

单词 u.v.mm
测量执行机构接线端UVW 间的电压。
Please measure phase voltage among terminals U, V, W.
ERZ-E14 系列的电压范围为200V1100V径仅为14mm具有与20mm产品相同的出色性能和引线间距。
The ERZ-E14 series
[...] offers values ranging from 200 V to 1100 V and features the same outstanding performance and lead spacing as the 20 mm counterparts, [...]
but with the small diameter size of just 14 mm.
将电机电缆UVW 线连接到相应的端子上。
Connect the U, V and W cables of the motor to the corresponding terminals.
This product is for use on a nominal 120V circuit and has a grounding plug similar to the plug illustrated in the figure below.
另外一个新功能可根据 B 轴的旋转角度自动改变 Z
[...] 轴的行程,大幅增加 Z 轴的行程至40mm 短 刀具悬挂时间,提供更有利的加工条件。
Another function that automatically changes the
Z-axis stroke according to the rotation angle of the B-axis made it possible to extend the
[...] Z-axis stroke byup to 40 mm.
订购 配件包15U933修理单个分配阀。
Order Kit 15U933 to repair a single dispense valve.
3 最大电压测量U1(HH:MM:SS) 和日期(DD.MM.YY) 4 测得最大分接位置的时间 (HH:MM:SS) 和日期 (DD.MM.YY) 5 测得最小分接位置的时间 (HH:MM:SS) 和日期(DD.MM.YY) 6 最小电压测量U1(HH:MM:SS) 和日期(DD.MM.YY) 7 有载分接开关的最小分接位置
3 Time (HH:MM:SS) and date (DD.MM.YY)of maximum measured voltage V1 4 Time (HH:MM:SS) and date (DD.MM.YY) of maximum recorded tap position 5 Time (HH:MM:SS) and date(DD.MM.YY) of minimum recorded tap position 6 Time (HH:MM:SS) anddate (DD.MM.YY) of minimum measured voltage [...]
V1 7 Minimum on-load tap-changer tap position
以十字形模式,将空气阀紧固(V)拧紧 至指定扭力。
Retorque the air valve fasteners (V) in a crisscross pattern to specified torque.
然后将安装旅行(TV)和物资管理MM块,从而能够修订和丰富 FABS [...]
The Travel (TV) and
[...] Material Management (MM)moduleswill follow [...]
allowing the field financial information in FABS to be
refined and enriched with all necessary details.
[...] 由于枪针直径较大,使用的喷嘴要比使用标准的 Pro Xs 喷枪大一个尺寸 (即1.5mm1.2mm道面积)。
NOTE: Due to the larger needle
diameter, use a nozzle one size larger than you would use with a
[...] standard Pro Xs gun (i.e., 1.5 mm = 1.2 mmflowarea).
使用ETONIS®进行改性处理不仅可以确保建材很好地粘接在铝材上,同时还能赋予其很高的抗压强度(>45N/mm²及非常良好的抗折强度(几乎达到10N/mm² ”瓦克聚合物技术服务部门Klas Sorger博士说。
Modification with ETONIS® not only ensures that the building material bonds well to aluminum, but also gives
it a high
[...] compressive strength (>45 N/mm²) with a very good flexural strength of almost10 N/mm²,”says Dr. Klas [...]
Sorger of WACKER
POLYMERS’ technical service department.
[...] 工时的行程范围与操作者接近了100mm但使操作者的作业负担得以减轻,在安全方面也有不小的贡献。
By moving the table100 mm closer tothe operator [...]
from the machining stroke range during work setup, operator workload is
greatly reduced and safety improved.
(u)第46条修订第374B章第45条,废除现时对署长拒绝发 出驾驶执照或驾驶教师执照或拒绝将其续期,或将其取消 的决定,可以呈请形式向行政长官会同行政会议提出上诉 的权利,代以要求由交通审裁处覆核该等决定的权利。
(u) Clause 46 amends regulation 45 of Cap. 374B by repealing the existing right of appeal by petition to the Chief Executive in Council against the Commissioner’s decision to refuse to issue, renew or cancel a driving licence or driving instructor’s licence and substituting a right of review of such decisions by a Transport Tribunal.
食物搀杂(人造糖)规例》(第 132章,附属法U)(“该条 例 ”)根据《公众 生及巿政条例》(第 132章 )(下称“主体条例”)第 55(1A) 条订立,以限制售卖、托付、交付或输入任何人造糖以供人食用或任 何含有人造糖并拟供人食用的食物,但该规则附表内所指明者则除 外。
The Food Adulteration (Artificial Sweeteners) Regulations (Cap. 132 sub. leg. U) ("the Regulations")are made under section 55(1A) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) ("the Principal Ordinance") to restrict the sale, consignment, delivery or importation of any artificial sweetener for human consumption or any food intended for human consumption containing any artificial sweetener except those specified in the Schedule to the Regulations.
These restrictors
[...] are included in Injection Kit 15U955.
她建议将委员会的工作分为五个辩论单元: (i) 对项目 5.9 -- 体育运动部长及高官圆桌会议的后续活动和项目 5.10 -- 联合国大会宣布国际 体育运动年进行辩论;(ii) 对项目 3.1-- 关于《2006--2007 年计划与预算草案》的编制事宜展开 总辩论;(iii) 对《2004--2005 年计划与预算草案》重大计划 I 展开总辩论;(iv) 对项目 5.4、 5.17、5.20、7.5 和 7.7 进行辩论;以(v)委员会就 32 C/5 草案中的决议建议及执行局的有 关建议、就项目 5.9、5.20、7.5 和 7.7 提出的决议草案以及就会员国提交的有关文件 32C/5 和其他 议程项目的决议草案所提出的建议。
She proposed to divide the Commission’s work into five debates: (i) a debate on item 5.9 – Follow-up to the Round Table of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport and item 5.10 – Proclamation by the United Nations General Assembly of an international year for physical education and sport; (ii) a general debate on item 3.1 – Preparation of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2006-2007; (iii) a general debate on Major Programme I of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2004-2005; (iv) a debate on items 5.4, 5.17, 5.20, 7.5 and 7.7; and (v) consideration of the recommendations of the Commission concerning proposed resolutions in Draft 32 C/5 and recommendations of the Executive Board thereon, draft decisions proposed under items 5.9, 5.20, 7.5 and 7.7, and draft resolutions submitted by Member States concerning document 32 C/5 and other items.
地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政
[...] 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以(v),特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 [...]
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and
political, economic, social and cultural
[...] exclusion;and,lastly (v) artand, [...]
in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation
between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
4U、6U8U装有传统的波 纹管(系统压力作用于波纹管内侧);12U12UA 系列装有反向波纹 管(系统压力作用于波纹管外侧)。
4U, 6U, and 8U series contain conventional bellows (system pressure acts on inside of bellows); 12U and 12UA series contain inverted bellows (system pressure acts on outside of bellows).
1967 年和 1982 年,工程处扩大职能,包括在可行范围内,作为紧急性质的临时措施, 对因 1967
[...] 年及其后敌对行动而流离失所并亟需立即援助的其他人提供人道主义 援助(第 2252(ES-V)第 37/120 B 号决议)。
In 1967 and 1982, the functions of the Agency were widened to include humanitarian assistance, as far as practicable, on an emergency basis and as a temporary measure, to other displaced persons in serious
need of immediate assistance as a result of the 1967 and subsequent hostilities
[...] (resolutions 2252 (ES-V)and 37/120 B).
通过电压互感U10子 +HT 和 -HT )同时进行必要的电压测量。
The simultaneously necessary voltage measurement occurs via the U10 voltage transformer (on the +HT and –HT terminals).
这些新措施除其他外包括:为所有 CD4 细胞数低 于 350/mm3滋病毒与结核病合并感染病人提供 抗逆转录病毒治疗;为所有确诊感染艾滋病毒的一岁 以下婴儿提供抗逆转录病毒治疗;为所有孕妇从怀孕 第 14 周起提供预防服务以阻断母婴传播;为所有 CD4 细胞数低于 350/mm3妇提供全面抗逆转录病毒 治疗;把抗逆转录病毒治疗的启动分散到初级保健一 级进行。
These new measures include, among others, the provision of antiretroviral therapy to all patients with tuberculosis/HIV
coinfection with a CD4
[...] count below350cells/mm3; the provision of antiretroviral therapy to all infants under one year of age with confirmed HIV status; the provision of mother-to-child prophylaxis for all pregnant women from 14 weeks of pregnancy; the provision of full antiretroviral therapy for all pregnant women with a CD4 count below350cells/mm3; and decentralizing [...]
antiretroviral initiation
to the primary health-care level.
该等前瞻性陈述,预期於年底前完成 DRAM
[...] 产能转换到 逻辑,北京300mm 厂房於 2008 年年底的逻辑产量将相对年初增加,预期与 [...]
IBM 合作的 45 纳米技术的认证及试产时间,预期 TD-SCDMA 技术标准在不久的将来扩大到国内其他
28 个城市,未来与无晶圆厂集成电路设计公司合作,暂停所有产能扩充的计划,我们对二零零 八年第四季销售额的预期,中芯於二零零八年加强和改善盈利能力的预期,以及在随後“资 本概要”和“二零零八年第四季”指引等陈述乃根据中芯对未来事件的现行假设、期望及预 测而作出。
These forward-looking statements, [...]
including statements concerning estimated completion of our conversion of DRAM capacity
into logic by the end of this year, percentage increase in our Beijing 300-mm logic capacity by the end of 2008, the expected timing for qualifying our technology and risk production in connection with our 45nm collaboration with IBM, the expected expansion of TDSCDMA to another 28 cities in the near future, future collaborations with local fabless design houses, our intention to hold back on capacity expansion, our expectation for fourth quarter 2008 revenue, and statements under “Capex Summary” and “Fourth Quarter 2008 Guidance”, are based on SMIC’s current assumptions, expectations and projections about future events.
(u)及递延税项(续) 当有合法可强制执行之权利将本期税项资产抵销本期税项负债,及当递延所得税资产及负债涉及同一税务机构 对该应课税实体或不同应课税实体徵收之所得税,且无意以净额基准清算结余时,递延所得税资产及负债将予对 销。
Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred income tax assets and liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the taxable entity or different taxable entities where there is no intention to settle the balances on a net basis.
(u) 任何担保、弥偿合同或保证契约以担保、支持或保证(不论是否获得代价 或利益)任何人士履行任何责任并保证处理或将处理诚信事项的人士的忠诚 度。
(u) to enter into any guarantee, contract of indemnity or suretyship and to assure, support or secure with or without consideration or benefit the performance of any obligations of any person or persons and to guarantee the fidelity of individuals filling or about to fill situations of trust or confidence.
一般情况下,承插接口应 采用橡胶圈密封的柔性接口技术,金属管内壁采用涂水泥沙浆或树脂的防腐技术;焊 接、粘接的管道应考虑涨缩性问题,采用相应的施工技术,如适当距离安装柔性接 口、伸缩器U管。
As for welded or glued pipes, adopt relative construction technologies such as proper distance installing flexible interfaces, expansion pipes or U-typed pipes in consideration of pipe harmomegathus.
然而,大多数议员缺乏经验和知识,立法程序效率 低下,议会制定的立法议程过于雄心勃勃,立法的
[...] 决策速度过快,这一切都不禁让人深深质疑将来立 法的效力,V专门就此展开讨论。
Nevertheless, the lack of experience and knowledge of most legislators, inefficient procedural rules, the very ambitious legislative agenda that is being pursued and the speed with which legislative decisions are being
taken all raise profound questions about the effectiveness of lawmaking going forward, as
[...] discussed in Section V below.
还有0V充电功能优先于异常充电电流检测功能,在标0V充电功能的产品上,电池电压较低期间,异常 充电电流有可能不被检测。
Since the 0 V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function, abnormal charge current may not be detected by the product with the 0 V battery charging function while the battery voltage is low.
大会第六十二届会议欢迎《拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器条约》(《特拉特 洛尔科条约》)目前对该区域主权国家生效;敦促该区域尚未交存拉丁美洲和加 勒比禁止核武器组织大会第 267(E-V)第 268(XII)号和第 290(E-VII)号决议 核可的《特拉特洛尔科条约》修正案的签署书或批准书的国家交存其签署书或批 准书(第 62/16 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly welcomed the fact that the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) was now in force for the sovereign States of the region; and urged the countries of the region that had not yet done so to deposit their instruments of ratification of the amendments to the Treaty of Tlatelolco approved by the General Conference of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean in its resolutions 267 (E-V), 268 (XII) and 290 (E-VII) (resolution 62/16).
(v)他的家族权益、上文(iii)所述任何受托人(以受托人身份行事)及/或任何 [...]
受托人权益合计,直接或间接拥有的权益资本可行使或控制行使股东大会表决 权的 30%(或香港收购及合并守则不时指定为触发强制性全面收购的其他百分 比)或以上,或控制董事会多数成员组成的公司,或身为该公司附属公司或控
(v) any company in the
[...] equitycapital of which he, his family interests, [...]
any of the trustees referred to in (iii) above,
acting in their capacity as such trustees, and/or any trustee interests taken together are directly or indirectly interested so as to exercise or control the exercise of 30 per cent (or such other amount as may from time to time be specified in the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers as being the level for triggering a mandatory general offer) or more of the voting power at general meetings, or to control the composition of a majority of the board of directors and any other company which is its subsidiary or holding company or a fellow subsidiary of any such holding company.




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