

单词 3-finger-zufassungsgriff.



Tse Ting-Fung or Nicholas Tse (1980-), cantopop star


Fung Wan (comic book series)
对於业界代表的意見,冯宇琪医生說,中心考虑另外举行会议与业界代表深入讨論 有关“食物安全「诚」諾"的安排。
In response to views of trade representatives, Dr. Anne FUNG said that a separate meeting would be considered to discuss with trade representatives in details on the arrangement for the Charter.
冯女士为英国特许公认会 计师公会及香港会计师公会资深会员,以及澳洲会计师公会会员。
Ms. Fung is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and a member of CPA Australia.
她持有加拿大西安大略大学行政人员工商管理硕士及工商管理文学士 学位,并获伦敦大学颁发法学士荣誉学位。
Ms. Fung holds an Executive MBA and a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of London.
李凤英议员认为,容许每个联网/医院自 行决定纳入其药物名单的药物的现有安排,与实施 药物名册统一医管局的药物政策及用药,以确保病 人可公平地获处方药物的目标背道而驰。
Ms LI Fung-ying was of the view that the prevailing arrangement to allow each cluster/hospital to decide on their own the drugs to be included in its drug list was at variance with the objective of introducing the Formulary, which was to standardize the drug policy and drug utilization in HA to ensure equitable access by patients to drugs.
李凤英议员询问为活家禽业而设的自愿退还计划所 取得的成果,例如活家禽农场/活家禽运输业的本地工 人申请一笔过补助金的宗数、获批/被拒的申请宗数、 参加劳工处提供的再培训计划并找到别的工作的工人数 目,以及仍然失业并需依靠综合社会保障援助的工人数 目。
Ms LI Fung-ying enquired about the outcome of VSS for live poultry trade, for instance, the number of applications for one-off grants from local workers of live poultry farming/transport industry, the number of applications which had been approved/rejected, the number of workers who had joined the retraining programmes offered by the Labour Department (LD) and were able to secure alternative employment, and the number of workers who remained unemployed and had to rely on Comprehensive Social Security Allowance.
的La Villa du Lac酒店拥有2间餐厅,接近,但是从另一个(家人一起吃饭,婚礼semainars,...)有一个露台,继续寻找湖独立。
La Villa du Lac possesses 2 restaurants close but independent from one another (family meals, weddings, semainars...) with a terrace fing the lake.
Runway 11 及 Runway Suites系列的揭幕仪式於今天举行,由旅游事务助理专员冯浩贤先生担任主礼嘉宾,而亚洲国际博览馆管理有限公司首席营运总监刘克华先生、亚洲国际博览馆管理有限公司首席商务总监王乔治先生、香港展览会议业协会会长张伟雄先生、香港展览会议业协会永远名誉主席朱裕伦先生、香港旅游发展局会议展览及邮轮总经理黄卓雄先生和香港天际万豪酒店销售市务总监薛伟琤生亦出席仪式。
With Mr Vincent Fung, Assistant Commissioner for Tourism, as the officiating guest of the launch ceremony of Runway 11 and Runway Suites series today, Mr H.W. Lau, Chief Operating Officer, AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited; Mr George Wang, Chief Commercial Officer, AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited; Mr Daniel Cheung, Chairman of HKECIA; Mr Stanley Chu, Honorary Life President of HKECIA; Mr Kenneth Wong, General Manager for MICE & Cruise, Hong Kong Tourism Board; and Mr Peter Sih, Director of Sales & Marketing, Hong Kong SkyCity Marriot Hotel also attended the ceremony.
冯雅颂获任命为副总裁及客户价值管理部主管-市场策略,专责制订和执行 AIA 香港及澳 门的客户范畴策略,以及客户价值管理、客户关系管理、客户保留及忠诚计划,并负责界定 和掌握市场数码化推广机会。
Ms. Sabina Fung has been appointed Vice President and Head of Customer Value Management. She will oversee the formulation and implementation of AIA Hong Kong and Macau’s customer segmentation strategy as well as its customer value management, customer relationship management, customer conservation and loyalty programs.
本集团在日常业务中,不时会与若干根据上市规则定义下之关連人士进行持续关連交 易,这包括:(一)、五丰行集团(其中五丰行为本公司的全资附属公司)成员公司销售食品 予上食食品及其联系人;及(二)、华润纺织集团(其中华润纺织为本公司的全资附属公司) 成员公司销售纺织品相关之产品予华润总公司集团成员公司及其联系人。
These include (i) the sales of foodstuff by members of the Ng Fung Hong Group, of which Ng Fung Hong is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, to Shangshi Food and its associates and (ii) the sales of textile related merchandise by members of the CR Textiles Group, of which CR Textiles is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, to members of the CRNC Group and its associates.
韩国、日本和东南亚等国家的包装市场已基本上实现了本 地化,那里的大部分消费产品都是由本地纸包装厂商进行工; 而在中国,政府鼓励外商投资包装行业,以支持快速发展的 制造业。
Packaging in markets such as South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian countries is very much localised, as most of their consumer products are packed by local converters, whereas in China the government encourages foreign investment in the packaging industry to support its fastgrowing manufacturing sector,” says Fung.
刚才局长 提 及 , “ Fing 霸 ” , 或 俗 称“黑芝麻 ” 的 药 物 , 相信很快 便 会 面世, 因为很 多 国家已 显示有 这个问题出 现,不 少 国家甚 至已经 将 其列为毒 品 。
The Secretary has mentioned earlier that new drugs like "Microdots", or commonly known as "black sesame", will soon appear in Hong Kong.




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