

单词 3-flighted


classifier for batches, lots, military flights




flight number
专家们未能找到关于一名被拘留者在环行飞之前被运送到罗马尼亚的任何确定证 据。
The experts were not able to identify any definitive evidence of a detainee transfer into Romania taking place prior to the flight circuit.
这 些节省额来自在整个期间在喀土穆和奥贝德提供内部自办的更具成本效益的地 面装运服务,而不是外包给商业供应商;在维护和修理直升机停机坪方面有所改 进,从而能够更有效率地管理机队,减少将直升机运到或再运到卡杜格莉的需要, 因此减少了空中飞行时间;减少零部件库存,因为老化的中型和重型车队的主要 维修工作及事故维修和油漆采取了外包的方式;车辆更换减少,因为将车辆从喀 土穆调往各区和队部,支助与《全面和平协议》有关的活动;在喀土穆,调度服 务部分外包,以满足由于可用车辆减少而导致的不断增长的需求。
These savings stem from the provision of more cost-effective ground handling services in-house in Khartoum and El Obeid for the full period rather than contracting out to commercial vendors, the reduction of air flight hours, as improvements in maintenance and repairs to helipads have allowed for more efficient air fleet management that result in lower requirements for helicopters to position or reposition in Kadugli, the reduction in the holding of spare parts as major maintenance work for ageing medium and heavy vehicle fleets, as accident repair and painting is outsourced, the reduction in vehicle replacements, as vehicles are redeployed from Khartoum to the sectors and team sites in support of Comprehensive Peace Agreement-related activities, and dispatch service is outsourced in part in Khartoum to accommodate the increase in demand, as fewer vehicles are available.
该理事会决定后经 2011/178/CFSP 号理事会决定修订,添加了禁止在利比亚 空域飞行、禁止利比亚飞机在欧洲联盟空域飞行、以及要求欧洲联盟成员国国民、 受欧洲联盟成员国管辖者、在欧洲联盟成员国境内成立或受欧洲联盟成员国管辖 的公司在与利比亚实体做生意时保持警惕的规定。
The Council decision was later amended by Council decision 2011/178/CFSP by adding a ban on flights in the airspace of Libya, a ban on flights of Libyan aircraft in the airspace of the European Union and a requirement that nationals of European Union member States, persons subject to their jurisdiction and firms incorporated in their territories or subject to their jurisdiction should exercise vigilance when doing business with Libyan entities.
行政 助理员额的任职者将在 2 个口译的协助下有效、及时地管理和协调为联合保护小 组提供的行政/后勤支助;协调所有要求联合保护小组考察的请求以及运输和飞 行请求的安排;为特别外地任务的运输提供便利;作为联合保护小组与外部合作 伙伴之间的联络人;维持一个所有联合保护小组活动的中央数据库;编写月度报 告,其中包括统计分析、联合保护小组支助趋势和建议。
The incumbent of the Administrative Assistant post, with the assistance of two Interpreters, would provide effective and timely management and coordination of administrative/logistical support to the Joint Protection Teams; coordinate all requests for Joint Protection Team missions and arrangements for transportation and flight requests; facilitate transportation of special field missions; serve as the focal point for the Joint Protection Teams with external partners; maintain a central database for all Joint Protection Team-related activities; and prepare monthly reports with statistical analyses, trends for Joint Protection Team support and recommendations.
Smoking – smoking is banned in government buildings and on public transport including domestic and international flights.
最不发达国家要制订鼓励国内储蓄和投资的适当框架, 包括可限制资本外逃的稳定宏观经济政策、有关市场状况的可靠政府数据、健全 的信息披露方法、以及清晰有效的从商监管框架,以减少在申请商业执照、招聘 工人、获取许可和交缴税赋等方面的非正规做法。
LDCs need to set the right framework to encourage domestic savings and investment, including stable macroeconomic policies that limit capital flight, reliable government data on market conditions, sound information disclosure practices and clear and efficient regulatory frameworks for doing business that reduce informality, including getting a business licence, hiring workers, obtaining permits and paying taxes.
由于已有的基础设施和现有的联合国航班,恩德培最符合 作为一个灵活中心的要求,使小组可以定期轮流在上述特派团蹲点,提供所需的 当面服务。
Owing to the already existing infrastructure and the availability of United Nations flights, Entebbe best fits the requirement as a flexible centre that will allow the team to rotate through the said missions regularly in order to provide the needed in-person services.
如预算文件所示,所需资源减少主 要是由于:(a) 乘坐商业航班的情形减少,因为非索特派团支助办将日益依靠自己 的航空资产或第三方后勤合同满足其差旅需求(另见下文第 39 至第 41 段);(b) 由 于预期将增加部署的核定人员人数,从其他维持和平特派团和总部临时借调人员 的需求降低;(c) 2010/11 年度总部规划小组工作人员的供资来源拟改为维持和 平行动支助账户。
As noted in the budget document, the reduced requirements are attributable primarily to: (a) a reduction in commercial flights, as UNSOA will increasingly rely on its air assets or its third-party logistics contract to support travel requirements (see also paras. 39-41 below); (b) lower requirements for staff members on temporary assignment from other peacekeeping missions and Headquarters due to an expected higher level of deployment of authorized personnel; and (c) the proposed funding change-over of the headquarters planning team staff to the support account for peacekeeping operations for 2010/11.
但在联科行动人员不在场时,警察或海关人员都不在场,正如专家组在 中期报告(见 S/2010/179,第 102 段)所述,有可疑航班抵达仍没有记录。
When UNOCI personnel are not present, however, there is no police or customs presence and, as the Group indicated in its midterm report (see S/2010/179, para. 102), suspicious flights remain unrecorded.
没有签证的家庭佣工包括有资格申请庇护或者其他保护地位,但 面临驱逐的妇女,因为缔约国不尊重不驱逐可能当她们遣返时面临迫害或者酷刑 的人的国际义务。27 基于性别迫害的受害人――例如处于“名誉”杀害风险的妇 女,――也往往成为容易被剥削的无证件移民,因为国家当局不承认此类迫害, 或者不现实地认为受害人在其原籍国具有“国内逃亡选择”。
Domestic workers without papers include women who should qualify for asylum or other protected status, but face deportation because States fail to respect their international obligations not to subject to refoulement persons who would face persecution or torture upon their return.27 Victims of gender-based persecution — e.g. women at risk of “honour” killings — are also prone to becoming undocumented migrants vulnerable to exploitation, because national authorities fail to recognize such persecution or unrealistically assume that the victim has “internal flight alternatives” in her country of origin.
如果您购买了具有日期限制的机票,请遵循实际支付票价适用的各项规则,下列一项或多项限制(其中包括,但不限于下列一项或多项限制)可能适用于您的旅行:(1) 可能无法退票,但可交费兑换满足原始机票的所有规则/限制(包括支付全部票价差额)的其他限价机票;(2) 可能需要收取预定变更/取消费用;或者 (3) 可能限制搭乘特定的航班和/或要求限定时间以及最短和/或最长停留时间。
If you have purchased a restricted ticket, depending on the rules applicable to the fare paid, one or more restrictions including, but not limited to one or more of the following, may apply to your travel: (1) the ticket may not be refundable but can be exchanged for a fee for another restricted fare ticket meeting all the rules/restrictions of the original ticket (including the payment of any difference in fares); (2) a fee may apply for changing/canceling reservations; or (3) travel may be restricted to specific flights and/or times and minimum and/or maximum stay may be required.
(f) 请提出供在用于科学飞行任务和(或)载人运输的亚轨道飞行的法律 定义框架内审议的其他问题。
(f) Please propose other questions to be considered in the framework of the legal definition of suborbital flights for scientific missions and/or for human transportation.
虽然禁飞区涵盖利比亚全境,但据北约说,北约负责的部分是从利比亚飞 行情报区北部边界到北纬 25 度,这条线以南与埃及、苏丹、乍得、尼日尔和阿 尔及利亚毗连的利比亚领空则没有勘查。
Although the no-fly zone addressed the entire Libyan territory, the active part covered by NATO was from the northern boundary of the Libyan flight information region to the 25th parallel; according to NATO, south of this line, the Libyan air space contiguous to Egypt, the Sudan, Chad, the Niger and Algeria was not surveyed.
它们记录关于每一架飞机而发出的全部通讯,因其飞行是事先计划的,并且在不同的国 际地点之间。
They record all communications filed in relation to each particular aircraft, as its flights are planned in advance, and as it flies between different international locations.
至于教科文组织的气候中和行动,2010 年温室气体排放(GHG)调查显示,与 2009 年相比,空中排放下降了 15.2%,建筑物和地面旅行排放下降了 27%(但巴西除外的基本飞 行数据仍在上升)。
Concerning climate neutral actions at UNESCO, the 2010 green house gas emissions (GHG) survey showed drops of 15.2% in air emissions and 27% in buildings and surface travel-related emissions compared to 2009 (but underlying flight numbers excluding Brazil were still rising).
这项工作的重要性以及更广泛的国际反恐努力 的重要性不幸在最近几个星期受到再次强调——去 年圣诞节发生试图炸毁飞往底特律的航班的事件、今 年三月在莫斯科发生地铁爆炸、就在几天前在离我们 开会会场不足一哩之外的时报广场发生的蠢事和在 昨天在伊拉克发生的伤亡惨重的爆炸。
The importance of this work and of the broader international efforts to combat terrorism has been underscored tragically and repeatedly in recent weeks by the attempted bombing of a flight bound for Detroit last Christmas Day, by the March bombings in the Moscow subway, by the very troubling events in Times Square just days ago, less than a mile from where we meet, and by the deadly bombings in Iraq just yesterday.
(b) 用于科学飞行任务和(或)载人运输的亚轨道飞行的法律定义对于各 国及其他的空间活动方面行动者来说将是否切实有用?
(b) Will the legal definition of suborbital flights for scientific missions and/or for human transportation be practically useful for States and other actors with regard to space activities?
缔约国指出,申诉人只泛泛说了她的逃亡情况,说不出谁有可能帮过她,谁 会为她支付的旅费,她到底是如何离开的,她的哥哥们如何能在几个小时的时间 里在卢旺达为她安排好这一切等等。
The State party points out that the complainant gave only a superficial account of her flight, without being able to say who might have helped her, who might have paid for her trip, how her departure had actually taken place or how her brothers could have set it up from Rwanda in a matter of hours.
如表 1 所示,飞机于 2011 年 1 月 20 日从俄罗斯联邦起飞,但机组人员所报 的是“ZZZZ”代码,这一代码通常表示,飞机的目的地未被列入国际民用航空组 织(国际民航组织)的机场登记册。
As indicated in table 1, the flight departed the Russian Federation on 20 January 2011, but its aircrew filed a “ZZZZ” code, which usually indicates that an aircraft’s destination is not listed in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) registry of airports.
2002 年 10 月 5 日,也就是世界教师日,国际劳工组织/教科文组织开始了一项联合调 查研究,对教师这一职业的情况作出统计:必须改善教师的工作条件,因为目前的工作条件 使越来越多的教师退出了该行业,说明应该从根本上改变政策,来遏止和扭转这种趋势。
World Teachers’ Day, 5 October 2002, was the occasion for launching a joint ILO/UNESCO study, a statistical profile of the teaching profession: the need to redress the working conditions which are increasingly repelling teachers out of the profession and suggest fundamental policy shifts that would preclude and reverse this flight.
工作组回顾大会第 66/71 号决议所载由大会通过的《关于载人航天飞行五十 周年与和平利用外层空间委员会成立五十周年的宣言》,强调需要更加认真地审 视先进的空间研究、探索系统和技术将如何能进一步协助应对包括全球气候变 化等各种挑战并进一步协助解决粮食安全和全球健康问题。
The Working Group recalled that the Declaration on the Fiftieth Anniversary of Human Space Flight and the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 66/71, stressed the need to look more closely into how advanced space research, exploration systems and technologies could further contribute to meeting challenges, including that of global climate change, and to food security and global health.
将在该框架下提供三点:全 世界科学家在中国空间实验室和今后空间站上的飞行实验机会;一个国际航天 员方案,包括航天员甄选、培训和飞行机会;以及推出配套项目,向发展中国 家提供中国的人类空间技术、设施和人力资源,以期促进人类空间技术及其应 用方面的能力建设活动。
Three offers would be provided under that framework: flight experiment opportunities on board Chinese space laboratories and the future space station for scientists from around the world; an international astronaut programme, including astronaut selection, training and flight opportunities; and the launch of supporting projects to provide China’s human space technologies, facilities and human resources to developing countries, with the aim of promoting capacity-building activities in human space technology and its applications.
因此他们表示惊讶,移民局在重 新审查居留证问题后居然还主张采取国内避难选择,还是在这样一个充满暴力的 国家避难。
Therefore, they express their surprise that the Migration Board, after having re-examined the question of residence permits, advocates an internal flight alternative, particularly in a country where there is so much violence.
苏丹政府声称,这些航班是运送前反叛分子,这些反 叛分子在 2006 年《达尔富尔和平协议》之后,在达尔富尔以外接受了国家培训, 再编入驻达尔富尔的苏丹武装部队。
The Government of the Sudan claims that these flights were transporting former rebels who, following the 2006 Darfur Peace Agreement, had undergone national training outside Darfur for insertion into SAF in Darfur.
喀土穆 政府通过以下方式阻碍维和部队部署工作:不正式批准 军队组成名单;拒绝尼泊尔、泰国和北欧五国的军队; 坚持只接受非洲军队;花费数月为达尔富尔基地分配土 地;不批准 UNAMID 夜间飞行。
Khartoum has obstructed deployment by not formally approving the list of troop contributions; rejecting troops from Nepal, Thailand and Nordic countries, insisting on only Africans; taking many months to allocate land for bases in Darfur; and not approving UNAMID night flights.
着重指出国际合作对于促进公平和可持续的工业发展模式十分重要, 认识到企业界包括私营部门在加强工业部门蓬勃发展进程中的作用,着重指 出,在这一进程中,外国直接投资非常有用,并认识到,在这方面,有利的国内 环境对于筹集国内资源、提高生产率、减少资本外流、鼓励私营部门以及吸引和 有效利用国际投资和援助至关重要,创造这种环境的努力应得到国际社会的支 持,又认识到按照相互商定的条件向发展中国家及经济转型国家转让技术十分
Recognizing the role of the business community, including the private sector, in enhancing the dynamic process of the development of the industrial sector, underlining the importance of the benefits of foreign direct investment in that process, and recognizing also, in this regard, that an enabling domestic environment is vital for mobilizing domestic resources, increasing productivity, reducing capital flight, encouraging the private sector and attracting and making effective use of international investment and assistance and that efforts to create such an environment should be supported by the international community




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