单词 | wgts | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
在未得浏览者的许可下,WGTS及道富将不会向任何第三方泄漏该等浏览者向彼等所提供的任何个人资料。 spdrgoldshares.com | WGTS and State Street will not reveal [...] any personal information that visitors provide to them to any third party without their permission. spdrgoldshares.com |
WGTS或道富概无就第三方网站或该第三方网站的资料及材料,或 阁下使用或未能使用该第三方网站而作出任何声明、保证或担保,且不会就此承担责任。 spdrgoldshares.com | Neither WGTS nor State Street make [...] any representations, warranties or guarantees with respect to, and is not responsible [...]for, any third party website or the information and materials on such third party website or your use of or inability to use such third party website. spdrgoldshares.com |
尽管WGTS及道富并无刻意寻求自儿童取得任何资料,但儿童或会浏览本网站若干部分。 spdrgoldshares.com | AlthoughWGTS and State Street do [...] not specifically seek to obtain any information from children, there are certain areas [...]of our website that children may visit. spdrgoldshares.com |
应浏览者的要求,WGTS及道富将自彼等的数据库移除浏览者及其资料,或允许浏览者选择拒绝再接收电邮通讯或联络。 spdrgoldshares.com | Upon request,WGTS and State Street [...] will remove visitors (and their information) from their database or permit them to "opt-out" [...]of any further e-mail newsletters or contact. spdrgoldshares.com |
尽管已作出一切合理努力以确保本网站的内容为安全,惟WGTS或道富均并无就本网站的安全作出任何声明或保证(明示或暗示),包括但不限於未经许可人士进入、拦截或使用 [...] 阁下传送至本网站或本网站传送至 阁下的资料或材料的能力。 spdrgoldshares.com | Whilst every reasonable effort has been made to ensure [...] that the content of this Website is [...] secure, neither WGTS norState Street make any [...]representation or warranty, express or [...]implied, concerning the security of this Website, including, without limitation, with respect to the ability of unauthorized persons to access, intercept or use information or materials transmitted by you to this Website or from this Website to you. spdrgoldshares.com |
本条款及细则并不拟,亦非转让或授出任何权利予本网站或本网站任何资料及材料,惟本条款及细则特地説明者除外,且WGTS或道富获取本网站资料及材料的第三方拥有者或提供者保留本条款及细则中并无并明确授出的所有权利。 spdrgoldshares.com | These terms and conditions are not intended to, and do not, transfer or grant any rights in or to this Website or the information and materials on this Website other than those which are specifically described in these terms and conditions, and all rights not expressly granted in these terms and conditions are reserved by WGTS or State Street, or by the third party owners or providers from whom WGTS or State Street have obtained information and materials on this Website. spdrgoldshares.com |
除非此等条款及细则另行允许,否则在未经WGTS事先书面批准及取得WGTS适当委托前, 阁下不得以任何方式修改、复印、分发、传送、展示、复制、刊发、批准、制订、连接本网站全部或部分或本网站的资料及材料,或自、转自或以其他方式自本网站创设衍生工作坊。 spdrgoldshares.com | Except as otherwise permitted by these terms and conditions, you are not permitted to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, publish, license, frame, link, create derivative works from, transfer or otherwise use in any manner, in whole or in part, this Website or the information and materials on this Website without the prior written authorization of WGTS and with suitable accreditation to WGTS. spdrgoldshares.com |
WGTS、道富或任何彼等的附属公司或联属公司或上述的任何董事、行政人员或雇员概不会就因任何第三方进入、拦截或使用本网站的或可自本网站取得的资料、材料或服务或未经许可人士干预 [...] 阁下的电脑系统而引致的任何亏损、债务或损失负责或承担任何责任。 spdrgoldshares.com | None of WGTS, State Street,nor [...] any of their subsidiaries or affiliates nor any director, officer or employee of the foregoing [...]shall be liable or have any responsibility for any loss, liability or damage that you may incur from any third party access, interception or use of any information, materials or services on or accessible through this Website or any tampering with your computer system done by unauthorized parties. spdrgoldshares.com |
WGTS及道富采用一切合理预防措施以保障向本公司披露的个人资料,并仅会在取得浏览者的许可後方将该等资料向负责的第三方披露。 spdrgoldshares.com | WGTSandState Street uses [...] all reasonable precautions to keep the personal information disclosed to us secure and to disclose [...]such information only to responsible third parties after permission from the visitor. spdrgoldshares.com |
尽管本网站的资料及材料乃WGTS及道富从相信为可靠的来源取得或编纂,惟WGTS及道富均并无就任何该等资料或材料就一般或任何特定用途或目的的准确性、有效性、可靠性、时间性或完整性作出任何明示或暗示的声明、保证或担保。 spdrgoldshares.com | Although the information and materials on this Website [...] were obtained or [...] compiled from sources WGTS and StateStreet believe to be reliable, neitherWGTS nor State Street [...]make any express or [...]implied representation, warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, validity, reliability, timeliness or completeness of any such information or materials in general or in connection with any particular use or purpose. spdrgoldshares.com |
World Gold Trust Services [...] LLC及道富及所有彼等的联属公司,以至彼等的标记、商标及图案(包括标志及插图)及本网站的商业地址均为WGTS或道富的商号、商标或服务标记,未经彼等许可不得使用。 spdrgoldshares.com | World Gold Trust Services LLC and State Street and all their associated companies together with their logos, trademarks and graphics (including symbols and artwork) and the trade address of this [...] Website are all trade names, trademarks or [...] service marksof WGTSor State Streetand [...]may not be used without their permission. spdrgoldshares.com |
本网站所有资料及材料由WGTS或道富集团公司(「道富」)拥有及控制(视乎情况而定),或在取得第三方拥有者或该等资料或材料的提供者的批准下由WGTS或道富使用。 spdrgoldshares.com | All information and materials on this Website are owned or controlled by WGTSor State Street, as the case may be, or are used by WGTS orState Streetwith the permission of the third party owner or provider of [...] such information or materials. spdrgoldshares.com |
本网站载入接入至第三方网站的任何连结并非亦不表示WGTS或道富对该第三方网站或该第三方网站的资料或材料有任何联属、赞助、着名、批准、调查、认证或授权的关系。 spdrgoldshares.com | The inclusion of any link on this Website to a third party website is not and does not imply any affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement, [...] approval, investigation, verification or [...] authorization by WGTS or State Street of [...]such third party website or the information [...]or materials on such third party website. spdrgoldshares.com |
WGTS、道富或任何彼等的第三方提供者概不负责,亦无责任(i)就任何原因保存、更新、更改或移除本网站任何资料及材料,或(ii)建议或确认本网站任何资料及材料为已过时、不完整、不准确或错误。 spdrgoldshares.com | Neither WGTS, StateStreet, nor [...] any of their third party providers shall have any duty or responsibility (i) to maintain, [...]update, correct or remove any information and materials on this Website for any reason or (ii) to advise or identify any information and materials on this Website which may be outdated, incomplete, inaccurate or erroneous. spdrgoldshares.com |
WGTS保留权利,在不作通知下(i)以任何方式及於任何时间更改、增添、修改或移除本网站任何资料及材料;及(ii)於任何时间就任何理由(包括但不限於因任何定期或不定期维护、更新、改良或修改)暂停、限制、禁止及/或拒绝接入本网站任何方面或部分。 spdrgoldshares.com | WGTS reserves the right, [...] without notice, (i) to change, add, modify or remove any information and materials on this Website [...]in any manner and at any time, and (ii) to suspend, limit, restrict and/or deny access to any aspect or part of this Website at any time for any reason, including, without limitation, for any scheduled or unscheduled maintenance, upgrades, improvements or corrections. spdrgoldshares.com |