单词 | 一个样 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一个样noun—the samenExamples:一天一个样—change from day to day See also:一个num—annum 一样adj—sameadj identicaladj 一样—the same as just like equal to
每一个样本,都是我们的访员和同事的心血结晶。 hkupop.hku.hk | Our interviewers and colleagues have paid [...] painstaking efforts in each case. hkupop.hku.hk |
层叠样式表 (CSS) 是一个样式表语言,用来描述以 HTML 或 XML [...] 写成的文件之版面。 addons.mozilla.org | Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used [...] to describe the presentation of a [...] document written in HTML or XML and is used to [...]style a XUL-based application's user interface. addons.mozilla.org |
你能提供一个样本? zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Can you provide a sample? en.developmentscout.com |
线性回归图表显示从点阵图点计算出来的回归直线,每一点红点是一个样本,代表长江实业(00001.HK)的股票回报百分比相对於恒生指数回报百分比。 alphainvestments.hk | Linear Regression Chart displays the determined regression line crossing along the scattered [...] plot while each red dot [...] represents one sample of Stock Return percentage of CHEUNG KONG (00001.HK) versus Hang Seng Index [...](HSI) Return percentage. alphainvestments.hk |
g) 不同测试结果的差異 — 第二个样本如在第一个样本测试後一段时间後才抽 取,可能会因使用不同原材料而出现差異甚大的测试结果。 cfs.gov.hk | possibility that the testing result of the second sample, when it was collected a certain period of time after the first sample had been tested, would differ from the first sample significantly due to variations in raw materials. cfs.gov.hk |
d) 向食物商发出有关停售违规产品的通知信 – 黎远强先生說,中心因应一个样本的 化验结果发信通知食物商,要求食物商停售产品和在21天内就违规情况 [...] 作出解释。 cfs.gov.hk | Mr. Y. K. LAI advised that the letter advising the [...] termination of sale forcases of non-compliance [...]and seeking explanations on the non-compliance [...]within 21 days was based on laboratory test of one sample. cfs.gov.hk |
而大概在我们睡得正酣的夜晚,在我或他的梦境里,他独个儿拿着手风琴,对着跟天空同一个样子的海,呢喃着自己奇怪的梦,延续一个快要完结的世界。 think-silly.com | Deep in sleepinone’sdream,he will [...] mumble again with an organ in his hands, facing the sea, drifting through space in this world coming to an end. think-silly.com |
绿色和平上月抽查香港、北京、上海及广州四地30份塑胶幼儿玩具及用品,当中香港抽查的10个样本,有6个验出含已被欧盟禁用、作为增塑剂用的环境激素「邻苯二甲酸酯」(Phthalates),其中一个样本,邻苯二甲酸酯浓度含量近三成。 naturalliving.hk | Greenpeace has found high levels of phthalates banned by the EU and the US in children’s products and toys made from vinyl plastic (also called polyvinyl chloride,or PVC) on the Chinese market. naturalliving.hk |
食物研究化验所逐一分析各个样本,以测定氨基甲酸乙酯含量。 cfs.gov.hk | Determination of EC was conducted by the Food Research [...] Laboratory (FRL) onan individual sample basis. cfs.gov.hk |
与他们一起同行的,有个样子不错的年轻人。 4tern.com | After we had a talk, he told us he was studying in Australia flight school. 4tern.com |
另外,75%大中华地区民众认为自己比起一般市民较多支持要坚守国际法,只有6%认为自己自己比起一般市民较少支持,认为差不个一样的有 4%。 hkupop.hku.hk | Beside, 75% publics in GCR believed that, as compared to the average citizens of their regions, they were more supportive of [...] consistently abiding by international law, while only 6% thought they were less [...] supportive and 4% chose "about the same". hkupop.hku.hk |
不幸的是,这有一个缺点 - 我做不明白如何这样一个简单的一块软件可能需要一个大量的计算机资源在特定的时间 - 例如。 povilas.panavas.lt | Unfortunately, it has onedrawback - I do not understand how such a simple piece of software may require a lot of computer resources at certain times - eg. povilas.panavas.lt |
(a) 正 如方案 2A 及2B一 样,一个根本的问题是有关专营商是 否 对 这个方案有兴趣 。 forum.gov.hk | (a) Similar to Options 2A & 2B, a fundamental question is whether the franchisees are interested in this option. forum.gov.hk |
这个词也适用於松散的成员寺院和军事命令,并於次修道院一个特定的顺序,从而影响了一部分的一个小镇 ,在这样一个修道院已设。 mb-soft.com | The word was also loosely applied to members of monastic and military orders, and at times to the convent of a particular order, and hence to the part of a town in whichsuch a convent had been located. mb-soft.com |
(a) 如方案 2A 及2C一 样,一个根本的问题是东隧及西隧的专 营商会否愿 意 考虑这个方案。 forum.gov.hk | (a) Similar to Options 2A to 2C, a fundamental question is whether the franchisees of WHC and EHC would be willing to consider this option. forum.gov.hk |
如同在小学阶段一样,这三个年级中每 一年级都包含研习与实验的规划。 sfusd.edu | As was done for the elementary grade levels, a set of expectations for investigation and experimentation is included at each of the three grade levels. sfusd.edu |
有各种塑料卡PVC打印机,但我们从来没有设置哪些是数据卡上印的方式,那麽它会通过一个过程,使你能做到这一点的打印机之一可以称之为“特殊”的这样一个印象是,这是在数据采集自定义浮雕卡,卡,可以看到在你的钱包装入每天指定的Bacaladera Miniprint,但知道其进程是一件好事,特别关心您的个性化打印与数据卡的公司或个人,这是为您的打印机。 quaronline.com | There are all kinds of printers for plastic cards PVC, but we have never set about which is the way data is printed on the cards, then it goes through a process so that you can do that and one of the printers might call "special" made such an impression is the Bacaladera Miniprint, which is specified in the data capture embossed custom cards, which are cards that can see and load in your wallet every day, but it would be good to know its process, on especially for companies or individuals who care about printing your personalized cards with data, this is the printer for you. quaronline.com |
这希腊语形式,是常见的,相信与monos ,孤独还是单身,并暗示一个生命的孤独,但我们不能忽视这样一个事实,这个词mone ,从一个不同的根,似乎已被自由使用,例如,通过palladius ,以及monasterion ,在某种意义上是一个宗教之家(见管家" , palladius的lausiac史"的各处) 。 mb-soft.com | This Greek form is commonly believed to be connected with monos, lonely or single, and is suggestive of a life of solitude; but we cannot lose sight of the fact that the word mone, from a different root, seems to have been freely used, eg by Palladius, as well as monasterion, in the sense of a religious house (see Butler, "Palladius's Lausiac History" passim). mb-soft.com |
甚至可以说,它是这样一个品牌宇舶表的对立面。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Onecould even say that it is the antithesis [...] of a brand like Hublot. en.horloger-paris.com |
(8) 被 拘 留 於 警 署 或 其 他 地 方 的 人 由 一 个 地 方 被 移 送 到 另一个地方时 , 他 便 可 以 行 使 本 条 赋 予 他 的 权 利 , 而 本 条 亦 适 用 於 其 後每一 个可行使 上 述 权 利 的 情 况 , 正 如 本 条 适 用 於 第 一 次 出 现 该 种 情 况时一 样。 hkreform.gov.hk | (8) The rights conferred by [...] this section on a person detained at a police station or other premises are exercisable whenever he is transferred from one place to another, and this section applies to each subsequent occasion on which they are exercisable as it applies to the first such occasion. hkreform.gov.hk |
天使和小天人被称为Yazatas ( [...] “ Worshipful一” ) [...] ,并且非常众多,但21人更为突出比其他;其中包括神的化身的太阳,月亮,星星,火,土,水和空气,精神的正义(称为“ fravashis ” ) ,和一些抽象的概念也是一样,胜利,宗教,王者的荣耀,并神称为米特拉神, 一个化身光与真理。 mb-soft.com | The angels and lesser divine beings are termed Yazatas ("Worshipful Ones") and are very numerous, although twenty-one of them are more prominent than the rest; these include divine embodiments of the sun, moon, stars, fire, earth, water and air, the spirits of the righteous (called "fravashis"), and also [...] several abstract concepts, [...] like victory, religion, kingly glory, and the divinity known as Mithra, an incarnation of light and truth. mb-soft.com |
支 持 这个构思的 人士相信,政府既 全 权拥有这三条过海行車隧道,而又无须如 私 人公司那样寻求一个高回报 水平,则会有调整收费的空 间 以更好地分布交通流 量。 forum.gov.hk | Supporters of this idea believe that since the Government will take full control of all the three road harbour crossings, and it may not need to seekas high a return as that for private companies, there will be more room for toll adjustment to facilitate better traffic distribution. forum.gov.hk |
了解运行一个足球学校是不容易的,我们为自己做的,我们要训练在每个阶段的形成,和我们 一样,我们执行的训练方法,将是我们的教练,因为他们我们会成立,我们将评估我们的球员和我们的技术人员的工作发展,有效地管理一个足球学校,取决於所有这些属性和专业从事足球的主要我们不能让我们的组织漂移的足球训练,并没有节奏,所以才得到这个孩子的形成发展也随波逐流,他们的学习仅仅是自然的,但更积极的演变从体育良好的规划,这就是为什麽我们必须使用所有的工具,我们今天在足球中学习运动,以达到最高的效率。 futbollab.com | Knowing run asoccer school is not easy, we set ourselves to do, we're goingto train at each stageof formation, as we do, that training methodology we perform, who will be our coaches, as they we will form, as we will evaluate the evolution of our players and the work of our technicians, manageafootball school effectively, [...] depends on all [...]these attributes and the professionalism with which to engage the principal of Soccer we can not let football training operation of our organization to drift and without rhythm, so just get that child's formative developments also go adrift and their learning is simply the natural, but are much more positive evolution Thanks to good planning from the sporting, that is why we must use all the tools we have today in football to achieve maximum efficiency in learning sports. futbollab.com |