Zynga是一家社交游戏服务提供商,於2007年6月成立,总部在美国加利福尼亚州的旧金山市,大陆分公司译名为星佳中国(Zynga China)。
Zynga /ˈzɪŋɡə/ is a provider of social game services founded in July 2007 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA. The company develops social games that work stand-alone on mobile phone platforms such as Apple iOS and Android and on the Internet through its website, Zynga.com, and social networking websites such as Facebook, Google+, and Tencent QQ. Zynga states its mission as "connecting the world through games." The company was named in honor of Zinga, former CEO Mark Pincus’s late American bulldog.
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