基于联合国教科文组织 与GOOGLE之间的伙伴关系,在 AFRICOM 上启动了非洲博物 馆绘制培训活动,以期 在GOOGLE和Africom 网站上宣传。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Building on [...] UNESCO’s partn ershipwith Google, trainingwas launched at AFRICOM for mapping museums in Africa to be featured on Googleand Africom websites. unesdoc.unesco.org |
与谷歌签署了一项协议,目的是利 用GoogleBooks搜索功能在网上推广教科 文组织的出版物。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An agreement with Google was signed to promote UNESCO’s publications on [...] the web using the GoogleBooks search function. unesdoc.unesco.org |
使用的黄金价格 是根据美国 USA Gold 网 站(www.usagold.com/)公布的系列统计所得的每年年底的国际市场黄 金价格。 daccess-ods.un.org | The prices of gold on the international market at the end of each year, taken from the statistical series published on the United States website USAGOLD (www.usagold.com), were used. daccess-ods.un.org |
在古巴境内不能获取任何谷歌代码( code.google.com)和SourceForge(sourceforge.net)网站,它们构成两个最大和最全面的计算机软件库。 code.google.com的个案尤其具有相关性,因为它载有谷歌开发的用以获取自身服务的软件库和工 具,包括安卓系统平台的软件和文档。 daccess-ods.un.org | Within Cuba, access is denied [...] to any the Google Code (code.google.com)and SourceForge (sourceforge.net) websites, which together constitute two of the largest and most complete repositories of computer software. The case ofcode.google.com is especiallyrelevant, [...]since it contains [...]the software libraries and instruments developed by Google to access its own services, including the software and documentation for its Android platform. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,由多部门委员会召集国内民间社会中每类残 疾人群的代表与会,在会上听取了其各自的主要需求(《2009-2018 年机会平等 [...] 计划》就是政府在全国范围内进行广泛公开听证后的结果),并通过各种宣传渠 [...] 道,如由国家广播电台播放的广播节目《无障碍》、新的广播节目《能力建 设 》(www.radiob acan.com/bacan_tv.php)、在残疾事务主管机构――全国支助残疾 人理事会的门户网站中开展的各项论坛活动,以及在共和国国会残疾事务特别委 [...][...]员会的网站中开展的“在线调查”对这些需求进行了反馈。 daccess-ods.un.org | ) Civil society also has access to the media through, for example, the radio programme “Sin Barreras” (without barriers), which is broadcast by a [...] State-owned radio station; the [...] new pro gramme“FortaleciendoCapacidades” (capacity-bui lding) (www.radiobacan.com/bacan_tv.php); [...]forums [...]on the website of CONADIS, which is the lead agency in the field of disability; and the online survey on the website of the Special Commission on Disability of Congress. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个拥有大量用户和其他伙伴的网络已进一步扩大到人权高专办 [...] 和儿基会等联合国机构,以及亚洲减灾中心 和Google.org 等实体。 daccess-ods.un.org | The dense network of users and other partners has expanded to include other United Nations [...] agencies, such as UNHCR and UNICEF, in addition to other entities, such as the Asian [...] Disaster Reduc tion Centre and Google.org. daccess-ods.un.org |
在最新版本中还加入跟 踪google爬虫的功能。 javakaiyuan.com | Also added in the latest version of the [...] tracking function ofgoogle crawler . javakaiyuan.com |
如果您不确定自己是否有资格获得应用会计(荣誉)理学士学位,应先参 阅www.accagl obal.com,了解您是否已经参与该学位计划或是否有资格参与。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | If you are unsure of your eligibility for the BSc (Hons) in [...] Applied Accounting degree, you [...] should fir strefer to www.accaglobal.com which willtell [...]you whether or not you have opted [...]into the degree scheme or are eligible. lsbf.edu.sg |
我们今天流血是为了让子孙后代将来不必流血” ,《南海现状:解放军必须果断歼灭所有入侵船只》 ,www.chnqiang.com/article/2011 /1225/mil_56272_7.shtml 。 crisisgroup.org | We shed our blood today so that our grandchildren won’t have to shed blood tomorrow”, “Situation in the South China Sea: the PLA must be assertive, and must destroy all the invading vessels, www.chnqiang.com/article/2011/1225/mil_56272_ 7.shtml. Many other analysts disagree that the PLA wish esto have a representati vein the PSC. crisisgroup.org |
委员会还请该司继续发布双月刊“非政府组织行动消 [...] 息”,并定期更新“巴勒斯坦问题”网址中的“民间社会”网页(www.un.org/Depts/ [...] dpa/qpal/ngo)和该司的脸书网 页(www.facebook.com/UN.palestinianrights), 作为联合国同民间社会交流信息和沟通的工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also requests the Division to continue to issue the online bimonthly bulletin “NGO Action News” and regularly update the “Civil Society” page on the “Question of Palestine” website [...] (www.un.org/Depts/dpa/qpal/ngo) and the Division’s [...] Faceb ook page (www.facebook.com/UN.palestinianrights) [...]as tools for the exchange of information [...]and communication between the United Nations and civil society. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个新的服装,以保护未出生的婴儿从电磁辐射是可 从www.mummyw raps.com。这家新西兰公司提供免费送货,在世界的任何地方。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | A new garment to protect the unborn baby from EM radiation is [...] avail able from www.mummywraps.com.ThisNew Zealand [...]company offers free shipping to anywhere in the world. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
该方案的校友创建了一个由年轻人组成的多样 化社区 Te rana(www.terana.com),使用新媒体听取和分享多样化观点,促进各自 [...]社区中的跨文化理解。 daccess-ods.un.org | Alumni of the Connect Programme have [...] establishe d Terana (www.terana.com), adiverse community [...]of young people who are using new [...]media to capture and share diverse perspectives and foster intercultural understanding in their communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于预约面谈,支付费用以及领取护照的相关信息,请浏览我们新的话务预约中心网站:ht tp://www.ustravel docs.com/。embassyusa.cn | For information about making an [...] appointment, paying fees and returning passports, please visit our New Call Center [...] Websi te: http://www.ustraveldocs.com/. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在启用之后,又努力增加对网站流量的跟 [...] 踪,并且在新的语言目录中在顶层页面采 用GoogleAnalytics,这使得对网站使 用情况的追踪更加高效,并且改进了按语言分列的使用情况分析(见图一至图 三)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Shortly after the launch, a new effort was undertaken to improve [...] the tracking of site traffic with the [...] impleme ntationofGoogle Analytics on top-layer [...]pages within new language directories [...]which has enabled more efficient tracking of site usage, as well as better analysis of usage by language (see figures I-III). daccess-ods.un.org |
代表们听取了各非政府组织代表所做的关于两性平等 和妇女赋权的发言( 见www.ngonetw orks.com),与会者代表加拿大民间社会,组 [...]成工作组,对准备提交经社理事会 2010 年实质性会议高级别部分的建议进行了 讨论。 daccess-ods.un.org | Delegates listened to presentations given by representatives of various non-governmental [...] organizations on gender equality and empowerment [...] of w omen (see www.ngonetworks.com),and participants [...]formed working groups to discuss [...]the recommendations to be presented to the high-level segment of the substantive session of 2010 of the Economic and Social Council, on behalf of Canadian civil society. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用该标记库,利 用Google为你的网站提供网站查询,并且可以直接在你的网页里面显示搜查的结果。 javakaiyuan.com | Use the tag libr ary , using Google for your website [...]website , and can be directly on your web page which displays search results. javakaiyuan.com |
国际采矿和金属理事会表示支持联合国一级的汞风险管理全球战略,并出版 [...] 了一份立场声明,倡导其本身的成员在汞监督方案下采取行动(可查 阅www.icmm.com/page/12173/icmm-commits-to-mercury-stewardship)。 daccess-ods.un.org | ICMM has expressed support for a global strategy on mercury risk management at the level of the United Nations and has published a position statement that advocates actions for its own [...] members under a mercury stewardship [...] programme (av ailable fromwww.icmm.com/page/12173/icmm-commits-tomercury-stewardship). daccess-ods.un.org |
总商会不但是本地华商华社的最高领导机构,在国际商业舞台上享有良好的信誉,同时也是世界华商大会的创办机构,并拥有广泛联系世界各地华人企业的商业资讯网站 “世界华商网络 ”(www.wcbn.com.sg)。chinese.sccci.org.sg | It is the founder of the biennial World Chinese [...] Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) and the World Chinese Business Network (WCBN), a global online [...] busines s portal (www.wcbn.com.sg). english.sccci.org.sg |