单词 | z 1 lit b |
释义 | light noun—光 nless common: 灯 n • 光明 n • 亮光 n • 闪电 n • 华灯 n light verb—燃 v点 v燃放 vlight adjective—薄 adj • 轻 adj • 轻薄 adj • 轻微 adj • 淡薄 adj Examples:lit. fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner—别树一帜 lit. live and sleep together (idiom); fig. a close friendship—抵足而卧 lit. praise fills the roads (idiom); praise everywhere—颂声载道 lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); complaints rise all around—怨声载道 lit. wool comes from the sheep's back (idiom); One gets the benefit, but the price has been paid.—毛出在羊身上 lit. light mouth, thin tongue (idiom); hasty and rude—轻嘴薄舌 lit. firebirds soar, phoenix gather (idiom); a distinguished literary group—鸾翔凤翥 lit. inquire whether the tripods are light or heavy (idiom); a laughable attempt to seize power—问鼎轻重 lit. renew one's face and wash one's heart (idiom); to repent sincerely and mend one's mistaken ways—革面洗心 lit. settling accounts after the autumn harvest (idiom); wait until the time is ripe to settle accounts—秋后算帐 lit. collect fireflies and study by their light (idiom); fig. ambitious student from impoverished background—聚萤映雪 lit. feel as if one's intestines have been cut short—柔肠寸断 lit. heroes usually agree (idiom); Great minds think alike.—英雄所见略同 lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); push through shoving and bumping—横冲直撞 lit. singing of the wind and the moon; fig. vacuous and sentimental (of poetry or art)—吟风弄月 lit. give medicine to a dead horse (idiom); fig. to keep trying everything in a desperate situation—死马当活马医 lit. lift the tray to eyebrow level (idiom); mutual respect in a marriage—举案齐眉 lit. persons who walk different paths cannot make plans together—道不同不相为谋 lit. the matter has become a pile of eggs (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture—事危累卵 lit. hear one and know ten (idiom); fig. explain one thing and (he) understands everything—闻一知十 lit. progenitor of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), title of Khubilai Khan (1215-1294), first Yuan dynasty emperor, reigned 1260-1294—元世祖 lit. legendary nine-ribbed turtle of Yuan river—沅江九肋 lit. Rushing Clan, generation born between 1975-1985 and China's most hedonistic and hard-working social group (netspeak)—奔奔族 lit. replacement for soldier on leave for the melon picking season—瓜代 lit. as the autumn breeze passes the ear (idiom); not in the least concerned—秋风过耳 lit. heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse (idiom); fig. capricious (derog.)—心猿意马 lit. carry firewood to put out a fire (idiom); fig. to make a problem worse by inappropriate action—抱薪救火 lit. one-track path; fig. adopt a unified approach to discussing an issue—统一口径 lit. new wine in old bottles; fig. new concepts in an old framework—旧瓶装新酒 lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fig. instant effect—立竿见影 lit. push up paper prices in Luoyang (idiom); fig. sensational popularity of a new book—洛阳纸贵 lit. punish those before to prevent those after (idiom); to criticize former mistakes firmly to prevent them happening again—惩前毖后 lit. both sleeves flowing in the breeze (idiom); having clean hands—两袖清风 lit. a straight foot has no fear of a crooked shoe—脚正不怕鞋歪 lit. use a sacred tripod as cooking pot and jade as ordinary stone (idiom); fig. a waste of precious material—鼎铛玉石 lit. the path exhausted, the end of the road (idiom); an impasse—穷途末路 lit. the dragon-fly shakes the stone tower (idiom); fig. overestimate one's capabilities—蜻蜓撼石柱 lit. rescue the people from hanging upside down (idiom, from Mencius); to save the people from dire straits—解民倒悬 lit. the Zhangs are better off than the Lis (idiom); gossip about the neighbors—张家长,李家短 lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); a fleeting glance in passing—走马观花 lit. start off leniently (idiom); please do not be too strict with me—手下留情 lit. firebird soars, phoenix alights (idiom); fig. exquisite bold calligraphy—鸾飘凤泊 lit. an easy drive on a familiar path (idiom); fig. experience makes progress easy—驾轻就熟 lit. doors not locked at night (idiom); fig. stable society—夜不闭户 lit. the time up today (idiom); up to the present—时至今日 lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time—争分夺秒 lit. the giant Peng bird spreads its wings and begins fly—鲲鹏展翅 lit. cover light and nurture in the dark (idiom); to conceal one's strengths and bide one's time—韬光养晦 lit. ride a solid carriage pulled by fat horses—乘坚策肥 lit. topple the mountains and overturn the seas (idiom); earth-shattering—排山倒海 lit. the mountains are high and the torrents swift—山高水险 lit. lie on firewood and taste gall (idiom); fig. suffering patiently, but firmly resolved on revenge—卧薪尝胆 lit. crossing the river by feeling for stones—摸石头过河 lit. one hundred loopholes (idiom); full of mistakes (of speech or article)—漏洞百出 lit. lost soul, dropped spirit (idiom); driven distraction—失魂落魄 lit. pick the flowers and trample the grass [idiom.]—拈花惹草 lit. oily and shiny the point of reflecting [idiom.]—油光可鉴 lit. the soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed [idiom.]—阴魂不散 lit. like a candle in the wind, or frost on the roof [idiom.]—风中烛,瓦上霜 lit. why use a pole-ax slaughter a chicken? [idiom.]—割鸡焉用牛刀 lit. chrysanthemums after the Double Ninth Festival [idiom.]—明日黄花 lit. try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it [idiom.]—偷鸡不成蚀把米 lit. the trees long for peace but the wind will never cease [idiom.]—树欲静而风不止 lit. things are not separated according their size [idiom.]—事无巨细 light as a goose feather, heavy as Mt Tai (idiom); of no consequence one person, a matter of life or death to another—鸿毛泰岱 • 鸿毛泰山 see the light again (idiom); delivered from oppression—重睹天日 • 重见天日 (of a rumor etc) collapse (in the light of facts etc)—不攻自破 light petroleum product (i.e. gasoline and diesel oil)—轻质石油产品 struggling in the light and fighting in the dark (idiom); fig. intriguing against each other—明争暗斗 sial rock (containing silicon and aluminium, so comparatively light, making continental plates)—硅铝质 cetane number (quality of light diesel fuel, measured by its ignition delay)—十六烷值 sponge cake (light steamed flour or rice cake)—蜂糕 Cai Guoqiang (1957-), contemporary Chinese artist working with firework displays and light shows—蔡国强 light hydrogen, the most common isotope of hydrogen, having no neutron, so atomic weight 1—氕 face light up with delight (idiom); beam with joy—喜形于色 parallax second or parsec or pc, astronomic unit of distance, approx 3.26 light years—秒差距 dissipate everywhere (of light, sound, gas etc)—弥散 As the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom); the truth comes light—水落石出 as weighty as Mt Tai, as light as a feather (refers death)—泰山鸿毛 become as light as a feather and ascend to heaven—羽化 a poor light but nevertheless inextinguishable [idiom.]—半明不灭 classifier for bunches, bundles e.g. flowers or straw, and beams of light—束 classifier for long thin stretches, e.g. jet of gas, streak of light, river; for objects presenting multiple, successive barriers; for individual steps in a process; for orders, questions e.g. in a test—道 classifier for wisps of cloud, light beams or similar—抹 |
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