单词 | zack | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
Zack和Cody他们的能力倾向测验成绩感到惊讶:扎克被告知他将是一个CEO,而科迪会变成为卫生工程师(垃圾人)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Zack and Cody are surprised by their aptitude test scores: Zack is told he [...] will be a CEO, while Cody is going to turn out [...]as a sanitation engineer (garbage man). seekcartoon.com |
Zack和Cody然后发现,他们可以在隔壁房间里看足球的女孩,所以他们邀请他们的朋友来看看在孔太。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Zack and Cody then discover [...] that they can see soccer girls in the next room, so they invite their friends to look in the hole too. en.seekcartoon.com |
当Zack和Cody寻找雅闻,不小心释放出一个机器人弗兰肯斯坦怪物(由雅闻),几乎是一个确切的复制品雅闻。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When lookingfor Arwin, Zack and Cody accidentally [...] release a robot Frankenstein monster (created by Arwin), who is almost an exact replica of Arwin. seekcartoon.com |
扎克被吓了一个恐怖片的僵尸,他们的母亲告诉他们不要看,和Zack开始对酒店门口堆放家具的大厅时,他的梦游。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Zack gets scared by a horror film about [...] zombies, which their mother has told [...] them notto see, and Zackstarts to pile furniture [...]against the hotel door in the lobby when he's sleepwalking. en.seekcartoon.com |
曼蒂需要Zack和Cody日间护理中心的帮助下运行。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Maddierequires Zack and Cody's help to [...] run a day care center. en.seekcartoon.com |
科迪进入一个衣橱,因为Zack是太乱了,他身边的房间不干净。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Cody moves into a [...] coat closet because Zack is too messy and [...]doesn't clean his side of the room. en.seekcartoon.com |
Zack和Cody交朋友特拉维斯,一个孩子他们绳,帮助他们留下深刻的印象日期,因为他的父亲在游轮上工作。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Zackand Cody befriend Travis, [...] a kid whom they rope into helping them impress their dates because his dad works on a cruise ship. seekcartoon.com |
主Zedd利用此创建Primator怪物Zack的一个白色的大猩猩衣服。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Lord Zedd exploits this by creating the Primator monster out of a white [...] gorilla suitof Zack's. Primator can [...]transform himself into an ex... seekcartoon.com |
Moseby需要Zack和Cody的棒球比赛时,他意外捕获了一个棒球波士顿红袜队输掉了比赛,但在波士顿,每个人都恨他。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mr. MosebytakesZack andCody to a baseball [...] game, but when he accidentally catches a baseball that makes the Boston Red [...]Sox lose the game, everyone in Boston hates him. en.seekcartoon.com |
是一个即将到来的舞蹈比赛,尽管他一贯的动作平滑,Zack的自我怀疑的情况下,有一个沉甸甸的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | There's an upcoming dance competition, and despite his [...] usual smoothmoves, Zack'sgot a heavy case [...]of self-doubt. seekcartoon.com |
深受Wright先生感动的学生之中,22岁的ZackConkle是西肯塔基大学新闻摄影系的毕业生,他摄制了一段纪录短片───《Wright’s [...] Law》(赖特的法则),捕捉Wright先生的惊人教学风格,该纪录片最近更在全国年度高校摄影师比赛中获得了多媒体项目的金奖。 parenting.ycef.com | Among students whose lives have been touched [...] by Mr Wright,Zack Conkle,22, a [...]photojournalism graduate of Western Kentucky [...]University, captured his amazing teaching style in a short documentary Wright’s Law, which recently won a gold medal in multimedia in the national College Photographer of the Year competition. parenting.ycef.com |