单词 | 一塌糊涂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一塌糊涂 —a total messless common: muddled and completely collapsing (idiom); in an awful • condition complete shambles 糊糊涂涂 —muddledless common: confused • dumb 糊糊涂涂 adjective —stupid adjSee also:糊涂—muddled • confused • silly
有人會說,按照舊法例是沒有新機制的,現在之所以弄 得 一塌糊 塗, 最主要的原因就是法例寫得不清楚,沒有一個調整租金的機制。 legco.gov.hk | Some people may say, there is no new mechanism under the old law and there is such a mess now is mainly because the law is not written too clearly and there is no mechanism for rent adjustment. legco.gov.hk |
我最擔心的是,這項目標最後會變成“好心做壞 事",因為我們的期望這麼高,最後卻可能會變 成 一塌糊 塗。 legco.gov.hk | My greatest worry is that this target will eventually turn into a complete mess since we have set such a high expectation, despite the good intentions. legco.gov.hk |
外間 的投資者只會認為我們一塌糊塗, 這麼大件事竟然也不予調查。 legco.gov.hk | Foreign investors will think that we are in an awful state if we do not conduct an investigation into such a significant incident. legco.gov.hk |
可是,今天並非談論這一塌糊塗的 活雞政策,主席,所以,我現 在便提出以下的補充質詢。 legco.gov.hk | However, today's subject is not this policy on live chickens which is a mess, therefore, President, I will now ask the following supplementary. legco.gov.hk |
在 此方面,涂議員強調,政府當局一個 很 重要的責任,是要確保 透明度和加強規管未建成私人住宅物業的銷售,以期保障物業 買家的權益。 legco.gov.hk | In this regard, Mr TO emphasized the important responsibility [...] of the Administration to ensure transparency and strengthen [...]regulation over the sale of uncompleted private residential properties with a view to protecting the interests of property buyers. legco.gov.hk |
美国漆料和涂料生 产商行业协会NPCA/FCST于2009年向瓦克集团在美国的聚合物生产基地授予 了 一 项 职 业健康安全的荣誉奖章。 reports.wacker.com | In 2009, the [...] NPCA/FCST, the American National Paint & Coatings Association, presented WACKER POLYMERS’ US operations with an award of honor for workplace safety. reports.wacker.com |
就是因為政策一塌糊塗, 所以市民要到我們的申訴部去。 legco.gov.hk | Since government policies are all in a mess, people want to seek assistance from our Complaints Division. legco.gov.hk |
此外, 还将展示一种针对涂料行 业众多应用的可持续、 环境友好型替代方案——环糊精技术: 一种可降解的环糖分子, 可用作聚合物加工助剂, 用于热稳定性的选择性改性, 或者用作流变控制添加剂。 wacker.com | A sustainable and environmentally [...] friendly alternative for many applications in the paints and coatings industry offers the cyclodextrin technology: The ring-shaped, biodegradable [...]molecules can [...]be used as a process auxiliary in polymerization, for selective modification of thermal stability or as a rheology-control additive. wacker.com |
我完全被弄 糊涂了, 我注意到很多代表团还没有投票。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am totally confused, and I note that many delegations have not yet voted. daccess-ods.un.org |
我一见到 调查员,他就问我为什么没有向他致敬,我回答说我头脑 犯糊涂。 daccess-ods.un.org | And because I had not saluted him, he said to me, ‘I’ll show you! daccess-ods.un.org |
當馬局長辭職時,副局長被問及有關問題,我覺得他真的答 得 一塌糊 塗, 他說:“你的問題是假設性的,所以 no comment。 legco.gov.hk | When Secretary Frederick MA resigned and the Under Secretary was questioned on a related issue, he answered, "You are asking a hypothetical question, so I have no comment. legco.gov.hk |
可是,當涉及如此重要的官員時,立法會 CB(2)2225/07-08(01)號文件清 楚提到副局長和政治助理的任命,很多資料也是很清楚的,但為甚麼整個招 聘過程卻是一塌糊塗, 完全不讓我們知道呢? legco.gov.hk | But on an issue related to officials of such importance, the appointment of Under Secretaries and Political Assistants is set out clearly in the Legislative Council Paper No. CB(2)2225/07-08(01), and a lot of information has been made clear. legco.gov.hk |
其實,屆 時的情景跟這個議會的境況也相差不遠,就是烏煙瘴氣 , 一塌糊 塗。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, in that event, the scene will more or less be the same as the state of this legislature now, that is, pestilential and a terrible mess. legco.gov.hk |
環 保 的 政 策 很 多時候可能是出於一個好的意願,好像你推出慳電膽計劃般,是出於一 個好的意願,但執行政策時卻搞到 一塌糊 塗。 legco.gov.hk | Very often, environmental protection policies may be well-intentioned, just as the scheme involving compact fluorescent lamps he introduced out of good intention, but their implementation may lead to a total mess. legco.gov.hk |
一些涂层有 别于平面摄影胶片的涂层并设计 用于协助电影胶片在摄影机内平顺的运动。 motion.kodak.com | Some layers [...] are different from those coated on still film [...]and are designed to help motion picture film travel smoothly through the camera. motion.kodak.com |
所以,很多市民,無論是法律界、人權分子或基層市民,他們很多對於 當局的政策...... 由於問責制一塌糊塗,弄至民怨沸騰。 legco.gov.hk | Many people, the legal profession, human rights activists and the grassroots thought that the policies of the authorities are…… Since the accountability system is such a complete mess, the people are seething with anger. legco.gov.hk |
待所有部件干燥之后,在所有 O 形圈上薄薄地涂一层凡士林。 graco.com | After all parts are [...] dry apply a light coat of petroleum jelly [...]all over o-ring. graco.com |
我們希望當我們下次向經社文委員會匯報的時候,會 有一些實質事例證明有進步,而不是雖然已經立法,但卻弄 到 一塌糊 塗,工資很低、很多老闆裁員、工人沒有工作、很多人叫苦連天,甚至 包圍立法會。 legco.gov.hk | I do not hope to see the enactment of the legislation will result in chaos, with workers still getting low wages, mass layoff, people pouring out endless grievances or even besieging the Legislative Council Building. legco.gov.hk |
過去 1 年,政府 硬 銷 就 《基本 法》第二十三條立法、 梁錦松 買 車 事件的不 當處理 、 處 理 SARS 事件不 力 , 以至最近 的 “ 維 港 巨 星 匯 ” 胡 亂 花 錢 、 一 塌 糊 塗 事件等 , 都令我們相 信 , 在 董 先生領導下的特 區 政 府 根 本 不 能 夠讓香港 700 萬 市民存 有 任何期 望 。 legco.gov.hk | For during the year past, we saw that there were attempts to hard sell the legislative proposals to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law, the impropriety in handling the Antony LEUNG car purchase incident, the ineptitude shown in the SARS epidemic, the senseless squandering in the Harbour Fest, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
現場有兩羣人,但局長在第三段所 說的卻是一塌糊塗, 他根本沒有分清楚那兩羣是甚麼人。 legco.gov.hk | Although there were two groups of people on the scene, the Secretary's remarks in the third paragraph were a mess. legco.gov.hk |
反而是李柱銘議員要求大家仿效證監會,因為地產商弄 得 一塌糊 塗, 如果地產商的行為受到類似地產監察委員會般的機構監察,地產商可能已被 捕、甚至入獄了。 legco.gov.hk | On the contrary, Mr Martin LEE had proposed to follow the practices of the SFC because property developers are messing things up, and if the acts of property developers are monitored by a similar property development commission, property developers might have been arrested and even put to jail. legco.gov.hk |
回到墨西哥后,我继续着该系列的创作,画的是大幅面,因此需要充裕的准备时间,得先 用 一 层 又 一 层 清 漆 涂 刷 纸 面,随后 用 一 支 大 画笔来作画,从而勾勒出这种与人类最接近的动物的简单而粗犷的姿态。 shanghaibiennale.org | I continued with the series after returning to Mexico in a large format that requires preparation time, priming the sheets with varnish paint, layer after layer, and then using a broom to draw on them, with the simple and rough gestures of our closest relatives. shanghaibiennale.org |
基于SILRES® BS的硅树脂涂料是最先进的外墙用涂 料 系统 之 一, 如 果搭配合理, 能赋予矿物与合成树脂涂料优异的性能, [...] 如, 透气性极高, 吸水性极低, 使用寿命极长等。 wacker.com | SILRES® BS silicone resin emulsion paints rank among the [...] most advanced facade coating systems, offering an [...]effective combination of outstanding properties [...]of mineral and synthetic-resin-bound paints. wacker.com |
例如,有的付款缺乏正当的理由,有的 用错了预算编码,有的用现金而不是支票或银行转账的方式付款,在支付和收取凭据方面也 是一笔糊涂帐,至少不完备。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For example, payments were being made without valid obligations, with incorrect budget codes, with cash instead of cheques or bank transfers and with unclear and incomplete information in the disbursement and receipt vouchers. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在2013年3月19日-21日于纽伦堡举行的欧 洲 涂 料 展(ECS)上, 瓦克将展出一系列适用于涂料、 建筑、 包装及胶粘剂等行业的创新型产品。 wacker.com | At the European Coatings Show (ECS) in Nuremberg from March 19 to 21, 2013, WACKER is showcasing numerous innovations for the paints and coatings as well as for [...] the construction, packaging and adhesives industries. wacker.com |
他還請大家不要內耗,代理主席,不是我們要跟他內耗,而是他自己 違反了香港既有的核心價值,違反了公平、公正、公開的原則,缺乏透明度, 令整件事落得一塌糊塗, 遺下一筆糊塗帳。 legco.gov.hk | But, Deputy President, we desire no internal conflict with him. Indeed, he is the one who acted against the established core values of Hong Kong and violated the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness. legco.gov.hk |
他進入 中策組日久,可能開始老人癡呆 ⎯⎯ 我不知道是不是,可能要檢驗 一下 ⎯⎯ 因而在政策研究方面表現貧乏,變得疏懶或因循,完全沒 [...] 有具體的分析,或無法分析具體的問題,導致政府施 政 一塌糊 塗。 legco.gov.hk | However, as he serves longer and longer in the CPU, he starts to suffer from dementia ― I do not know whether this is actually the case, he may [...] need to have some check-ups ― resulting in his deplorable, lackadaisical or perfunctory [...] performance in policy research. legco.gov.hk |
我不再就此跟局長糾纏,我想議會的意向和市民的意 向,以及國際傳媒的報道,也認為香港的空氣污染情況類似現時的政改方案 般一塌糊塗、“烏厘單刀”。 legco.gov.hk | The view of this Council and that of the public on this is clear enough. Reports by the international media also think that the air pollution problem in Hong Kong is like the package of constitutional reform proposals that we have — they are both a big and total mess. legco.gov.hk |
張 文 光 議員:代 理主席,特 區 政 府 的教學 語 文政策,是 教育政策 中 的 最 混 亂 、 最 飄 忽 、 最 左 搖 右 擺 的政策 , 簡直一塌糊塗。 legco.gov.hk | MR CHEUNG MAN-KWONG (in Cantonese): Mr Deputy, the policy of the SAR Government on the medium of instruction is the most confused, uncertain and swaying among all the education policies, and it is really a mess. legco.gov.hk |