释义 |
基金法限制SICAV成 为公共有限公司(即S.A.),而SIF 法律允许SICAV采取有限合伙制(即 S.C.A.)或私营有限公司( 即S.à.r.l.)等形式。 pwc.lu | The Fund Law limits SICAVs to being public limited companies (S.A.) while the SIF Law allows them to also take the form of e.g. limited partnerships (S.C.A.) or private limited companies (S.à r.l.). pwc.lu | 此外,国际法协会认为,责任组织需要置备资金的义务只存在于 “根据其规则”的情况(Annuair e del’Institut de D roitInternational,vol. 66-II (1996),p. 451)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus paragraph 1 stresses the need for an international organization to take all appropriate measures so as to be in a position of complying with its obligations should it incur responsibility. daccess-ods.un.org | 专家组没有从下列方面收到答复:安哥拉、乍得、科特迪瓦、埃 及、埃塞俄比亚、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马里、尼日尔、新加坡、南非、苏丹、 阿拉伯联合酋长国、Continaf(Far East)Pte 有限公司、Éstablissements Fakih 公司、Foxtrot International Ldc 公司、Goldspan Resources 公司、Heckler & Koch 美国公司、Helog AG [...] 公司、Isuzu 汽车有限公司、Lihir [...] Gold 有限公司、 MLMInternational公司、 Radio T élévision Ivoirienne 公 [...]司 和 Taurian Manganese & Ferro Alloy CI SA 公司。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group did not receive responses from Angola, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mali, Niger, Singapore, South Africa, the Sudan, the [...] United Arab Emirates, Continaf (Far East) Pte Ltd, [...] Éstablissements Fakih , Foxtrot InternationalLdc, Goldspan Resources Inc. daccess-ods.un.org | 1986年,BP和Pein tureà l’huile把改革引入,,一个可见的装置,该装置允许浪费的石油流在面板表面然后画同样,这也留下了许多可能性。 luxe-immo.com | In 1986, BP introduced movement into their work with Peinture à l’huile, a visible mechanism which allowed waste oil to stream across the surface of a panel and to paint a film of monochrome black directly on to it. luxe-immo.com | A. Di Blase 表达了与欧洲人权法院类似的看法, “关于联合国活动的国际责任,再论国际法,第 57 卷(1974 年),第 270 页起,载于第 275276 页;M. Hirsch, [...] 国际组织对第三方的责任(多德雷赫特/波士顿/伦敦:Nijhoff 出版社, [...] 1995),第 179 页;K. Zemanek, 载于 Annuair e del’Institut de D roitInternational,vol. 66-I (1995), p. 329;P. Sands, 载于 P.Sands [...]和 P.Klein(编),〈Bowett [...]的国际机构法〉(伦敦: Sweet 和 Maxwell 出版社,2001 年),第 524 页;D.Sarooshi, 国际组织及其最高权力的行使(牛 津:牛津大学出版,2005 年),第 64 页。 daccess-ods.un.org | Essays in memory of Oscar Schachter (Leiden/Boston: Nijhoff, 2005), p. 355 at p. 361, noted that, “whilst the context is that of human rights, the principle invoked would seem to be general in its application”. Views similar to those of the European Court of Human Rights were expressed by A. Di Blase, “Sulla responsabilità internazionale per attività dell’ONU”, [...] Rivista di Diritto [...] Internazionale, vol. 57 (1974), p. 270 at pp. 275–276; M. Hirsch, The Responsibil ity ofInternational Organizations [...]toward Third Parties [...](Dordrecht/Boston/London: Nijhoff, 1995), p. 179; K. Zemanek, in Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-I (1995), p. 329; P. Sands, in: P. Sands and P. Klein (eds.), Bowett’s Law of International Institutions (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2001), p. 524; D. Sarooshi, International Organizations and their Exercise of Sovereign Powers (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), p. 64. daccess-ods.un.org | 法文本在 “ viseàexclure” 之前使用 “il” 是明确的,清楚地表示英文中 “it”一词指的是保留者。 daccess-ods.un.org | The French version, by using “il” before “vise à exclure” is unequivocal and clearly shows that the word “it” in English refers to the author of the reservation. daccess-ods.un.org | 我们完成第一个作品,例如 Pein tureà l’huile 相当令人毛骨悚然的装置(一个可见的装置允许浪费石油流在表面的一个面板,画出一个单一黑色的影像。等等)就有一个参考原型艺术(…)。 luxe-immo.com | The first works we completed, for example Peinture à l’huile a rather hellish machine (a visible mechanism with allowed waste oil to stream across the surface of a panel and to paint directly on it a film of monochrome black. luxe-immo.com | 见 G. Karydis, “L’ordre public dansl’ordre juridique communautaire: un con ceptàcontenu variable”,《欧洲法律季刊》,第 6 页。1997 年,由西蒙娜·韦伊女士担任主席的人 员自由流动问题高级别小组不得不再次强调,与有关成员国通常的做法相反,不持有效居留卡 就其本身而言,决不会导致驱离威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 1997, the High-Level Panel on the Free Movement of Persons, chaired by Mrs. Simone Veil, still had to insist on the fact that, unlike the situation often found in the member States concerned, non-possession of a valid residence permit should never, in itself, give rise to a threat of deportation. daccess-ods.un.org | 卢森堡基金的管理公司/咨询公司的 纳税 SICAV的管理公司通常以公共有限公司 (S.A.)或私营有限公司 (S.à r.l.)的法律形式成立,应在其全球收入 的基础上充分缴纳市政营业税和企 业所得税(卢森堡市的总税率为 28.80%),以及每年0.5%的净财 富税。 pwc.lu | A minimum corporate income tax of 3,000 euros (i.e. 3,210 euros including the solidarity surtax of 7%) applicable to all corporate entities having their statutory seat or central administration in Luxembourg and for which the sum of fixed financial assets, transferable securities and cash at bank exceeds 90% of their total gross assets. pwc.lu | 张教授拥有卓越的国际教学经验,他特别曾在法 国l’ un iversité Paris-Val de M arneàCréteil教学两年,及於美国与中国知名学府任教(如清华大学、北京联合医疗学院,北京外国研究大学)。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Underlining the remarkable international experiment of Professor Chang, who in particular spent two years teaching at l’université Paris-Val de Marne à Créteil in France, but also in the best American and Chinese universities (Tsinghua, Beijing Union Medical College, Foreign Studies University of Beijing) and his considerable scientific researches (more than 100 articles and more than dozens researches), the Consul General especially emphasized two exceptional merits of Professor Chang, which justify his particular recognitions of France consulfrance-hongkong.org | Il est ensuite fait référ enceà l’impossibilité de ‘nier’ un droit ou de se soustraire totale mentà l’obligation de le respecter, considération qui reflète l’idée d’intangibilité.» [一个对国家和监测机构的实践分析表明,对 保留与条约的目的和宗旨的不兼容的评估实际上需要考虑到两类考虑因素:首先,存在着权 利的“基本”性质的问题,这将禁止对它的保留。 daccess-ods.un.org | An analysis of the practice of States and monitoring bodies shows that assessment of the incompatibility of a reservation with the object and purpose of the treaty actually calls for two types of considerations: first of all, there is the question of the “fundamental” nature of a right, which would prohibit a reservation to it. daccess-ods.un.org | 对 La Mainàlapâte 教师培训予以支持,自然教育方面优质教学资料 的制订也得到了支持。 unesdoc.unesco.org | La Main à la pâte training of trainers was supported, as was development of quality teaching and learning materials with Nature Education. unesdoc.unesco.org | 在温暖的天气里,有双体船,风帆板以及沙租用游艇,甚至字 符à纱(滑浪风帆轮)。 leapfrog-properties.com | In warm weather there are catamarans and windsurf boards for hire as well as sand yachts and even chars à voile(windsurfing on wheels). leapfrog-properties.com | 最后,联合国各机构和其他捐 助方与政府密切合作,支持在太子港附近(M orne-à-Ca bri)修建并运营一个现代 化的粪便处理中心,确保大都市地区环境安全水平得到提高。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, United Nations agencies and other donors, in close collaboration with the Government, supported the construction and operation of a modern human waste treatment centre near Port-au-Prince (Morne-àCabri), ensuring a greater level of environmental safety for the metropolitan area. daccess-ods.un.org | à经政府核准的保险:例如 65 岁後的住院计划、长期护理计划、和一 些适用於 65 岁前的危疾保险计划。 legco.gov.hk | Government–approved medical insurance plans, e.g. hospitalisation plans after age 65, long-term care plans, and possibly major illness plans before age 65. legco.gov.hk | 出售地球》(Plan èteàvend re)对正在非洲进行的农田圈地作了意味深长的调查报道,由Arte 电视台和 Capa电视台联合制作,法国国家电影中心提供资助,目前已发行到16个国家。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Planète à vendre [Planet for Sale], a fascinating study about the control of farmland all over the planet, co-produced by Arte and Capa with assistance from the CNC, has been distributed in 16 countries. consulfrance-hongkong.org | Jour néeàParis计时器是巴黎最具象征性的景色中的浪漫非传统产物。 hautehorlogerie.org | The Journée à Paris timepiece is a romantic escapade through the city of lights’ most emblematic scenery. hautehorlogerie.org | 在 7 月 29 日第 42 次会议上,马尔代夫观察员代表澳大利亚、佛得角、科 摩罗、古巴、多米尼克、斐济、海地、印度、以色列、日本、卢森堡、马尔代夫、 马绍尔群岛、毛里求斯、密克罗尼西亚联邦、瑙鲁、新西兰、巴拿马、巴布亚新 几内亚、葡萄牙、圣基茨和尼维斯、圣卢西亚、萨摩亚、塞舌尔、所罗门群岛、 大韩民国、新加坡、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞士、泰国、东帝汶、汤加、图瓦卢、 乌拉圭和瓦努阿图,提出了一项题为“审查联合国对小岛屿发展中国家的支助” 的决议草案(E/ 2009/L.35)。daccess-ods.un.org | At the 42nd meeting, on 29 July, the observer for Maldives, on behalf of Australia, Cape Verde, Comoros, Cuba, Dominica, Fiji, Haiti, India, Israel, Japan, Luxembourg, Maldives, the Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Micronesia (Federated States of), Nauru, New Zealand, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uruguay and Vanuatu, introduced a draft resolution entitled “Review of United Nations support for small island developing States” (E/2009/L.35). daccess-ods.un.org | 注意:如果不工作的的话,请点击 “开始 ”à“运行”。 knowledge.seagate.com | In the event this does not work, click Start -->Run. knowledge.seagate.com | 在 10 月 16 日第 10 次会议上,美利坚合众国代表以阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、澳 大利亚、奥地利、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、保加利亚、加拿大、智利、哥 伦比亚、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、格 鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、海地、匈牙利、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、拉脱维 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、摩纳哥、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、波兰、葡萄牙、 罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、 土耳其、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国的名义提出了一项题为 “遵守不扩散、军备限制和裁军协定和承诺”的决议草案(A/C. 1/63/L.32)。hcoc.at | At the 10th meeting, on 16 October, the representative of the United States of America, on behalf of Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, introduced a draft resolution entitled “Compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disarmament agreements and commitments” (A/C.1/63/L.32). hcoc.at | à难以确定、估算、评价节水效果(包括改进供水方案和提高灌溉保证率的效 益)。 wrdmap.org | à difficulties in defining, estimating and valuing savings (including benefits such as improved supply options and reliability for irrigators). wrdmap.org | 第六委员会主席请各 会员国要特别注意“有关问题,例如在国内实施和解释国际法的法律和实践、 加强和改进该领域技术援助和能力建设的协调和一致性的工作、评价这种援助 的机制和准则、增强捐助方一致性的方式方法、受援国的看法等等” (A/C. 6/63/L.23)。daccess-ods.un.org | The Chair of the Sixth Committee invited Member States to pay particular attention to “issues such as their laws and practices in the domestic implementation and interpretation of international law, strengthening and improving coordination and coherence of technical assistance and capacity-building in this area, mechanisms and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of such assistance, ways and means of advancing donor coherence, perspectives of recipient States etc.” (A/C.6/63/L.23). daccess-ods.un.org | 在编制第二年关于促进穷人法律权益与消除贫 穷的报告时,应当考虑到决议草案 A/C. 2/64/L.47,因为必须在更广泛的背景下、在发达和发展中国家 范畴内,理解这个概念,而且必须审查贫穷的根源 问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the preparation of the following year’s report on legal empowerment of the poor and eradication of poverty, draft resolution A/C.2/64/L.47 should be taken int o considerationbecause the concept must be understood in a broader context, in both developed and developing countries, and the root causes of poverty must be part of the examination. daccess-ods.un.org | 自 1991 年第 4 6/36L号决 议建立联合国常规武 器登记册以来,巴西一直对登记册予以大力支持,并 且定期提供有关登记册七类武器的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Brazil has strongly supported the Register of Conventional Arms since its creation by resolution 46/36 L of 1991, and has regularly provided information on the Register’s seven categories. daccess-ods.un.org | 为了向高级别审查提供全方位的服务,秘书长 将设法确定拟议的 2010-2011 两年期方案预算第 2 款 “大会和经济及社会理事会事务和会议管理”和第 28D 款“中央支助事务厅”下的各项经费中可以重 新部署的资源,尽管决议草案 A/C. 2/64/L.46所载方 式已经超出了大会和会议管理部在其 2010-2011 年 会议日历草案中的计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to provide full service for the high-level review, the Secretariat would seek to identify resources that could be redeployed from the provisions to be made under Section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management, and Section 28D, Office of Central Support Services, of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011, despite the fact that the modalities contained in draft resolution A/C.2/64/L.46 exceeded those planned by the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management in its draft calendar of conferences and meetings for 2010-2011. daccess-ods.un.org | 电影节评审团每年都会将大奖颁给一些颇具争议的影片,如《死囚越狱》(Un conda mnéàmorts'est échappé) [...](罗伯特•布列松导演, 1957年) 或《我的舅舅》(Mon oncle)(雅克•塔蒂导演, 1958年)。 festival-cannes.fr | In successive years, the Cannes jury generally found itself rewarding [...] works that did not enjoy a consensus of [...] approval, suc h as Un Condamné àMorts'est [...]Échappé (Robert Bresson, 1957) or Mon Oncle (Jacques Tati, 1958). festival-cannes.fr | 委员会还获悉,如暂定日历(E/ 2011/L.10,附件)脚注所示,经济、社会和 有关领域 2012 年和 2013 年暂定会议日历不仅包括经济及社会理事会、其职司委 员会和专家组的会议,而且包括大会附属机构在经济、社会和有关领域中的会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee was also informed that the provisional calendar of conferences and meetings in the economic, social and related fields for 2012 and 2013 comprised not only meetings of the Economic and Social Council and its functional commissions and expert bodies, but also meetings of subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly in the economic, social and related fields as indicated in footnote b to the provisional calendar (E/2011/L.10, annex). daccess-ods.un.org | 在 10 月 16 日第 10 次会议上,印度代表以阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、亚美尼亚、 孟加拉国、比利时、不丹、保加利亚、柬埔寨、智利、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、 萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、危地马拉、海地、洪都拉斯、 匈牙利、印度、爱尔兰、意大利、科威特、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、毛里求 斯、摩纳哥、缅甸、尼泊尔、荷兰、挪威、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、 俄罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、塞尔维亚、新加坡、斯洛伐克、西班牙、斯里兰卡、泰国、 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、多哥、土耳其和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的名 义提出了一项题为“防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器的措施”的决议草案 (A/C. 1/63/L.34)。hcoc.at | At the 10th meeting, on 16 October, the representative of India, on behalf of Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Chile, Croatia, the Czech Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Monaco, Myanmar, Nepal, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, Samoa, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Togo, Turkey and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, introduced a draft resolution entitled “Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction” (A/C.1/63/L.34). hcoc.at |