

单词 一发不可收拾

See also:


should not
must not


tidy up
punish (colloquial)
put in order

External sources (not reviewed)

由于冲一发不可收拾,基 础设施和公共服务体系被摧毁。
With conflict spiraling out of control, basic infrastructure and public services are being systematically destroyed.
AI指 出,警察和军队中的种族和政治偏见使得冲突火上加油一发不可收拾。
According to AI, perceived ethnic and political biases in the police and army had produced inflammatory and corrosive results.
同样,西非国家经济共同体派往尼日尔共和国的特使的参与 则有助于平息一场本有可一发而 不可收拾 并 可 能造成暴力后果的政治危机。
Similarly, the involvement of the ECOWAS Special Envoy in the Niger helped in dousing a potentially explosive political crisis with possible violent consequences.
使用最大限度的武力拦截国际人道主义船队不 仅没有必要,而且更重要的是,这种做法已经造成了 新的动荡,使中东局一发不可收拾 , 和 平毫无指望。
The maximum use of force to intercept an international humanitarian convoy is not only
unnecessary but, more
[...] significantly, has created a new situation that could unleash fresh unrest with grave consequences for peace in the Middle East.
今天希 望大家不會再相信劉江華議員所指,如果我們通過削減這些開支,政府 便沒有人手、沒有資源、沒有準備,於是壞人便可以橫行無忌了,或因
[...] 為沒有“線人費”等項目,於是便如剛才所說般,那些所謂危害公眾安全 的恐怖活動,便可能會襲擊香港一 發 不可收拾。
Today, I hope Members will not believe in what Mr LAU Kong-wah said anymore, which is that if the amendment to reduce these expenditures is passed, the Government will not have any manpower and resources for making preparations, and thus the bad guys will be able to act against the law as they wish; or as a result of the absence of such items as "informer's fees", the so-called terrorist
activities which will jeopardize public security, as mentioned just now, may occur
[...] in Hong Kong and run out of control.
主席,不希望有一個很大的變革 不 過 我希望能打破現有 慣常的做法,讓大家可以重拾對動 物的關愛。
Chairman, I am not seeking a radical change but I would like to break the usual practice, so that we would care for animals again.
主席,我們必須趁問題尚未發展一 發 不可收拾 的 境 地之前,從速就非 本地孕婦產子造成的社會效應進行科學的研究,而不是再次製造“一百六十 七萬式”的恐嚇。
President, we must expeditiously undertake a scientific study on the issue of non-local pregnant women giving birth in Hong Kong before the problem has run out of hand.
事 實 上 , 近 世 紀 科 學 家 對 人 類 的文明、 生 活 質 素 和 公 共 生 等 雖然作出了 莫 大 的 貢 獻 , 但 是,有些 發明在 解 決一個問題之後 ,的而 且確留 下 了 許不可收拾 的 世 代 遺 害 。
As a matter of fact, despite the great contribution made by scientists in the past century to human civilization, the quality of life and public health, there are some inventions which have left behind some irreparable harms to the future generations despite having solved some problems.
Raising awareness of emerging threats at an early stage is critical, so as to prevent and mitigate threats in advance of crisis tipping points.
天水圍事件只不過是問題的冰一角 , 在在顯示出如果未能及早處理家庭暴 力問題,只會令問題繼續惡化,最終達 不可收拾 的 地 步。
The Tin Shui Wai incident is just the tip of the
[...] iceberg, which shows that if the problem is not tackled as early as possible, it will only keep on deteriorating until it gets totally out of control one day.
就是這個藉口、理由, 令情況發展到今不可收拾的㆞步。
It is exactly this excuse or reason that has brought matters to such a hopeless state.
因此,導致“禽流感”事一發 不可收拾 的 關 鍵原因,根本不 是“職權分散”,因為有關的職權本來就是高度集中在 生署及漁農處,而 是決策部門 ─  生福利局及經濟局的“決策失誤”!說到底,拋出“職 權分散”論,只是一種混淆視聽的技倆,真正的目的是要掩藏當局“決策失 當”的過失,以東拉西併,搞出一個“超級”環境食物局來應付社會的批 評。
In the final analysis, the Government was only trying to confuse others by throwing out the theory of "fragmented responsibilities". Its real objective was to conceal the Administration's mistake of "making wrong decisions" by pulling things together to form a "super" Environment and Food Bureau in order to deal with criticisms made by the community.
(h) 与国际社会合作,根据对年度报告调查表和两年期报告调查表分析所 取得的经验,发可供麻 醉药品委员会考虑并采用的高级数 收 集 工具,以便 对减少毒品需求措施的质量、范围和覆盖面迅速作出衡量,确保所使用的工具 适合各国不同需 要和报告能力,有科学依据,同时充分利用现有信息资源并 在适当情况下借助现有区域监测系统的经验,尽量减少报告负担。
(h) Develop, in cooperation with the international community and in the light of lessons
learned in the
[...] analysis of replies to the annual reports questionnaire and the biennial reports questionnaire, enhanced data-collection instruments to be considered and adopted by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, allowing streamlined measurement of the [...]
quality, extent and
coverage of drug demand reduction measures, ensuring that the tools used are appropriate for the different needs and reporting capacities of countries and are scientifically sound, making full use of existing information resources and, benefiting from, if appropriate, the experience of the existing regional monitoring systems, while minimizing the reporting burden.
另外,执行支助股争取扩大关于援助受害者的协作, 收一 些 不经 常 参与《公约》工作的行为方,比如世界卫生组织、国际劳工组织、国际残疾人发展联 盟以及联合国人权事务高级专员办事处。
In addition, the ISU sought to broaden collaboration on victim assistance to include a number of actors that do not regularly participate in the work of the Convention, including the World Health Organisation, the International Labour Organisation, the International Disability and Development Consortium and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
阿富汗代表团十分重视《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》 的最后审查,并希望第四次联合国 不发 达 国 家问 题会议的成果文件能可持续发展和 经济增长提一个新 的伙伴关系框架,以使这些国家逐步融入世 界经济。
His delegation attached great importance to the final review of the Brussels Programme of Action and hoped that the outcome of the fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed
Countries would provide
[...] a new framework for partnership for sustainable development and economic growth so as to enable those countries to integrate [...]
progressively into the world economy.
所以,我們一 定要切實正視它,希望它不要一步 惡 化,到 不可收拾 的 局 面。
Thus, we must face the illness squarely, preventing it from deteriorating to a stage where no remedy can be prescribed.
二、发可转让电子运输记录的不 论 该 电子运输记录是凭指示开出还是凭 记名人指示开出,其持有人均可以按照第九条 一 款 述 及的程序,通过转让该电 子运输记录,转让其中包含的各项权利。
2. When a negotiable electronic transport record is issued, its holder may transfer the rights incorporated in it, whether it be made out to order or to the order of a named person, [...]
by transferring the
electronic transport record in accordance with the procedures referred to in article 9, paragraph 1.
正所謂“預防勝於治療”,透過建築設計的配合,從源頭開始阻截病毒 以幾何級數的傳播,便不會出一發 不可收拾 的 局 面,從根源考慮這個問 題。
As the saying goes, "prevention is better than cure". Through complementary architectural design, the exponential spread of viruses can be stemmed and an out-of-control situation can be prevented, so it is necessary to consider this issue at root.
代理主席,我希望政府真的可以 三思,以免要面一些真正不可收拾 的 場 面。
Deputy President, I hope that the Government can really think twice, so as to avoid facing some truly unmanageable situations.
當 我從電 視 看 到 軍 隊 進入廣 場 , 學 生 被 驅 散 的 時 候 ,不停反問 自 己 , 為一次 善意的 學 生 運 動 會發展 到 這樣可收拾 的 地 步 。
When I saw the troops entered the Square to disperse the students, I kept asking myself why a student movement with the best intentions should go out of hand like this.
我相信收這稅項後,會令更多可 獲 得以 拾取廢 物為職務的工作,並且可透過這些廢物換 一 些 東西,繼而發展出一 個小型行業。
I believe,
[...] after imposing the green tax, more people will be employed as waste collectors and eventually a small industry can be developed because the wastes [...]
can be exchanged for some other things.
宣言》承 认全球金融和经济危机有使发展中国家在债务领域所取得的最 收 益 化 为乌有的 危险,并指出,一形势 要求实施大胆的举措解决发展中国家当前的债务问题, 其中包括特别是为非洲和不发达国 家取消债务。
The Declaration recognized that the global financial and
economic crises risked
[...] undoing the recent gains made by developing countries in the area of debt, noting that the situation demands the implementation of bold initiatives to resolve the current debt problems of developing countries, including debt cancellation, particularly for Africa and LDCs.
3)七一遊行後,董建華在7月5日仍然堅持如期就《基本法》第23條立法,完全不顧7月9日可能會出 一 發 不可收拾 的 動 盪,簡直不可理喻。
(3) On July 5, after the July 1 Demonstration, Tung still stubbornly adhered to the original timetable for legislating for Article 23 of the Basic Law.
但专家组发现,美国证券交易委员会条例的 发一 拖 再 拖, 发 市 场 不 确定 性,加之担心报告义可能要 求矿物是 100%“非冲突”矿物,因此大部分行业行 为体退出了刚果民主共和国东部的市场,而不是对其供应链进行尽职调查。
However, the Group has
[...] established that market uncertainty resulting from the lengthy delay in the publication of the Commission rules, together with the fear [...]
of potential 100 per
cent “conflict-free” demands in their reporting obligations, has led most industry actors to pull out of the market in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo rather than conduct due diligence on their supply chains.
与挑战,其中包括:第一,核武器的加快改进和现代 化;第二,恐怖集团有可能获取这些武器,尽管只有
[...] 核武器国家本身拥有这些武器,并对防止其落入恐怖 集团手中承担着首要和绝对的责任;第三,核武器国可能对保证不发展这 种技术的国家使用这种武器 系统;最后,一种想 法认为,结束这种危险的唯一 真正的保障就是按全人类的要求,全面和彻底销毁这 类武器。
Moreover, the declaration must include specific references to the threats and challenges facing the international community, including, first, the accelerated improvement and modernization of nuclear weapons; secondly, the possible acquisition of these weapons by terrorist groups, even when these weapons are held only by the nuclear-weapon States themselves, which have the prime and absolute responsibility for preventing such diversion; thirdly, the
potential use of these
[...] systems by nuclear-weapon States against those that have pledged not to develop such technology; and lastly, the concept [...]
according to which
the only genuine guarantee that these threats will end is the total and complete destruction of such weapons demanded by all humankind.
父 母 帶同子 女 燒炭自 殺 的 歪 風,似一 發 不可收 拾 , 連 同 其他的家庭暴 力 事件,單是在今年 首 4 個月,便 [...]
有 8 名 無 辜 小 童 因為家 庭 慘 劇 而 斷 送 性 命 , 這 是 十 分 可 惜 的 。
The unhealthy trend of parents committing suicide
[...] together with children by burning charcoal seems to be running out [...]
of hand. Taking other family
violence incidents into account, in the first four months of this year alone, eight innocent children lost their lives as a result of family tragedies, which is a great pity.
放眼世界,我們可以見到波 斯尼亞的回教㆟,大半個世紀以來已經和塞爾維亞㆟混在㆒起,但兩者之間,毫無融 合可言,結果發生目前的種族清洗、㆒ 不可收拾 的 大 悲劇。
Looking around the world, we can see that although the Bosnian Muslims have been living with the Bosnian Serbs for the greater part of a century, there has been no harmony between them, thus leading to the current irreversible tragedy of ethnic cleansing.
智慧型的 MOTS 功可「聽 見」您播放的歌曲,分析曲目的聲音、旋律與節奏等多項層面,找出曲風類似的音樂,自動提供一份播放列表,帶您聆賞也許早已被您遺忘 一 些 曲 目, 拾 您 的 音樂檔 收 藏。
If you like, the intelligent MOTS feature actually ‘listens’ to the song you are playing – analyses the sound, dynamics, and rhythmic aspects.
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