Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line:
Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line (VDSL or VHDSL) is a digital subscriber line (DSL) technology providing data transmission faster than ADSL over a single flat untwisted or twisted pair of copper wires (up to 52 Mbit/s downstream and 16 Mbit/s upstream), and on coaxial cable (up to 85 Mbit/s down- and upstream) using the frequency band from 25 kHz to 12 MHz.
VDSL(英文:Very High Bit-rate DSL),又稱-{zh-hans:超高速数字用户线路; zh-hant:超高速數位用戶迴路;}-,是一种非对称DSL,曾是速度最快的xDSL技術,顧名思義較HDSL(-{zh-hans:高速数字用户线路; zh-hant:高速數位用戶迴路;}-)為快,通过一对VDSL设备,用作光纤结点到附近用户的最后引线。
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Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber lineVDSL