

单词 一个幽灵在欧洲游荡

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 他相信或有合理因由相信该人在游荡 其身处该处(不论 单独或与其他),会令任何人合理地为他的安全或福祉 感到关注。
(c) any person
[...] whom he believesor is given reasonable cause to believe isloitering,andhis presence there, [...]
either alone or with
others, causes any person reasonably to be concerned for his safety or well-being.
对於内地游客,香港可能一个相对地少的天堂,但对 说,他们觉得香港的空气相当不好。
While Mainland visitors may regard Hong
Kong as a paradise with
[...] relatively less pollution, visitors from Europe, the United States and Australia find the air here quite poor.
(i) 监 督 香港有关 团 体 / 机在欧洲活 动 的统筹 工作,有关 团 体 包括香港贸易发展局 及香港局 。
(i) to oversee the coordination of
[...] the activities among the Hong Kong family inEurope,viz.the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the HongKong Tourism Board.
为 解决香
[...] 港惩教设施过於挤迫的问题,政府建议实 施监狱发 展计划,把港岛和九龙市区的惩教设施和现有所有收押设施集中 设於灵洲一,并增设 2,600名额。
In order to solve the overcrowding problem in the existing penal facilities in Hong Kong, it has been proposed that the penal facilities on Hong Kong Island and Urban Kowloon and all existing
remand facilities, together withan additional
[...] 2,600 penal places, beco-located onHei Ling Chau under a prison development plan.
这是由於百多年 来殖民㆞的灵在 ,即使还不到六年就要在名义㆖摆脱殖民㆞的今㆝, 个幽灵㆒个换了颜色幽灵 眈眈。
Even today when we are said to be seeing the end of colonial rule in less than six years, thisghost and another in a different colour are still lurking around.
(a)㆔年内,大约有多少来自澳洲、纽西兰、北西,透过成功申请延期居留居留超过㆒年;及 (b) 是否知悉部份㆖述㆟士在留港期间从事受雇或自雇活动,例如在街㆖贩卖,当 局有否采取适当措施禁止该等活动,及会否考虑收紧批准延期居留的准则?
(b) whether the Administration is aware that some of thesetourists have taken up employment and self-employment in Hong Kong, for example, street hawking, during their [...]
stay in the territory;
whether appropriate measures have been taken to stop these activities; and whether consideration will be given to tightening up the criteria for granting extension of stay to tourists?
那些精巧快艇,会以高达 35 节的速度越过地标富经验的栋笃笑能手更会为您
Small, highly
[...] manoeuvrable boats whisk you by London landmarks at speeds of up to 35 knots and stand-up comedians make for humorous and knowledgeable guides.
包括是一个噩梦般的场 雨和闪电风暴,晚上一个幽灵房子那里的灯光从来没有留上很长......另外,2不同的时钟部件都包括在内,基於的标志性电影的火热南瓜标志和其他特色的外脊柱刺痛的面具迈克尔·迈尔斯。
Included is a
[...] nightmarish scene during a rain and lightning storm at night, outside a spooky housewhere [...]
the lights never stay
on for long… Also, 2 different clock widgets are included, one based on the iconic film’s fiery pumpkin logo and the other featuring the spine tingling mask of Michael Myers.
一一日本核事故、北非及中东社会 欧洲 的主权债务危机等诸多重大事件影响,所引起的金融不确定性已对商品市场 造成打击,股本及债务市场受压,故使价格下跌及需求减少。
The pressureson equity and debt markets, driven by the financial uncertainties, had a knock-on effect on commodity markets, where prices decreased and demand weakened.
定、经济满暴力的时代﹐我们看着 这群青年男女﹐就像看着我们 的未來﹐祝愿他们能带着情增长的智慧、慈悲和宽 容離开我们的寺庙。
Inthis time of uncertainty, economic unrest and violence, we look at these young men and women as our future and hope when they left our Temple they took with them a little more wisdom, compassion and tolerance for all sentient beings.
简单来说,我听闻有些的学生,暑假已经要欧洲游但有些围的中七学 生,甚至连文化中心也没有到过。
To put it simply, I have heard
[...] that some Primary OneandPrimary Two students have already joined studytours to Europeduring the summer [...]
holidays, whereas some
Form Seven students in Tin Shui Wai have never visited the Cultural Centre.
我知道 在 欧 洲 , 销 售税或 增值税
[...] ( VAT) 是 十分普 遍 的,税 率 由 5%至 25%也 有 , 但 为 了 鼓欧 洲的 居限 额 後可申 请 退税, 而 退税方 式亦是 尽 量 方 便 旅客。
I know that in Europe, sales tax or value-added tax (VAT) is very common, with the tax rate ranging from 5% to
even 25%. However, in
[...] order to encourage visitorstopurchase goods, tax refunds are offered to non-European nationals whose purchases [...]
exceed a specified level, and the methods of refund are designed as much as possible with visitors' convenience in mind.
The test stand is part of a comprehensive development and
[...] manufacturing facility for compressors, the company has implemented attheEuropean ResearchRastatt successively.
与Van Cleef & Arpels的灵一,体在幽边的黑夜中划出一道璀璨闪耀的光线,闪烁出一款带花香的木香调香水— Van Cleef & Arpels梦幻精灵香水。
With Van Cleef & Arpels Féerie, the night and its trail finally see the light of day.
[...] further advised that the provision on loitering couldalso help to ensure that passengers [...]
would not linger in
railway premises especially during festivals or emergency situation.
2003年 审结的 7 宗 涉 及利用流动电话照相功能偷拍当 局 起 诉 被游 荡乱秩序及 破坏公 众 体统等 罪 名 , 究 竟 是 以 普通法 还 是成文法 为 依 据,根据我们从 保安局所 得资料, 游 荡 及 扰 乱秩序罪 名 分别载 於香港法 例第 200 章《刑 [...]
事 罪行条例》第 160 条及第 245 章《公安条例》第 17B 条 。
As regards whether thecharges laid against the offenders
[...] in the seven cases of clandestine photographing involving the use of camera functions in mobile phones heard in court in 2003, viz Loitering, Disorderly behaviour [...]
in public places
and Outraging public decency, were premised on provisions in statutory laws or were common law offence, we understood from the Security Bureau that the offences of Loitering and Disorderly behaviour in public places are respectively specified in section 160 of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200) and section 17B of the Public Order Ordinance (Cap. 245).
除乘客或其他获公司特准并在铁路办理合法事务或办理与铁路相关的合法事务的人外, 任何人不处所的任何部分之内或其附 游荡
No person other than passengers or other persons having the authority of the
Corporation and on lawful business in or in
[...] connection with the railway shall loiter in orabout any part of the railway [...]
公司已因 应附例小组委员会的意見而建议修订大部份有关的条文,例如公司将 会删除有关游荡附例,而就「处置失物」的附例,公司会延长 保留失物的时间,由1订为3
We have taken into account such views and have proposed amendments to most of
those bylaws, examples include the bylaws on “Loitering”which the Corporation will repeal and the bylaws on “Disposal of lost property” which the Corporation will extend the retention period from1month to 3 months.
When a ghost named Carrie possesses Gumball's body in order to feel earthly experiences and to eat, he must learn to say "no" to her.
北极星影欧洲到它的发域的计算机断层扫描4D:这项新技术使得它可以记录运动时间,并打开了X射线测试 层面。
North Star Imaging Europe is a first glimpse of its developments in the field of computed tomography 4D: This new technology makes it possible to document movement time, and opened the X-ray test a newdimension.
对於一名委员询问将军澳运动场与其他体育设施的成本 比较如何,政府当局回应时表示,将军澳运动场经修订的单位价 格反映出提供 办国际体育赛事的世界级运动场所需的实 际成本,该单位价格与香港其他体育设施的单位价格相若,与日 本欧洲类似的运动场相比不算高。
In response to a member’s enquiry about the cost comparison between TKOSG and other sports facilities, the Administration said that the revised unit cost of TKOSG, which had reflected the actual cost for
the provision of a world-class sports
[...] ground capable of hosting international sports events, was comparable to other sports facilities in Hong Kong and was not high as compared to similar sports grounds inJapan andEuropean countries.
(b) 他相信或有合理因由相信该人在游荡以任何方法故意 妨碍任何人使用铁路处所;或
(b) any person whom he
[...] believes oris given reasonable cause to believe isloitering in anyway wilfully [...]
obstructs any person using railway premises
此外,汽 车零部件研发中心亦正在进一个 教署 灵洲中心试行。
The Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems R&D Centre
was also undertaking a
[...] project for trial at the Hei LingChau Detention Centre of the Correctional [...]
Services Department.
第一个学者,使语言和内容的圣书Parsees众所周知 欧洲 一个的法国人,安克蒂尔杜门阶,175 4年前往印度的这一根本目的。
The first scholar to make the language and the contents of the
sacred books of the Parsees known to Europewas a young Frenchman, Anquetil du Perron, who in 1754 went to India for this very purpose.
於1978年,Servcorp於澳洲悉尼成立,至今超过1 40 地段开设办公室,遍布澳洲、纽西兰、日本、香港、中国、东南亚、印度 欧洲东,其中包括着名的悉尼Chifley大厦;东京城山信托大厦;迪拜酋长国塔;巴黎路易威登大 厦;及香港最着名商厦:国际金融中心二期。
Founded in Sydney in 1978, Servcorp now operates in more
than 140 prime
[...] locations throughout Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong, China, South-East Asia, India, Europe andthe Middle East, including the prestigious Chifley Tower, Sydney; [...]
Shiroyama Trust Tower,
Tokyo; Emirates Towers, Dubai; Louis Vuitton Building, Paris; and our very own Two International Finance Centre in Hong Kong.
代 理主席,在 千 禧 开 始 的 时候,杨耀忠议员提出 的 修 正 案 , 正 好 提 醒 我 们将 来 的 同 时 , 亦要回 顾 过去, 同 时 要 教育我们的认 识历 史 , 避 免 重 蹈 前 人的错 误 , 更 要 提 防 日本军 国主义幽 灵, 破 坏 世 界 和 平 。
At the same time, we should educate our next generation to acquaint themselves with history so as to avoid making the same mistakes of their ancestors.
警方及入境处人员在执行职务过程中任何人口贩运罪案 的潜在受害人(特别是儿童受害人)保持高度警觉,场所 的行动中,竭力識别任何人口贩运活动的受害人。
Police and Immigration officers are onhigh alert for any potential victims of human trafficking, in particular child victims, in the course of their duties, and would endeavor to identify Trafficking in Persons victims for each operation at the vice-establishments.
假如我们已通 过这个本质㆖是英式的模式,那麽有㆟必会问,在元旦兰桂坊惨剧㆗,当警方致力维 持公众秩序时,不知会有多少投诉或控告警员非法拘捕;又由於只因㆒份文件未能符 合建议㆗的指 引,不知会有多少名积犯因此获释,自由 游荡;更不知会有多少年轻警务 ㆟员由於新程序繁多,迫使他们思量㆟为错误所造成果,以致他们采取拘捕 时会犹豫不决,甚或放弃拘捕。
How many young officers would hesitate, or even fail to make an arrest, because the abundance of new procedures forces them to contemplate the personal consequences of human error?
林健锋议员质疑政府当局为何不向灵洲线及屯门 ⎯ 东涌 ⎯ 沙螺湾 ⎯ 大澳 航线提供支援,因6条选定的航线, 这两条航线均由於乘客量偏低(根据政府当局就此项 目提供的文件 [立法会CB(1)1648/09-10(04)号文件 ]附 件 A所汇报的数字)经营。
Mr Jeffrey LAM questioned why the
[...] Administration had not selected forfurther support theHei Ling Chau- Peng Chau route and the Tuen Mun – Tung Chung - Sha Lo Wan - Tai O route which, like the six selected routes, were struggling to make ends meet because of their low patronage as reported in Annex A to the Administration's paperon this item [LC Paper No. CB(1)1648/09-10(04)].




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