

单词 一个巴掌拍不响

See also:


each and every one

External sources (not reviewed)

今后 不再会有单方面的让步,因 一个巴掌拍不响。
There will be no more unilateral
[...] concessions, as clapping requires the use [...]
of both hands.
在这方面,小组建议个别武器拍摄 高分辨率照片, 与收缴武器的具体信息(包括事件发生日 期 ) 一 起 存在综合数据库中。
In this regard, the Panel would recommend
that high-resolution
[...] photographs of individual weapons be taken and stored in a comprehensive database along with specific information on recovered weapons, including the date of incident.
拟将个现有的语文助理员额(本一 般 事务)调出各区行政办公室,支助部 队指挥官履行职能,不掌握联黎部队工作语文的 巴 嫩 地 方当局和国家当局沟 通。
It is proposed that two
[...] existing posts of Language Assistant (national General Service) be redeployed from the Sector Administrative Offices to support the Force Commander in the conduct of his functions with local and national Lebanese authorities who are not proficient in [...]
the working languages of the Force.
其實,對於這麼富爭議性的事宜,我相信永遠 不 可 能找 到 一 點 是 能令 全世界拍掌贊成 的,但我們作為民選議員、香港特別行政區的立法會議 員,我們希望所做的事可以保障弱勢社羣,亦能回應那 [...]
70%不是居住在公屋 的人。
In fact, on such a controversial
issue, I think we can
[...] never arrive at something that commands universal applause. But being Members [...]
returned by the people and Members of the Legislative
Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, we hope that what we have done can protect the disadvantaged and also respond to those 70% of the people who do not live in PRH flats.
虽然巴一直鼓 励专业服务的生产和出口,并将国际一体化战略目标确定为 利用相对于其他加勒比竞争对手在一些行业的相对优势,如卫生、工程、生物技 术、软件、研究和项目,但是由于禁运对采购和技术转让及来自国外投入和设备 的限制,以及融资限制,技术进步和生产力都受 不 利 影 响。
Although Cuba has been promoting the production and exports of professional services and aiming its international integration strategy at making use of its competitive advantages regarding other Caribbean competitors in sectors such as health, engineering, biotechnology, software, studies and projects, the embargo’s restriction on its acquisition and transfer of technology, inputs and equipment from abroad and the financing restrictions have negatively impacted its [...]
technological catching-up processes and productivity.
关于一个问题,我国多次 表示,响巴勒斯 坦人民的人道主义危 不 断 加 深和 第 1860(2009)号决议未得到执行令我们感到关切,因 为这个原因,我们积极参加了 2007 年 12 月在巴黎和 2009 年 3 月在沙姆沙伊赫举行的捐助方会议。
On another issue, my country has repeatedly expressed its concern with the deepening humanitarian crisis affecting the Palestinian people and [...]
by the failure to implement
resolution 1860 (2009); because of this, we participated actively in the donor conferences in Paris in December 2007 and Sharm el-Sheikh in March.
2011 年全年期间,政府 蓄意拒绝批准和平示威游行和集会,甚 不 准 许举行无声和平抗议,即:示威者 们仅仅聚集一起拍手击掌。
The Government systematically refused to authorize peaceful demonstrations and
rallies throughout
[...] 2011, including peaceful silent protests whereby demonstrators merely stood together and clapped their hands.
目的是提一个确保 进行适当风险评估和管理的伦理论坛,并向 广大公众提供准确信息,以便掌握 严重 影 响 环 境和加速气候变化的新技术的影响。
The aim is to offer an ethical platform to ensure proper risk assessment and management, and accurate information to the public at large, with a view to mastering the impact of new technologies [...]
seriously affecting the environment and accelerating climate change.
在这方面,为掌控这一正在 威胁几内亚比绍的和平与安全,并且可能有次 区域响的局 势,我谨请求安全理事会,在《联合国宪章》第二十四条赋予它的 权力范围内,以负责维持国际和平与安全的实体的身份,在特别会议上分析几内 亚比绍因有不接受民主、公正和透明的选举的结果而造成的国内局势;并就向 几内亚比绍派遣一支维持和平部队举行辩论,这支维和部队将被赋予广泛的权 力,维护本国的政治稳定和捍卫几内亚比绍人民以极大的牺牲换来的民主进步以 及维护本国经济、社会和文化发展的愿望。
In this connection, with a view to containing this situation which is threatening the peace and security of Guinea-Bissau, with possible subregional consequences, I would like to hereby request that the Security Council, within its powers enshrined under Article 24 of the Charter of the United Nations, in its capacity as the entity charged with the maintenance of international peace and security, analyse at an extraordinary meeting the internal situation of Guinea-Bissau resulting from the non-acceptance of democratic, free, just and transparent elections; and debate the dispatch of a peacekeeping force to Guinea-Bissau, the latter to be charged with extensive powers aimed at the maintenance of political stability in the country and at defence of the democratic gains which the people of Guinea-Bissau obtained at great sacrifice and desire to preserve for the economic, social and cultural development of the country.
拍卖提供了一个 收入来源,有可能解决碳政策带来 不 公 平 、为新 的竞争者创造平等的机会、避免“暴利”,因为如 果实行无偿分配,“暴利”可能就会带来排放源的 增加。
Auctions provide a source of revenue that could potentially address inequities brought [...]
about by a carbon policy, creating
equal opportunity for new entrants, and avoiding the potential for “windfall profits” that might accrue to emissions sources if allowances are allocated at no charge.
这部五分钟的微电影名为“Destinée” (命中注定),邀请了英国演员Oliver
[...] Jackson-Cohen和台湾女演员陈妍希饰演分手后在朋友的婚礼上再次相遇的Olivier和Claire,影片在埃菲尔铁塔旁 一个 华 丽 的 巴 黎 式 花园 拍 摄。
The 5-minute long micro movie called “Destiny” stars British actor Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Taiwanese star Michelle Chen (陈妍希) in the roles
of Olivier and Claire, two broken-up lovers meeting again at friends’
[...] wedding in a magnificent Parisian garden right by the Eifel Tower.
[...] 毁并禁止核武器的条约、一项禁止外层空间军备竞赛的条约 一 项 为 古 巴 等 不掌 握核 武器的国家提供有效安全保证的条约、一项禁止生产用于核武器或其他核爆 [...]
Cuba supports the adoption of a programme of work in the Conference on Disarmament, and has said on various occasions that it is prepared to
negotiate in parallel a treaty which eliminates and prohibits nuclear weapons, a treaty prohibiting the arms race in outer space, a treaty providing effective security assurances
[...] for States which, like Cuba, do not possess nuclear weapons, [...]
and a treaty
which prohibits the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
正如巴马总统今天所说的那样, 一个 领 导人 继掌权的 唯一办法是动用大规模暴力来对付本国 人民的时候,他就失去了统治的合法性,就需要做对 他的国家来说是正确的事情,也就是立即下台。
As President Obama said today, when a leader’s only means of staying in power is to use [...]
mass violence against its own people,
he has lost the legitimacy to rule and needs to do what is right for his country, by leaving now.
定居不仅影响巴勒斯 坦人的各 种权利、自由及日常生活,还严重破坏和平进程,并 且更加危险的是,还危害到两国解决方案以 一个可 以生存的巴勒斯坦国的诞生。
Apart from the impact on the rights, freedoms and everyday lives of the Palestinians, settlements cause serious damage to the peace process and, more dangerously, threaten a two-State solution [...]
and the emergence of a viable Palestinian State.
此外,全球经济危机对巴的影响不 断加 深,再加上美国政府继续实行封锁,将 一 步加 重古巴人民当前正在经历的苦难。
Furthermore, the
[...] deepening impact of the global economic crisis on Cuba, along with the continued embargo by the Government of the United States, will further aggravate [...]
the hardships
that the people of Cuba are experiencing.
此外,我们响亮地鼓掌欢迎 各国一个青年 、正在收听收看本次会议实况或出席 本次会议的每一个国家的每一位年轻人,以确保每一 位领导人都正坐下来讨论我们应当执行的公共青年 政策。
In addition, we wish to loudly applaud each of them in their countries, every young person of each country who is tuning in or is at this meeting, to ensure that each leader is sitting down to discuss public youth policies that we should implement.
从 2011 年 3 月开始,USDP 发现自身几不再具备 什么响力或地位,因为一个改良 主义的环境 中,对目前掌权者 而言,影响力或地位只是一种 政治责任。
Since March 2011, the USDP has found itself with very little influence or role, as in the reformist environment it is a political liability for those now in charge.
就这样,尤其是在接不断的宵禁、军队经常拦堵道路、限制通行的响之下,整个巴勒斯 坦教育系统均遭受了损失。
Consequently, the whole Palestinian education system has been disabled, owing in particular to repeated curfews, [...]
frequent military roadblocks and restrictions on movement.
德国代表指出,与气候有关的问题出现在 个不 同 的议程项目中,如项目 9(c)(工作 方案)、项目 11(a)(确定氟氯烃淘汰技术的轻重缓急以尽量减少对环境的其他 响 ) 以及 项目 14(从借款和其他来源获得一步收入的贷款机制)。
The representative of Germany pointed
[...] out that climate-related issues arose under several different agenda items, such as items 9(c) (Work programmes), 11(a) (Prioritization of HCFC phase-out technologies to minimize other impacts on the environment), and 14 (Facility for additional [...]
income from loans and other sources).
各位朋 友,你要選舉的話,民意的力量是最大的,給自 一 些 掌 聲 (如 果這裏 可拍掌的話)。
Friends, if you want elections, the power of public opinion is
[...] the greatest, so give yourselves a clap (if you can clap here).
然而,他這種說法可能是指, 他從沒見過建制派內有這麼厲害的抹黑,這點我至為同意,甚至拍 掌表示同意,因為我就是想一些建制派的內幕鬥爭出現,讓香港人 明白別要那麼天真。
However, what he meant was perhaps he had never seen such fierce muckraking within the pro-establishment camp, and I could not agree with this more, so I even may have to applaud to show my agreement because I precisely want more in-fighting in the pro-establishment camp to occur, so that Hong Kong people could realize that they should not be so naïve.
巴马科行动呼吁 提出,尤其要培养一大批青年研究者,重视中学和大学中的科学研究来加强健康领域的研究 能力,为此,国际基础科学计划提供 一个响 应 巴 马 科 行动呼吁的实用平台。
IBSP provides a relevant platform to respond to the Bamako Call to Action to strengthen research capacity for health, particularly through building a critical mass of young researchers and stressing the importance of scientific research in secondary and tertiary levels of education.
請大家站立,為中國共產黨的一戰 線 成功,繼續站立, 掌 !(拍 掌聲)
Please stand up to applaud the success of the united front of the Chinese Communist Party.
大会第四十三届会议承认巴勒斯坦全国委员会 1988 年 11 月 15 日宣布成立 的巴勒斯坦国;并决定自 1988 年 12 月 15 日起,联合国系统内以“巴勒斯坦” 的名称取代“巴勒斯坦解放组织”的名称, 不 影 响巴 解 组 织依照联合国有关决 议和惯例在联合国系统内的原有观察员地位和职能(第 43/177 号决议)。
At its forty-third session, the General Assembly acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and decided that, effective as at 15 December 1988, the designation “Palestine” should be used in place of the designation “Palestine Liberation Organization” in the United Nations system, without prejudice to the observer status and functions of the PLO within the United Nations system, in conformity with relevant United Nations resolutions and practice (resolution 43/177).
大会第三十二届会议请秘书长在秘书处内设 一个巴 勒 斯 坦人民权利特别 工作股,它在委员会的指导下,负责编制有关巴勒斯坦人民行 使 不 可 剥夺权利的 研究报告和出版物,并自 1978 年开始,同委员会协商后,每年以 11 月 29 日为 声援巴勒斯坦人民国际日,举办纪念活动(第 32/40 B 号决议)。
At its thirty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to establish within the Secretariat a Special Unit on Palestinian Rights, which would prepare, under the Committee’s guidance, studies and publications relating to the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and would organize, in consultation with the Committee, commencing in 1978, the annual observance of 29 November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (resolution 32/40 B).
不過,由於後門的閱讀不在司 機視線範 圍內,有乘客未下車便拍了卡,即使 巴 士 公司經常查票,據新加坡巴士公司 估計,它們的損失亦一成的收入。
However, since card readers installed at the rear gates are outside drivers' view, some passengers will press their cards before they alight and even if the bus companies often conduct inspections, according to the estimate of the Singapore bus company, their losses still amount to about 10% of their income.
为了实现第 1559(2004)号决议中所载的目标,在实现巩固黎 巴嫩国家一更广 泛目标的道路上,对 巴 嫩 有 影 响 的 所 有各方均应支持建设性 的政治进程,这不可或缺的。
For the purpose of achieving the goals set out in resolution 1559 (2004), on the path towards
the greater
[...] objective of consolidating the Lebanese State, it is indispensable that all parties that have influence in Lebanon support a constructive political process.
[...] 們到了九七年,立法局只有㆔份之㆒的議席由直選產生,而行政局更全無直選代表, 相信台㆘傳出的㆒不會是拍掌聲,而是噓聲,因為這個方案距離㆗英政府當日在聯 [...]
If Mr PATTEN had put forward the same set of proposals in 1984 when the Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed and told us that by 1997 only one third of the Legislative Council Members would be directly elected and there would be no
directly-elected Members on the Executive Council, I
[...] believe that instead of applause, the proposals would [...]
have been greeted with boos.
(c) 必须认个出价人在拍卖期间即时、连续收到充分信息,使其能够确 定其出价相对于其他出价的位置;15 (d) 除本款(a)项和(c)项另有规定外,采购实体与出价人之 不 得 进 行通 信,出价人之间不得进行通信。
(c) Each bidder must receive, instantaneously and on a continuous basis during the auction, sufficient information allowing it to determine the standing of its bid vis-à-vis other bids;15 (d) There shall be no communication between the procuring entity and the bidders or among [...]
bidders, other than as provided for in subparagraphs (a) and (c) of this paragraph.




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