如果您想要了解更多相关信息以及关 于Yahoo!并没有通过此项信息了解您的选择,请发送邮件到Email与我们联系。 clarinsusa.com | If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by Yahoo! clarinsusa.com |
再如,对 于Yahoo邮件,可以指定收件人、主题、邮件正文和超过50个其它元数据标签。 clavister.cn | Another example cou ldbe Yahoo Mail,where it [...]is possible to specify receiver, subject, message and more than 50 additional meta data tags. clavister.com |
我们运用来 自Yahoo!的第三方网站信标帮助我们分析访问者的位置以及在网站上进行的活动。 clarinsusa.com | We use third-party web [...] beacons from Yahoo! tohelp analyze [...]where visitors go and what they do while visiting our website. clarinsusa.com |
如果你的Jabber服务器有安装相应的网关,它还可以连到MSN,AOL ,ICQ,Yahoo的聊天网络。 javakaiyuan.com | If you have installed the appropriate Jabber server gateway , it can connect to [...] MSN, AOL, ICQ, Yahoochat network. javakaiyuan.com |
这只是几年前,当一些女人谁遇到一些缝纫俱乐部的排序有她的电子邮件帐户由大电子邮件公司,如Hotma il或Yahoo,一人死亡!。 infosum.net | It was just a few years ago when some woman who [...] ran some sort of sewing club had her e-mail account killed by one of the big e-mail [...] companie s,such asHotma ilor Yahoo! infosum.net |
在 8.0%透过互聯网取 得有关资讯的被访者中,43.3%曾浏览衞生署网站,以及 26.3%曾使用雅 虎(Yahoo)或谷歌(Google)兩种搜寻器來取得有关资讯。 cheu.gov.hk | Among the 8.0% of respondents who obtained such information through websites, 43.3% visited the Department of Health website and 26.3% searched Yahoo or Google. cheu.gov.hk |
随后你可以看到供你选择订阅信息的面板,你可以通过订阅URL来订阅问题,也可以使用Google Reader,Netvibes,Bloglines或者 MyYahoo来订阅网站内容。 page2rss.cn.uptodown.com | The next thing you'll see is a panel from which you can select how you want to subscribe to [...] the feed in question, either via the feed's URL or using a [...] servi cesuch asGoogle Reader, Netvibes, Blogli nes o 'My Yahoo! page2rss.en.uptodown.com |
日 本Yahoo可最多设定拍卖7天, 自动再出品3回. tokyobuy.com | You can set 7 auction days in [...] maxim umat Yahoo Auction, and [...]auto post again in 3 times. tokyobuy.com |
请确认在进行Cam2Cam点对点视频时,您的摄像头没有同时被其他应用程序使用(如 MSN,Yahoo,Skype等。)而且已安装最新的Flash播放器。 camboys247.com | Please make sure that no other [...] application (e.g. MSN,Yahoo,Skype, etc.) is [...]accessing Your camera while doing Cam2Cam and [...]that You have the latest Flash player installed. camboys247.com |
正式获雅虎搜寻推 广(YahooSearch Marketing)授权为香港区的代理商,为客户提供高效益的网站推广服务。 communilink.net | We officially became an authorized agent o f YahooSearch Marketing in Hong Kong, providing customers with cost-effective website promotion services. communilink.net |
Moneybookers 不允许在“搜索引擎推广”计划(如 Google Ad [...] words、Overture 或Yahoo)中使用包含 Moneybookers [...]品牌名称及各种特定词汇的关键词竞价。 moneybookers.com | Moneybookers does not allow to bid on keywords within ‘search engine [...] marketing’ applications (e.g. Google Ad [...] words, Over ture or Yahoo),whichcontain [...]brand and assortment specific terms from Moneybookers. moneybookers.com |
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否则,您必须使用连结去显示储存在公开网站上的图档,例如:http://www.example.com/my-picture.gif 而不能直接连结到储存在您的电脑(除非您的电脑是一个公开的网站伺服器)或者是需要授权网站上的图档,例如您的 hotmail 或 者yahoo信箱,或是受密码保护的网站。 forum.qnap.com.tw | Otherwise, you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. http://www.example.com/my-picture.gif. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor images stored behind authentication mechanisms, e.g. hotmail o r yahoomailboxes, password protected sites, etc. To display the image use the BBCode [img] tag. forum.qnap.com |
图像可以在您的发表的文章中出现,您不一定要把图像上传到讨论版上,您只要指定图像的连结位置,例如: http://www.some-unknown-place.net/my-picture.gif。您不能将路径指向您的电脑中(除非您的电脑是开放性的伺服器)以及将图像存在需要确认的主机中,例如:hotmail或 是yahoo的信箱,以及需要确认密码的地方,等等。要显示图像必须使用 BBCode[img]标示或使用HTML(如果允许)。 ai920827.forum888.com | Therefore you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. http://www.some-unknown-place.net/my-picture.gif. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor to images stored behind authentication mechanisms such as Hotmail or Yahoo mailboxes, password-protected sites, etc. To display the image use either the BBCode [img] tag or appropriate HTML (if allowed). garuda.forum888.com |