

单词 3-installment



install (software)

此选购件不能用在下端安装或 P 型压力表上,并且必须在 工厂安装到 M 型压力表上。
This option is not available on lower mount or P model gauges and must be factory installed on M model gauges.
必须将该插头插入按照当地规定和要求正确安装并接地的电 源插座上。
The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
当维修活塞杆时,应始终在活 塞杆密封件和柱塞泵活塞中安装新的 O 形圈。
When you service the piston rod always install new o-rings in the piston rod seal and ram piston.
应在 A 组份和 B 组份流量计上游的供料管路上 安装流体调节器,以保证正确的压力控制并尽量减少泵 脉冲。
To obtain proper pressure control and minimize pump pulsation, install a fluid regulator on the A and B supply lines upstream of the meters.
与缓存池不同的是, 逻辑分区对操作系统是透明的,可用于安装操 作系统或者保存其他要求高速低延迟访问的 数据。
The logical partition, unlike the cache pool, is exposed to the operating system, and can be used to install an OS to it or store other data that requires fast, low-latency access.
鉴于基本建设总计划时间表安排紧凑,而且基本建设总计划时间表 上的任何延误都会产生连带费用,所以秘书长提议从 2009 年 7 月 1 日起 租用一个商业数据中心设施,并雇用国际电子计算中心,由它在这个现 成可用的设施内安装新的信息和通信技术(信通技术)设备,将所有系统 搬迁到新的二级数据中心,并管理新的二级数据中心的一些业务(见 A/63/743)。
In view of the strict time schedule and the associated costs attached to any delay in the schedule of the capital master plan, the Secretary-General proposed to lease a commercial data centre facility, starting on 1 July 2009, and to engage the services of the International Computing Centre to install new information and communications technology (ICT) equipment in this readyto-use facility, migrate all systems to the new secondary data centre and manage some of the operations of the new secondary data centre (see A/63/743).
咨询委员会 从补充资料中注意到,请设这些员额是为了各安保控制中心运行安装的周边进出 控制系统。
The Advisory Committee notes from the supplementary information that these posts are for the security control centres to run the installed systems for perimeter access control.
关于中东和解和重建问题,教科文组织因在伦理和智力方面能够发挥作用,已被要求 制定一种综合性、战略性的方法,目的是为了促进中东的和解与和平,尤其是为了:(a) 在 巴勒斯坦人与以色列人之间重建信任并永远保持信任关系;(b) 在有关居民中提高人和机构 的能力;(c) 支持巴勒斯坦妇女在改善目前形势中发挥关键作用。
With respect to reconciliation and reconstruction in the Middle East, UNESCO is called upon, in view of its ethical and intellectual role, to devise an integrated strategic approach in order to contribute to reconciliation and the promotion of peace in the Middle East, and in particular: (a) to rebuild and lastingly install trust between Palestinians and Israelis; (b) to strengthen the human and institutional capacities of the populations concerned; (c) to lend support to Palestinian women in their crucial role in improving the present situation.
研究所安装并运行了一个以模块为基础的虚拟学习环境,另有十个在线模块正在开发 中。
The Institute installed and made operational a module-based virtual learning environment and ten additional online modules are in development.
2004年空气污染管制( 油站)(汽体回收)(修订) 规例》( 第 218号法律公 告 ) 《空气污染管制(油站)(汽体回收)规例》(第 311章,附属法例 S)(下称“主体规例”),是当局经谘询环境谘询委员会後根据《空气污染 管制条例》(第 311章 )(下称“该条例”)第 43条订立,以规管拟在受管制车 辆及油站内安装,用以将接收汽油的贮油缸所排出的汽油汽体回收入 卸下汽油的运油缸的汽体回收系统。
The Air Pollution Control (Petrol Filling Stations) (Vapour Recovery) Regulation (Cap. 311 sub. leg. S ) (“the Principal Regulation”) was made under section 43 of the Air Pollution Ordinance (Cap. 311) (“the Ordinance”) after consultation with the Advisory Council on the Environment to regulate the vapour recovery system to be installed in a regulated vehicle and a petrol filling station by which petrol vapour displaced from a petrol storage tank receiving petrol is recovered in the petrol delivery tank from which petrol is being unloaded.
保持配管施工作业环境的清洁,避免杂物进入装置里面,并按 照正确的方法施工。
When installing the piping, do so in a clean working environment and follow directions faithfully so that foreign materials do not get into the equipment.
秘书处代表说,R-507 和 R-404A 是当前与为冷 藏室安装的现行系统兼容的唯一可获得的技术,但工发组织曾表示工发组织希望鼓励乌拉 圭探讨使用碳氢转为两个剩余企业的替代办法。
The representative of the Secretariat said that R-507 and R-404A were the only technologies currently available that were compatible with the current systems being installed for cold rooms, although UNIDO had indicated that it would encourage Uruguay to explore the possible use of hydrocarbons as an alternative for the two remaining enterprises.
林健锋议员建议,为免日後再有争 议,秘书处应考虑在会议室内安装监察系统, 录影整个投票过程,包括每名议员所按的表决 按钮。
Mr Jeffrey LAM suggested that to avoid future disputes, the Secretariat should consider installing a surveillance system in the conference room to tape-record the voting process, including the voting button pressed by each Member.
4) 分接开关抽真空时,要在管接头 E2 和 Q 之间接上旁通 管,给切换开关油室和变压器同时抽真空。
4) For evacuating purposes, a bypass tube between connections E2 and Q is to be installed in order to simultaneously apply vacuum to the transformer and the diverter switch oil compartment.
挪威表示,用挪威赠款购置的设备正在得到安装,在接下来的一周 里,挪威大使和日内瓦排雷中心的一名技术人员将作第二次访问、以便查看设备 和检查为确保以切实有效和高效率的方式使用设备而应当具备的程序。
Norway noted that the equipment that has been purchased under the Norwegian grant is in the process of being installed, and that the following week the Norwegian Ambassador and a technical expert from the GICHD would make a second visit to look at the equipment and procedures that should be in place to ensure its effective and efficient use.
刘议员,香港不是一个警察社会,我 们警方不可以经常进行监察,在每一个处所也安装 CCTV,看看有没有人虐 打妻子或配偶。
Ms LAU, Hong Kong is not a police society and it is not possible for our Police Force to carry out surveillance all the time and install CCTV in each and every place to see if anyone is abusing his wife or spouse.
有关安装传真调制解调器的说明,请 参阅本章较早部分标题为 “安装可选的传真调制解调器”小节。
For instructions on installing the fax modem, see the section entitled, “Installing the optional fax modem” earlier in this chapter.
不过,最“离谱” 的是一些涉及骗取客户签约的不良行为,当中包括自称收费电视职员以检查 电视为名上门,讹称年底推行数码广播,游说安装解码器,否则不能再收看 免费电视;又或是透过电话推销,当推销不遂时,便藉词为用户核实个人资 料,暗地里为用户确认新服务等。
For instance, promoters who claimed to be staff of pay television company approached the residents on the pretext of conducting checks on television reception and then persuaded the residents to install the decoder by lying that the installation was to ensure compatibility with digital broadcasting to be introduced at the end of the year, or else the residents could no longer enjoy free television programmes, or when the promoters tried to sell their service by telephone calls but in vain, they would secretly confirm the new service subscription for the residents using the excuse that they need their personal data for verification purposes.
考虑到建筑物内大部分能力需求与运 行所安装的制冷和空调设备(大多数使用 HCFC-22 技术)有关,故增强履约能力部分建 议将与消耗臭氧层物质有关的问题列入负责制定建筑物规则/标准的各政府机构的现有工 作之中。
Given that most of the energy demand in buildings is associated with the operation of the refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment installed (the majority based on HCFC-22), the enabling activities component proposed to add ODS related issues to the ongoing efforts of various Government agencies issuing codes/standards for buildings.
它表明这些研究是 以估计的安装软件数量和估计合法供应数量之间的差异为基础的,而这二者都是按合法供应价格 来评估的。
The description indicates that they are based on the difference between estimated installed software and estimated legitimate supply, valued at the prices of legitimate supply.
在伊泰普水电站(巴西和巴拉圭)和三峡工程(中国)中,我们安装了世界上最大以及功率最高的水冷却机组,每个机组的功率都超过了 800 MVA。
For the hydro power plants Itaipu (Brazil / Paraguay) and Three Gorges (China) we have installed the world’s largest and most powerful water-cooled units with over 800 MVA per unit.
采收问题透过在45天的停工期间内安装 一个额外精磨机解决,这可令磨削阶段释放更多黄金,从而工厂一旦再次按设计产能运营,增加金的采收量。
The recovery issue is being addressed by having installed an additional fine grinding capacity during the 45 day stoppage period, which should allow the liberation of more gold in the grinding stage and increase gold recovery once the plant is again operational at design throughput capacity.
借助已安装的在线监测和分析系统, 福伊特专家们可经常提供水电设备的工作情况评估。
With the help of an installed online monitoring and analysis system, Voith experts can supply regularly operational assessments of the hydro power unit.
提供最高带宽、最低延迟和最高I/O性能,同时具备广泛的兼容性, 支持SAS扩展器和机架管理;可灵活地安装SAS和SATA硬盘。
Also offers highest bandwidth, lowest latency and highest I/O performance paired with broad compatibility, support for SAS expanders, and enclosure management; flexibility to install SAS and SATA drives.
It has very low system requirements , and is very easy to install and configure .
拟设的 6 名广播技术技术员有 2 名将分 8 小时一班在 演播室值班,确保早上 6 时至晚上 9 时的直播节目顺利播出;2 名技术员将设在 制作室,以便为新闻和时事节目、杂志节目以及讨论节目的记者、嘉宾和国家语 言节目主持人进行录制;2 名技术员将组成维护小组的一部分,他们与工程及通 信和信息技术科协作,负责维护该地区的 25 个发射机,并根据部队重新部署计 划在新的地点进行安装。
Two of the six proposed Broadcast Technology Technicians would staff the studio desk on eight-hour shifts, ensuring the smooth transmission of live programming from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.; two Technicians would be based in the production studio to record the files of correspondents, guests for the news and current affairs programmes, magazines and discussion programmes and national language presenters; and two Technicians would be part of the maintenance team, which maintains the 25 transmitters in the regions in collaboration with the Engineering and Communications and Information Technology Sections and installs the new sites according to the force redeployment plan.
计划为实施这项决定采取以下措施:用数字化设备(与一期修缮工程安装的设备配 套)更换过时的录像监视器;在两个楼区加强这一系统;强化两个楼区周边的安全保卫;保 护有潜在危险的面墙;设立受监控的入口管理区,以适应会议厅和展览厅的活动,以及改善 保安人员的工作条件。
The following measures are scheduled for implementation under this decision: replacement of the outdated video surveillance system by digital equipment (compatible with the system installed during Phase I of renovation), reinforcement of this system at both sites, strengthening of the security perimeter protection of the two sites, protection of façades that are potentially at risk, creation of monitored restricted-access areas adaptable to the operations of the conference rooms and exhibition areas and improvement of the working conditions of the security guards.
11.3 秘书处代表答复称,第 IV 篇的转账建议是因为急需提供补充资金,确保制作法定文 件,加强教科文组织在非洲及阿拉伯地区某些办事处,满足安保需要并在总部安装新的通讯 系统,以便落实执行局最近作出的决定和总部委员会提出的建议。
11.3 The representative of the Secretariat responded that the proposed transfers from Part IV resulted from the urgent need to provide additional funds and to ensure the production of statutory documents, to reinforce selected UNESCO field offices in Africa and the Arab States, as well as to meet security requirements and to install a new communication system at Headquarters in order to implement the recent decisions of the Executive Board and recommendations of the Headquarters Committee.
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