单词 | zd | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
拟议的《入境条例》第37ZD条载列可被视为损及声请 人的可信性的类型的行为。 legco.gov.hk | The proposedsection37ZDofIOsetsout the [...] kinds of behaviour of a claimant that may be considered as damaging the claimant's credibility. legco.gov.hk |
他们认为应删除拟议的 第37ZD条。 legco.gov.hk | In their view, the [...] proposed section 37ZDshould bedeleted. legco.gov.hk |
政府当局表示,可能损及声请人可信性的情况已胪列 於拟议的第37ZD条,以提高入境事务主任作有关考虑时的透明 度。 legco.gov.hk | According to the Administration, the circumstances under which immigration officers may consider as damaging to the [...] credibility of a claimant are set out in the [...] proposedsection 37ZD to enhancetransparency [...]in the process of making such considerations. legco.gov.hk |
第六项的主要修正,是修正条例草案第6ZD条,以订明上诉委员会的聆 讯须公开进行,除非上诉委员会主席决定应闭门进行。 legco.gov.hk | The sixth major amendment seeks [...] to adjust section 6ZDproposed in the Bill [...]to specify that hearing of an appeal shall be [...]held in public unless the Chairperson decides otherwise. legco.gov.hk |
该工厂将成为较小系列的Geho®型ZPM和TZPM活塞隔膜泵以及裸轴Geho®型ZD油井排水泵的组装和测试中心。 zs.weirminerals.com | The Taicang facility will operate as a center to assemble and test the [...] smaller range of GEHO® types ZPM and TZPM piston diaphragm pumps, as well as [...] bare shaftGEHO® type ZD welldewatering pumps. weirminerals.com |
委员认为上诉委员会的运 作 应尽量保持 透 明 度 ,政府 当局在回应时 [...] 告知法案委员会,政府会就建 议的新 订第6ZD条动议一项 委员会审 议 阶 段修正 案,规定除非主席另 [...]有决定,否 则 上诉聆讯应 公 开 进行。 legco.gov.hk | In response to members’ view that the operation of the Appeal Board should be made as transparent as possible, the Administration informs the Bills [...] Committee that it will move a CSA to the [...] proposed new section 6ZDtothe effect that [...]hearing of an appeal shall be held in public [...]unless the chairperson decides otherwise. legco.gov.hk |
法案委员会质疑如何才构成拟议的第37ZD(2)(b) 及 (d)至 (f)条所提到未能出示或提供资料或文件证据的合理辩解。 legco.gov.hk | The Bills Committee has queried what constitute "reasonable excuse" for failure to produce or provide information or documentary evidence referred in the proposed section 37ZD(2)(b) and (d) to (f). legco.gov.hk |
(b) 解释拟议第37ZD(1)(b)条与"在身处香港 以外属《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道 [...] 或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》( 下称 " 《禁止酷刑公约》")适用的地方( 存在 酷刑风险国家除外) 时,不把握合理机 会,就存在酷刑风险国家提出免遣返保 [...]护的声请"两者间有何不同;并提供已处 理个案中曾经应用拟议条文的个案 数字 legco.gov.hk | (b) to explain the difference between the [...] proposedsection 37ZD(1)(b) and "a failure [...]of not taking advantage of a reasonable [...]opportunity to claim non-refoulement protection in respect of a torture risk State while in a place outside Hong Kong to which the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment ("CAT") applies (other than a torture risk State)"; and the number of handled cases to which the proposed provision had applied legco.gov.hk |
13 在建议的第 [...] 34I(2)(b)条中,删去“除在第34ZD(1)条外,”。 legco.gov.hk | 13 In the proposed section 34I(2)(b), by deleting [...] “except in section34ZD(1),”. legco.gov.hk |
在建议的第 34I(1)(b)条中,删去“除在第34ZD(1)条外”而代以 “除第34ZD(5)条另有规定外”。 legco.gov.hk | 13 In the proposed section 34H(1)(b), by deleting “except in sections 34T(2)(a) and 34V(1)” and substituting “subject to section 34V(6)”. legco.gov.hk |
拟 议的第37ZD条订明声请人的若干行为可能被视作为损及声请人的 可信性,但不表示一经发现该等行为便会拒绝有关声请。 legco.gov.hk | The proposedsection37ZD provides that certain [...] behaviours of a claimant may be taken into account as damaging his credibility, [...]but that does not imply that the claim will be rejected upon the finding of these behaviours. legco.gov.hk |
条例草案 已涵盖决定声请时的主要考虑,包括声请人所提出的理由是否符 [...] 合《禁止酷刑公约》有关"酷刑"的定义(拟议的第37U条)、声请人 是否可信(拟议的第37ZD条),以及声请人可否在原居地另行安置 [...](拟议的第37ZI(5)条)。 legco.gov.hk | Key considerations in deciding a torture claim are covered by the Bill, including whether the grounds provided by the claimant fall within the definition of "torture" as stipulated under CAT (proposed section [...] 37U); whether the claimant is credible [...] (proposedsection 37ZD); and whether the [...]claimant may be internally relocated within [...]his country of origin (proposed section 37ZI(5)). legco.gov.hk |
法案委员会要求当局澄清声请人可否以有关资料 或答案受到特权保护为理由( 例如免导致自己入罪的特权) 拒绝提 供资料或回答问题,以及若以受到特权保护为理由拒绝提供资料 [...] 或回答问题会否被视为未能提供资料,因而被视为拟议的第37ZD条下损及该声请人的可信性的行为。 legco.gov.hk | The Bills Committee has sought clarification on whether a claimant could refuse to provide information or answer questions on the ground that the information or answers are protected by privilege, such as the privilege against self-incrimination, and whether the refusal to provide such information or answers based on the ground of privilege would be taken as [...] failure to provide information, etc., and hence behaviour damaging the claimant's [...] credibility underthe proposedsection 37D. legco.gov.hk |
根据条例草案建 议的新 订第6ZD条,上诉委员会须藉推 翻、更 改 或 维 [...] 持上诉所针对的决定的方 式,裁 定 该 上诉,而上诉委员会的裁 定属最终 决定。 legco.gov.hk | Under the [...] proposed newsection6ZD, theAppealBoard [...]shall determine the appeal by reversing, varying or confirming the [...]decision that is appealed against, and the determination of the Board is final. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 说明拟议第37ZD(1)(b) 条与 "在身处香港以外属《禁止酷 刑公约》适用的地方( [...] 存在酷 刑风险国家除外) 时,不把握 合理机会,就存在酷刑风险 国家提出免遣返保护的声请" 两者间有何不同 legco.gov.hk | (a) the difference between the [...] proposed section 37ZD(1)(b) and"a failure [...]not to take advantage of a reasonable opportunity [...]to claim non-refoulement protection in respect of a torture risk State while in a place outside Hong Kong to which the Convention applied (other than a torture risk State) legco.gov.hk |
(d) 作出修订,以厘清在计算透过中央交易对手方结算的交 易引起的风险承担的资本要求时,应如何顾及减低信用 风险措施的效果,以及认可机构向中央交易对手方提供 的抵押品的资本处理方法(第 [...] 226V、226X、226Z、226ZD及226ZE条 ) legco.gov.hk | (d) amendments to clarify how the effect of credit risk mitigation is taken into account in the calculation of capital charges for exposures arising from transactions [...] cleared by CCPs, and the capital treatment for collateral posted by AIs with CCPs (sections [...] 226V, 226X, 226Z, 226ZDand 226ZE) legco.gov.hk |