根据拟议的《入境条例》 第37ZH条,入境处处长可决 定处理酷刑声请的次序。 legco.gov.hk | Under the [...] proposed section37ZHofIO, D of Imm [...]may decide the order in which torture claims are to be processed. legco.gov.hk |
第二部分(这里是 “zh-CN” )是Rexsee客户端使用的语言,取决于手机设置中“语言和地区”的设置。 rexsee.com | The second [...] part ( h ere itis "zh-CN" ) isthe language [...]which Rexsee is using, it depends on your locale setup in the phone. rexsee.com |
有一些第三方源也提供了小企鹅输入法,唯一推荐的是 home:open suse_zh,由openSUSE 中文社区和 [...]SuSE 员工共同维护。 fcitx-im.org | There are some third-party repository also provides fcitx, the only recommended one is [...] home :opensuse_zh, it's maintained [...]by Chinese community of OpenSUSE. fcitx-im.org |
答: 此特惠套票在中国内陆境内的中国国际航空公司 (CA) 和深圳航空公 司(ZH)航班上有效。 staralliance.com | A. The Airfare is valid on Air China (CA) and [...] Shenzhen Air lines (ZH) flights within [...]the Mainland of China. staralliance.com |
在本年三月选出香港为主办城市後,香港工作小组随即成立,并选出两位香港参与 者 zh:Us er:Lorenzari us及 zh:Us er:chpapa为小组负责人。 meta.wikimedia.org | In March, after Hong Kong was selected as the host city, the Hong Kong Working [...] Group for CWMC 2006 was formed and the Group is led by two Hong Kong [...] contributo rs: zh:User:Lorenzari usandzh:User:chpapa. meta.wikimedia.org |
在建议的第 34ZH(3)(a)及 (b)条中,在中文文本中,删去“的生 效 ”而代以“生效的”。 legco.gov.hk | In the proposed s ection 34ZH(3)(a) and (b), in the Chinese text, by deleting 13 In the proposed secti on34ZH(3)(a), in [...]the Chinese text, by deleting “提 legco.gov.hk |
获取有关从中心,跨Celovka街 道4zh巴士站下车,左转(向中心),然后在右边第一条街是Tugomerjeva街头。 instantworldbooking.com | Get o ffon the 4zh busstopfrom centre, [...]cross Celovka street, turn left (toward the centre) and then the first street on [...]the right hand is Tugomerjeva street. instantworldbooking.com |
可通过远程控制手柄 (ZH0632)上的按钮或直接从 LabShop [...]控制测量启动和停止。 bksv.cn | Measurement start and stop can be controlled by the button on the [...] remote cont rol (Unit ZH0632) or directly [...]from LabShop. bksv.com |
( zh)对工程的管制、船只 救 助的管制、起重装 [...]置 及 起重工 具 的 管制及使 用、受雇 从 事 该等工程 或作业的人的安全及避 免 上述人士发生意 外 的 防 护 措施、本地 船 只 上 安 全 工 作 地方的提供、 与 工程相 [...]关 的 船 只 上 舱 口及舱 盖 的 操 作、使 用 及 维 修,而为施 行本段 而 订立的规例可 赋 权 处 长 — (i) 在他信 纳该等规 例 实质上已获 得 遵从或在顾 及当 时 的 情况後 无须 予 以 遵从的 情况 下,授 予豁免 以 令 该等规例在有关 个案中 不 适 用 legco.gov.hk | ( zh) the controlof works, [...]the control of salvaging of vessels, the control and use of lifting appliances and lifting gear, [...]the safety and protection against accidents of persons employed in such works or operations, the provision of safe workplaces on local vessels, the operation, use and maintenance of hatches and hatch coverings on vessels in connection with works, and regulations made for the purpose of this paragraph may empower the Director to legco.gov.hk |
(b) 政府当局证实,上文(a)项 所述的事项会在条例草案 制定成为法例後订立的相 [...] 关规例中订明,而且会待 该等规例订立之後,才实 施土地业权注册制度( 条 例草案第98(1)(k)、 [...] 98(3) 及 10 0(1)(zh)条)(c) 委员关注到条例草案第 [...]98(1)(k)条中“ 任何注册申 请的徵费” 一语涵盖哪几 类申请 legco.gov.hk | (b) Administration’s confirmation that the matters in item (a) above would be provided for in the relevant regulations to be made after [...] enactment of the Bill, and that the LTRS would not be implemented until thereafter (clauses [...] 98(1)(k), 98(3) an d 100(1)(zh)) legco.gov.hk |
240-C0590160.1, UBS, rue du Rhône 8, Geneva 2, Switzerland (Swift code:UBS W CHZH12A;IBAN : CH65 0024 0240 CO59 0160 1) ; (f) 或者以支票支付给“United Nations”,地址是:Trésorerie, Nations Unies, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland。请捐助方在付款以后通知基金秘书处和人权高专办筹资股(最好附 上一份银 行 转账单或 支票的复印件),以便 利有效地 追踪正式 记录程序 和秘书长编 写报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | Donors are requested to inform the secretariat of the Fund and the Resource Mobilization Unit of the OHCHR when a payment has been made (a copy of the bank transfer order or of the cheque would be appreciated) to facilitate effective follow-up on the official recording procedure and preparation of reports of the Secretary-General. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你发现什么事情不对,基本上有两个方面你可以进一步的检查:查看是否所有的被你的主题或插件输出到屏幕的字符串都“gettexted”了;查看是否你添加的双语语言的内容是否正确无误,即,看看它们是不是都包括在了正确的语言标记里,像 , and < lang_zh></lang_zh>这些标记(注意,在你使用语言标记时,你需要切换到WordPress提供的编辑器的源代码界面;如果你在视图,即所见即所得界面的化,你可以用“ [”和“ ]”代替“<”和“>”)。 readtheweb.info | If you find anything don’t work properly, basically there are two thing you can check: check to see if all the text strings which are printed to screen by your theme and plugins are “gettexted”; check if the content is entered correctly, that is if they are enclosed in the right language tags, i.e. in the , and ng_zh>lang_zh>tags (please note, you will need go to the Code view of your WordPress text editor when you use these tags; if you in the Visual view, you can use the “[" and "]” replace the “<” and “>”). readtheweb.info |