单词 | 一二八事变 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一二八事变 —Shanghai incident of 28th January 1932, Chinese uprising |
正如上文第 10--13 段所说明的,确定气候变化伦 理原则是一项紧迫的工作,因此,总 干事将向执行局第一八二届会 议提交委员会的报告(第 182 EX/INF.16 号文件)供审议,并 建议探讨如何进一步深入思考与气候变化有关的伦理问题(第 182 EX/56 号文件)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Due to the urgency of determining universal ethical [...] principles in relation [...] to climate change as set out above in paragraphs 10-13, the Director-General presented the COMEST report for review by the Executive Board at its 182nd session (182 [...]EX/INF.16) and proposed [...]consideration of how to take forward reflection on ethical principles in relation to climate change (182 EX/56). unesdoc.unesco.org |
自2007年引入该项目起,安全理事会在其下讨论了 ( 一 ) 自 然资源与冲突之间的联系; ( 二) 安全理事会在 预防和解决冲突、特别是非洲冲突方面的作用;(三)调解和解决争端;(四)通过普遍管制和裁减军备加强集体安全;(五)尊重国际人道主义法;(六)核不扩散与核裁军;(七)艾滋病毒/艾滋病;和 ( 八 ) 气 候 变 化 等 许多主题。 un.org | Since the introduction of the item in 2007, the Security Council discussed various topics under it such as (i) the linkage between natural resources and [...] conflict, (ii) the role of the Security Council in conflict prevention and resolution, in particular in Africa, (iii) mediation and settlement of disputes, (iv) strengthening collective security through general regulation and reduction of armaments, (v) respect for international humanitarian law, (vi) nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament, (vii) HIV/AIDS and (viii) climate change. un.org |
在 34 C/72 号决议中,大会要求“总干事向执 行局第 第 一八 0 届会议和第一八二届会 议 报告实施《行动计划》改进预算外资金管理所取得的结果和所遇到的挑战;并要求执行局向 大会第三十五届会议报告教科文组织预算外活动的主要进展情况,以及预算外活动与教科文 [...] 组织正常计划活动之间的关系,并在必要时征求大会的指导意见。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By 34 C/Resolution 72, the General Conference [...] requested the Director-General “to report to the Executive Board at its 180th and 182nd sessions on the results [...]achieved and the challenges [...]met in the implementation of the Action Plan for improved management of extrabudgetary funds” and the Executive Board to “report to the General Conference at its 35th session on major developments regarding UNESCO’s extrabudgetary activities and their alignment with UNESCO’s regular programme activities, and to seek its guidance as necessary”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国际水文计划政府间理事会第十八届 会 议(巴黎,2008 年 6 月 9 日至 13 日)审议了关 于在德意志联邦共和国建立水资源与全 球 变 化 国 际中心的建议,并已得到国际水文计划主席 团在届会外(2008 年 4 月)的批准赞同,第十八届会议还通过了第 XVIII-3 号决议(附件 I),该决议认为建立拟议中心对实现国际水文计划的各项目标具有重要的促进作用,要求 秘书处协助起草将提交教科文组织理事机构的有关文件,并请会员国,特别是教科文组织现 有的、主要是在地区一级研 究有关水问题的中心和机构网络,积极支持拟建中心,确保与现 有的地区中心开展合作与协作 。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The 18th session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council (Paris, 9-13 June 2008) considered a proposal for the establishment of the International Centre of Water Resources and Global Change in the Federal Republic of Germany, which had been endorsed by an out-of-session approval of the IHP Bureau (April 2008), and adopted Resolution XVIII-3 (Annex I), by which, considering the establishment of the proposed Centre as an important contribution to achieving the goals of IHP, it requested the Secretariat’s assistance in preparing the documentation to be submitted to the governing bodies of UNESCO, and invited Member [...] States and in particular the existing [...]UNESCO network of centres and institutes which address relevant water issues, especially at the regional level, to actively support the proposed Centre and ensure cooperation with the existing regional centres. unesdoc.unesco.org |
板垣雄三于1931年2月出生于东京,七个月后发生的“ 九 一八事变 ” 成为了日本全面侵略中国的开端。 shanghaibiennale.org | Yuzo ITAGAKI was born in Tokyo in Feb. 1931, seven months [...] earlier than the 9/18 Incident, the inception [...]of Japan’s unreserved incursion into China. shanghaibiennale.org |
背景:在报告所涉时期,举行了一届 国 际水文计划政府间 理 事 会 会议和三届国际 水文计划主席团会议,评估国际水文计划第七阶段(IHP-VII,2008--2013 年)中 期的活动情况,并对与国际水文计划相关的重大发 展 变 化 , 特别是 第 八 阶段(IHP-VIII,2014--2019 年)计划的拟定、与教科文组织--国际基础结构、水利和 环境工程学院水教育研究所和世界水资源评估计划(WWAP)的合作、拟建水方 面的第 2 类中心以及面对持续不断的财政和人事挑战国际水文计划的前途等问 题,提供政策指导。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Background: During the [...] reporting period, one session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council and three sessions of the IHP Bureau were held to evaluate the intermediate period of the Seventh Phase of the programme (IHP-VII, 2008-2013), to provide policy guidance for major IHP-related developments, particularly on the formulation of the Eighth Phase (IHP-VIII, [...]2014-2019), on the [...]cooperation with the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education and with the United Nations World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP), on proposed water-related category 2 centres, and on the future of IHP in the face of continuing financial and staffing challenges. unesdoc.unesco.org |
人权理事会第十八届会 议请利用雇佣军作为手段侵犯人权和阻止人民行使 自决权利问题工作组在执行理事会第 18/4 号决议时与各国以及各政府间组织和 非政府组织协商,并向大会第六十七届会议和 理 事 会 第 二 十 一 届 会 议报告工作组 关于以雇佣军为手段侵犯人权和阻止人民行使自决权问题的调查结果(人权理事 会第 18/4 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its eighteenth session, the Human Rights Council requested that the Working Group on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination consult States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and other relevant actors of civil society in the implementation of Council resolution 18/4 [...] and to report its findings on the [...]use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session and to the Council at its twenty-first session (HRC resolution 18/4). daccess-ods.un.org |
F.C.於二○○七年八月搬到倫敦,自二 ○ ○八 年一月開始在法國巴黎服事。 lordsmove.org | F.C., moved to London [...] in August 2007 and has served in Paris, France since January 2008. lordsmove.org |
自执行局第一八二届会 议以来,在制定后半期战略的同时,教科文组织还在可持续发 展教育十年的框架内采取了一些行动,主要是监测和评估(M&E)、通过可持续发展教育 来应对气候变化问 题以及师资教育等方面的行动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Since the 182nd session of the Executive Board, and in parallel to the preparation of the Strategy, UNESCO has taken action within the framework of the DESD linked mainly to monitoring and evaluation (M&E), addressing climate change through ESD, and teacher [...] education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
至于不在八达路设置中央护栏板,主要思量了四鄙陋面的成分:一是不利于地区创业社区、兴塘社区、金牛小组、香港街室第小区等居民的交通出行 ; 二 是 旅 程的宽度不克不及操持大众汽车等大型汽车顺利掉头,从而影响交通流利;三是不利于该旅程地区的经济勾当,影 响 八 达 路五金贸易街及贸易城的经营;四是不利于该旅程的车辆分流疏导 , 一 旦 发 生发火交 通 事变 , 该 旅程将处于持久的交通窒息。 sdgxsz.com | As in setting up the central Octopus road guardrail plate, mainly consider four shallow surface components : one is not conducive to regional business community, Tong Hing community, [...] Jinniu group, Hongkong street, residential quarters and other residents of the traffic; two is the journey width cannot manage Volkswagen Automobile and other large smooth turn, thus [...] affecting the traffic fluent; three is not conducive to the journey areas of economic activity, influence the octopus Hardware Trade Street and trade city management; four is not conducive to the journey of traffic grooming, once the ignition occurs in traffic accidents, the journey will be in abiding traffic suffocation. sdgxsz.com |
世界科学知识与技术伦理委员会(COMEST)第六届常会(2009 年 6 月 16-19 [...] 日)从 其报告“全球气候变化产生的伦理问题”中得出的结论,强调必须进一步注释气候变化的伦 理问题,确定指导应对这些挑战的普遍伦理原则,故增加了关于拟定世界应对气 候 变 化 原则 宣言这个新的议程项目,请执行局第 一八二 届 会 议审议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At its Sixth Ordinary Session (16-19 June 2009), the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), drawing conclusions from its report on “The [...] ethical dimensions of [...] global climate change”, highlighted the need to look further into the ethical dimensions of climate change, by [...]determining universal [...]ethical principles to guide response to such challenges. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此,我国代表团 充分支持德国的倡议,在安全理事会 第 二 次 审 议气候 变化的安全影响,而这一现象是国际社会许多年来关 切的主要问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | My delegation therefore fully supports [...] Germany’s initiative to have [...] the Security Council consider, for the second time, the security implications of climate change, which is a phenomenon [...]that has been [...]at the heart of the international community’s concerns for many years. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行局第 180 EX/7 号决定要求总干事向其第一八二届会 议提交一 份分析报告,分析在 2015 年之前实现达喀尔全民教育目标的主要障碍 [...] 及其原因,并提出如何改进教科文组织为实现全民教育目标而开展的活 动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By 180 EX/Decision 7, the Executive Board [...] requested the Director-General to submit to it at its 182nd session an analytical [...]report on the main [...]obstacles and their causes to attaining the Dakar EFA goals by 2015 and alternative ways of improving UNESCO’s efforts to achieve the EFA objectives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
笔者确定 了两类:“此类条约的第一个分 类,即体现了在 当 事 方 之间真正对等履行的整体条约,如禁 止核试验或扩散核武器的条约”和“以人权公约为典型的整体条约的 第 二变 种 ” (ibid.,p. 352)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author identifies two categories: “the first sub-group of such treaties, namely integral [...] treaties embodying genuine reciprocity [...] operative as between the parties, like treaties banning nuclear tests or the proliferation of nuclear weapons” and “integral treaties of the second variety, exemplified by human rights conventions” (ibid., p. 352). daccess-ods.un.org |
执行局第一八二届会 议对此项建议表示欢 迎,并在第 182 EX/20 号决定第 II 部分中,建议大会第三十五届会议批准该中心的建立, 并授权总干事与俄 罗斯联邦政府签署关于建立由教科文组织赞助的该中心之协定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Executive Board at its 182nd session welcomed the proposal and recommended in 182 EX/Decision 20 (II) that the General Conference at its 35th session approve the establishment of the Centre and authorize the Director-General to sign [...] an agreement with the [...]Government of the Russian Federation to establish the Centre under the auspices of UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
执行局 在第一八二届会 议上欢迎这一建议,并在第 182 EX/60 号决定中建议大会第三十 五届会议批准建立该研究所,授权总 干 事 与 印 度政府签署建立这个作为教科文组 织第 1 类机构的研究所需要签署的各项协定,采取必要措施在《2010--2011 年计 划与预算草案》(35 C/5 Rev.)中提及这一新的研究所。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At its 182nd session, the Executive Board welcomed the proposal and recommended by 182 EX/Decision 60 that the General Conference at its 35th session approve the establishment of the Institute, authorize the Director-General to sign [...] the required agreements [...]with the Government of India to establish the Institute as a category 1 institute of UNESCO and take the necessary steps to include in the Draft Programme and Budget for 2010-2011 (35 C/5 Rev.) reference to the new Institute. unesdoc.unesco.org |
J.C.與他的家人於二○○八年二月移 民,目前 在倫敦召會的一個區服事。 lordsmove.org | J.C., moved with his family in February 2008 and is serving in a district in the church in London. lordsmove.org |
秘书处在根据第 55/2 号决定编写关于一“贷 款和其他来源的额外收入的融资机制”的政策文件时,也将考虑到 该案头研究的结果,并考虑到对臭氧和气 候 变 化 二 者 带 来的好处、及时执行各个项目,以 遵守《蒙特利尔议定书》履约时间安排的必要性以及制 定 一 项 退出战略的必要性。 multilateralfund.org | The results of the desk study should also be considered by the Secretariat [...] when preparing a [...] policy paper on a "facility for additional income from loans and other sources" as per decision 55/2, taking into account: the benefits for both ozone and climate change, the need for the timely implementation of projects in order to adhere to the compliance schedule of the Montreal Protocol, and the need for the development of an exit strategy. multilateralfund.org |
建议作出的决定;请执行局呼吁所有援助发 展合作伙伴信守其以往作出的承诺;满意 地注意到建立了南南教育合作计划/基金管 理机制,并呼吁援助发展合作伙伴为此基 金提供捐款;请总干事拟定 一项筹资战 略,促使出资者信守先前的诺言,并鼓励 为南南教育合作计划/基金提供新的捐款; 就目前的金融和经济危机对发展中国家实 现全民教育目标产生的影响向执行局 第一 八二届会 议提交一份初步报告,并就此向 其第一八四届会议另外提交一份简明扼要 的分析报告。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Decision proposed: the Executive Board is invited to call upon development partners to fulfil their previous pledges, to take note with satisfaction that the [...] governance mechanisms for [...] the South-South Cooperation Programme/Fund are in place, and to call upon development partners to consider contributing to the Fund; the Director-General is invited to elaborate a fund-raising strategy that would call upon donors to fulfil their earlier pledges and would encourage [...]new contributions to [...]the South-South Cooperation Programme/ Fund for Education; and to present to the Board at its 182nd session a preliminary report on the impact of the current financial and economic crisis on the developing countries in their efforts to achieve the EFA goals, and another concise and analytical report in this respect for its 184th session. unesdoc.unesco.org |
背景:根据南非共和国关于建立由教科文组织赞助的非洲世界遗产基金 (AWHF)(第 2 类中心)的建议,执行局在其第 一八二 届 会议上对该建议表示 欢迎并建议大会第三十五届会议批准它,同时授权总 干 事 签署182 EX/20 号文件 第 VI 部分附件所载教科文组织与南非政府之间的协定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Background: In pursuance of a proposal from the Republic of South Africa for the establishment of the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), as a category 2 centre under the auspices of [...] UNESCO, the Executive [...] Board, at its 182nd session, welcomed such a proposal and recommended that the General Conference approve it at its 35th session and that it authorize the Director-General to sign [...]the Agreement between [...]UNESCO and the Government of South Africa contained in the Annex to document 182 EX/20 Part VI. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(d) 在第一八二届会 议(大会第三十五届会议前的届会)上,执行局在秘密会议 上根据其《议事规则》第 58 条第 2 和第 3 款的规定,审议总干事的提名人 选。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (d) At the 182nd session (the session preceding the 35th session of the General Conference), consideration by the Executive Board in private meeting of the names put forward, pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of Rule 58 of the Rules of Procedure. unesdoc.unesco.org |
第三,应通过举行因 4 月 12 日军事政变而中断 的第二轮总 统选举,而使选举进程继续下去。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thirdly, the electoral process should be continued [...] through the holding of the second round of presidential elections [...]interrupted by the military coup of 12 April. daccess-ods.un.org |
計算上述回報時須考慮的可再生能源固定資 產平均淨值和固定資產平均淨值(除可再生能源固定 資產平均淨值外),只包括港燈就與電力有關 的 事宜 而繼續使用的資產,而不包括二零 一八 年 十 二月三 十一日之後購置或投資的資產,除非它們是經合理 慎重的考慮,而且經政府批准後購買,以用於與電 力有關的事宜。 hkelectric.com | The Average Renewables Net Fixed Assets and the Average Net Fixed Assets (other than the Average Renewables Net Fixed Assets) to be taken into account for calculating the return shall only include assets that continue to be used in HEC’s Electricity-Related activities, and shall not include assets acquired or invested after 31 December 2018 unless they have been reasonably and prudently purchased for use in HEC’s ElectricityRelated activities and only if the purchase of such assets has been approved by the Government. hkelectric.com |
根据大会第二十六届会议通过并经第 二 十 八 、 二 十 九 届会议修订的《关于联合国教科 文组织与基金会及其它类似机构之关系的指示》第 II 和第 V 条的要求,总干事在此 向执行 局通报有关她就与基金会及其它类似机构建立为期六年且期满后可续延之正式关系所做决定 的情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Under Section II and Section V of the Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions adopted by the General Conference at its 26th session and amended at its 28th and 29th sessions, the Director-General shall [...] inform the Executive [...]Board of her decision to establish official relations with foundations and similar institutions for a renewable term of six years. unesdoc.unesco.org |
继一非正式小组对这一事项进 行审议后,执行委员会请工发组织在可行的情况下, 集中关注能够直接降低工业制冷次级行业的泄漏率的活动,同时探讨各种机会,同商业和 食品制作设备的所有者一道促进改造成或转型成全 球 变 暖 潜能值低的技术。 multilateralfund.org | Following consideration of the matter by an informal group, the Executive Committee asked UNIDO to focus, if feasible, on activities that would directly reduce leakage rates in the industrial refrigeration sub-sector and to explore opportunities for working with owners of commercial and food-manufacturing [...] equipment to promote [...]retrofits or conversions to low-GWP technology. multilateralfund.org |
除正在议程项目 3 下审议的共同文件之外,经社会还收到了宏观经济 政策、减贫及包容性发展委员会第二 届 会 议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/4)和可持 续农业促进减贫中心理事会第八届会 议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/5)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the common documents being considered under agenda item 3, the Commission had before it the report of the Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty [...] Reduction and Inclusive [...] Development on its second session (E/ESCAP/68/4) and the report of the Governing Council of the Centre for the Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture on its eighth session (E/ESCAP/68/5). daccess-ods.un.org |
该事务的实际情况制定几乎可以在这些方面,但是,由于分歧组成,在大多数情况下,仅仅在某些句子 的 变 种 , 还是在实际上有不同的作者,其中发射机;虽然许多这些偏差是由R.约拿和R.圣何塞,谁住在太巴列contemporaneously,教引, 这 一事 实 证 明几乎假设有两种不同的Talmudim,一个由约拿和其他由何塞教授,它仍将是显而易见的,从上面提到的声明,即犹太法典中存在的一些明确的形式在整个amoraic时期,而且,而且,其最后节录了其他修改之前。 mb-soft.com | The actual condition of affairs can scarcely be formulated in these terms, however, since the divergencies [...] consist, for the most [...] part, of mere variants in certain sentences, or in the fact that there were different authors and transmitters of them; and although many of these deviations are cited by R. Jonah and R. Jose, who lived and taught contemporaneously at Tiberias, this fact scarcely justifies [...]the assumption [...]that there were two different Talmudim, one taught by Jonah and the other by Jose; it will nevertheless be evident, from the statements cited above, that the Talmud existed in some definite form throughout the amoraic period, and that, furthermore, its final redaction was preceded by other revisions. mb-soft.com |
调动并将全球经济的重心转向对清洁技术和森林、土壤等自然基础设施的投 资,是实现真正增长、抵抗气候变化 和促 使 二 十 一 世 纪 就业繁荣的最佳选择。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mobilizing and refocusing the global economy towards investment in clean technologies and natural infrastructure such as forests and soils was the [...] best bet for achieving real growth, [...] combating climate change and triggering an employment boom in the twenty-first century. daccess-ods.un.org |
黄江镇独一限速40千米的旅程是东环路黄牛埔路口至合路消防队路口,因该路段车流量大、路面较窄(双向四车道)、路口多,沿路 有 二 十 来 家工厂企业与三所中小黉舍、儿童园,并且该路段另有四处弧度较大弯道,容易激发交 通 事变 , 交 警 一 部 分认为将该路段限速40km/h是合理不法的。 sdgxsz.com | Huang Town only a speed limit of 40km journey East loop cattle Po junction to combined fire brigade intersection, the road traffic flow, with narrow pavement ( two-way four driveway ), junctions, along with some factories and enterprises and three middle [...] schools and primary schools, children's [...] Park, and the road and around larger radian bend, easy to stimulate the traffic accident, the traffic police in part that the road speed limit is40km / h reasonable unlawful. sdgxsz.com |
2000年4月,Diane的人生遭逢巨变,她 诞下的 第 二 个 孩 子Philippe患有严重的先天障碍——痉挛性四肢麻痹,而且永远无法走路、说话及自行进食 , 一 辈 子 都需要依赖其他人的照顾。 clarinsusa.com | In April 2000, Diane's life changed dramatically when she gave birth to her second child, Philippe. Philippe was born with a severe handicap – he was diagnosed with spastic quadriparesis [...] and told he would never walk, talk, [...]or be able to feed himself and that he would be dependent on others all his life. clarinsusa.com |