] combination of" wedding photo studio " rise [...] abruptly quickly, people see things in a [...]blur of clothing, a wide variety of various [...]albums oil painting frame, let more and more people like to enjoy the service, receiving many types of studio style clothing and products, almost overnight, desktop studio replacement all the traditional photo gallery! epphoto.cn |
为了避免这种巨大的错误 - 买便宜的股票对危机的恐惧 - 投资者必须了解和分析买家和卖家之间的斗争找到强势的一方,不仅要看企业 [...] 中国,例如,其股份于超卖,因此,该项目的某一种打在中间的 飞 一夜之间 成 为百万富翁的梦想 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | To avoid this huge mistake - to buy cheap stocks for fear of the crisis - the investor must understand and analyze the fight between buyers and sellers to find the stronger side, and not only look the business China, For example, whose shares are [...] oversold and, therefore, projects a certain kind of dream to hit in the middle of the [...] fly and become a millionaire overnight! en.iniciantenabolsa.com |