对 2009 年裁军运动进行的评价发现 ,Twitter和Facebook 会员数量增 加与联合国国际和平日网站的访问量增加有着明确的关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | An evaluation of the 2009 Disarmament campaign [...] found there was a clear relationship [...] between t hegrowth of Twitterand Facebookmembers, [...]and increased traffic to the United [...]Nations International Day of Peace website. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,由多部门委员会召集国内民间社会中每类残 疾人群的代表与会,在会上听取了其各自的主要需求(《2009-2018 年机会平等 [...] 计划》就是政府在全国范围内进行广泛公开听证后的结果),并通过各种宣传渠 [...] 道,如由国家广播电台播放的广播节目《无障碍》、新的广播节目《能力建 设 》(www.radiob acan.com/bacan_tv.php)、在残疾事务主管机构――全国支助残疾 人理事会的门户网站中开展的各项论坛活动,以及在共和国国会残疾事务特别委 [...][...]员会的网站中开展的“在线调查”对这些需求进行了反馈。 daccess-ods.un.org | ) Civil society also has access to the media through, for example, the radio programme “Sin Barreras” (without barriers), which is broadcast by a [...] State-owned radio station; the [...] new pro gramme“FortaleciendoCapacidades” (capacity-bui lding) (www.radiobacan.com/bacan_tv.php); [...]forums [...]on the website of CONADIS, which is the lead agency in the field of disability; and the online survey on the website of the Special Commission on Disability of Congress. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用的黄金价格 是根据美国 USA Gold 网 站(www.usagold.com/)公布的系列统计所得的每年年底的国际市场黄 金价格。 daccess-ods.un.org | The prices of gold on the international market at the end of each year, taken from the statistical series published on the United States website USAGOLD (www.usagold.com), were used. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们今天流血是为了让子孙后代将来不必流血” ,《南海现状:解放军必须果断歼灭所有入侵船只》 ,www.chnqiang.com/article/2011 /1225/mil_56272_7.shtml 。 crisisgroup.org | We shed our blood today so that our grandchildren won’t have to shed blood tomorrow”, “Situation in the South China Sea: the PLA must be assertive, and must destroy all the invading vessels, www.chnqiang.com/article/2011/1225/mil_56272_ 7.shtml. Many other analysts disagree that the PLA wish esto have a representati vein the PSC. crisisgroup.org |
这个项目利用博客(http://explosiveweapons.info/)和通 过推特(htt ps://twitter.com/#!/explosiviolence)提供了与爆炸性武器和暴 力有关的研究和事件进行分析及作出评论。 daccess-ods.un.org | The project offers analysis and commentary on research and events related to explosive weapons and violence on its blog at http ://explosiveweapons.info/ and via its Twitter feed at https://twitter.com/#!/explosiviolence. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个新的服装,以保护未出生的婴儿从电磁辐射是可 从www.mummyw raps.com。这家新西兰公司提供免费送货,在世界的任何地方。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | A new garment to protect the unborn baby from EM radiation is [...] avail able from www.mummywraps.com.ThisNew Zealand [...]company offers free shipping to anywhere in the world. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
该方案的校友创建了一个由年轻人组成的多样 化社区 Te rana(www.terana.com),使用新媒体听取和分享多样化观点,促进各自 [...]社区中的跨文化理解。 daccess-ods.un.org | Alumni of the Connect Programme have [...] establishe d Terana (www.terana.com), adiverse community [...]of young people who are using new [...]media to capture and share diverse perspectives and foster intercultural understanding in their communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
全世界各年龄阶段的学生参与了该活动,用 10 [...] 种语文在该 方案的 Twitter 网页(ht tp://twitter.com/UNandHolocaust)上张贴了 大约 350 [...]个“tweets”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Students of all ages around the world participated by posting some 350 [...] “tweets” in 10 languages on the [...] programm e’s Twitterpage a t http://twitter.com/UNandHolocaust. [...]Visits to the programme’s website [...]more than doubled during the two weeks of the campaign. daccess-ods.un.org |
在脸谱网 、Twitter微博客和YouTube视频网站上建立了一个“社交媒体”,以简化公众查阅——教科文组织 [...]内容的受众人数和其他组织和个人对新闻和活动的交叉参照的数量因此大大增 加。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A “social media” presence was [...] established o n Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to simplify [...]public access – viewership of UNESCO [...]content and cross-referencing to news and events by other organizations and individuals has greatly increased as a result. unesdoc.unesco.org |
办事处开通了 Facebook 和Twitter上的账户,利用这些账户公开讨论和传播 [...]新闻、事件和促进人权的工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | OHCHR-Colombia has [...] opened Fa cebookandTwitter accounts, where [...]news, issues and human rights promotion tools are publicly discussed and disseminated. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还请该司继续发布双月刊“非政府组织行动消 [...] 息”,并定期更新“巴勒斯坦问题”网址中的“民间社会”网页(www.un.org/Depts/ [...] dpa/qpal/ngo)和该司的脸书网 页(www.facebook.com/UN.palestinianrights), 作为联合国同民间社会交流信息和沟通的工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also requests the Division to continue to issue the online bimonthly bulletin “NGO Action News” and regularly update the “Civil Society” page on the “Question of Palestine” website [...] (www.un.org/Depts/dpa/qpal/ngo) and the Division’s [...] Faceb ook page (www.facebook.com/UN.palestinianrights) [...]as tools for the exchange of information [...]and communication between the United Nations and civil society. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际采矿和金属理事会表示支持联合国一级的汞风险管理全球战略,并出版 [...] 了一份立场声明,倡导其本身的成员在汞监督方案下采取行动(可查 阅www.icmm.com/page/12173/icmm-commits-to-mercury-stewardship)。 daccess-ods.un.org | ICMM has expressed support for a global strategy on mercury risk management at the level of the United Nations and has published a position statement that advocates actions for its own [...] members under a mercury stewardship [...] programme (av ailable fromwww.icmm.com/page/12173/icmm-commits-tomercury-stewardship). daccess-ods.un.org |
总商会不但是本地华商华社的最高领导机构,在国际商业舞台上享有良好的信誉,同时也是世界华商大会的创办机构,并拥有广泛联系世界各地华人企业的商业资讯网站 “世界华商网络 ”(www.wcbn.com.sg)。chinese.sccci.org.sg | It is the founder of the biennial World Chinese [...] Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) and the World Chinese Business Network (WCBN), a global online [...] busines s portal (www.wcbn.com.sg). english.sccci.org.sg |