我在纽西兰打工渡假的时候,一位台湾朋 友Vicky送了我一个微波炉电饭锅。 4tern.com | When I was in New Zealand Working [...] Holiday, a Taiwanese, Vicky gaveme amicrowave [...]rice cooker. 4tern.com |
与我同房的有两人,他们分别来自台湾 的Vicky及中国的Vivien。 4tern.com | T hey areVicky from Taiwan and Vivien [...]from China. 4tern.com |
Vicky是令我适应整个居住环境、工作、作息习惯的恩人。 4tern.com | Vicky is thepersonwho made [...]me get used to living and working environment very quickly. 4tern.com |
Win Today Limited 已向本公司确认 ,VickyYu目前无意加入或提名其他人士加入本公司董事会。 comg.com.hk | Win Today Limited has confirmed [...] with the Company thatVicky Yu hasno present intention [...]to sit or nominate any person to [...]sit in the board of directors of the Company. comg.com.hk |
模特们不仅佩戴着于巴黎古董双年展推出的璀璨高级珠宝,亦身穿由备受推崇的西班牙塞维利亚(Seville)设计 师VickyMartin Berrocal精心剪裁的Flamenco风格晚装。 piaget.com.cn | Embellished with the splendid jewellery just launched in the Biennale des Antiquaires in Paris, the models were dressed in [...] Flamenco costumes inspired gowns intricately crafted by [...] highly rega rded designerVicky MartinBerrocal from [...]Seville, Spain. en.piaget.com |