

单词 一场





using a wicker basket draw water (idiom); wasted effort


all one's hopes and efforts come nothing

External sources (not reviewed)

另一种意见认为,草案第 12 条是多余的:一个国家向另一个面 一场灾 难 的国家提供援助的权利遵循国家主权的概念。
In terms of a further view, draft article 12 was superfluous: the right of a State to offer assistance to another State that has faced a disaster followed from the notion of State sovereignty.
2012 年初人阵在加拿大开 展的一次筹款活动被谎报一场援助 厄立特里亚孤儿和儿童的运动,这种做法可 能违反了加拿大法律(见附件 3.1)。
A PFDJ fundraising drive in Canada in early 2012 falsely presented itself as a campaign to assist Eritrean orphans and children, in potential violation of Canadian law (see annex 3.1.).
最后,目 前的全球金融危机必将成为发展中国家尤其是最不 发达国家一场前所未有的灾难。
Finally, the current global financial crisis threatened to be an unprecedented catastrophe for developing countries, particularly the least developed.
将开展一系列活动:成立一个合唱团;演 一场 话 剧,协助纳布卢斯、伯利恒和加沙 巴勒斯坦教育区 20 所 ASP [...]
网络学校的学生和 45 名教育人员举办一个儿童艺术/摄影展览。
A series of initiatives to be carried out: setting up a
[...] choir; perform a theatre play; and coordinate an exhibition [...]
of children’s arts/photographs
with the students and 45 educators from 20 ASPnet schools in the Palestinian educational districts of Nablus, Bethlehem and Gaza.
2009 年
[...] 11 月,本基金会在马德里举办一场主 题 为“欧洲-地中海地区最不 发达国家发展必须遵循的原则:教育、性别平等和法治”的研讨会,51 [...]
名来自中 东、欧洲和北非(西班牙、意大利、联合王国、摩洛哥、突尼斯、黎巴嫩、被占 领的巴勒斯坦领土、以色列、拉脱维亚、克罗地亚、斯洛文尼亚、罗马尼亚、捷
克共和国、匈牙利和俄罗斯)的代表以及 37 名政府组织、地区政府机构代表、 智囊团和发展合作组织的专家出席了本次研讨会。
In November 2009, the Foundation organized a
[...] seminar in Madrid on the theme “Guidelines [...]
for development in the most disadvantaged
countries of the Euro-Mediterranean sphere: education, gender equality and rule of law”, with 51 participants from the Middle East, Europe and North Africa (Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Israel, Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary and the Russian Federation), 37 representatives of non-governmental organizations, regional Governments, think tanks, and experts in cooperation for development.
在并且只一场灾难 超过国家应对能力的情形下,受影响国有责任酌情从其 [...]
To the extent that a disaster exceeds [...]
its national response capacity, the affected State has the duty to seek assistance
from among other States, the United Nations, other competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant nongovernmental organizations, as appropriate.
凡以上述理由之一拒绝让某人以与其他人同等的条件进入一场地, 观看演出,参观展览,参加会议或类似的向公众开放的活动的,均可 予以同样处罚。
Anyone who, for one of the abovementioned reasons, refuses to give a person access on the same terms as others to a venue, performance, [...]
meeting or similar event open to the public is liable to the same punishment.
摩洛哥 Lala Amina 殿下在摩洛哥一场赛事 中问候特奥会运动员。
HRH Lala Amina of Morocco greets Special
[...] Olympics athletes at an event in Morocco.
随着雨季一场雨的 到来,用刮泥刀或穴播棒将包括水稻和玉米等谷类 在内各种不同品种的粮食种子植入地上的小洞。
With the onset of the first rain of the season, [...]
seeds of different species of food, including grains such as rice and corn,
are planted in small holes in the ground with a blunt metallic knife or dibble stick.
统计所 2010 - 2014 学年的培训框架包括六种不同类型的培训方案: (a) 东京都市区培训课程,包括亚太统计所 - 日本国际协力厅的培训课程以及 由亚太统计所单独或与其他机构协作举办的短期课程;(b) 包括区域/次区域课 程和国别课程在内的推广方案;(c) 将远程教学和东京都市区培训结合在一起 的研究培训课程;(d)
借助日本国际协力厅 - Net的服务和使用日本宇宙航空 开发研究署(JAXA)2 高速通讯卫星、网际工程测验及示范卫星(谈判正在进行
[...] 之中)而进行的电子教学;(e) 为国家统计局管理人员举办一场讲 习 班;以及 (f) 在统计培训方面建立伙伴联系。
The training framework of the Institute for the academic years 2010-2014 consists of six different types of training programmes: (a) TMA-based courses that include SIAP-JICA training courses and short-term courses to be conducted either by SIAP alone or in collaboration with other organizations; (b) an outreach programme that includes regional/subregional courses and country courses; (c) research-based training programme as a combination of distance learning and TMA-based training; (d) distance training through JICA-Net service and e-learning using the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)2 high-speed communication satellite, Wideband
InterNetworking engineering test and
[...] Demonstration Satellite (WINDS) (negotiation [...]
under way); (e) a programme for managers of
national statistical offices; and (f) forging partnerships in statistical training.
这一案件中最重要的问题是一场政 治 辩论中防止法院自己遭受任何企图的利 [...]
用,而不是保护联合国主要政治机关(大会和安全理事会)之间的平衡,对此事项 法院已进行了一些讨论(咨询意见,第 37 至第 48 段),而且实际上也不是科索沃 自决和独立的问题,该问题已被正确地认为超出了征求意见的请求的范围(咨询 意见,第 83 段)。
What is at issue above all in this case is
protecting the Court itself against any
[...] attempts to exploit it in a political debate, [...]
rather than protecting the balance between
the principal political organs of the United Nations (the General Assembly and Security Council), a matter which the Court discusses at some length (Advisory Opinion, paragraphs 37-48), or indeed the question of the self-determination and independence of Kosovo, which has rightly been disregarded as lying beyond the scope of the request for an opinion (Advisory Opinion, paragraph 83).
(g) 支持多米尼加共和国的倡议,即在《公约》缔约方会议第十六届会议 上举一场会外 活动,介绍拉丁美洲和加勒比区域执行与第六条有关的活动的最 佳做法。
(g) Supporting the initiative of the Dominican Republic to host a side event at COP 16 to share best practices from the Latin American and Caribbean region in the implementation of activities related to Article 6.
遗憾的是,提高认识可能十分困难,有的时一场危机 或戏剧性事件需要推动机构间或国际间的合作和协调。
Unfortunately, raising awareness can be difficult and sometimes a crisis or dramatic event is needed to motivate interagency or international cooperation and coordination.
但是,尽 管美国想方设法动摇波多黎各学生的精神,但他们 近期捍卫教育权的斗争对全体波多黎各人来说一 场胜利
However, despite all efforts to break their spirit, the students’ recent defence of the right to education was a victory for all the people of Puerto Rico.
此外,在一场合, 上述国家总统通过了一项特别声明, 反对英国国防大臣关于在“马尔维纳斯群岛区”部署战斗机和海军的言论,并反 [...]
对联合王国举行军事演习,包括从领土发射导弹(见 A/C.4/66/SR.2)。
Further, on the same occasion, the Presidents [...]
of the countries in question had adopted a special declaration in which they
rejected the statements of the British Minister of Defence regarding the deployment of combat aircraft and naval power in the “Malvinas Islands zone”, as well as the conduct of military exercises by the United Kingdom, including the firing of missiles from the Territory (see A/C.4/66/SR.2).
一场会议 第二节由尼泊尔担任《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》牵头谈判代表之一 [...]
的吉安·钱德拉·阿查里亚大使和总部位于刚果民主共和国的促进民主和经济及 社会权利网络的丹尼·辛格马主持开幕。
Session I.2 was opened by Ambassador Gyan Chandra
[...] Acharya (Nepal) as one of the lead negotiators [...]
of the Istanbul Programme of Action,
and Danny Singoma of the Network for the Promotion of Democracy and Economic and Social Rights, based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
我衷心希望我们能够并肩战斗,携手努力, 就一定能够消除世界饥饿,这一场 我 们 绝不能失败的战斗。
I sincerely hope that we can continue to work
along the same lines and
[...] that together we can win the battle against world hunger, for that is one battle we cannot [...]
afford to lose.
鉴于维一场建设 性和包容性的对话非常重要,并确信这次会议必须提供机 会用以讨论与小武器和轻武器非法贸易有关的其他议题,因此将举 一场 专 门 会 议,就各国关心的其他议题进行辩论,以此可以为专家组 2011 年的工作打下基 础,或者也可以确定一些可能的主题供 2012 年审查会议讨论。
In view of the importance of maintaining a constructive and inclusive dialogue and convinced that the Meeting must offer an opportunity to address other issues related to the illicit trade in small arms and light [...]
weapons, there will
also be a specific session to debate other issues of interest to States, which could lay the basis for the Group of Experts’ work in 2011, or that could identify possible topics for discussion during the 2012 Review Conference.
这些辩护 律师中的某些人正在挑一场国际活动,企图歪曲、 曲解和公开否认 [...]
1994 年发生的针对卢旺达图西族实 施的灭绝种族罪,安全理事会在设立卢旺达问题国际 法庭时已确认它是灭绝种族罪,2006 年同一法庭的上 诉分庭确认它是众所周知的、臭名昭著的事实,审判
Some of these defence
[...] attorneys are leading an international campaign [...]
to misrepresent, misinterpret and openly deny that,
in 1994, there was a genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in Rwanda — a genocide recognized by the Council in its establishment of the ICTR and reaffirmed in 2006 by the Appeals Chamber of the same Tribunal as a notorious fact of common knowledge, of which the Trial Chambers must take judicial notice.
虽然外交部的作用和权力一般仅限于落实中央领 导作出的决定,一场严重危机爆发时,中央领导往往 希望尽快解决问题,这时外交部的权威可能得到提高。
While the foreign ministry’s role and power is generally limited to implementing decisions made by the central leadership, its authority can be enhanced when a serious crisis erupts and the central leadership wants to see an issue urgently resolved.
(e) 最一场为总 结,与会者之间以及与会者与专家之间就资金和技术支 助需要,以及如何最好地满足编制国家信息通报的资金和技术需要交流了意见。
(e) The final session was a wrap-up session, in which views were exchanged among participants and with the experts on financial and technical support needs, and on how best to address them for the preparation of national communications.
深为关切以色列通过实行实际上等同于封锁的长期关闭做法和严厉的经济 和出入限制措施、强行关闭过境点、建立检查站及实行许可制度,继续在包括东 耶路撒冷在内的整个巴勒斯坦被占领土奉行关闭和严格限制人员和货物,包括医 护和人道主义人员和货物出入的政策,深为关切这样做对仍然 一场 重 大 人道主 义危机的巴勒斯坦人民的社会经济状况,对旨在恢复和发展遭到破坏的巴勒斯坦 经济的努力,并对被占领土的毗连产生不利影响
Expressing deep concern about the continuing Israeli policy of closures and severe restrictions on the movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian personnel and goods, via the imposition of prolonged closures and severe economic and movement restrictions that in effect amount to a blockade, crossing closures, checkpoints and a permit regime throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the consequent negative impact on the socio-economic situation of the Palestinian people, which remains that of a dire humanitarian crisis, as well as on efforts aimed at rehabilitating and developing the damaged Palestinian economy and on the contiguity of the Territory
[...] 联合国实体的合作关系,其中私营部门实体为了提高其企业形象,通过提供财政 或实物支持,支一场活动 达到宣传的目的,以换取曝光率和(或)接触到更广泛 [...]
The Inspectors have defined corporate sponsorship as a form of partnership between the private sector and United Nations entities in which the private
sector entity, aiming to enhance its corporate
[...] image, supports an event or activity [...]
through the provision of financial or in-kind
support for promotional purposes, in exchange for publicity and/or to obtain access to a wider audience.
然而,尽管近 20 年前,里约 原则 15
[...] 就建议执行该预防原则,但迫于政治压力,这一原则的适用给变成一 场辩论 ,人们仍在争论,如果存在不确定性,是否可以采取行动。
However, nearly two decades after Rio Principle 15 recommended implementation of the
precautionary approach, political pressure has
[...] turned the issue into a debate about [...]
whether action can be taken if there is uncertainty.
此外,联合主席认识到,他们促进执行进 展的职责并不仅限于主一场会议 ,而是跨越了各自整整一年的任期,并可为联 合报告员接下来的工作奠定基础。
Moreover, CoChairs have seen that their responsibilities to facilitate progress in implementation are not limited to simply chairing a single meeting but rather span the entire year of their respective terms and set the ground for a continuation of efforts by their Co-Rapporteurs.
考虑到一场选举 将给科特迪瓦带 来关键的安全挑战和风险,我还建议安理会授权将联科行动军事部分的人数维持 在 9 792 人,其中包括 8 402 名部队人员、186 名军事观察员和 96 名参谋。
In light of the critical security challenges and the risks that another election will bring to the country, I also recommend that the Council authorize maintaining the strength of the military component of UNOCI at 9,792 personnel, comprising 8,402 troops, 186 military observers and 96 staff officers.
维捷布斯克区法院得出结论,提交人 一 公 共 场 所 积 极地参与 一场 群 众活 动,特别是与群众活动的其他参与者一起,在一个停车场长时间举着展开的旗帜 和一个十字架,从而公开表达了自己的个人利益和其他利益。
The Vitebsk District Court concluded that, by actively taking part in a mass event in a public place and, in particular, by holding unfurled flags and a cross for a long period of time on the parking lot with the other participants at the mass event, the author publicly expressed his personal and other interests.
将举一场部长级圆桌会议,讨论有关《拉奎拉粮食安全倡议》和“世界粮食 安全首脑会议”在本区域的后续行动,确保把宣言化为行动。
A ministerial round table will be held on the follow-up given in the region to the L’Aquila Initiative on Food Security and the World Summit on Food Security, to ensure that the corresponding declarations translate into actions.




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