单词 | 一堆... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一堆 noun —pile nstack nmass n一堆... noun—collection nExamples:杂乱的一堆 n—litter n 一大堆 n—stack n See also:堆 n—pile n • bunch n • mass n 堆—heap • pile up • a mass • heap up • classifier for piles of things, such as trash or sand • large amount
所有的協助說明都很簡單明瞭,而且他們很有耐心地回答完我 的 一堆 問 題。 synology.com | He was clear and concise and answered all the questions I had – and there were lots of them. synology.com.tw |
以前我也曾花一堆錢和 時間去拍賣網站或本地的經銷商買其他品牌的便宜NAS,但是用過之後就會發現它們完全沒有那個價值。 synology.com | I've spent lots of time and money with those cheap NAS things you get on internet auctions or at local tech discounters - they aren't worth a penny. synology.com.tw |
不幸的是,当代的堆石标是建立在 一堆 没 有 重量的数字资料上的。 shanghaibiennale.org | Unfortunately, the contemporary cairn is made up of weightless digital data. shanghaibiennale.org |
这座山如同一堆人们的祷告,祈求能摸索到“渠道”再一次将自己和故土的记忆(历史)连接在一起。 shanghaibiennale.org | This mountain is like a pile of people’s prayers all groping for the “channel” to link oneself once again with the memories (histories) of the land. shanghaibiennale.org |
有这样一个场景,监狱管理归还了Gordon Gekko一堆贵重 物品——这些都是八十年代的光辉地位的象征。 iontime.ch | Here’s the scene, where the prison officer returns the valuables to Gordon Gekko – all of them status symbols from the glorious eighties. iontime.ch |
焦虑,要一堆字母和 - 意外的惊喜! - 这个时候你没有到过监狱。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | With anxiety, was going to the pile of letters and - surprise! en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
第三種亦是舊手法,便是“跌錢”,即騙徒與受害人突然發現街上 有一 堆紙幣 ,既然大家也看到,於是便提出平分等。 legco.gov.hk | The third trick is also an old one, which is by "dropping money". In other words, the fraudster and the victim may both find on the street a pack of banknotes, and the fraudster suggests sharing the money with the victim, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
完整 扫描堆叠且扫描仪停止后,将另一堆 叠 放 入扫描仪中然后选择批 次扫描。 graphics.kodak.com | When the stack is completely scanned and the scanner has stopped, place another stack in the scanner [...] and select Batch Scan. graphics.kodak.com |
我们在使用某些由CAD转化成PDF格式的图形好转换,但是从PDF反过来转换的软件不少,但是效果都不好,尤其式标注比较多、繁杂的图纸,经常转换成的 是 一堆 乱 码 , 一 个 朋 友介绍了这样一种办法,转换效果还不错,上传与大家共享。 oapdf.com | We use some from CAD formats into PDF graphics good conversion, but conversion from PDF, in turn, many of the software, but the results are not good, especially the type mark are more complex drawings, is often converted into a pile of garbled, a friend introduced such a way to convert good, upload to share with you. oapdf.com |
他们懂得把表象思维和想象转化为行动,故他们 可能会用一堆积木来表示塔楼、城堡、电梯或树木。 cpsc.gov | These children are now capable of putting representational [...] thought and imagination into action, [...] so they may use a stack of blocks to represent [...]a tower, a castle, an elevator, or a tree. cpsc.gov |
所以,雖然今天的主題不是討論單親家庭中心,但在討論家庭服務 中心的同時,我真的很希望局長翻看以往的歷史,重新考慮可否將部分 家庭服務中心的工作撥出來,然後成立專門中心以解決專門的問題,而 不是像炒雜錦般,把所有東西放在 一堆 , 炒 作 一 碟。 legco.gov.hk | For this reason, although the subject of discussion today is not single-parent centres, even as we discuss IFSCs, I really hope that the Secretary can look back on the past and reconsider whether some of the work done by IFSCs can be reassigned and whether specialized centres can be established to solve specific problems, instead of adopting a "chop suey" approach by putting and frying everything together. legco.gov.hk |
我们每个人都可能讲出一堆我们 跟别人有 过冲突的故事。 sallee.info | Each one of us could probably tell [...] stories of conflicts we have had with others. sallee.info |
而你的 心就像一堆牛糞﹐因此﹐你看 任何人都是一堆牛糞。 azbt.us | Master Fo Yin has a Bodhisattva's mind so he sees everybody [...] as a Bodhisattva but your mind is just [...] like a pile of cow dung and that is why you see everyone like a pile of cow dung". azbt.us |
如果扫描一堆混杂的文档,且其中一些文档非常长,那么最佳选择是 选择何时启用 [...] “长文档”扫描,方法是使用扫描仪触摸屏上的 “单文 档”覆盖或 “批量”覆盖选项。 graphics.kodak.com | If scanning a stack of mixed documents, [...] where some documents are very long, the best option may be to select when to enable [...]Long Document scanning by using either the Single Document override or Batch override option from the scanner touchscreen. graphics.kodak.com |
所有的参赛者都十分享受和珍惜此次为期3天的联赛,并将联赛的T恤、赛事日程 和 一堆 美 好 的回忆带回家留作纪念。 ycis-bj.com | All students enjoyed the tournament returning home with a tournament T-shirt, programme, and great memories from the three-day sporting event. ycis-bj.com |
将其余的塔层 和孔板逐一堆到底 盘上,并且在最顶部的一层加上盖子。 china.geotechenv.com | Stack the remaining trays and bubble [...] plates on top of the sump and place the lid onto the top tray. geotechenv.com |
影片中Pharrell在一堆正在 切割中的蔬菜裡發現了自己的耳朵,Pharrell包裏自己的頭 — 隱含地向Van Gogh致意。 think-silly.com | In the short film Pharrell finds his detached ear in a pile of vegetable he is cutting. think-silly.com |
这个作品放在传送带上,传送一堆东西 ,为了给人,一切从地面开始的印象。 luxe-immo.com | The installation is placed on a conveyor belt that takes the shape of the volume in order to give the impression that everything starts from the ground. luxe-immo.com |
在幫助我們的讀者留出了監獄,並避免巨額罰款的利益,這裡 有 一堆 的 地 方,你可以得到音樂,而不必擔心您的郵箱發現的傳票。 daniusoft.com | In the interest of helping our readers stay out of jail and avoid massive fines, here are a bunch of places you can get tunes without fear of finding a summons in your mailbox. daniusoft.com |
他们以建筑作符号表征, 因此一堆积木可能表示一棵树。 cpsc.gov | They participate in symbolic representation with their [...] constructions, so a stack of blocks may represent a tree. cpsc.gov |
例如在某通道附近发生过几次失误,在地图上这个位置就出现 了 一堆 图 钉。 tahydronics.com | For example several near misses on a certain gangway produced a cluster of pins. tahydronics.com |
在附近地区,Al-Eisawiyeh 的三个家庭看到占领军拆 毁了他们还在建造的家园,他们的家变成 了 一堆 瓦 砾和扭曲的金属条。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nearby, by three families in Al-Eisawiyeh saw the homes they were still constructing for their families turned to a pile of rubble and twisted metal by the demolition of the occupying forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年 12 月 7 日,在萨德尔城,一所学 校外面隐藏在一堆垃圾中的炸药被引爆,造成五名男生被炸死,炸伤 17 名儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 7 December 2009, in Sadr City, explosives hidden in a rubbish pile outside a school were detonated, killing 5 boys and injuring 17 children. daccess-ods.un.org |
家庭生活:大鼠生活在队友的潜力大菌落成立的松散成一对交配和offspeing,男性机管 局 一堆 或 占 优势。 zh.northrup.org | Family Life: Rats live in large colonies that are loosely established into a mated pair and their offspeing, or a dominant male a a bunch of potential mates. northrup.org |
尽管克罗地亚认识到其自己有一堆挑 战,但仍然承诺进一步促进和保护人 权。 daccess-ods.un.org | While Croatia [...] acknowledged its own set of challenges, it [...]remained committed to advancing human rights promotion and protection. daccess-ods.un.org |
只要點選挖土機圖示,轟隆一聲,房屋就變 成 一堆 碎 瓦。 thisbigcity.net | The house is now a pile of rubble. thisbigcity.net |
Operator 包含了一堆開源與免費的系統與網路安全審查工具,可用於監測需求。 openfoundry.org | Operator also contains a set of computer forensic and data recovery tools that can be used to assist you in data retrieval on the local system. openfoundry.org |
天秤座在某些方面精明过头,某些方面粗线 条到了极点,天秤座看起来与世无争,其实他只 是有一堆没说 出口的原则罢了。天秤座喜欢高谈 阔论,但很能把握尺度;看似合群喜欢热闹,却不 喜欢掏心掏肺。 enviefashion.com | Librans like to talk and while they look like social animals they never show 100% of themselves. enviefashion.com |
比方说,以前简体中文版的Windows 95就是使用一个叫做“代码页”来定义它使用的字符集,就是,GB2312;而英文版的Windows却只需要ISO-8859-1定义的字符集;然后你会发现一些中文版的软件能够在中文版的操作系统下运行但是却不能在英文版的操作系统下运行或者能够运行也 是 一堆 乱 码。 readtheweb.info | For example, Windows 95 in Simplified Chinese version used something called “code page ” which defines the character set, in this case, GB2312; and the English version may just need the Character set, ISO-8859-1; and you will found some software can run on the English version can’t run on the Chinese version or if it can run, the interface is just a mess. readtheweb.info |
治大國 如烹小鮮 經營新事業就如 同煎一條小魚一般 不能一開始就用大鍋子配 大火 也不該找一堆人來盯著鍋裡那條魚 人 們可能會不時地跑過來把魚翻一翻 最後只會 毀了這條魚 我們應該用小煎鍋配上文火 慢 慢將魚煎到可以上菜時才起鍋 apecscmc.org | President Hou has expressed his opinion on the start-up management strategy in an amusing way, “Starting a new business is like cooking a fish. At the beginning, you don’t use a huge frying pan with a high fire to cook a small fish and assign many people to look after this fish. apecscmc.org |