

单词 xxii

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] Daniel Verdonik 先生提供了XXII/11决定的后续更新信息,包括技经评估组和该委员会为使国际民用航空组织 [...]
Mr. Daniel Verdonik, co-chair of the Halons Technical
Options Committee, provided a follow-on
[...] update ondecision XXII/11 ontheefforts [...]
of the Panel and the Committee in engaging
with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the transition from the use of halon.
XXII/12决定请执行委员会在审议海地的项目提案时,考虑到海地的特殊情况 [...]
以及这种情况可能给消耗臭氧层物质淘汰带来的困难,包括特别是根据《蒙特利尔议定 书》的要求进行氟氯烃的淘汰。
Decision XXII/12requestedthe Executive [...]
Committee, when considering project proposals for Haiti, to take into account the
special situation of Haiti and the special difficulties that it might pose in respect of the phase-out of ODS, including in particular the phase-out of HCFCs, in accordance with the requirements of the Montreal Protocol.
世界银行对其 灾难救助的评估报告指出:“在灾难发生后的头几个星期和头几个月内采取行动,对随
[...] 后的重建过程有重大影响,这些行动需要逐步规划并实施”(World Bank,2006, p.xxii
The World Bank evaluation of its disaster assistance notes that: ‘Actions taken during the first weeks and months after a disaster have a major impact
on the recovery process to follow, and they need to be planned and implemented accordingly’
[...] (World Bank, 2006, p. xxii).
本组织总 规则XXII粮农 组织理 事会 成员国的 提名和 [...]
选举 作了规定 。
Rule XXII of theGeneral Rules of [...]
the Organization (GRO) sets out the provisions for the nomination and election of Member Nations to the FAO Council.
这个项目的标题最初为“在南罗得西亚、西南非和葡萄牙 统治下各领土以及其他殖民统治领土内妨害给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言的
执行的外国经济利益集团和其他利益集团和活动”(第 2189(XXI)号决议)。大会
[...] 第二十二、三十五、四十四、四十六和四十八届会议对标题作了进一步修改(第 2288(XXII)议、A/35/250 第 22 [...]
段以及第 44/469、46/402 D 和 48/402 C 号决定)。
The item was initially entitled “Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Southern Rhodesia, South West Africa and Territories under Portuguese domination and in all other Territories under colonial domination” (resolution 2189 (XXI)), and the title was further amended at the Assembly’s twenty-second, thirty-fifth,
forty-fourth, forty-sixth and forty-eighth sessions
[...] (resolution 2288 (XXII); A/35/250, para. [...]
22; and decisions 44/469, 46/402 D and 48/402 C).
在介绍本项目时,联席主席回顾称,缔约方在XXII/2 决定中决定, 对《蒙特利尔议定书》的财务机制开展一项评价,并在不限成员名额工作组第 [...]
Introducing the item, the Co-Chair recalled that the parties had
[...] decided, indecision XXII/2, to conduct an [...]
evaluation of the financial mechanism of
the Montreal Protocol and that they had considered the final draft report on that evaluation at the thirty-second meeting of the Open-ended Working Group.
秘书处要求澄清安哥拉是否已经根据第 22 次缔约方会议XXII/19 决定建立了 一个有效的控制氟氯烃进口的许可证制度,该决定鼓励安哥拉(及其他国家)批准《蒙特 [...]
The Secretariat sought clarification on whether Angola has established an effective licensing
system for controlling HCFC imports in
[...] light of decision XXII/19 of the 22nd [...]
Meeting of the Parties through which Angola
(among other countries) was encouraged to ratify the Montreal Amendment and establish an import and export licensing system for ODS.
a) 鉴于按照本组织总规则XXII-7,科特迪瓦被视为已经辞职,其空缺 职位剩余的从 2011 年 7 月 1 日至 2013 年 6 月 30 日的时期(即 2011 年 1 月 1 日至 2013 年 6 月 30 日任期所剩余的时期),应按照XXII6 款和第 9 款填补。
a) Since Côte d’Ivoire is
[...] deemed to have resigned in accordancewithRule XXII-7 of the GRO, the vacated seat should be filled for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2013 (the remainder of the term of office from 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2013) as providedby RuleXXII,paras 6and 9.
题为“大会关于《拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器条约(《特拉特洛尔科条约》) 第一号附加议定书》的签署和批准的第 2286(XXII)议的执行情况”的项目应 18 个拉丁美洲国家的请求(A/9692),于 1974 年列入大会第二十九届会议议程。
The item entitled “Implementation of General Assembly resolution 2286 (XXII) concerning the signature and ratification of Additional Protocol I of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco)” was included in the agenda of the twenty-ninth session of the Assembly, in 1974, at the request of 18 Latin American States (A/9692).
指导这一战略的是经济及社会理事会第 2006/6 号决议和西
[...] 亚经社会会议关于加强西亚经社会区域统计能力的第247(XXII)276(XXIV)和 287(XXV)号决议以及关于性别统计的第 [...]
The strategy is guided by Economic and
Social Council resolution 2006/6 and ESCWA
[...] resolutions 247 (XXII), 276 (XXIV) and [...]
287 (XXV) on strengthening statistical capacities
in the ESCWA region, and resolution 286 (XXV) on gender statistics.
第三次会议将审议关于建立由教科文组织赞助的第 2 类中心的项目 5.6(35 C/20 第 I 部 分至第 VI 部分、35
[...] C/20 第 XV 部分和 35 C/20 第 XXIXXII)。
At the third meeting, item 5.6 relating to the establishment of category 2 centres
under the auspices of UNESCO (35 C/20 Parts I to VI, 35 C/20 Part XV and 35
[...] C/20 Parts XXI and XXII) willbe addressed.
[...] 2 下,使 其成为新的第 1(b)(xxii),并将建议的第 13 之二小段移到工作重点 [...]
5 之下,使其成为新的第 2(b)(19)小段。
Having examined this draft resolution, the Commission agreed to move the proposed subparagraph (xiii)bis under biennial
sectoral priority 2 by making it a new
[...] subparagraph 1(b)(xxii) andto move the [...]
proposed subparagraph 13 bis to Main Line
of Action 5 by making it a new subparagraph 2(b)(19).
总规则》XXII 10款第d项还规定, 总务委员会在选举日期至少三个工作日以前,应将收到的有效提名通知大会。
Rule XXII.10(d)further specifies [...]
that the General Committee shall communicate the valid nominations received to the Conference
at least three working days before the date selected for the election.
习惯国际法起诉或引渡义务的援引者通常会引述 1967
[...] 年《领土庇护宣言》(大 会第 2312(XXII)议),将之视作国际上最早确认起诉危害人类罪犯罪人是习 [...]
Those invoking a customary international law obligation to prosecute or extradite usually quote the Declaration on
Territorial Asylum of 1967 (General Assembly
[...] resolution 2312(XXII))asthe earliest [...]
international recognition of a customary
law obligation to prosecute perpetrators of crimes against humanity.
并且,第 22届海洋大会通过了IOC/XXII-6决议,批准了海委会的《海洋数据交 [...]
Also, through ResolutionIOC/XXII-6, the 22nd Assembly [...]
approved the IOC Data Exchange Policy.
根 据 总 规 则XXII10 款 的 规 定 , 选 举 理 事 会 [...]
席 位 的 提 名 必 须 书 面 提 出,并得到除被提名的成员国代表以外的两个成员国代表的支持,提名必须针对 具体区域。
Under the terms ofRule XXII.10ofthe GRO, each [...]
nomination for election to a seat on the Council must be made in writing
and supported by the delegates of two Member Nations other than the delegate of the Member Nation nominated, and the nomination must be for a specific region.
[...] 房建设中运用抗灾技术,满足居住者的需要,可以减少灾害的易损性(World Bank, 2006,p.xxii
The World Bank notes that rebuilding shelter using
disaster-resistant techniques, and in line with the needs of the occupants, reduces vulnerability
[...] (World Bank, 2006, p. xxii).
委员会在审议了这一决议草案之后,同意在第 1(b)(xxii)结尾处加上“利用预算外资金为使用 [...]
Having examined this draft resolution, the
Commissions agreed to add at the end
[...] of subparagraph 1(b)(xxii)contribute financially [...]
to the implementation of activities
regarding multilingualism through extrabudgetary resources with a view to assuring linguistic diversity and endogenous development”.
秘书处希望获得更多详情以及关于孟加拉国能否遵守对 2011 年核准的必要用途免 除水平(57.0 ODP
[...] 吨)以及不对制造沙丁胺醇、氯地米松和左沙丁胺醇进一步提出必要 用途申请的初步评估(XXII/4决定)。
The Secretariat requested additional details and a preliminary assessment on whether Bangladesh will be in a position to comply with the essential use exemption level authorized for 2011 (57.0 ODP tonnes) and the non-request of
further essential use nominations for the manufacturing of salbutamol, beclomethasone and
[...] levosalbutamol(decision XXII/4).
委员会建议大会通过 35 C/20 号文件XXII第 2 段中提出的决议,并将其收进 《大会记录》中。
The Commission recommends to the General Conference that it adopt, for the Records of the General Conference, the resolution proposed in paragraph 2 in Part XXII of document 35 C/20.
秘书处进 一步注意到,履约委员会将在其 2011 年 8 月的下一次会议上审议关于东帝汶消耗臭氧层 物质进出口许可证制度的缔约方会议XXII/19决定遵守情况的报告。
The Secretariat further notes that a report on the compliance with decision XXII/19 of the Meeting of the Parties regarding Timor-Leste’s import and export licensing system for ODS will be considered by the Implementation Committee at its forthcoming meeting in August 2011.
秘书处注意到,本项目编制的申请已列入 2011-2014 年开发计划署的业务计划,并
[...] 于第六十三次会议上进行了审议,而且,根据《蒙特利尔议定书》缔约方第二十二次会议 的XXII/7 决定,本申请将属于为低消费量国家销毁消耗臭氧层物质示范项目供资的窗 [...]
The Secretariat noted that this request for project preparation had been included in UNDP’s business plan for 2011-2014, which was considered at the 63rd Meeting, and that this request will fall under the window for funding for demonstration projects
for ODS destruction for LVC countries in
[...] line withdecision XXII/7of the 22nd Meeting [...]
of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol.
还回顾大会 1967 年 12 月 5 日第 2286(XXII)议,其中特别满意地欢迎《特 [...]
拉特洛尔科条约》,认为它是在防止核武器扩散和促进国际和平与安全的努力方 面具有历史意义的大事
Recalling further that, in its
[...] resolution 2286(XXII) of 5 December 1967, [...]
it welcomed with special satisfaction the Treaty
of Tlatelolco as an event of historic significance in the efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and to promote international peace and security
秘书处指出,蒙特利尔议定书缔约方XXII/19决定除其他外,敦促莱索托制定 [...]
消耗臭氧层物质的进出口许可证制度,并在 2011 年 5 月 31 日前及时向臭氧秘书处报告, 以供 2011 年举行的履约委员会第四十六次会议和缔约方第二十三次会议审查其履约情 况。
The Secretariat pointed
[...] out thatdecision XXII/19 the Parties to [...]
the Montreal Protocol, inter alia, urged Lesotho to establish
an import and export licensing systems for ODS and to report to the Ozone Secretariat by 31 May 2011 in time for the 46th meeting of the Implementation Committee and the 23rd meeting of the Parties in 2011, to review its compliance situation.




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