

单词 一分为二

See also:

分为 v

consist of v
comprise v


divide sth into (parts)


second part
the equinox

External sources (not reviewed)

它们建议要更 加具体,避免人为一分为二的做法。
They recommended a more specific formulation,
[...] also avoiding artificial dichotomies.
国家臭氧机构的职责一分为二,环 境部的空气质量控制指 导机构负责政治职责,政府机构 FONDOIN [...]
The responsibilities of the national
[...] ozone unit (NOU) are divided into a political role [...]
covered by the Direction of Air Quality
Control of the Ministry of Environment, and the technical and operational role carried out by FONDOIN, a government body.
有意见认为,次级方案 1 的 B
[...] 部分(发展权)的 绩效指标(b)不够明确,而且过长,应该将 一分为二。
The view was expressed that indicator of achievement
(b) under part B, Right to development, of subprogramme 1, was unclear and too long, and
[...] that it should be split in two.
自 1990 年代后期以来,索马里领一分为二 , 北 方在负责任的当局治 理下相对稳定和安全,南方长期频现暴力,缺乏有效治理。
Since the late 1990s, Somalia has been
[...] characterized by the bifurcation of its territory [...]
into relatively stable and secure regions governed
by responsible authorities in the north, and the protracted violence and absence of effective governance in the south.
其次,我知道这是我个人的判断,但是是建立在 喀布尔许多人的认识基础上的,即安理会作出勇敢的 决定,将第 1267(1999)号决议所设委员会名一分为 二,区别对待基地组织和塔利班,方向显然是正确的, 这样我们才能继续推动和解。
Secondly, and I know this is personal judgment, but it is one based on the perception held by many in Kabul, the
decision that the Council
[...] courageously took to split the list of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) between Al-Qaida and the Taliban is certainly an indicator in [...]
the right direction,
if we want to continue to push for reconciliation.
在这方面,关于两国解决办法的国际共识今天远 比
[...] 1947 年大,事实上,当初在把受委任统治的巴勒 斯一分为二这个 问题上,并没有形成任何共识。
In that regard, international consensus on the two-State solution
is far greater today than it was in 1947, at which time there was in fact
[...] no consensus on partitioning Mandate Palestine.
为此,我们对国际社会包括安理会将履行在巴勒 斯坦问题上所承担的法律、政治和道义责任充满希
[...] 望,这些责任自大会通过第181(II)号决议,将巴勒 斯坦委任统治一分为二以来 就一直未得到履行,对 它来说,现在是一个最终履行责任,确保巴勒斯坦人 [...]
We are thus hopeful that the international community, including the Council, will uphold the legal, political and moral responsibilities towards the question of Palestine that have remained unfulfilled since the
General Assembly’s adoption of resolution
[...] 181 (II), which partitioned Mandate Palestine, [...]
and for which there is now an historic
opportunity to finally fulfil towards ensuring justice and freedom for the Palestinian people.
发言者 提到的相对成功的事例有科特迪瓦、南苏丹、支持东南亚国家联盟(东盟)主导的 柬埔寨和泰国之间的调解、把安全理事会第
1540(2004)号决议所设委员会的任务 再延长十年、把“零容忍”列入联合国的反恐词汇、把安全理事会关于基地组织
[...] 和塔利班及有关个人和实体的第 1267(1999)号决议所设委员一分为二、 改 善制 裁的适当程序、协助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团)在索马里的工作。
Among the relative successes mentioned were Côte d’Ivoire, South Sudan, supporting the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-led mediation between Cambodia and Thailand, renewing the mandate of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) for another decade, the introduction of “zero tolerance” into the Organization’s counter-terrorism vocabulary, splitting the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) concerning Al-Qaida and the
Taliban and associated
[...] individuals and entities and improving due process on sanctions, [...]
and assisting the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).
有人建议,今后将国际药品采购机制收到的捐助在保健和气候变 化这两个方一分为二。
The suggestion was made that the future contributions received by
[...] UNITAID could be split between health and [...]
climate change.
[...] 和军事危机开始以来,他们一直在关注科特迪瓦的人权状况,危机造成了许多问 题,使国一分为二。
Interfaith International, Rencontre africaine pour la défense des droits de l’homme and the Al-Hakim Foundation, in a joint statement, stated that they had been following with interest the human rights situation in Côte
d’Ivoire since the beginning of the political and military crisis, which had
[...] caused many problems and split the country in two.
[...] 家庭基地和工作所在地各维持一个居家的需要,将上述数 一分为二 , 所得结果 为 1 075 美元,即减去住房支出后的家庭基地和工作所在地的本地支出。
To account for the need to maintain a home at both
the home base and at the place of duty,
[...] that amount was divided by two, resulting [...]
in a figure of $1,075, representing in-area
costs, less housing, at both the home base and the place of duty.
各部分的开头均有一幅彩色花卉图案的插图,标题以白色字母写在金色背景上,内容被一条带彩 色纹饰的垂直条一分为二。
Each section opens with an illumination of a colored flower composition, with the titles
written in white letters on a gold
[...] background, and text divided into two parts by [...]
a vertical band with а colored ornamentation.
2007 年 3 月 4
[...] 日签署的《瓦加杜古协议》设法通过下列措施解决科特迪瓦危 机:撤消使国一分为二的信 任区、在全国重新部署国家行政机构、解散民兵、 [...]
解除战斗人员武装并吸收他们加入公民服务方案、合并“新生力量”与国防和安 全部队;简化和加速人口身份验证,以推动对有选举权者的登记工作;组织自由、
The Ouagadougou Agreement, signed on 4 March 2007, sought to resolve the crisis in
Côte d’Ivoire by removing the zone of
[...] confidence that had divided the country; re-establishing [...]
State administration throughout
the country; dismantling the militias and disarming combatants and enrolling them in a civic service programme; merging the Forces nouvelles and the national defence and security forces; streamlining and accelerating the identification of the population in order to facilitate the registration of those eligible to vote; and organizing a free, fair, open and transparent presidential election.
Prvi Partizan 公司通知专家组,它曾于 2005 年和 2006 年分别向
[...] Yugoimport 公司(塞尔维亚)和 TR&Z 美国贸易公司转运这批弹药(批号 PPU 0522), 因此将这批弹一分为二(见图二)。
Prvi Partizan informed the Group that it had legally transferred the lot (number PPU 0522) to two different
parties: Yugoimport (Serbia) and TR&Z USA Trading, in
[...] 2005 and 2006 respectively, hence splitting the lot (see fig. II).
在这方面,他与大多数代表团一样,欢迎安理会最近 将第 1267(1999)号决议实施的针对基地组织和塔利 班的制裁制一分为二。
In this context, and in line with most
delegations, he welcomed the
[...] recent division of the Council’s Al-Qaida and Taliban sanctions regime under resolution 1267 (1999) into separate regimes.
因此,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国代表团愿 敦促南朝鲜代表和当局将美军基地从南朝鲜赶出去; 自 1945
[...] 年以来,这些基地已在那里存在了 60 多年, 将国一分为二,给 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、其南 朝鲜兄弟以及整个朝鲜人民带来灾难性风险。
Therefore, the delegation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea would like to urge the representative and the authorities of South Korea to remove the United States military bases from South Korea;
they have been there for more than six
[...] decades, since 1945, dividing the country and creating [...]
a disastrous risk for the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea, its South Korean brothers and the entire Korean nation.
[...] 人民的愿望,即为结束非洲历史上最为持久的战争 之一,他们不惜任何代价,包括将自己的国 一分 为二。
The decision to hold the referendums was an expression of their desire to pay any
price, including the partition of their country into two States, in
[...] order to end one of the longest [...]
wars in Africa’s history.
现在全球机制与常设秘书处在体制 一分为二 的 情 况已存在了十多年,这 也不符合联合国“一体行动”的方针及其财务细则和条例,后者规定应由授权机 构密切监督、审查和领导财务事项,而对《防治荒漠化公约》来说,授权机构应 是缔约方会议。
The Current institutional dichotomy between the GM and the Permanent Secretariat that have developed over a period of a decade or more, likewise contradict the “Delivering as One” approach of the UN, as well as the financial rules and regulations of the United Nations which, for example, require financial matters to be under the close oversight, scrutiny and direction of the authorized body, which in regard to the UNCCD is its Conference of Parties.
我们还在考虑向苏丹共和国提供更多的经济激 励,这是因为一个国一分为二总是相当痛苦的,并 伴随着若干新的国内问题。
We are also giving thought to additional economic incentives
for the Republic of South
[...] Sudan, taking into account the fact that the division of a country is [...]
always quite painful and
accompanied by a number of new domestic problems.
联合国 不能认定在一分为二的领 土上进行的所谓全国选 举是有效的选举;在那里,其中一名候选人的支持者 [...]
无法进入同一领土的某些地区,而叛乱分子控制地区 的私人电视频道只为 14 名候选人中的一名候选人助 选。
The United Nations cannot validate an alleged
[...] national poll in a bisected territory where [...]
supporters of one of the candidates
are denied access to a part of the same territory, or where a private television channel in the area controlled by rebels campaigns for only one of 14 candidates.
在缓冲区以外,特派团任务的一个重要方面是处理塞 一分为二 给 居 住在北 部的希族塞人和马龙派教徒以及居住在南部的土族塞人带来的日常问题。
Beyond the buffer zone, an important aspect of the mission’s mandate is to address day-to-day issues arising from the division of the island for Greek Cypriots and Maronites residing in the north and Turkish Cypriots residing in the south.
[...] 我们带头主张安理会决定将第 1267(1999)号决议所 设制裁制一分为二,区别对待基地组织和塔利班。
As evidence of our seriousness, we champion the
[...] Council’s decision to split the sanctions regime [...]
pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) and
to establish distinct sanctions for Al-Qaida and the Taliban.
该代表团支持把该委员一分为二的 建 议,并表示愿意作为污染 物委员会的东道国。
The Delegation supported the
[...] recommendation to split the Committee into [...]
two, and offered to host the Contaminant Committee.
如果被收购的螺旋扫描导管立体数据集,图像将需要重新插值,使一个单一的2D图 一分为二 的 两 个墨痕与组织学的相关性。
If volumetric datasets were acquired with a helical scanning catheter, the
images will need to be re-interpolated so that a
[...] single 2D image bisects both ink marks for correlation [...]
with histology.
司法体一分为二,第 一个最高司法委员会在西岸行使权力,第二个最高司法委员会在 加沙地带行使权力,是加沙地带事实上的管辖当局,管理并协助司法工作,并监 [...]
The judicial system was divided between two bodies, [...]
the first of which, the Supreme Judicial Council, holds sway in the
West Bank, while the second, the Supreme Justice Council, has authority in the Gaza Strip.
第六份合同也给了同一家公司,因为这份合同是将第五份合 一分为二 而 来 的,目的 是要遵守 2004--2005 [...]
年双年度合同的执行期限 2006 年 3 月 31 日这个日子37 ,尤其是要在该 双年度结束之前把所有可利用的资金(800 000
美元)都用掉,把规定里的另外 400 000 美元 挪到下一个双年度。
The sixth contract was awarded to the same
company, being part of the fifth
[...] contract that had been divided into two in order [...]
to meet the performance deadline of 31
March 200636 for contracts under the 2004-2005 biennium and, above all, to use all the available funds by the end of the biennium ($800,000) and to carry over to the next biennium the additional $400,000 in allocated funds.
在Emilia地区有一个传统,举行聚会和举办宴会时餐桌的中央放上一 一分为二 的 Pa rmigiano-Reggiano奶酪,外表硬壳就自然的成为一个盘子,客人们使用杏仁形状的刀从中把奶酪切成片状享用。
In Emilia region it’s a tradition at parties and banquets offering in the
middle of the table a big whole cheese of
[...] Parmigiano-Reggiano split in two, with the [...]
rind used as natural plate from which the
guests take cheese flakes with the special almond-shaped knife.
西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)于 2003 年 1
[...] 月部署维和部队,以制止冲突并维持被称为“信任区”的东西停火线,停火线将 该国北部和南部地一分为二。
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) deployed peacekeeping troops in January 2003 to contain the conflict and maintain
the east-west ceasefire line known as the zone
[...] of confidence, which separated the country’s northern [...]
and southern regions.
政治协议的执行取得了重大进展,特别是成功撤消了将该 一分为二 的信 任区;部分重新部署了政府部门和工作人员,并逐渐从“新生力量”区指挥官向 [...]
Implementation of the peace accords has led to significant progress, in particular the
dismantling of the zone of confidence, which had
[...] illustrated the partition of the country; [...]
the partial redeployment of Government
offices and staff and the gradual transfer of authority from the Forces nouvelles zone commanders to the prefects.




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