单词 | xtera | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
与国际海缆船务建立的海洋作业合作伙伴关系是Xtera交钥匙服务的关键基石。 tipschina.gov.cn | The partnership with KCS as the wet plant partner is a key [...] building block forXtera's turn-key offering. tipschina.gov.cn |
GBI董事兼首席执行官Ahmed Mekky先生表示:“我们非常高兴与Xtera合作,在地中海地区完成具有标志性意义的100G部署。 tipschina.gov.cn | We are pleased [...] to be workingwith Xteratoachievethis landmark [...]100G deployment in the Mediterranean," commented Mr. Ahmed [...]Mekky, Board Member and CEO of GBI. tipschina.gov.cn |
此外,与国际海缆船务的合作证明了Xtera是既能铺设新系统又能重新部署旧系统的完整解决方案提供商。 tipschina.gov.cn | In addition, the partnership with [...] KCS demonstrates Xtera's capability as a [...]provider of complete solutions for redeployment as well as new systems. tipschina.gov.cn |
通过利用Xtera的100G光通道技术对网络进行升级改造,Columbus Networks恪守了其不仅要支持当前的服务,还要吸引客户,将新服务引入该地区的承诺。 tipschina.gov.cn | By upgrading the network to include 100G optical [...] channel technology from Xtera, ColumbusNetworks [...]reinforces its commitment to use the latest [...]technology not only to support today's services, but also to attract customers and introduce new services to the region. tipschina.gov.cn |
选择Xtera供应SLTE和提供包括项目管理、系统设计和集成服务等重新部署服务,证明了Xtera在海 底系统和高性能海底光网络设备设计上的领先地位和专业能力。 tipschina.gov.cn | The selection of Xtera to supply the SLTE and provide redeployment services including: project management, system design and integration [...] services, demonstrates [...]the company's leadership and expertise in the design of submarine systems and high-performance submarine optical equipment. tipschina.gov.cn |
Hopper补充道:“尽管对供应商和设备标准的要求很高,但Xtera技术和专业资源所带来的效益和创新可满足赢得这一重要项目所需的全部关键标准。 tipschina.gov.cn | The supplier and equipment standards required [...] were demanding but the benefits and [...] innovationdeliveredbyXtera's technology and highly [...]skilled resources met all the critical [...]criteria established to win this important project," added Hopper. tipschina.gov.cn |
GBI选择Nu-Wave Optima(TM)平台,进一步证明了Xtera先进的100G和光放大技术,在提高任何长距离光纤传输基础设施的容量和效率上所发挥的作用。 tipschina.gov.cn | GBI's selection of Nu-Wave Optima(TM) platform further [...] demonstrates the relevancy of Xtera'sadvanced 100G and [...]optical amplification technologies to [...]improve the capacity and efficiency of any type of optical long-haul transmission infrastructures. tipschina.gov.cn |
领先的网络基础设施供应商Xtera今天宣布,Oi(纽约证券交易所和博维斯帕证券交易所上市公司)旗下子公司、面向南美市场的国际领先的传输和容量批发运营商GlobeNet选择了XteraNXT 20 Gbit/s微分相移键(DPSK)技术用于海底网络升级。 tipschina.gov.cn | Xtera,aleadingnetwork infrastructure provider, announced today that GlobeNet, a leading wholesale carrier for international transport and capacity to South America, and a subsidiary of Oi (listed on both NYSE and Bovespa exchanges) hasselected theXtera NXT20Gbit/sDifferential [...] Phase Shift Key [...](DPSK) technology as part of its submarine network upgrade. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera通信 公司总裁兼首席执行官Jon Hopper表示:“国际海缆船务是西太平洋和北亚/西亚地区领先的海洋作业服务供应商,他们的杰出海上作业技能有助于提升Xtera的服务能力。 tipschina.gov.cn | KCS, a leading provider of marine operations services for cables in Western Pacific and North/West Asia, enhances Xtera's offering with their exceptional marine skills," says Jon Hopper, President and Chief Executive Officer of XteraCommunications. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera的广域网优化解决方案可提供高效、智能化和灵活的网络优化。 tipschina.gov.cn | Xtera's WANoptimization [...] solutions deliver efficient, intelligent and flexible network optimization. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera的创 新技术可以提供优异的质量和性能,帮助客户取得成功。 tipschina.gov.cn | Xtera's innovative Technologies [...] offer exceptional quality and performance, driving customer success. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera的光传输解决方案已经部署到五大洲,帮助全球服务提供商通过新的部署拓展市场和加速扩张,并利用节约成本的升级延长现有网络资产的使用寿命。 tipschina.gov.cn | With deployments across [...] five continents,Xtera's optical transport [...]solutions help service providers expand and accelerate [...]their market reach with new deployments and extend the life of existing network assets with cost-effective upgrades. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera针对 长距离地区网络、城域网和海底网络提供广泛的光传送解决方案组合,并针对企业和电信公司提供广域网流量管理解决方案。 tipschina.gov.cn | Xtera offers an extensive [...] portfolio of Optical Transport solutions for long-haul, regional, metropolitan and sub-sea networks, [...]and WAN Traffic Management solutions for both enterprise and telecom companies. tipschina.gov.cn |
国际海缆船务公司总裁Ryoichi Yatabe表示:“国际海缆船务非常高兴与Xtera合作建设GOKI项目。 tipschina.gov.cn | KCS is very pleased to work on the GOKI project [...] in partnershipwith Xtera," says, Ryoichi Yatabe, [...]President of Kokusai Cable Ship Company. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera总裁兼首席执行官Jon Hopper表示:“通过建成埃及和意大利之间的回程网络,以及首条100G商用中继海底链路,Xtera对成为GBI旨在改善中东与国际连接的宏伟项目的一部分感到非常高兴。 tipschina.gov.cn | Through the completion of backhaul networks in Egypt and Italy, coupled with the first 100G commercial repeatered subsea link, Xteraisextremelypleased to be part of GBI's ambitious [...] project [...]to improve the international connections to the Middle East," said Jon Hopper, President and CEO of Xtera. tipschina.gov.cn |
对CFE Telecom公司来说,Xtera公司的Nu-Wave Optima(TM)有几个关键优势,比如大跨度能力可以避免在整个网络内建设过多的中间站点,以及不需要任何信号放大设备就可以实现超长距离网络覆盖。 tipschina.gov.cn | Xtera's Nu-Wave Optima(TM) offers [...] multiple key benefits to CFE Telecom including long-span capabilities to avoid the building [...]of numerous intermediate sites throughout the network and ultra-long-haul reach to implement the network without any regeneration sites. tipschina.gov.cn |
利用Xtera的20Gbit/s尖端技术,我们能使网络容量实现最大化。 tipschina.gov.cn | GlobeNetis uniquely positioned [...] to deliver the capacity required to enable carriers to meet this market need, and with Xtera's [...]leading-edge 20 Gbit/s technology we are able to maximize the capacity of our network. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera和国际海缆船务将把重新铺设的大约1300千米海底电缆同TPC-5的其余部分和一条已退役区域海底电缆相连,建设长4200千米的GOKI系统。 tipschina.gov.cn | Xtera andKCS will partner [...] to build the 4200 km GOKI system by combining approximately 1300 km of redeployed cable with [...]remaining sections of the TPC-5 and a retired regional submarine cable. tipschina.gov.cn |
XteraCommunications的执行副总裁兼首席运营官Herve Fevrier表示:“多哥电信采用Xtera的先进光传输设备进一步表明,创新的全Raman光放大技术可以在多元环境下提供高带宽和远距离传输,而且它比传统波分复用传输设备更容易安装和运行。 tipschina.gov.cn | TOGO TELECOM's deployment of Xtera's advanced optical transmission equipment is further evidence that innovative all-Raman [...] optical amplification [...]technology can offer wide bandwidth and long reach in multiple environments, with easier installation and operation than traditional WDM transmission equipment," said Herve Fevrier, executive vice-president and chief operating officer of Xtera Communications. tipschina.gov.cn |
这可充分利用国际海缆船务和Xtera的核心竞争力。 tipschina.gov.cn | It leverages the [...] core competenciesof KCSand Xtera. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera通信公司专业制造提供最高性能、最大覆盖面积和最高价值的网络基础设施。 tipschina.gov.cn | Xtera Communications specializes [...] in network infrastructure that delivers maximum capacity, reach and value. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera的地面、海底、长途、区域和广域网优化应用解决方案组合已经部署到五大洲。 tipschina.gov.cn | Xtera's solution portfolio [...] of terrestrial, submarine, long-haul, regional and WAN optimization applications are deployed across five continents. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera的光传送解决方案组合已在四大洲部署,帮助全球服务提供商通过新的部署打入新的市场,并通过高成本效率的升级服务延长现有网络资产的寿命。 tipschina.gov.cn | With deployments in [...] five continents, Xtera'sOpticalTransport [...]portfolio helps service providers worldwide reach new markets [...]via new deployments, and extends the life of their existing network assets with cost-effective upgrades. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera创新的广域网流量管理解决方案为用户的网络优化提供最高的性价比。 tipschina.gov.cn | Xtera's innovative WAN Traffic [...] Management solutions offer customers the best price/performance in network optimization. tipschina.gov.cn |
自2011年下半年成为实际应用的全球首个带软判定前向纠错(FEC)功能的100G设备以来,Xtera的 Nu -Wave Optima(TM)提供了目前可供多种光网络应用使用的业界最先进的100G解决方案。 tipschina.gov.cn | Being the world's first 100G equipment in the field since the second half of [...] 2011 with soft-decision Forward Error [...] Correction (FEC), Xtera's Nu-Wave Optima(TM) [...]offers the industry's most advanced 100G [...]solution that is available today for multiple optical networking applications. tipschina.gov.cn |
新系统将采用Xtera的Nu-Wave XLR区域中继SLTE,最大限度地提高容量。 tipschina.gov.cn | The new system [...] will be fitted with Xtera's Nu-Wave XLRregional [...]repeatered SLTE to maximize capacity. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera的光传输解决方案已经部署到五大洲,帮助全球服务提供商通过新的部署拓展市场和加速扩张,并利用节约成本的升级延长现有网络资产的使用寿命。 tipschina.gov.cn | With deployments across [...] five continents, Xtera'soptical transport [...]solutions help service providers expand and accelerate [...]their market reach with new deployments and extend the life of existing network assets with cost-effective upgrades. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera的Nu-Wave Optima(TM)平台是一个独特的模块化光传输系统,旨在通过一套常规、集成化的模块组,降低远距离、无中继和区域中继海底应用的总体拥有成本。 tipschina.gov.cn | Xtera'sNu-Wave Optima(TM) [...] platform is a unique modular optical transport system designed to lower the total cost of ownership [...]by using a common, integrated set of modules for long-haul, unrepeatered and regional repeatered submarine applications. tipschina.gov.cn |
泛美加勒比海地区领先的批发通信服务商Columbus Networks公司和全球领先的光网络解决方案供应商XteraCommunications公司((Xtera)今 天宣布,通过在位于巴拿马的现有高容量光网络中增加100G光纤,Columbus Network已经率先在泛美加勒比海地区部署了100G网络。 tipschina.gov.cn | (Xtera), a leading global provider of optical networking solutions, today announced that Columbus Networks is the first to bring 100G to the Pan-American Caribbean region by adding 100G to its existing high-capacity optical network in Panama. tipschina.gov.cn |
Xtera高级副总裁兼长途光传输产品线经理Philippe Perrier表示:“通过为我们同类最佳的100G和光放大技术引入OTN切换功能,Xtera将自己定位为光网络解决方案的首选提供商,可提供出色的容量效率、弹性和灵活性来处理各类服务,实现服务提供商营收的最大化。 businesswire.com | By introducing OTN switching to our best in class 100G and optical amplificationtechnologies, Xtera positionsitselfas the supplier of choice for optical networking solutions [...] offering capacity efficiency, [...]resiliency and flexibility to handle any type of services for maximizing the revenues of the service providers,” said Philippe Perrier, SVP, Product Line Manager Long-Haul Optical Transport of Xtera. businesswire.com |