尽管在 一系列领域面临障碍,政府将尽一切努力建立一个人民可以自由生活、思想、表 明看法、迁移和行动的社会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the obstacles faced in a number of areas, the Government would spare no effort to bring about a society in the Congo where people can live, think, express their views, move and act freely. daccess-ods.un.org |
在该背景下,有人建议,缔约国 和更广泛的执行群体应确保满足上述要求,不应局限于如何确保女孩、男孩、妇 女和男子平等获得为执行《公约》提供的资源的一般性讨论,而应询问为什么这 方面的进展一直如此缓慢。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, it was suggested that both States Parties and the broader implementation community need to make sure that this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to ensure that girls, boys, women and men have equal access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why progress has been so slow. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询委员会获悉,出现这种增长的部分原因是更多办事处搬到联 合国建筑群里,预期下一个两年期提供的公共服务将增长高达 20%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee was informed that this increase was partly due to the move of additional offices into the United Nations complex and that an increase of up to 20 per cent in the level of common services provided was anticipated for the next biennium. daccess-ods.un.org |
瑞典注意到司法系统存在一些不正常情况,同时有案例表明,一些 被拘留者经证明是无辜的,因此鼓励阿富汗重新考虑其对死刑的立场,转而支持 暂停执行死刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | Noting that irregularities existed in the justice system and that there had been cases where detainees had been found innocent, Sweden encouraged Afghanistan to reconsider its position on the death penalty and move to support the reintroduction of a moratorium on executions. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过提高支撑移动物重量 的构造物的刚性,可抑制重切削加工和断续切削时产生的振颤。 moriseiki.com | By improving the rigidity of the structure to support weight of moving parts, the chatter during heavy-duty cutting or continuous cutting is minimized. moriseiki.com |
她强调需要超越审议去制定一 套全面的面向行动的建议,以补充现有的活动和措施,确保儿童权利成为现实, 人们不再从“将来成为”的角度看待儿童,而是将其视为现在就存在的个体。 daccess-ods.un.org | She stressed the need to move beyond deliberations to forge a set of comprehensive action-oriented recommendations that would supplement existing activities and measures to ensure that the rights of the child were a living reality, one in which children were no longer viewed in the context of “to become” in the future, but of “being” in the present. daccess-ods.un.org |
常驻代表咨委会还审议了秘书处依照经社会第 67/15 号决议编制的一 份现状分析报告——旨在逐步过渡到举办无纸化经社会届会、做到文件数量 少但质量高,并核可了非正式工作组报告中提出的建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee had also considered an analysis of the current state of documentation, prepared by the secretariat, in line with Commission resolution 67/15 with a view to moving towards paperless Commission sessions with fewer but higher quality documents and had endorsed the recommendations contained in the report of the informal working group. daccess-ods.un.org |
不得要求孕妇在高气压条件下工作,在存在风疹风险、弓形体病风险的情 况下工作,也不可要她们做接触铅及其有毒化合物的工作、地下工作、夜班和人 力移动重物。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pregnant women may not be required to work in the conditions of high air pressure, in the case of an existence of a risk of rubella, risk of toxoplasmosis, nor perform work with lead and its toxic compounds, underground work, work at night, and manual moving of heavy objects. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了对今天快速发展的全球媒体环境有效地 做出反应,并对新交流平台的快速增长所带来的机遇加以利用,秘书处应尤其在灵活性内容的创 建、网络和新媒体管理、媒体制作和营销方面营建一个多语言交流技能基础。 wipo.int | In order to respond effectively in today’s fast moving global media environment, and to exploit the opportunities presented by the exponential growth of new communications platforms, the Secretariat will need to build up a multilingual communications skills base, particularly in flexible content creation, web and new media management, media production, and marketing. wipo.int |
一位成员认为,車辆造成空气污染的模式在不同的地区并不一 样,管制車辆在行驶时排出的废气比只是管制静止的車辆更为 重要,所以不支持全港实施停車熄匙的规定。 forum.gov.hk | A member did not support a territory-wide ban as the pattern of air pollution caused by vehicles were different in different areas, and it was more important to control the emission from moving vehicles than only focus on stationary vehicles. forum.gov.hk |
还有成员指出,第二次付款的部分资金对于完成氟氯化碳淘汰 活动和迅速解决氟氯烃问题十分必要。 multilateralfund.org | It was also pointed out that a portion of the funds in the second tranche were necessary to finalize CFC phase-out activities and to move quickly to address HCFCs. multilateralfund.org |
这一行动有助于促进扫盲成 为一些国家的政治议程,比如设立新的部委和增加预算(布基纳法索、贝宁、埃塞俄比亚、 马里、尼日尔和塞内加尔)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The initiative has helped move literacy higher up the political agenda in several countries, as demonstrated by the creation of new ministries and increased budgets (Burkina Faso, Benin, Ethiopia, Mali, Niger and Senegal). unesdoc.unesco.org |
不应仅仅停留在对参与对话形成的普遍共识上,需要采取行动真正促进各国人民和睦 相处、相互沟通和相互理解。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Action will need to move beyond general agreements about the values of engaging in dialogue towards action which leads to genuine results with consequences for how people live together, interact with each other and understand each other. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该报告还指出,成员国表示支持采取以下步骤:(a) 进一步精 简文件数量及其内容;(b) 进一步合并各种报告,例如可将委员会 的报告作为背景文件或资料文件等,仅将每届委员会会议的主要建 议编入委员会自己的文件,提交经社会审议;(c) 所编写的报告应 内容简洁、直截了当和平实易懂,而且应与会议结果密切相关;载 有必要的参考信息和背景文件链接;并能反映所达成的共识和提出 的建议;(d) 逐步实现经社会届会无纸化,确保所有文件都可以在 网上读取,印刷和分发给每一成员国的文件不超过两套,其中包括 成员国所选择的官方语文的一套文件,同时通过电邮通知各成员国 可在网上读取文件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report also noted that member States voiced support for the following steps to be taken: (a) further streamlining the number of documents and their contents; (b) further consolidating reports; for example, committee reports could serve as background or information documents, with only the key recommendations from each committee session compiled into its own document for consideration by the Commission; (c) producing reports that are concise, direct and easy to understand, and directly related to the outcome of the meeting, containing the necessary references and links to background documents and reflecting consensus and recommendations; and (d) moving towards a paperless Commission session by ensuring that all documents are available online and that no more than two sets of documents are printed and sent to each member State, including one in the official language of its preference, and notifying member States via e-mail of the availability of the documents online.b 4. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于程序无法在备份存档位于要恢 复磁盘上的情况下进行恢复,因此必须将存档转移至另一硬盘上。 seagate.com | As the program cannot recover if the backup archive is on the same disc you are going to recover, you need to move the archive to another hard disc. seagate.com |
这个世界亟需从“我和我的”这种死亡和恐怖的逻辑,转变成 “我们和我们的”这种团结、热爱生命和和平的逻辑。 daccess-ods.un.org | The world desperately needs for us to move away from the logic of “I and mine”, which is the logic of death and terror, towards the logic of “We and ours”, which is the logic of solidarity, life and peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
移动转子以避开乳液中大 的气泡。 cn.lubrizol.com | Move the spindle to avoid large air bubbles. lubrizol.com |
多年实践让我们认识到,实现和平与安全的理想 也许仍然路途遥远,但只要我们恪守《联合国宪章》 的宗旨和原则,铭记“发愤立志、同心协力、以竟厥 功”的庄严承诺,坚定信念,加强合作,定能朝着共 同安全、持久和平的目标不断迈进。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through our experience over the years, we have come to realize that, even as peace and security may seem a distant dream, if we all abide by the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, keep in mind our solemn resolve to combine our efforts to accomplish those aims and strengthen our conviction and cooperation, we will move ever closer to the objective of common security and enduring peace for all humankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
民间社会组织强调要远离市 场驱动的政策,进一步执行以人为本的发展政策,由政府确保可持续生计并维护 人权和性别平等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Civil society organizations stressed the need to move away from market-driven policies and further implement people-centred development policies that require Governments to ensure sustainable livelihoods and uphold human rights and gender equality. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多国家已同意将提高妇女地位写入其国内宪法、法 律及国家政策,但要从将妇女权利写入法律到这些权 利的真正享受、从制定增强妇女权能的政策战略到具 体实施、从发表声明到采取具体措施向妇女提供同等 机会,使其能充分享有其权利并平等地推动各个方面 的发展还有许多工作要做。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many countries had agreed to include the promotion of women’s rights in their constitutions, laws and policies, yet much remained to be done to move from the inclusion of women’s rights in the law to the effective exercise of those rights, from the definition to the practical implementation of policies and strategies for women’s empowerment and from declarations to concrete actions to level the playing field and empower women to take full advantage of their rights and contribute as equal partners to all aspects of development. daccess-ods.un.org |
里约集团敦促谈判会议全体成员表现出必要的 政治意愿,确保毫不拖延地开始实质性的工作,通过 并执行一个推动核裁军议程的平衡和全面的工作方 案,包括谈判一项核武器公约,一项有关向无核武器 国作出消极安全保证的普遍、无条件和具有法律约束 力的文书,防止外层空间的军备竞赛,以及一项禁止 生产用于核武器或其他核爆炸装置的裂变材料的多 边和非歧视性的条约。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Rio Group urges all members of the Conference to demonstrate the political will necessary to ensure the start, without delay, of its substantive work through the adoption and implementation of a balanced and comprehensive programme of work that moves the nuclear disarmament agenda forward, including negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention, a universal, unconditional and legally binding instrument on negative security assurances for non-nuclear-weapon States, the prevention of an arms race in outer space and a multilateral and non-discriminatory treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. daccess-ods.un.org |
过早连接联轴器将导致泵意外运行,从而引起因零件 运动、流体溅入眼睛或皮肤上及接触有害流体而造成 的伤害。 graco.com | Connecting the coupler too early can result in unintentional operation of the pump, leading to serious injury from moving parts, splashing fluid in the eyes or on the skin, and contact with hazardous fluids. graco.com |
为了提高妇女的能力,以便为改进粮食安全作出重大贡献,喂养后代方案将 努力:(a) 确保妇女生产者平等获得资产、投入和技术;(b) 制定针对男女的农 业干预措施和做法;(c) 优先推广节省劳力的技术,以有利于家中的妇女和女孩, 使女孩能够继续上学,以及有利于在农业领域作为农产品的生产者、加工者和销 售者的妇女;(d) 扩大妇女对各级和各机构决策的涉入和参与,使她们能够有助 于带头制定政策、进行投资、设计和执行方案;(e) 改进从事耕作和参与农业综 合企业的妇女获得金融服务的机会;(f) 帮助妇女跳出生产范围的局限,开启机 会,参与价值链生产中以投资为主和促成转变的一方。 daccess-ods.un.org | To increase the ability of women to contribute significantly to improved food security, FTF will strive to: (a) ensure that women producers have equal access to assets, inputs and technology; (b) develop agricultural interventions and practices that target both men and women; (c) prioritize labour-saving technologies that benefit women and girls in the home and allow girls to stay in school, and that benefit women in the agricultural arena as producers, processors and marketers of agricultural goods; (d) expand the involvement and participation of women in decision-making at all levels and in all institutions so that they may help lead the formulation of policy, investments, programme design and implementation; (e) improve access to financial services for women in farming and agribusiness; and (f) help women move beyond production by opening up opportunities to engage in the investment-oriented and transformational sides of value chain production. daccess-ods.un.org |
利害关 系涉及的内容包括:⑴ 激进的立场,要求完全改变国家的经济战略或发展模式, 向不同但尚未完全确定的替代性政策转变(例如包括对贸易政策、公共部门职责、 社会政策等同时作出重大改变);⑵ 中庸立场,谋求实行更好的政府干预措施(加 强监管,早期警示系统,提高透明度等);⑶ 基本被动的立场,希望通过外因推 动复苏(新的经济秩序,加强国际发展援助,较为发达的经济体通过增长重振经 济需求等)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The stakes range from radical positions advocating a total change in the economic strategy or development model of the country and a move towards different — albeit not welldetermined — alternative policies (for instance, major, simultaneous changes in trade policy, public sector roles, social policy, etc.), to intermediate positions seeking better government interventions (enhanced regulation, early alert systems, more transparency, etc.) and essentially passive positions that anticipate a rapid recovery as a result of external factors (a new economic order, enhanced international development aid, recovery of economic demand from growth to come in the more advanced economies, etc.). daccess-ods.un.org |
现在,各种因素之间的关系更为复杂,因为涉及的不止两类国家而是四类国 家:㈠ “在位”发达国家;㈡ 通过工业化和结构变革实现增长的“追赶”国家; ㈢ 受益于高商品价格的“商品兴旺”国家;及(d)尚未建立生产能力以攀爬收入 阶梯的低收入资源贫乏“致远”国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | This time around the dynamics are more complex because there are not two groups of countries, but four: (a) the ‘‘incumbent’’ developed countries; (b) the ‘‘catching-up’’ countries that are growing through industrialization and structural transformation; (c) the ‘‘commodityboom’’ countries that are benefiting from the high commodity prices; and (d) the ‘‘aspiring’’ countries, those low-income, resource-poor countries that have yet to build their productive capacities to move up the income ladder. daccess-ods.un.org |
食典委还注意到,有关这 些标准的修订是在加工水果和蔬菜委员会目前工作的框架内提出的,旨在使标准符合食 品法典委员会的建议,尽可能朝着更简单、横向和包容性标准的方向发展从而促进政府 的应用。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission also noted that the revision of these standards was proposed in the framework of the ongoing work of the Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables to bring the standards in line with the recommendation of the Codex Alimentarius Commission to move towards simpler, horizontal, and inclusive standards, when possible, in order to facilitate their application by governments. codexalimentarius.org |