单词 | webkit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
虽然 Gecko与WebKit同时实现了该 API 的一个草案,但还是存在一些细节区别。 developer.mozilla.org | Although bothGecko andWebKit implement a draft [...] of this API, there are some subtle differences. developer.mozilla.org |
所以网页作者需要注意,除非您想作为反面教材出现在Webkit容错代码段的示例中,否则还请编写格式正确的 [...] HTML 代码。 html5rocks.com | So web authors beware - unless you want to appear [...] as an exampleina Webkiterrortolerance code [...]snippet - write well formed HTML. html5rocks.com |
而对于Webkit而言,仅当脚本尝试访问的样式属性可能受尚未加载的样式表影响时,它才会禁止该脚本。 html5rocks.com | Webkit blocks scripts only when [...] they try to access certain style properties that may be effected by unloaded style sheets. html5rocks.com |
如果您要开发的是移动Webkit,那么 Flexbox 将是标准布局方案的绝佳替代品。 html5rocks.com | If you'redoingmobile webkit development, flexbox [...] is a great alternative to your standard layout schemes. html5rocks.com |
在Webkit'sSVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)功能存在使用已释放的,恶意使用者可利用漏洞,导致解除参照用已释放的记忆体。 hkcert.org | A use-after-free error inWebkit's SVG (Scalable [...] Vector Graphics) functionality can be exploited to dereference already freed memory. hkcert.org |
远端使用者可透过特制的档案,当载入目标使用者的系统时,在WebKit内引致记忆体损毁,并在目标使用者的系统上执行任意程式码。 hkcert.org | A remote user can create a specially crafted file that, when [...] loaded by the target user, will trigger a memory [...] corruptionerror in WebKitand executearbitrary [...]code on the target system. hkcert.org |
在Webkit中没有规则树,因此会对匹配的声明遍历 4 次。 html5rocks.com | In Webkit, who does nothave [...] a rule tree, the matched declarations are traversed 4 times. html5rocks.com |
QNX 使用的最新Webkit端口支持许多目前拟用的 HTML5 功能。 qnx.co.kr | QNX uses an [...] up-to-date port of Webkit which supportsmany [...]of the currently proposed HTML5 features. qnx.co.kr |
关于语法的说明:目前,要在Webkit和Gecko 中实施 Flexbox,就必须使用供应商前缀。 html5rocks.com | A note on syntax: current [...] implementations of flexbox inWebKit and Gecko require [...]the use of vendor prefixes. html5rocks.com |
如果你想在 Gecko 下模拟WebKit的效果,需要把你希望显示的元素放入另一个元素内,反过来让那个元素全屏显示,然后使用 [...] CSS 调整内部元素的样式,以达到你期望的显示效果。 developer.mozilla.org | On the other hand, if you're [...] trying to emulate WebKit's behavior on [...]Gecko, you need to place the element you want to present [...]inside another element, which you'll make fullscreen instead, and use CSS rules to adjust the inner element to match the appearance you want. developer.mozilla.org |
WebKit支持当前版本的规范但是只有 Chrome [...] 23 及以上才支持。 developer.mozilla.org | WebKit supports thecurrent [...] version of the spec but only Chrome 23 ships it. developer.mozilla.org |
有关如何在较旧Webkit上升级数据库版本的更多信息,请参见 IDBDatabase 参考文档。 developer.mozilla.org | For more information on how to upgrade the version of [...] the database in older Webkit, see the IDBDatabase [...]reference article. developer.mozilla.org |
Webkit使用了两种非常有名的解析器生成器:用于创建词法分析器的 [...] Flex 以及用于创建解析器的 Bison(您也可能遇到 Lex 和 Yacc 这样的别名)。 html5rocks.com | Webkit uses two wellknown [...] parser generators - Flex for creating a lexer and Bison for creating a parser (you might run [...]into them with the names Lex and Yacc). html5rocks.com |
下面这段Webkit代码描述了根据 display 属性的不同,针对同一个 [...] DOM 节点应创建什么类型的呈现器。 html5rocks.com | Hereis Webkit code for deciding what [...] type of renderer should be created for a DOM node, according to the display attribute. html5rocks.com |
Azingo网络运行时软件是一种基于WebKit、在各种移动平台上安装和执行网络应用(widgets)的技术。 tipschina.gov.cn | Azingo WebRuntime is aWebKit based technology that [...] installs and executes web applications (widgets) on a variety of mobile platforms. tipschina.gov.cn |
各大主流浏览器(包括 Chrome [...] 浏览器、Safari、Opera 等)和几乎所有基于Webkit的移动设备均支持 WebSQL,并且很有可能在可预见的未来继续提供支持。 html5rocks.com | Many major browsers including Chrome, Safari, [...] Opera and nearly allWebkit based mobile devices [...]support WebSQL and will likely maintain [...]support for the foreseeable future. html5rocks.com |
由於处理 JavaScript 阵列时,webkit部件产生竞争状态错误,攻击者可利用漏洞执行任意程式码。 hkcert.org | A race condition [...] error existswithin thewebkit component when handling [...]JavaScript arrays and can be exploited to execute arbitrary code. hkcert.org |
对于元素的放置,Webkit使用的术语是“布局”,而 Gecko [...] 称之为“重排”。 html5rocks.com | Webkit uses the term"layout" for [...] the placing of elements, while Gecko calls it "Reflow". html5rocks.com |
从图 3 和图 4 可以看出,虽然Webkit和Gecko 使用的术语略有不同,但整体流程是基本相同的。 html5rocks.com | From figures 3 and 4 you can [...] see that althoughWebkit and Gecko use slightly [...]different terminology, the flow is basically the same. html5rocks.com |
远端使用者可利用特制的HTML,在目标使用者载入时,导致WebKit在处理 JavaScript阵列产生错误及在目标使用者系统上执行任意程式码。 hkcert.org | A remote user can create specially crafted HTML [...] that, when loaded by the target user, will [...] triggera flaw in WebKitinthe handling of [...]JavaScript arrays and execute arbitrary code on the target system hkcert.org |
在Webkit中,解析样式和创建呈现器的过程称为“附加”。 html5rocks.com | InWebkit theprocessof resolving [...] the style and creating a renderer is called "attachment". html5rocks.com |
Webkit也有样式对象,但它们不是保存在类似样式上下文树这样的树结构中,只是由 [...] DOM 节点指向此类对象的相关样式。 html5rocks.com | Webkit alsohasstyleobjects [...] but they are not stored in a tree like the style context tree, only the DOM node points to its relevant style. html5rocks.com |
Webkit使用一个堆栈来保存当前的元素内容,它会从外部表格的堆栈中弹出内部表格。 html5rocks.com | Webkit uses a stack for the [...] current element contents - it will pop the inner table out of the outer table stack. html5rocks.com |
这将巩固WebKit在与Microsoft Trident及Firefox Gecko的竞争中的地位,这意味着世界上浏览器引擎的选择又少了,也因少了需要测试的平台而让无数开发者轻松了一点。 infoq.com | The move will strengthen WebKit in its competition with [...] Microsoft Trident and Firefox Gecko, leaving the world with fewer [...]browser engines choices and making the life of countless developers a little bit easier by having less platforms to test for. infoq.com |
这是一篇全面介绍Webkit和Gecko 内部操作的入门文章,是以色列开发人员塔利·加希尔大量研究的成果。 html5rocks.com | This comprehensive primer on the [...] internal operationsofWebKit andGecko is the result [...]of much research done by Israeli developer Tali Garsiel. html5rocks.com |
Webkit使用Flex 和 Bison 解析器生成器,通过 [...] CSS 语法文件自动创建解析器。 html5rocks.com | Webkit usesFlex and Bison [...] parser generators to create parsers automatically from the CSS grammar files. html5rocks.com |
对于连接 DOM [...] 节点和可视化信息从而创建呈现树的过程,Webkit使用的术语是“附加”。 html5rocks.com | Attachment"is Webkit'sterm for connecting [...] DOM nodes and visual information to create the render tree. html5rocks.com |
Webkit也有用于执行增量布局的计时器:对呈现树进行遍历,并对 [...] dirty 呈现器进行布局。 html5rocks.com | Webkit alsohas a timer that [...] executes an incremental layout - the tree is traversed and "dirty" renderers are layout out. html5rocks.com |
Webkit是一个时髦的浏览器引擎,也就是说,它是一组用于处理网页的布局和显示的类集合。 qt-project.org | WebKit isa modern browser [...] engine, that is, a set of classes to lay out and display web pages. qt-project.org |
为了与 IE 和 Firefox 兼容,Webkit将其与 做同样的处理。 html5rocks.com | In order to be compatible [...] with IEand Firefox,Webkit treatsthislike . html5rocks.com |