因此,环境信息透明可以促进社会学习,提 [...] 高一个社会解决棘手问题的合作能 力(Weber和Khademian,1997)。 ecegp.com | Thus, environmental information transparency can facilitate social learning that [...] builds collaborative capacity for solving difficult and even apparently [...] intractabl e problems(Weber and Khademian 1997). ecegp.com |
他周游欧洲,从 1772 到 1777 年在萨尔兹堡担任首席小提琴手,随后作为自 [...] 由艺术家迁居到维也纳,在那里他与 Const anzaWeber结婚,直到 1791 年去世。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He travelled extensively through Europe before becoming Concertmaster in Salzburg from [...] 1772-1777, and then moved to Vienna as a free artist where [...] he marr ied ConstanzaWeber andresideduntil his [...]death in 1791. unesdoc.unesco.org |
雨果•汉高(Hugo [...] Henkel)博士的老同学,化学家赫尔曼•韦伯(Her mannWeber)博士承担了研究使用含氧盐做洗涤粉剂中的漂白剂的专门任务。 henkel.cn | A former fellow student of Dr. Hugo Henkel, the [...] chemist D r.HermannWeber,took onthe special [...]task of researching the use of oxygen-containing [...]salts as bleaching agents in washing powder. henkel.com |
Weber还为杂志中的另一篇故事拍摄了着名英国骑术家和他们的马。 ba-repsasia.com | Weber also photographed well-known [...]British riders and their horses for another story in the issue. ba-repsasia.com |
粮农组织农业及消费者保护部助理总干事 J. M. Sumpsi 先生和世卫组织食品安全、 人兽共患病及食源性疾病部科学家 G. M o y [...] 博士代表世卫组织可持续发展及健康环境部 助理总干 事Weber-Mosdorf 女士分别宣布会议开幕。 codexalimentarius.org | The Session was opened by Mr J. M. Sumpsi, Assistant Director-General, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department, FAO and Dr G. Moy, Scientist, Department of Food [...] Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Disease, WHO on [...] behal f of MsWeber-Mosdorf, Assistant [...]Director-General, Sustainable Development [...]and Healthy Environments, WHO, respectively. codexalimentarius.org |
款的保留无论如何都可阻 止Weber先生在州法院利用不遵守公开性原则”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that connection, the Swiss Government claimed that “Switzerland’s reservation in respect of [...] Article 6 § 1 (art. 6-1) (…) would in [...] any cas e prevent Mr. Weber from relying on non-compliance [...]with the principle that proceedings [...]before cantonal courts and judges should be public. daccess-ods.un.org |
今年的版本主打好莱坞一线超模巨星Milla [...] Jovovich,并且使用了高级成衣及珠宝品牌,诸如Swarovski, Messika, YannWeber,Stéphane Rolland and [...]Paco Rabanne。 labbrand.com | This year’s edition stars Hollywood A-lister and supermodel Milla Jovovich, and features [...] haute-couture outfits as well as jewelry by famous brands like [...] Swarovski, Messika, YannWeber,Stéphane Rolland and [...]Paco Rabanne. labbrand.com |
由粮农组织农业、生物安全、营养和消费者保护部营养及消费者保护司司长 Kraisid Tontisirin [...] 博士和世卫组织可持续发展及健康环境部助理总干 事Weber-Mosdorf 女士分别宣布会议开幕。 codexalimentarius.org | The Session was opened by Dr Kraisid Tontisirin, Director, Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division, Agriculture, Biosecurity, [...] Nutrition and Consumer Protection [...] Department, FAO and MsWeber-Mosdorf, Assistant [...]Director-General, Sustainable Development [...]and Healthy Environments, WHO, respectively. codexalimentarius.org |
欧司朗光电半导体德国总部的 [...] LED 显示屏市场经理 SvenWeber表示:“人们越来越习惯于在家中和高清兼容设备上观看高清图像,因此对室外显示屏的要求 [...]也不断变化。 osram-os.net | S venWeber,Marketing Manager for [...]LED Displays at Osram Opto Semiconductors, said: “People are more and more used to seeing [...]HD images in their homes and on HD compatible devices so the requirements placed on outdoor displays are changing. osram-os.net |
苏打是从杜伊斯堡的Matth es&Weber公司获得。 henkel.cn | The soda was [...] obtained fro m Matthes & Weberin Duisburg. henkel.com |
梅赛德斯奔驰汽车研发部门的Tho mas Weber告诉《Technicity》,“关于电气发动系统是否会取代原有的燃油发动系统已经不再是我们关心的问题了,关键是这场变革将在什么时候开始。 ba-repsasia.com | T homasWeber ofMercedes-Benz Cars [...]Development tells Technicity, “There’s no question any more as to whether electric drive [...]systems will take their place beside combustion engines; it’s only a question of when this will happen. ba-repsasia.com |
世界民意研究合作计划划的Steph enJ.Weber表示︰「全球大部分人民似乎都对美国这位新领导人有着正面评价,但同时不少人认为美国正继续推行跋扈的政策。 hkupop.hku.hk | S tephenJ. Weber of WorldPublicOpinion.org [...]observes, "Most people around the world seem to have a positive view of the young [...]new captain at the helm of the American ship of state, though many people see this huge ship as still carrying forward domineering policies. hkupop.hku.hk |
709 442. 在 “Weber诉瑞士”案中,710 法院分庭应要求就公约第 6 条第 1 款的可适 用性、被告国违反情况以及瑞士对该条款的保留的适用问题作出裁定,而被告国 认为这一条款与该国的解释性声明无关。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, this objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Protocol in its entirety between the two States, without the United States of America benefiting from its reservation”); and Sweden (“The Government of Sweden objects to the aforesaid reservation made by the Government of the United States of America to Protocol III to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects and considers the reservation without legal effect. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于分主题(c)的辩论由以下人员主导:O.P.S Malik (印度)、 Felipe Caceres [...] Garcia(玻利维亚多民族国)、Oli vierWeber(法国)和 Alexander V. Fedulov(俄罗斯联邦)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The debate on subtheme (c) was led by O.P.S. Malik (India), [...] Felipe Cáceres García (Plurinational State of [...] Boliv ia), Olivier Weber(France) andAlexander [...]V. Fedulov (Russian Federation). daccess-ods.un.org |
而当您沉浸于 Chris tianWeber制作的短片之中,探寻这款香水背后的故事,享受着动人心扉的视觉之旅时,又会欣喜地发现,一种饱满而独特的芳香已悄然弥漫于周围的空气中。 bottegaveneta.com | Upon catchin g Christian Weber’s captivating short [...]film, an intense and compelling visual journey, telling the story of the [...]fragrance, guests noted with pleasure its lush and unique scent hanging on the breeze. bottegaveneta.com |
画廊内部,才艺非凡的爵士三人组演奏着动听的乐曲,香水的独特精髓则通过 B ruceWeber和Chris tianWeber的短片展现得淋漓尽致,迷人的芳香弥漫在空气中,沁人心脾。 bottegaveneta.com | Inside, an exceptional jazz trio played on while the individuality of the [...] fragrance was insinuated through the [...] films of Bruce WeberandChri stian Weber, and the intriguing [...]scent floated in the air. bottegaveneta.com |
概念操作化过程 概念化过程 3.2.3 [...] 本报告书采用「编码为本方法」(Krippendorff, 1 980;Weber,1990),即基於所收集的记 [...]錄,采用内容分析的方法,从不同资料來源对意見进行系统性评估。 susdev.org.hk | 3.2.3 This report employed a code-based approach [...] (Krippendorff, 1 980; Weber, 1990) that adopted [...]the content analysis method based upon [...]the responses to the questions received from the data sources in order to provide a systematic assessment of views from different data sources. susdev.org.hk |