尽管BB美肤霜SPF 25提供有效的U VA/UVB防护, 但娇韵诗建议您在强烈的日照环境下需涂抹额外的日光防护产品。 clarinsusa.com | Although BB Skin Perfecting Cream SPF 25 [...] provides eff ectiveUVA/UVB protection, Clarins [...]advises wearing additional sun care during [...]times of intense sun exposure. clarinsusa.com |
我们可提供两种类型 的UVB灯,它 们的辐照量不同,但产生相同波形的紫外波长。 q-lab.com | T wo types of UVB lamps are available. [...]They emit different amounts of total energy, but produce the same UV wavelengths in [...]the same relative proportions. q-lab.com |
早期的防晒品只能抵御主要由阳光中紫外 线UVB导致的晒伤。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Early sunscreens only protected against sunburn, which is primarily caused [...] by ultr avioletB (UVB)radiationfrom [...]the sun. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
含Parsol 1789,能广泛防护紫外线 UVA/UVB,保护肌肤不受阳光的伤害。 products.herbalife.com.tw | A non-greasy daily body lotion infused with natural antioxidants and Sun Protection Factor 15 that offers double protection for your skin! products.herbalife.co.uk |
广谱”防晒品的发明,可用于同时防护紫外线UVA和紫外 线UVB,紫外线UVA会导致皮肤癌和早期皮肤老化等问题。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Broad spectrum” sunscreens were [...] created to protect against both ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation, which cause skin cancer and [...] early skin ag ing, and UVB rays. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
它经过精心研制,适合最敏感的肌肤使用,能够针对UV A 和UVB提供全面的防晒保护和抗氧化保护,比提供大量水分,防止干燥。 silver-rain.net | Formulated for even the most sensitive skin, [...] it gives total sunscreen protection [...] against har mful UVA andUVB rays, as well as anti-oxidant [...]protection and a mega dose of [...]moisture to counteract dryness. silver-rain.net |
采用特别配方制成,能对抗U VA和UVB的侵袭,防止皮脂对皮肤的刺激。 aster.com.hk | Using specially formulated to help fight [...] agai nst UVAand UVB invasion,to prevent [...]the sebum on the skin. aster.com.hk |
紫外灯通常可分为U VA和UVB,主要取 决于大部分输出光谱所在的区域。 q-lab.com | Fluorescent UV lamps are usually [...] categorized as UVAorUVB lamps, depending [...]on the region into which most of their output falls. q-lab.com |
阳光包含 UVA 和UVB。UVA 就是造成雀斑和令皮肤老化的元凶。 lavedo.com | Sunlight con tains UVA and UVB, where UVA isthe energy [...]which causes Freckles and aging on the skin. lavedo.com |
此温和配方专为婴儿的娇嫩肌肤而设计,内含可提供广泛 UVA/UVB防护的紫外线过滤剂。 cn.lubrizol.com | This mild formula was specially designed for babies’ skin with filters designed to provide [...] broad-sp ectrum UVA/UVB protection. lubrizol.com |
无论是UVA还 是UVB,每一年共有45,000纽西兰患上皮肤癌,有400人不幸逝世。 4tern.com | Every year, there are 45,000 New Zealanders have skin cancer, 400 died because of it. 4tern.com |
但是,正是由 于UVB成分很少, 所以大幅降低了皮肤晒伤的危险。 osram.com.cn | T hisUVB component is very low, [...]however, so the danger of sunburn is very low EVERSUN osram.com.hk |
这款透明、不含酒精的防晒凝胶含有可溶于水 的UVB防晒剂。 cn.lubrizol.com | This clear alcohol-free sunscreen gel contains a water soluble UV-B sunscreen. lubrizol.com |
个人化护肤产品,您可以依照自己的肤质选择中/乾性或中/油性产品,富含维生素A、C和E和草本植物成分,并拥有尖端护肤科学技术,如:Parsol®1789防护紫外线U VA/UVB。products.herbalife.com.tw | Herbalife's Nourifusion skincare range contains products which are essential for your everyday grooming regime. Bursting with vitamins and nutrients to help improve your skin’s appearance and delicate enough for everyday use, these products are available in ‘Dry to Normal’ and ‘Normal to Oily‘ ranges to suit all skin types. products.herbalife.co.in |
真正的全效防晒, 含5%透明Zinc Oxide及10% [...] Titanium Dioxide, 有助抵抗U VA和UVB带来的损害。 lavedo.com | This true broad-spectrum sunblock [...] contains 5% transparent Zinc Oxide and 10% Titanium Dioxide to help protect against the [...] damaging effe cts of UVAand UVB rays. lavedo.com |
将受到国际专利法保护的Ratok®皮肤治疗仪器运用于白癜风治疗,能够解决传统治疗方法中大多数由于全身紫外照射而引起的问题、由于持续服用药物而引发的毒副作用问题、以及关于中波紫外 线(UVB)的质量及用量的控制等难题。 quantasystem.com | The therapeutic introduction of the Ratok®derm equipment, protected by an international patent, has solved most of the problems resulting from total body UV irradiation, from combination with drugs, which sometimes cause toxic reactions following [...] up on-going intake, and from a difficulty to control the quality [...] and quan tity ofUVB rays used in [...]traditional techniques. quantasystem.com |
防水配方蕴含多种抗氧化物来帮助肌肤对抗污染物,而聚合体圆球粒子则能反射及折射U VA及UVB。senseoftouch.com.hk | The water resistant formulation [...] contains Anti-Oxidants to help defend against daily pollutants and Polymeric Spheres that reflect [...] and re fract UVA and UVB rays. senseoftouch.com.hk |
体外研究表明2% ReGeniStem™ Red [...] Rice可促进与衰老相关的基因启动子区CpG岛的反甲基化,即使暴露 于UVB下,也能使老化细胞的行为更像是年轻细胞;增强胶原蛋白生成和上调皮肤桥蛋白,进而能够紧致皮肤,改善皮肤的屏障保护功能。 cn.industrysourcing.com | In vitro treatment with 2% ReGeniStem™ Red Rice encourages the demethylation of [...] CpG islands in the gene promoter regions [...] despi teexposure to UVB making the aged cells [...]behave more like young cells, increases [...]collagen production and upregulates dermatopontin expression which may be able to firm the skin and influence the skin barrier function especially in the dermis and epidermis. us.industrysourcing.com |
UVB则晒黑、加快皮肤老化和导致皮肤癌的发生。 4tern.com | No matter it isUVAor UVB, both of themare the [...]source of skin cancer. 4tern.com |
紫外线中的U VA和UVB主要由角膜上皮和眼球中的水晶体吸收,是导致白内障的主要原因。 hongkongbankfoundation.org | T heUVA andUVB of ultraviolet are [...]mainly absorbed by corneal epithelium and the eye lens, which are the main reason of cataract. hongkongbankfoundation.org |
例如,缸盖上单独锁定的电线管道可安装器材如照明灯和紫外线灯如SERA爬虫类阳光加热灯(50瓦)或是SERA爬虫类沙 漠UVB灯(20瓦)。 sera.de | For example, separately lockable cable ducts in the hood allow [...] installing devices such as lamps or UV light, e.g. the sera reptil sun spot (50 W) or the [...] sera reptil desertcompact (20 W). sera.de |
有效防紫外线 UVA/UVB、美白保湿、抗皱、修护、细胞再生、稳定过敏肌肤、有弹性、有效改善肌肤色泽、遮瑕等等,使肌肤完美无瑕,充满光采。 healthkool.com | Effective UV [...] protec tion UVA /UVB,Whitening, anti-wrinkle, [...]repair and speed up cell regeneration, stabilize skin allergies, [...]and, improve skin color etc. to keep your skin in perfect condition. healthkool.com |
保护肌肤免受 UVA/UVB紫外线伤害,并透过独家超级防护膜 360 [...]技术协助减少老化迹象。 cosme-de.com | Protects skin from UVA/UVBrays and helps [...]reduce signs of photo-aging with exclusive SuperVeil-UV 360 technology. cosme-de.com |
但在此之前,你认为你有足够的认识,只是因为你申请你的防晒品,再想想! 知道U VA和UVB射线的区别,可以帮助您选择最好的防晒为你,给你一个想法是什么原因导致每束。 weekly.dermamirabel.com | Knowing the difference [...] betw een UVAand UVB rays, canhelp you [...]choose the best sunscreen for you and give you an idea of what causes each beam. weekly.dermamirabel.com |
当皮肤暴露在过量的紫外线 (UVB),皮肤将变得红肿(晒伤),而真皮细胞将减少生产透明质酸,并增加其降解率。 healthkool.com | When skin is [...] exposed to excessiveUVB rays, itbecomes [...]inflamed (sunburn) and the cells in the dermis stop producing as [...]much hyaluronan, and increase the rate of its degradation. healthkool.com |
蕴含丰富Céramidone(多种植物精华及维他命E,能有效补充足够滋养给肌肤,同时附有 UVA/UVB过滤网,能有效阻隔有害光线对肌肤的伤害,瞬间减淡皱纹,即时呈现光彩亮泽,让肌肤柔软舒适。 cn.eternal.hk | Enriched Céramidone (variety of plant extracts and vitamin E, [...] can get enough nourishment to the skin, [...] accompan ied byUVA/UVB filter, can effectively [...]block harmful light damage to the [...]skin, wrinkles fade instant, real-time rendering glory shine, skin soft and comfortable. cn.eternal.hk |
阎医师是百汇的皮肤科主任医师,带领皮肤病医师及皮肤病外科医师团队为患者提供皮肤癌筛查,皮肤肿瘤的外科及激光治疗,窄 谱UVB照射对治疗严重泛发性银屑病和湿疹具有很好的疗效。 parkwayhealth.cn | As the chief dermatologist at ParkwayHealth China, Dr. Yan is leading a team of dermatologists and dermatologic surgeons to provide skin cancer screening, [...] surgical and laser treatment for skin [...] tumors, narrow-band UVB phototherapy which [...]is effective for treating widespread psoriasis and eczema. parkwayhealth.cn |
OAKLEY 护目镜的工艺保证了绝对的抗震性和防碎性,视野直到镜框边缘部分也不会扭曲变形,100% 防紫外线(可防 UVA/UVB/UVC 以及 400 纳米以下的有害蓝光),斥水涂层,配戴舒适。 outletcity.com | Oakley eyewear technology is completely robust and unbreakable, allows distortion-free vision even to [...] the periphery of the lens, provides 100% [...] UV prot ection (UVA/UVB/UVC and protection [...]from damaging blue light at up to 400 nm), [...]is outstandingly comfortable to wear and coated to be water-repellent. outletcity.com |
独特「SPF15超微细防晒因子」组成高度保护网,能迅速吸收、散射及反射U VA及UVB光线,达到三重防御的效果,有效预防因紫外线而形成的黑斑、雀斑,使肌肤从此白晢幼滑。 waiyuentong.com | Microfine SPF15 particles offer optimal protection [...] agains t UVA &UVB-ray by absorbing, [...]scattering and reflecting. waiyuentong.com |
我们的日光浴灯管技术包括A-PowerTM技术高压日光浴灯和SolGlass™技术。前者可以在UVA范围内产生峰值输出而几乎 把UVB全部过滤掉,后者则使用创新的技术和特制的灯管专门为室内日光浴行业提供的最有效的日光浴灯。 light-sources.com | Our tanning technologies include A-Power™ Technology high pressure (HP) tanning lamps [...] that produce peak output within the UVA [...] range wi thalmost all UVB outputfiltered and [...]SolGlass™, an innovative and proprietary [...]glass that creates the most-effective tanning lamp for the indoor tanning industry. light-sources.com |