单词 | Wd | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
由于 TNT 12000WD可在每次曝光中测量所有参数,因此无需进行复杂的菜单选择,进一步提高了用户生产率。 zh.flukebiomedical.com | Because the TNT 12000WD measures allparameters [...] with every exposure, there is no need for complicated menu selection, further enhancing user productivity. flukebiomedical.com |
TNT 12000WD始终会在开启时采用上次使用时的默认设置,因此在常用于重复性操作时可谓是真正的一键(开启)解决方案。 zh.flukebiomedical.com | TNT 12000WD always defaults to [...] the last use when powered on, so when used often for repetitive procedures it is truly a [...]one-button (power on) solution. flukebiomedical.com |
使用蘸有少量WD-40油的布清除切纸器刀片或底部不锈钢切纸器导纸器上 的粘合剂。 printronix.com | Use a cloth [...] with a light amountofWD-40 oilto clean adhesive [...]from the cutter blade and upper or lower stainless steel cutter guides. printronix.de |
无线HART模块WD-H索夫廷 使用户能够轻松地集成在现有的现场设备和无线数据传输符合与现代流程自动化的所有要求。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The WirelessHART modulesWD-H of Softing enables [...] users to easily integrate wireless data transmission in existing field [...]devices and complies with all requirements of modern process automation. en.developmentscout.com |
Acronis 解决方案提供WD使用者强大的工具,可运用进阶磁碟分割管理技术部署新磁碟机,最佳化硬碟效能。 acronis.com.tw | Acronis solutions giveWD users powerful tools [...] for deploying new disk drives and optimize hard drive perfomance using advanced [...]partition management technology. acronis.com |
该收购希捷推在角落里,加强该领域的WD硬盘的市场份额,但分析家最近指出,50%的硬盘市场将不会存在于未来五年,它将在未来可能消失10年。 technologeeko.com | The acquisition pushes Seagate in the [...] corner, strengthening WDmarket share position, [...]in the hard disk segment, however as [...]analysts lately stated, 50% of the hard disk market won’t exist in next five years, and it will probably disappear in the next 10 years. technologeeko.com |
您只需拨打随产品一起提供的号码,我们的客户支持专家团队将引导您完成硬盘以及针对移动设备的WD应用程序的安装。 wddirect.com | Just call the number provided with your purchase and our [...] expert customer support team will walk you through the installation of [...] yourdrive andWD's apps foryour mobile device. wddirect.com |
WD的安全性实用工具可以为硬盘提供密码保护设置和硬件加密,防止他人非法使用或访问您的文件。 wddirect.com | WD's security utility allows [...] you to set password protection and hardware encryption for your drive to protect your files [...]from unauthorized use or access. wddirect.com |
作为世界上领先的信息存储解决方案供应商之一,WD致力于为我们的小企业渠道伙伴提供正确的工具、培训和支持,帮助他们成功地向用户推荐和销售WD的小企业存储服务器解决方案。 wddirect.com | As one of the world's leading suppliers of information [...] storagesolutions, WD is committed to providing our small business channel partners with the right tools, training and support to successfully recommend and sellWD's small business storage [...]server solutions. wddirect.com |
WD选择了一个合适的时机来投资於这个关键的产品类别,加快了以磁碟备份方案取代磁带备份的步伐。 ipress.com.hk | WD haschosen anideal moment [...] to invest in this critical product category as backup-to-disk solutions accelerate their displacement of backup-to-tape. ipress.com.hk |
UltrabeeWD硅氧烷不会对泡沫或清洁能力产生不利影响,并且可兼容头发护理体系常用的阴离子表面活性剂和季化合物。 cn.lubrizol.com | Ultrabee WDsilicone does not [...] adversely affect foam or detergency and is compatible with many of the anionic surfactants [...]and quaternary compounds that are normally used in hair care systems. lubrizol.com |
美联巴沙姆,起源和发展古典印度教(1989年)中,S Chennakesavan,是印度教的批判性研究(1980); TJ霍普金斯,印度教宗教传统(1971年); [...] [...] ð金斯利,印度教(1982年);株式会社Klostermaier,一项调查印度教(1988)与r Lannoy,口试树(1974年);的WD奥弗莱厄蒂,梦想,幻想和(1984)其他现实;六标准差奥马利,大众印度教(1935年);知识森,印度教(1961年); [...][...]P托马斯,印度教宗教,习俗和礼仪(1981年);钢筋混凝土Zaehner,印度教(1962年)。 mb-soft.com | AL Basham, The Origins and Development of Classical Hinduism (1989); S Chennakesavan, A Critical Study of Hinduism (1980); TJ Hopkins, The Hindu Religion Tradition (1971); D Kinsley, Hinduism (1982); KK Klostermaier, A [...] Survey of Hinduism (1988); R Lannoy, The [...] Speaking Tree (1974);WD O'Flaherty, Dreams, [...]Illusions and Other Realities (1984); [...]LSS O'Malley, Popular Hinduism (1935); KM Sen, Hinduism (1961); P Thomas, Hindu Religion, Customs and Manners (1981); RC Zaehner, Hinduism (1962). mb-soft.com |
WDRed 硬盘包含西部数据独一无二的 NASware 技术,解决了传统台式硬盘在 [...] NAS 系统中会碰到的大量挑战。 wddirect.com | WD Red drives include WD's exclusive [...] NASware technology that addresses many of the challenges a traditional desktop hard drive has in a NAS system. wddirect.com |
包括WDTV媒体播放器产品系列等市面上为数不少的游戏主机、摄录机、电视、数码录影机、Blu-ray播放机与媒体播放器,都可让用户连接 USB 後直接在高画质电视上播放多媒体内容。 ipress.com.hk | A large and increasing number of game consoles, camcorders, TVs, DVRs, Blu-ray players and media players, including the WD TV® Media Player family, allow consumers to connect a USB drive and play the multimedia content from the drive on an HD TV. ipress.com.hk |
WD的专利 SiSMART 技术是业内首个早期告警系统,能够自行监控存储系统使用情况并准确预测使用寿命。 wddirect.com | WD's patented SiSMART technology [...] is the industry's first early warning system, able to self-monitor storage system usage [...]and accurately forecast useable life. wddirect.com |
在头发护理产品中,UltrabeeWD硅氧烷等聚二甲基硅氧烷共聚醇酯是效果显着的洗发水和护发素添加剂,它有助于提高头发的光泽、梳理性并减少静电,令头发更易于打理。 cn.lubrizol.com | In hair care products, dimethicone copolyol esters, [...] such asUltrabee WDsilicone,are effective [...]additives to shampoos and conditioners [...]that can contribute to gloss, combability, static reduction and manageability. lubrizol.com |
Acronis 解决方案利用高级分区管理技术为WD用户提供功能强大的部署新磁盘驱动器及优化硬盘性能的工具。 acronis.com.cn | Acronis solutionsgive WDuserspowerful tools [...] for deploying new disk drives and optimize hard drive perfomance using advanced [...]partition management technology. acronis.eu |
WD的监控硬盘可使视频监控系统提供更为广泛的功能和能力,例如高分辨率图像质量、从多个摄像头传输视频、用超快数据访问存档视频和按需视频回放。 wddirect.com | WD's surveillance drives [...] enable digital video surveillance systems to deliver a comprehensive range of features and capabilities [...]such as high resolution image quality, streaming video from multiple cameras, video archiving with ultra-fast data access and on-demand video playback. wddirect.com |
想当年,他为WD&Ho Willis(烟草公司)付出50年(1914-1964)的青春及努力,为公司创出名堂。 4tern.com | Mr. Charles contributed [...] his lifeand soul to WD& Ho Willis(tobacco [...]company) for 50 years (1914-1964). 4tern.com |
2005年左右安防行业曾经来过一次IT企业大举进军的高潮,有很多后来又退出了,但坚持下来的,在安防IT化速度越来越快的今天,已经开始发力,国际企业如Intel、技嘉、EMC、WD等,国内如清华同方,乃至后来的神州数码等等,都想在这个市场分一杯羹。 zgdsaf.com | Security industry in 2005 had been there about a large-scale IT companies into the climax, there are many out later, but persevered, and in the increasingly fast pace of IT security today, has begun to force, [...] and international companies such as [...] Intel, Gigabyte, EMC, WD, etc.,domestic, such [...]as Tsinghua Tong Fang, and, later, Digital, [...]etc., want a share in this market. zgdsaf.com |
注:混响类型:快速的Wd和活跃的Wd只有一个宽度(极其宽)。 tcelectronic.com | Note: The [...] RevTypes: FastWd and Alive Wd only have one width [...](extremely wide). tcelectronic.com |
We = 股 本 价值占企业 价值比例Wd=债务 价值占企业 价值比 例 [...] T =公 司 税 率 cre8ir.com | We = Weight of equity value to [...] enterprise value Wd=Weight ofdebt [...]value to enterprise value T = Corporate tax rate cre8ir.com |
耗电量的测试数据是在装满 [...] Western Digital2TBWD2002FYPS 硬碟的情况下测试而得。 synology.com.tw | Power consumption is measured when fully loaded with [...] Western Digital 2TB WD2002FYPShard drive(s). synology.com |
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生产设备主要有三条WD-18宽幅冷轧型材生产线,可以冷轧2-8mm厚度,不同形状的型材; [...] LC1530型数控精密激光切割机,HGR-2H1D3000数控火焰等离子切割机,可以切割不同形状和厚度的材料;14M埋弧自动焊机;500T压力机;160T和100T冲压设备;钣制旋压皮带轮生产线;纵剪开平生产线;另外还有剪板机、折弯机、喷砂、喷塑和电泳涂装设备等。 shengrui.cn | Main Equipment: 3pieces WD-18 widecut cold rolling [...] production lines, which can cold rolled sections of different shapes [...]with the thickness 2-8mm, LC1530 CNC precise laser cutting machine, HGR-2H1D3000 CNC plasma cutting machine, which can cut materials of different shapes & thickness, 14M submerged arc automatic welder, 500T press machine, 160T & 100T stamping machine, spinning tension pulley production line, bending machine, plate shearing machine, etc. shengrui.cn |
小结:WDCaviar Green系列和之前介绍过的Caviar Black系列最大不同点是,性能并非是它最大的卖点,通过动态切换不同转速来降低功耗反而是该系列硬盘的亮点之处,目前500GB容量售价仅为400元出头,显得相当超值!众所周知,买电脑硬盘除了要看品质和价格之外,还要衡量售后服务的质量,选择由联强国际代理的WDCaviar全系列硬盘就能享受三年原厂全免费保修的服务。 zccor.com | Summary: the WD Caviar Green series and introduces the Caviar Black series of the maximum difference is that the performance is not its biggest selling point, to reduce power consumption by dynamically switch between different speed but the highlights of the series of hard disk, the current 500GB capacity sale price of only 400 yuan to succeed, it is a considerable value. zccor.com |