

单词 一例



first case
first instance
first time (sth. is done)

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 评注中应当列一些示例,解释在知识产权情形下建议 81(c)项产生的 影响,其一例可以反映建议 245 目前措词所涵盖的事项。
(d) The commentary should list examples to explain the impact of recommendation 81, subparagraph (c), in an intellectual property context, one of which could [...]
reflect the matter covered
by the current formulation of recommendation 245.
[...] 或国际组织能够反对,那么维持领土范围已经扩大的保留必然会打破条约的平 衡:这正是一例外的 狭义意思,即仅涉及保留的领土范围的扩大“使保留的实 [...]
Even in such a situation, in order for a State or international organization that has not objected in time to the reservation prior to the date of the succession of States to be able to object to it, it would be necessary that the maintenance of the reservation the territorial scope of which has been extended should upset the balance of the treaty:
that is the sense of the restrictive
[...] formulation of this exception, which covers only [...]
those situations in which the territorial
extension of the reservation “radically changes the conditions for the operation of the reservation”.
在起草过程中接受咨询的所有行为者 一例 外 地 表示,在抗击坏 疽性口炎方面还需要做更多工作,应以旨在消除贫困和减少营养不良状况的政策 为出发点,各国与相关专门机构也应承担起责任。
Across the board, the actors consulted during the drafting process agreed that more needs to be done in the fight against noma – starting with policies aimed at eliminating poverty and reducing malnutrition – and that States and relevant specialized agencies ought to assume responsibility.
即使它们在可预知的将来不 可能成为潜在的制造商,将一例外 纳 入该国法律也是谨慎之举。
Even if they are not likely to be potential producers in the foreseeable future, it would be prudent to
[...] include the exception in their legislation.
在此仅一例,人 力资源管理局不等大会决定,就把各部门和各处局建议取消的职位视为已 取消,并对这些职位的工作人员施加压力,强迫他们离开本组织但不考虑他们的权利也不考 [...]
To give but one example, without waiting for [...]
a decision from the General Conference, HRM considers that the posts proposed
by sectors and bureaux are already abolished and is putting pressure on persons occupying those posts to make them leave the Organization without taking account of their rights or their interests.
一例来说 明这一点:有 关青少年培养与教育成功实践经验信息分享计划的开展就使得各国人民在这一领域里在国家 [...]
Thus, to take one example, information sharing [...]
about good practice in early childhood care and education is empowering people
to provide better opportunities in this domain at national and local levels.
这 一规定的一例外是 国外体育比赛中使用的武器。
The only exception made to this provision [...]
is for arms which are for use in sports competitions abroad.
准则 5.2.2 第 2 款规定了一例外情 况,在逻辑上是 站得住脚的,继承国不能同时维持引致合并的其中一个国家所提出的保留,以及 [...]
其中另一个国家对国家继承不涉及的第三国作为条约缔约国或当事国提出的完全 相同或等效的保留作出的反对。
Paragraph 2 of guideline 5.2.2
[...] sets out this exception, which is justified [...]
on logical grounds and relates to the fact that
a successor State cannot maintain both a reservation formulated by one of the uniting States and, at the same time, objections made by another such State to an identical or equivalent reservation formulated by a contracting State or party to the treaty that is a third State in relation to the succession of States.
10 条的一般评论中确认,“在任何情况下,包括战争状态或公 共紧急状态,不得以国家的利益作为设立秘密中心或拘留场所的任何借口或使之 合法化,确切
[...] 而言,这样的秘密中心 或拘留场所必 将一例 外地违反《宣 言》。
The Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances confirmed in its general comment on article 10 of the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance that under no circumstances, including states of war or public emergency, can any State interest be invoked to justify or
legitimize secret centres or places of detention which, by definition, would violate
[...] the Declaration, without exception.
[...] 不使用武力的义务以及各国人民的自决都是基本原则, 保障人权和尊重所有人一例外享有的尊严也是如此。
For Colombia, the peaceful settlement of disputes, the obligation not to use force in international relations and the
self-determination of peoples are fundamental principles, as are human rights and respect for the
[...] dignity of all, without exception.
如果说 我们对安理会持乐观态度,那是因为我们仍然可以听 到明智的声音响彻安理会会议厅,呼吁向叙利亚伸出 援手,以应对其各种困难,鼓励叙利亚政府推进应有
[...] 的改革,并呼吁外部反对派参与全面的全国对话,从 而建设一个一例外地 属于所有公民的叙利亚。
If we are optimistic about the Council, it is because we continue to hear the voice of the wise echoing in the Chamber, calling for a hand to be extended to Syria to address its difficulties, to encourage the Syrian Government to push ahead with the
desired reforms, and to call on the external opposition to enter into a comprehensive national dialogue in order to build a Syria for
[...] all our citizens without exception.
2005 年 7 例死亡产妇中一例是一名 15 周岁的产妇, 死于败血症,占总例数的 [...]
In 2005, in 7 cases of maternal
[...] mortality a case of one maternal death was [...]
registered with a 15 year old teenager which
constitutes 12.8, the cause being septicaemia.
采用最佳做法可将填充损失降低到大约 3 0.3%,墨西哥就一例,而 印度的平均损失率在 0.5%至 1%之间不等,不时会更高,但有 [...]
Best practices can bring filling losses down to
[...] about 0.3 %, as for example in Mexico, while [...]
the average in India is between 0.5% and
1 %, and at times even higher, except for one company which reports significantly lower losses.
我不认为题目有暗示作品内容的工作,这卷是其 一例。
I don’t believe that a title should give any hint about
[...] the content of an artwork.
联合国成员包括全球各国,应发挥主导作用,促成 在全球性问题上进行广泛磋商,包括提供机会让非 20 国集团国家的意见可以反 映到首脑会议;亚太经社会长期为 20 国集团峰会安排的亚太观点高级别磋商, 是其一例。
The United Nations, given its global membership, should play a leading role in facilitating broad-based consultations on global issues, including by providing an outlet for non-G20 countries to communicate their views to the summit, as facilitated by ESCAP through its ongoing programme of high-level consultations on perspectives from Asia and the Pacific for the G20 summits.
个人便携设备 (BYOD) 只是其一例,但 这足以表明企业生态系统在如何变化及这些变化已如何创建了对云存储不断增长的需求。
BYOD is just one example, but it is indicative [...]
of how the business ecosystem is changing and how these changes have created
a growing demand for cloud storage.
虽然事实上美国人类基因科学公司已经同意了几项利用 CCR5
[...] 受体基因进行新药研制的 专利使用许可,但一例证表明了将专利授予名为发明实为发现的危险性,而有关专利 [...]
Although HGS has in fact already agreed to several licences for the use
of the CCR5 receptor gene in research
[...] into new drugs, the example illustrates the [...]
possible dangers of granting patents on
inventions which are in reality little more than discoveries in which the use claimed is merely speculative and based on an incomplete knowledge of the function of the gene.
把所有电流 互感器的推荐测试包括在一个测试模板中就是其 一例。
An example is the template containing [...]
all the recommended measurements for testing a current transformer.
不可持续的废物管理对工人及其社区的健康和环境产生了巨大影响,而最严 重的后果还没有显现出来,二恶英类和呋喃就 一例。
Unsustainable waste management has enormous impacts on the health and environment
of workers and their communities, with the worst effects still to come in
[...] the case of, for example, dioxins and furans.
回顾阿拉伯国家联盟理事会在 2002 年 3 月 27 日和 28 日在贝鲁特举行的第
[...] 表示支持各方在安纳波利斯会议上申明的有关开展双边谈判的商定原则,以 缔结一项和平条约,一例外地 解决所有悬而未决的问题,包括所有核心问题, [...]
Recalling the Arab Peace Initiative adopted by the Council of the League of Arab States at its fourteenth session, held in Beirut on 27 and 28 March 2002,6 Expressing support for the agreed principles for bilateral negotiations, as affirmed by the parties at the Annapolis conference, aimed at concluding a peace treaty resolving all
outstanding issues, including all core
[...] issues, without exception, for the achievement [...]
of a just, lasting and peaceful settlement
of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict and ultimately of the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole for the realization of a comprehensive peace in the Middle East
一例说明 ,序言部分第九 段提及的具体案件转移了对需就该问题进行严肃的 [...]
多边反思和行动的注意力,并且没有促进保护移徙者 人权方面的建设性合作。
As just one example, reference to a specific [...]
case in preambular paragraph 9 diverted attention from the serious multilateral
reflection and action required on the issue and did not promote constructive cooperation in protecting the human rights of migrants.
无论是嵌入到您家中的智能能源装置中、孩子房间的游戏机中、您随时随地携带的智能手机或笔记本中、您的汽车内、您的办公设备或生产车间中,我们的解决方案 一例 外 地简单而强大,是您日常生活不可或缺的一部分。
Whether our solution is embedded in a smart energy unit in your home, a gaming console in your kid’s room, a smartphone or netbook that you take everywhere and anywhere, in your car, in your office equipment, or on the factory floor — our solutions are simple, powerful and part of your everyday life.
尽管秘书长关于第 1701(2006)号决 议执行情况的各次报告均一例外地载有以色列的指控,但这些报告却从未一视 同仁地考虑秘书长特别代表会晤的叙利亚官员对指控的否认。
Although the Secretary-General’s reports on the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) have invariably included the Israeli allegations, they have never given the same consideration to the denials of the Syrian officials with whom the Secretary-General’s Special Representative has met.
马诺斯先生在发言中首先指出,武装冲突和自然灾害的后果越来越 显而易见,这种事件在世界的每一个地区都可能发生;而且 一例 外 的 是,平民 百姓受到武装冲突和自然灾害的影响最大。
Among other things, Mr. Munoz stated that the consequences of armed conflict and natural disasters had become increasingly visible and there was a possibility of such events occurring in every region of the world; invariably, the civilian population was the most affected by armed conflict and natural disasters.
一些实例,一个实 时的地铁/地下通道应用,实时显示所有的列车(或公共汽车)的位置和移动,或在一个公司的资金流动,和当前在每个网站中多少是可用的,或实时的供应链应用等。
Several examples, a live metro/subway [...]
application, showing location and movement of all the train cars (or buses) in real
time, or money flow in a corporation, and how much is currently available in every site, or, live supply chain application, etc.
董事會亦認為在一年內出現若干股本相關融資活動時的換股比率調整實屬公平合 理,此乃由於(i)投資者受限於為期兩年的禁售承諾;(ii)本公司任何該等融資活動將導
[...] 致投資者股權被攤薄;及(iii)董事會了解該等調整與近期市場 例一 致。
The Board also considers that the adjustments to the conversion rate in the event of certain equity related financing activities within one year are fair and reasonable because (i) the Investor is subject to a lock-up undertaking of two years; (ii) any such financing activities by the Company would result in a dilution of
the Investor’s shareholding; and (iii) the Board is aware that such adjustments is in line
[...] with recent market precedents.
每股經營活動產生的現金流量淨額比上年同期增減變動比例與經營活動產生的現金流量淨額比上年同期增減變動 例一 致, 但與按實際數據計算出來的變動比例存在差異,是由於每股經營活動產生的現金流量淨額計算時四捨五入保留小數位所致。
The percentage change in the increase/decrease of net cash flow from operating activities per share as compared to the sameperiodlastyearwasconsistentwiththepercentagec hangeintheincrease/decreaseofnetcashflowfromopera ting activities as compared to the end of the previous year, but might be different from the percentage change calculated on the basis of actual figures owing to rounding in the calculation of net cash flow from operating activities per share.
在 落 實有關建 議 和 草 擬 法律條文時 , 我們一直 遵守以 下的原 則:第一 , 新 的 架 構 應 符合國 際標準 , 並 與 國 際例 一 致,但 會 因應本地情況及需 要作 適 當 調整; 第 二 , 新 的 架 構 應在保 障 投 資者和促進市場發 展 兩 者 之 間 取 得 合 理 平 衡;第 三,手 續和程序應盡量簡化 和 方 便 使 用者,減 輕 規 管 造 成的負 擔; 第 四 , 監 管 機構行 使 監 管 權 力時, 應受適 當制衡 ;最後 便 是 要 方 便從現行架 構 , 過 渡 到 新 的 監 管 架 構 。
In finalizing the relevant proposals and drafting the provisions, we have followed the following principles: first, the new regime should be on par with international standards and compatible with international practices, with necessary adjustments to address local characteristics; second, a reasonable balance should be struck between protecting investors and facilitating market development; third, procedures and processes should be simplified and made user-friendly wherever possible to minimize the regulatory burden; fourth, the exercise of regulatory powers should be subject to adequate checks and balances; lastly, there should be a smooth transition from the existing to the new regulatory framework.
其實,這次民間電台的所謂公民抗命的事件,只是一條已被燃點的導火 線,背後還有一個很大但一直未被拆除的計時炸彈,而這個計時炸彈便是已 過時的《電訊例》,一個令 社會言論和傳播信息自由窒息的機制,但我們 的政府卻不願意把這個計時炸彈拆除。
In fact, this incident of the so-called civil disobedience by Citizens' Radio is only an ignited fuse and behind it there is a huge bomb waiting to be defused, and this time bomb is the obsolete TO, a mechanism that suffocates the freedom of speech and freedom to disseminate information in society and yet, our Government is still reluctant to defuse this time bomb.




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