释义 |
Examples:lit. assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woman's appearance—pushing sb failure by excessive criticism—follow admonition as natural flow (idiom); to accept criticism or correction (even from one's inferiors)—lit. fish bone of a minister (idiom); fig. person one can rely on for candid criticism—forceful (criticism etc)—lit. target of a multitude of arrows (idiom); the butt of public criticism—accept criticism gladly (humble expr.)—hiding a sickness for fear of treatment (idiom); fig. concealing a fault avoid criticism—fig. seize and subject to public criticism (e.g. right-roaders during cultural revolution)—unrestrained (criticism)—undertake a task despite criticism (idiom); to bear the burden of office willingly—Ai Weiwei (1957-), Chinese artist active in architecture, photography, film, as well as cultural criticism and political activism—shield (a miscreant) from punishment, criticism etc—lit. a tall tree attracts the wind (idiom); a famous person attract criticism—unacceptable as uncorroborated evidence (in law or in textual criticism)—lit. the other mountain's stone can polish jade (idiom); improve oneself by accepting criticism from outside—one's criticism of others exposes one's own faults—minister not afraid give forthright criticism—good medicine tastes bitter (idiom); fig. frank criticism is hard swallow—thick-skinned (i.e. impervious criticism)—Your criticism will be most valuable.— |