教科文组织财务监督办公室的 MarkWarren先生就 2001 年已确认的账目和 [...]2002 年的临 时账目做了具体说明。 unesdoc.unesco.org | M r Mark Warren, from the Office of [...]UNESCO’s Comptroller, provided more details concerning the certified accounts for 2001 [...]and the provisional accounts for 2002. unesdoc.unesco.org |
WARREN(答辩人) 上诉法庭命令按照美国基本利率支付应付款之日起 [...]至发出判决书后 60 天的判决前利息。 daccess-ods.un.org | WARREN (Respondent) The Appeals [...]Tribunal ordered payment of pre-judgement interest at the United States prime rate from [...]the time when the payment fell due to 60 days after the issuance of the judgement. daccess-ods.un.org |
在决定申请开设此门课程时,IB课程主管C hrisWarren认为“作为教师,我们追求的目标之一是培养学生成为世界公民。 ycis-bj.com | On the decision to apply for such a course, YCIS Beijing [...] IB Co-or dinatorChrisWarren stated, “One of our [...]goals as educators is to develop our [...]students into global citizens. ycis-bj.com |
新一代肯德基概念门店陆续登录亚洲、澳洲及英联邦国家,概念店的室内装饰写真及壁画分别由生活摄影师Mich ael Warren和壁画艺术家Tim Marrs担当完成。 ba-repsasia.com | A new line of next generation KFC concept stores are opening in locations in Asia, [...] Australia, and the United Kingdom, featuring a series of lifestyle [...] photograph s by MichaelWarren andmurals by Tim Marrs. ba-repsasia.com |
如何提供良好的用户体验是一个关键 [...] 问题;“当要运行网络会议却发现无法运 行时,会令人非常不快”,高级系统工程 师 JoeWarren如是说道。 webex.com.cn | A key concern was delivering a good user experience; [...] “When you’re trying to run a web-based meeting and it fails, you look [...] bad,” recounted Joe Warren, SeniorSystems Engineer. webex.com.cn |
麦当劳总裁兼首席运营官Don [...] Thompson和国际奥委会主席Jacques [...] Rogge博士(前排从右至左)、美国奥委会首席执行官Scott Blackmun、美国青年奥运会代表团成员S arahWarren、奥地利奥运代表团成员Nina Prock、麦当劳执行副总裁兼全球首席品牌官Kevin Newell和美国奥委会主席Larry [...]Probst(后排从左至右)出席了2012年1月13日(星期五)在奥地利因斯布鲁克举行的麦当劳赞助商资格续约仪式。 tipschina.gov.cn | Don Thompson, McDonald's President and Chief Operating Officer Dr. Jacques Rogge (first right to left) International [...] Olympic Committee [...] President, Scott Blackmun, United States Olympic Committee Chief Executive Offi cer, SarahWarren,member ofthe US [...]Youth Olympic team, [...]Nina Prock, member of the Austrian Olympic team, Kevin Newell, McDonald's Executive Vice President and Global Chief Brand Officer and Larry Probst, USOC Chairman, back row from left to right, present the signed McDonald's Sponsorship renewal contract in Innsbruck, Austria on Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. tipschina.gov.cn |
电视台为了增加调查的公信力,特别邀请了美国的票站调查专家密多夫斯基 (WarrenMitofsky)负责设计抽样,及在选举当日在美国离岸分析数据。 hkupop.hku.hk | In order to increase the credibility of the survey, the television [...] station ha s invited WarrenMitofsky,an exit [...]poll expert in America, to be responsible [...]for the design of the sampling, as well as the off-shore data analysis on the election day. hkupop.hku.hk |
Ars Than ea和Warren采用中国瓷器的标志性的视觉质地,通过一系列视觉图片讲述GE科技如何改变中国人生活。 ba-repsasia.com | A rs Thaneaand Warren usedtheiconic visual [...]texture of Chinese porcelain in a series of visuals that tell the story of [...]how GE technology transforms the lives of Chinese people. ba-repsasia.com |
JGRI)(或“公司”)高兴地宣布,公司首席执行官Benjamin Ward在有资格人 士WarrenHawkins的陪同下于2012年10月15日完成了对Kenty金矿(“金矿”)的实地考察。 tipschina.gov.cn | (JGRI) (or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed an [...] initial site visit by Benjamin Ward, [...] CEO, accompanied by Warren Hawkins,Qualified Person [...]on October 15, 2012 at the Kenty [...]Gold Property (the "Property") located in Swayze Township in northern Ontario, Canada. tipschina.gov.cn |
此外,他还担任过两年参谋长联席会议主席助理,其间他曾陪同美国国务卿沃伦·克里斯托弗 (WarrenChristopher)出访并为其做顾问。 hamburg-summit.com | He also served two years as assistant to the [...] chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, during which time he travelled with and advised [...] Secret ary of State WarrenChristopher. hamburg-summit.com |
中学IB课程主管、奖励计划负责 人Warren先生表示:“这个奖励计划和十二、十三年级IB课程的创意、行动与服务(CAS),以及高中的品格道德课程紧密联系。 ycis-bj.com | Secondary IB Co-ordinator [...] and Aw ard LeaderMr Warren states,“This award [...]ties in perfectly with the Creativity, Action and [...]Service (CAS) component of the IB Diploma Programme in Years 12 and 13 and our Character Education Programme here in the upper Secondary Section. ycis-bj.com |
Warren后来创立了英国最成功的设计机构,并负责 Bowers [...]& Wilkins 目前的产品设计,包括标志性的 Zeppelin 和 P5 耳机。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Warren went on to found one [...]of the UK’s most successful design agencies and is responsible for Bowers & Wilkins’ current [...]product design, including the iconic Zeppelin and P5 headphones. bowers-wilkins.eu |
德卡洛先生还撰写了几本教科书,其中知名的有《加州物业管理》,被 40 多所院校 [...] 使用;还有由波士顿的出版 社Warren,Gorham & Lamont 出版的《基本理论:房地产管 [...]理》;以及 Prentice Hall 出版的一本国家级物业管理书籍,《物业管理》。 remminternational.com | Joe is the author of several textbooks including: the popular Property Management in California, used at more than 40 colleges; Essential [...] Facts: Real Estate Management, published [...] by Bos tonbased Warren, Gorham & Lamont; [...]and a national property management text [...]published by Prentice Hall, entitled Property Management. remminternational.com |
着名澳大利亚发明家包括1929年为皇家飞行医生服务制作了一台无线电的Alfred [...] Traeger,以及发明了飞行数据记录器和驾驶舱录音机的David Ronald de MeyWarren。australia.com | Famous Australian inventors include Alfred Traeger, who built a radio for the [...] Royal Flying Doctor Service in 1929, and [...] David RonalddeMey Warren, whoinvented the flight [...]data recorder and cockpit voice recorder. australia.com |
来自内地及海外的专家学者将分享他们在知识交流方面的宝贵经验,他们包括﹕美国加州大学柏克莱分校Eugene [...] Wong教授、澳洲墨尔本大 学WarrenBebbington教授及Jerry T. de [...]la Harpe先生、美国康奈尔大学Alan Paau博士、新加坡Agency for Science, [...]Technology and Research (A*STAR) Teck Seng Low教授、美国 The National Academies' Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy Stephen A. Merrill博士、中国深圳市科技工贸和资讯化委员会副主任邱宣女士、荷兰Nyenrode Business Universiteit Maurits van Rooijen教授、英国The Institute of Knowledge Transfer Sir Brian Fender 、英国里兹大学Kim Knott教授及Christopher Megone教授、英国 Isis Innovation Ltd Tom Hockaday先生、澳洲维多利亚大学 John Houghton教授及日本东京都现代美术馆长谷川佑子女士。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | They include Professor Eugene Wong (Professor Emeritus, College of Engineering, [...] University of California, Berkeley, United [...] States ),ProfessorWarren Bebbington(Deputy [...]Vice-Chancellor [University Affairs], [...]The University of Melbourne, Australia), Dr Alan Paau (Vice Provost for Technology Transfer and Economic Development, Cornell University, United States), Professor Teck Seng Low (Managing Director, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore), Dr Stephen Merrill (Executive Director, Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy, The National Academies, United States), Ms Qiu Xuan (Vice Director, Science, Industry, Trade and Information Technology Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, PRC), Prof. dr. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
於该等股份中,7,400,000 股股份由蒋介伦先生 本人持有,而 14,720,000 [...] 股股份及 840,000 股股 份分别 由WarrenSecurities Limited(由蒋介伦先 [...]生持有 30%权益之公司)及 Farina Limited(由 蒋介伦先生持有 [...]60%权益之公司)持有。 acs.com.hk | Of these shares, 7,400,000 shares are held by Mr. Tjio Kay Loen [...] personally, 14,720,000 shares and [...] 840,000 shar esare held by Warren Securities Limited (a [...]company which is owned as to 30% by [...]Mr. Tjio Kay Loen) and Farina Limited (a company which is owned as to 60% by Mr. Tjio Kay Loen) respectively. acs.com.hk |
悉尼医生马克•利德威尔(Mark [...] Lidwel)发明了起搏器,格雷姆•克拉克(Graeme [...] Clark)发明了人工耳蜗植入系统,巴里•马歇尔(Barry Marshall)和罗宾•沃伦(R obinWarren)发现了幽门螺杆菌是胃炎和消化性溃疡的最主要诱因,伊恩•弗雷瑟(Ian [...]Frazer)研发了预防宫颈癌的乳头状瘤病毒疫苗。 australiachina.com.au | The invention of the pacemaker by Sydney doctor Mark Lidwell, Graeme Clark’s [...] development of the cochlear implant, Barry [...] Marsha lland Robin Warren’s discovery that [...]Helicobacter pylori causes most gastritis [...]and peptic ulcers and Ian Frazer’s vaccine for human papilloma virus to prevent cervical cancer, are just some of the major medical breakthroughs and innovations to come from Australia. australiachina.com.au |
哈佛大学荣誉教授、工商管理 Albert [...] H. Gordon 教授 F.WarrenMcFarlan:“清华大学的苏世民学者项目是提高新一代美国领袖对于中国蕴含的机遇和挑战的理解的一项重大进步。 china.blackstone.com | F . WarrenMcFarlan,Albert H. Gordon [...]Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus, Harvard: “The Schwarzman Scholars [...]Program at Tsinghua University is a giant step forward in improving the understanding of the next generation of U.S. leaders on the opportunities and challenges inside China. blackstone.com |